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The question arises whether the boasts of present day Pharisees "which say they are Jews" have any genealogical backing. Are the so-called Jews of today descendants of the patriarch Judah? The Bible is the best answer to this. And the answer is that they are not. There was barely enough record in Christ’s time to identify Him and a few of His followers, as descendants of a certain Israel tribe. St. Paul was a Benjaminite, for example.
Whether or not they were lineal descendants of the patriarch Judah, a sinner, was not the issue. They had had access to the word of God, and instead, adopted a pagan tradition which nullified, as Christ said, the commandments of God ( Matt. 15:3-9; Mark 7:5-9). He said: "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."
Faith in God and His Word was the test. As Paul said: "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly ... But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly ... in the spirit ... whose praise is not of men, but of God." ( Romans 2:28-9) Again, Paul makes it clear that the promise of blessing through Abraham was Christ. "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, He saith not ... seeds of many, but as of one ... which is Christ ..."( Galatians 3:16)
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." ( Galatians 28-9)
The saintly Prophet Isaiah was a prophet indeed when, after recounting the abominable practices of the Judah tribe, he foretold:
"And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name." ( Isaiah 65:15) This was shortly after his Godly prophecy that Christ would be born from the line of Judah.
"Thus saith the Lord ... I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and one of Judah an inheritor of my mountains [Jerusalem] and mine elect shall inherit it ... but ye are they that forsake the Lord ..." ( Isaiah 65:9-).
It is as anti-Biblical to enthrone the abomination-serving Pharisees of today as it is to deny that Christ was born, as foretold, through Judah. Otherwise, He has not yet come. To Abraham, to Isaac, his son, to Jacob ("Israel"), his grandson, to David, of the same line, was a special revelation made that the Christ would be their descendant, according to the flesh. That line identified Him when He came. It did not furnish His Divinity. As Paul said: "It is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah." ( Hebrews 7:14)
The patriarch Jacob, about 1700 BC, had foretold that He could be. On his deathbed, he likened the coming Christ to Shiloh, where rested the tabernacle of God. Jacob said:
"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." ( Gen. 49:10)
And the semblance of a Judah kingdom in Palestine did not disappear until after Christ was born there.
According to the current Jewish-American press, about half of the Jews in Israel today are Negroes and dark-skinned Orientals. A constant tug of war goes on, with continuous charges of "discrimination" raised by Oriental and Negro Jews against the Western Jews.
At a recent Bible conference I sat next to a little blue-eyed lady with a German accent, who kept boasting: "I am Jewish!" Finally, I asked her two questions which silenced her:
"How do you know you are Jewish? How far back can you trace your ancestry to the patriarch Judah of about 1700 BC?" No answer. She agreed she had been trained in the Talmud in her synagogue, before being "converted" to Christianity. I replied that I had spent some twenty years on that subject, whereupon a terrible silence fell and she sought to escape while we sang the next hymn. Obviously, she had never met a "goy" who knew what "Jewishness" really meant. Previously, she had posed successfully as a "star" with Christians, assuming to be sort of racial "cousin" to Jesus.
The true facts thoroughly disprove any pretensions that today’s so-called Jews are genealogically "descendants of the prophets," or a "race" of any kind.
Shem, Ham and Japeth were the three race-founding Sons of Noah. To be a Semite one must have descended from Shem, just as to be a Jew, genealogically, one must descend from Judah. Ham was the father of the abominating Canaan who mistreated Noah sexually ( Genesis 9:25), and Canaan’s descendants who peopled the Land of Canaan had the same [page 56] proclivities. Thus, Moses, in leading the Israelites back from Egypt in 1491 BC., warned them to make no marriages, no alliances with the Canaanites, or they might lose their faith and decency.
And what is the Biblical record? Moses died in 1451 BC., and Joshua actually led the Israelites into Canaan, or Palestine. They had been told in no uncertain terms that they could choose between life and death, blessing and cursing: "A blessing if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God ... And a curse if ye will not." ( Deuteronomy 11:26-8; 30:19-20) The Israelites were to drive out the Canaanite abominators, and make no marriages or deals with them.
The sons of the cursed Canaan fathered the Jebusites, Amorites, Girgasites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites, according to Genesis 10:15-18 and I Chronicles 1:13-16.
However, a reading of the books of Joshua and Judges will show that instead of driving out these Canaanite tribes, the Israelites mixed with them all and adopted their abominations. That is why the Prophets thundered and threatened, and the Northern, ten-tribe Israel Kingdom was deported by the Assyrians in 721 BC. and "lost" by being strewn across their world empire.
Before the foretold slaughter and deportation, with loss forever of national sovereignty of the Israel kingdom, for black magic pagan crimes, the Prophet Isaiah said:
"His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand; they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter." ( Isaiah 56:10-11)
Thus he prophesied 760-698 BC, and, in 721 BC, the Israel kingdom was slaughtered and finished, unrepentant, unhearing.
The fulminating by the Prophets continued against the people of the Judah-Benjamin kingdom around Jerusalem until they too were deported by the Babylonians in 606-586 BC. A remnant returned in 536 BC.
They are named in Genesis 49 as: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulon, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Napthali, Joseph, Benjamin.
Three of them started their tribes by marrying non-Semites. Judah married a Canaanite, (a descendant of Ham not Sem or Shem). See Genesis 38. His offspring were thus as Hamitic as they were "Semitic" right from the start. Four hundred years later, around 1300 BC, descendants of Judah’s half-Hamitic son, Shelah, were weavers and potters (I Chronicles 2:3; 4:21-3). They were still producing "Jews."
Simeon, another of Israel’s tribe-founding sons, married a Canaanite ( Genesis 46:10).
Israel’s son Joseph married the daughter of the Hamitic Potiphar in Egypt. Egypt was setttled and peopled by Mizrain, son of Ham. It was called "the land of Ham" ( Numbers 12:1; Psalms 78:51; 106:22, 105:23).
Moses was not a Jew. He was a Levite on both sides ( Exodus 2:1). Abraham, his son Isaac, and his son Jacob, called "Israel," were not Jews either. Only one of Jacob’s twelve sons had "Jews" as descendants - that was Judah. Grabbing the whole Bible, as modern Pharisees do, is false. However, it is likewise false for Christians to deny the identifying genealogy of Christ through Judah, as Biblically foretold.
In monotonous repetition the books of Joshua and Judges record that although the Israelites were triumphant in their battles against the Canaanites, they let the abominators remain and intermarried with them. For example: "But the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day." ( Joshua 15:63) "Neither did Ephraim [also Manasseh] drive out the Canaanites ... but the Canaanites dwelt among them ... And the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem to this day." ( Judges 1:21)
"And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites and Perizzites and Hivites, and Jebusites. And they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons and served their gods. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord ... and served Baalim and the groves." ( Judges 3:5-7)
The denunciations of the Israel kingdom are superlative on the subject of mixing with abominators, making "altars to sin." "Ephraim [the dominant Israel tribe] hath mixed himself among the people." ( Hosea 7:8; 8:9, 11, etc.) Isaiah called them "the drunkards of Ephraim." ( Isaiah 28:1, 3) The charges of mixing with abominators, whoring "under every green tree" ( Isaiah 57:5; Deuteronomy 12:2) hardly builds up a foundation of genealogical purity.
From 1095 to 975 BC there was a united Israel kingdom under Kings Saul, David and Solomon. Then the ten-tribe Northern Israel kingdom divided, lasting until deported by the Assyrians in 721 BC. The Judah-Benjamin Jerusalem kingdom lasted until 606 BC., when its people were deported by the Babylonians.
The miracle of how Judaistic Pharisaism has convinced the Christian world that its adherents stem from a pure Judah-Israel racial stock cannot be fathomed, since Christians have access to the Biblical record itself.
In Christ’s time, when the Pharisees boasted that they were children of Abraham, John and Christ threw the boast back into their faces. ( Matthew 3:7-10; John 8:33-44)
When the little German lady who boasted to me of her Jewishness at the Bible conference, said, "We are children of Abraham," I replied: "Lots of people are. In fact, God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, meaning a ‘father of many nations,’ saying: ‘for a father of many nations have I made thee’ ( Genesis 17:5)."
Abraham did not just father the tribe of Judah. Through his grandson, Jacob, came the 12 mixed-blood tribes of Israel. He had 16 offspring by Keturah, who fathered a horde of [page 57] Eastern peoples, Midians, Arabs, etc. Through his son Ishmael, born of the Hamitic Egyptian Hagar, twelve separate nations were founded. The great blessing promised through Abraham was Christ.
Even at the time of Christ the time had long since passed when it could be said that the racial melange comprising the inhabitants of the Holy Land were identifiable as "Semites" or "Jews."
Present-day Jews are a pot-pourri of every race of man, and they do not have any geneaological or racial derivation from the ancient peoples of the Holy Land.
Since "Jews" were a mixed race from the beginning, the term "Semites" applied to them, admittedly, is silly. Thus, "Anti-Semitism," actually means "Anti-Pharisaism."
The Chazars, for example, were part of an Asiatic horde which adopted Talmudism in the 8th Century, when their King, Bulan, and his Court did so. Their descendants constituted the Ashkenazi Jews of Russia, Poland, and Germany, who in turn migrated in large numbers to the United States.
There have been Chinese "Jews" for centuries, also India "Jews," and Falasha Negro "Jews."
The Negro Jews of New York City have recently been asking for money for a new synagogue, claiming that they number about 120,000 members, maintain five synagogues and need money for a new one. Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Negro Sammy Davis, and many others have been notable additions to the Pharisee sect of "Chosen People." (See accompanying photostats, Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, pages 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 [original page numbers])
A long article, with pictures and charts, in the Jewish Encyclopedia, under "Types, Anthropological," seeks to answer the question as to why there is a recognizable "Jewish look" as to so many self-styled "Jews." Subjects such as percentages of blonde and brunette types, their origins, skull formations, are discussed.
Then, to quote: "What is popularly known as ‘the Jewish type’ is not a correlation of definite anthropological measures or characteristics, but consists principally in a peculiar expression of face, which is immediately and unmistakably recognized as ‘Jewish’ in a large number of cases ... It has also been remarked that persons who do not have the Jewish expression in their youth acquire it more and more as they grow from middle to old age." Illustrations of how Negroes, as well as Gentile adults and children, recognize this Jewish look, are related. That the "look" is not racial is illustrated by "the Little Russians, who apparently resemble their Gentile neighbors in every facial characteristic, but are differentiated from them by some subtle nuance which distinguishes them as Semites ... It is seemingly some social quality which stamps their features as distinctly Jewish."
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith has issued a series of leaflets for Fireside Discussion Groups. Number 7 is entitled: "Three Questions Jews Must Answer."
The question "Are Jews a Race?" is answered, briefly, with the conclusion that Jews are part of a "general admixture" of races.
"Are Jews a Nation?’ is answered with the idea that Jews form parts of all nations; that some of them have the Zionist ideal of a Palestinian nation but "Jews have a consciousness of world unity." To quote: Jews are "definitely a type, and consciously a unity, we are an historic people - a world community."
The question "Are Jews a Religion?" is answered by the assertion that "There are hundreds of thousands of Jews who are unbelievers. Yet they still consider themselves Jews." The incident of Jews converted to Christianity asking to help build a Jewish Palestine is related. "It is true that there are hundreds of thousands of atheist Jews, but they need not fear to be represented by Judaism. Of this they may be sure: that Judaism will not misrepresent them."
This is a good place to stop and agree on that point. As noted more fully elsewhere, aside from the "whited sepulchre" which constitutes the showmanship and trimmings of so-called "Judaism," its basic doctrine is that God is the "En Sof," a nature essence which has no attributes and can neither know nor be known. That is atheism and the basis of all pagan pantheism. Communism merely calls the same concept "dialectical materialism."
The article ends: "In a race-mad world, we will not be one more race. In a world destroyed by nationalism, we will not add one more nationalistic fury. But in a world in which religion is trying to re-establish brotherhood, we ... [are] the creators and bearers of one of the eternal faiths of the human race."
But Pharisaism is not an "eternal" faith of the "human" race and, in truth, teaches as a basic law that only Pharisees are "men" or humans ( Exhibit 268). That "the synagogue of Satan," as Christ called Pharisaism ( Revelation 2:9, 3:9) is "eternal," is denied by the whole Bible.
The B’nai B’rith pamphlet previously quoted also states:
"We want a world in which nationalism shall definitely diminish." And. Jews feel "they belong to one world unity. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, the Jewry of northern Africa received them. When the Jews were expelled from Germany during the crusades, the nascent Jewry of Poland received them. When they were expelled from Poland in 1648, the reconstituted German community received them in turn: and when Eastern Europe sent its Jewish ... exiles across the world, American Jewry helped them find a home, they have always welcomed their own exiles ... We are the children of ... a great and noble tradition. We were united by that tradition. Whenever a scholar in Northern Africa wrote a new commentary on the Talmud, it was read on the shores of the North Sea by another scholar, and whenever a rabbi along the Rhine became known in the field of Talmudic jurisprudence, his fame spread to Spain and even to Mesopotamia. They were united by one spiritual culture ... It is not race, so-called, but it is spiritual culture which has made us one."
[page 58] Indeed, it is this "oneness" of World Jewry for anti-Christianity, anti-Gentilism, pornography, immorality and plain anti-humanity which brings about a "Jewish look."
As a man "thinketh in his heart so is he." ( Proverbs 23:7)
We know that the gangster or the woman of the streets will acquire a "look," not evident in the cradle. A glance at the photos of leading Jews in a Jewish Who’s Who reveals a striking, often fierce, "Talmudic look."
Isaiah the prophet in denouncing the Judah tribe for their abominations said:
"The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves!" ( Isaiah 3:9)
Whatever the "Jewish look" may be caused by, it is not a result of race or genealogy. The propaganda with which we are currently deluged, to the effect that the Jews who have taken the Holy Land by force, displacing Arabs who had lived there for many centuries, are merely "descendants" of the prophets, "returning to their homeland," is the purest fiction and wholly false.