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          CompuServe online Yule Ritual, 1990

          (8-2,DragonHart) Relax....let the worries of the day dissolve
               into the earth under your feet.  Breath deeply.  This is a
               journey, sacred and magical.  Prepare yourself for that
               Yule is a time of change.  Death and rebirth are the  
               themes that this holiday brings to us.  We enter this sacred
               time anxious for the birth and growth of the Sun God.  We
               naturally go through many changes during this time.  We make
               resolutions to do better, to give up things that keep us
               from growing.
               In our mind's eye we draw a circle of Power.  Our blade
               travels at astounding speeds, dividing us from the rest of
               the natural world.  We are set apart, between worlds. 
               Taking the chalice of water, we sprinkle the circle,  
               feeling the cool liquid on our fingers.  We begin to feel
               the cleansing power of our Mother's blood.  The sprinkling
               finished, we return the chalice to the altar. 
               The smoke from the censor curls playfully around your
               fingers as you reach to pick it up.  Breath deep of the
               sweet Frankincense and Myrhh as you walk the boundries of
               the circle with it.  Let the scent drive away all negativity
               in you.  When you have finished your sacred task, place the
               censor in it's place on the altar. 
               Pause a moment to notice the unlit altar candle.
               <Facing the East> 
               <Raising hand in salutation>  "Spirits of Air, hear our  
               call.  Attend our Rite and afford us your knowledge and
               protection.   So be it!"     <GA> 

          (8-4,DANIEL) Hail Spirits of Air 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So mote It BE! 
          (8-1,Jehana) Welcome sacred Wisps of thought and Wisdom! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Hail Sword Hallow! 
          (8-5,Larne) Airy Spirits, Welcome!  Join us, and help us to KNOW
               and understand! 
          (8-3,NC) Ave Raphael 
          (8-2,DragonHart) <Facing the South> 
               <Raising hand in salutation>  "Spirits of Fire, hear  
               our call.  Attend our Rite and afford us your love and
               protection.    So be it!"      <GA> 

          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Hail spirit of Fire 
          (8-1,Jehana) Welcome Sacred coils of energy and flame! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Hail Spear Hallow! 
          (8-5,Larne) Bright spirits of Fire, Welcome!  Join us, and help


               us in making our wills manifest! 
          (8-3,NC) Ave Michael! Hail Djinn, great elemental king. 
          (8-2,DragonHart) <Facing the West> 
               <Raising hand in salutation>  "Spirits of Water, hear  
               our call. Attend our Rite and afford us your cleansing and
               protection.   So be it!"     <GA>

          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Hail Spirits of Water 
          (8-1,Jehana) Welcome, sacred wells of healing and intuition! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Hail Grail Hallow! 
          (8-5,Larne) Deep blue water spirits, welcome!  Join us, and help
               us know of our own depths! 
          (8-3,NC) Ave Gabriel. Niksa, great elemental king, hail! 
          (8-2,DragonHart) <Facing the North> 
               <Raising hand in salutation>  "Spirits of Earth, hear  
               our call.  Attend our Rite and afford us your strength and
               protection.   So be it!"    <GA>
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Hail Oh Great Spirit of Earth 
          (8-1,Jehana) Welcome, sacred bones of our root-mother! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Hail Stone Hallow! 
          (8-5,Larne) Earth Spirits, welcome!  Help us to find the solid
               core within us! 
          (8-3,NC) Ave Uriel. Cob, great elemental king, hail. 
          (8-2,DragonHart) <Facing Center> 
               "Mother Goddess, we ask that you join us in our Rite and
               share with us the wonder of the rebirth of your son and
               lover.  You give us much and in return we offer you perfect
               love.  So be it!"     <GA>

          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Perfect Love and Perfect trust 
          (8-1,Jehana) Bright Lady, welcome, in our Love! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-5,Larne) Welcome Bright Lady, let us share your joy and love
               on this night! 

          (8-2,DragonHart) "Lord, God, King, Father, we ask that you join
               us in our Rite and share with us your death and rebirth. 
               Come and show us the devine beauty of life, love, death and
               rebirth.  So be it!"    <GA>

          (8-13,Felix & Anne) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) So Mote it Be 
          (8-1,Jehana) Welcome, Hunter, we bid you among us! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) So Mote It Be! 
          (8-5,Larne) Lord, we your children who wept at your passing now
               rejoice in your return!  Welcome! 

          (8-2,DragonHart) Like anxious relatives, we await the birth of


               the Child of Light.  The Mother's womb, dark like the night,
               has grown to encompass half of the earth.  Now the birth is
               at hand.  The water breaks and covers the land with snow. 
               Last years Child has grown and become King. He is now old
               and venerable, waiting to pass his solar flame onto his own
               Son that he might be born anew.  He lovingly holds the hand
               of the Lady who must endure his death and birth all in the
               same moment. 
               <lighting alter candle> 
               Queen of the stars, 
               Queen of the moon, 
               Queen of the horns  
               and queen of fire! 
               Lord of life,  
               seed of light,  
               flame that warms the coldest night! 
               CHILD OF LIGHT COME TO US!!!!!!!! 
               <GA with invocation of Sun God Child> 

          (8-1,Jehana) Child of new-light, we bid ye welcome! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Welcome, Mabon...
               Lost one, Found again! Blessed Be! 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Behold! HORUS! Child of Fire! Child of Joy,
               come ease the days of the Mother. Welcome and Blessed be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Hail and welcome child of light. 
          (8-5,Larne) Welcome young Lord of warmth and light! 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Praise Be Unto the Crowned and Conquering
          (8-2,DragonHart) Now is a time to greet the Child of Promise and
               give him an offering of words that will help him grow
               Child, Lord of Light, Hail and Welcome!  I give to you  
               an offering of peace on earth.  As you shine on us empower
          us with compassion and wisdom.   <GA>
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Endow us with the Fierceness of TRUTH! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) show us the joys of Love 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Mabon, we offer you music and joy and love! 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Thy Birth is a Power and Honor within us... 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) We Pledge to Honor and Nurture THEE! 
          (8-5,Larne) Welcome!  I give you an offering of Music!  Grant
               light and energy to our creative endeavours! 

          (8-2,DragonHart) Now it is time for us to go our seperate ways. 
               As we do, let us think on the things that we must let pass
               away in our own lives, and those things that should live
               Lord and Lady, Thank you for sharing with us this time  
               so sacred.  Be ever with us.  Bless us and guide us.  So
               mote it be. 


               <facing east> 
               Powers of Air, all knowing ones, thank you for attending  
               our celebration. 
               Hail and farewell. 
               <facing south> 
               Powers of Fire, inspiring ones, thank you for attending  
               our celebration. 
               Hail and farewell. 
               <facing north> 
               Powers of Earth, Wise ones, thank you for attending our  
               Hail and farewell. 
               The Circle is open, but never broken.
               Merry meet, merry part, and Merry meet again!!!! 
               Blessed Be!!!! 

          (8-9,DragonHart) *The Rite is ended* 

          (8-1,Jehana) Merry meet again!!! 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Blessed BE!!! 
          (8-8,Ladyhawk) Merry meet again! 
          (8-13,Felix & Anne) Hugs!!! 
          (8-5,Larne) Blessed be! 
          (8-4,DANIEL) Blessed Be 
          (8-7,PEN) Merry Meet Again! 
          (8-9,DragonHart) blessed be! 
