3 - Spells And Chants

"With the pricking of my thumb, something evil this way comes, Open Locks, Whoever Knocks ..."

(William Shakespeare)

Handed down from generation to generation, witchcraft is rich in ritual, especially when it comes to love. The closely guarded secrets provide a spell for every lover who ever ached for fulfillment, a potion to persuade the reluctant, a chant to enforce the powers of the mind, and even recipes to vitalize the passions.

The objects and words used in witchcraft are many and diverse, all calculated to work their own special magic, all tested and proven by their continued use from the huts in European villages of centuries ago to the voluptuous apartments of the modern era.

Even beginners in witchcraft can practise these spells. However, the success of every sorcerer is virtually dependent on his or her confidence. Old witches say that a tiny clove of garlic sewn inside a small, heart-shaped piece of silk, attached with a gold pin to the left side of your undergarments, will act for confidence, protect you from the plague, ward off evil spirits and attract energetic lovers. It's worth a try.

According to the old views on witchcraft, everyone should have a lucky charm to protect him from evil forces. Usually it is a birthstone ring. There is a ritual, a spell, for preparing this ring.

1. Full-moon Ring

On the afternoon of the new moon fill a copper bowl with earth, and place it on a square of red silk in the centre of a table. At 9 p.m. boil water in a cauldron or stainless steel pot, and cook the ring for nine full minutes. While the ring is boiling, place nine white taper candles around the copper bowl. Bury the ring in the earth. Light the candles, and as they blaze they will instantly act as agents to purify the earth inside the copper bowl.

The candles should flame brightly for ninety minutes, at the end of which time sprinkle three drops of olive oil over the copper bowl three separate times, nine drops in all. Each time chant, "My energies are a gift to the cosmos; my soul belongs to the wind. I am the cosmos; I am the wind." That makes you powerful for ever. The ring must stay in the bowl until midnight of the night of the full moon, two weeks later. At that moment place the ring on your finger. Later, bury the bowl, the earth, the candles and the silk in a garden. Then you are ready to practise witchcraft.

From that moment forward you are protected, and nobody can ever steal the ring from you without coming to harm. Wear this ring at all times. Once you start being witchy, it's a full-time job, and you need protection at all times. Always wear your ring while casting spells. Always work a spell at the same hour of day and if possible in the same location, because it's the repetition of the spell that will insure the success of it.

2. Isis Full-moon Ring

There is one variation on this chant: pledging the new sorcerer not to the cosmos in general, but to the Moon, which is said to influence the emotions of women - and indeed does, considering the menstrual calendar and the changes in feelings it brings about from cycle to cycle. Not even my great-grandmother remembered why variations in chants exist - it's just that witches always have done it one way or another.

Isis is the ancient goddess of the Moon whose magic, when all is lost and you have gone down and under, will charm you once again to even higher heights. Enchantresses who perform rituals in her name are granted special favours. She is queen of witchcraft, known for her sympathetic intervention into affairs of the heart. She has never turned her face from anyone who has called her name.

For beginning sorcerers no attempt should be made to cast a spell, perform a ritual, work a charm, enchant or fascinate without the protection of the ring described, called a Full Moon Ring. The birthstone is said to offer the most protection. However, the stone that you associate with your moonsign is also highly effective. The chant variation is: "In the name of Isis, goddess of the Moon, I offer my energies as a gift of the cosmos; my soul belongs to the wind. I am the cosmos; I am the wind."

Witchcraft can be a comforting modus operandi. In spell casting, the ritual is performed in a forceful attempt to alter a moment in time, by creating a vibration within the environment that in turn will set into motion a series of events leading ultimately to the desired conclusion. Sorcery goes a giant step beyond mere positive thinking by generating situations demanding positive action, commitment.

If you would like some additional romantic action, with silver three times tap crystal, nine times ring a small cleat bell, and daylong let a teapot gently whistle. But most effective of all is candle glow. "A home with candles burning brightly will be visited by sexy woodnymphs nightly."

In the beginning, herbs were used to placate gods. Man burned herbs to release pungent aromas meant to stimulate the senses of the deity and insure favours. Herbs have been included in food, baths, spells, closets, spell potions, medical treatments, magical rites and religious ceremonies. They have been used for emotion-elevators, decorations of the elevated, and dietetic inspiration; they have been expected to honour you, dry you out, fatten you up, make you strong, protect from harm, bring him back, break the tide, cure the plague, bring in money and inhibit infidelity.

Ancient Greece bought courage with thyme, Romans cured drunkenness with parsley, and Charlemagne grew rosemary because it was known to fortify memory. The Bible says that dinner with herbs may be better where love is, but all witches know that love is frequently better when herbs are in the dinner.

3. Blood Charm

In Sicily certain modern segments of the youthful in-love society cling to a primitive belief that a few drops of blood from the lady's finger mixed with the gentleman's hot cafe royale will bind them to eternity. So potent is the supposed spell that it is not considered necessary for the gentleman to know about it. It may be dangerous to capture a man in this way unless the lady truly loves him. She must beware; the spell binds them both, and it is not to be taken lightly. Many a frivolous sweetheart discovers that magic cannot be undone, and like the thumb, the enchanter, too, is stuck.

With control, witchcraft offers a beneficial outlet for creative energy. In the ancient craft all things are unified and related, and there is no chaos.

Any time you cast a spell you should be in a small area so you can control the atmosphere easily. Don't do this in the middle of a ball park because you cannot control all the vibrations in an area that large. You'll need a small room and a table top, preferably one used only for spellcasting. Most of the equipment you use should be new, and it's suggested that you use new equipment for each and every one of your spells, lest the associations connected with old things intervene. The new witch should get new candles, new bowls, new everything.

Around the whole room sprinkle a circle of salt so that the magic act is protected inside. It's best to use coarse salt instead of the refined kind. Remain within the protection of the ring of salt for the entire length of the spell. If someone comes to the door while you're casting any spell, you should ignore it.

If the telephone rings, ignore it. Try to set yourself up so you will have as little distraction as possible. Take the phone off the hook to insure no call. You want nothing to break the continuity of your concentration, and if any disturbance should happen, continue with your spell, don't get out of it. Stay right there and block out the sounds that you hear. You must attempt to do this. Even if you're not successful in the beginning, eventually you will be.

4. The Sexual Seduction Spell

Here is the formula for the Sexual Seduction Spell:

1. Find a piece of paper that is pretty and pleasing to you.

2. On this paper, write your whole name: first, middle and last.

3. Under your name, write your lover's full name. (Always write your own name first, in order to maintain control. If your lover's name appears above yours, you will be dominated.)

4. Write down your lover's birthdate, followed by your own.

5. Draw a heart around the information.

6. Repeat the information, writing it directly over the original writing, three times. It will be indecipherable when you're through, and will look like plain scribbling.

7. When you have completed the writing, fold the paper as small as possible, and burn it in the flame of a red, or orange-red candle, until it is reduced to an ash. (You need a large red candle with a large base so that it can support the burning of this paper without falling to the table.)

8. While the paper burns, chant this incantation three times:

Light the flame
Bright the fire
Red is the colour Of desire

9. Repeat the entire process every day or night for nine consecutive days. That's considered one spell. After that you use it as needed to reinforce.

Most witches save the ashes from all of their spells in a special little box. The box, because it's been used for years, develops magical properties of its own and can be used as a lucky talisman to bring good luck. Don't just take the ashes and throw them out in the trash. You must treasure these things; they're potent.

5. Charmed Sleep

Spellcasters use an enormous amount of energy, and in order to insure that the energy is restored, charmed sleep is essential. This is attained through a simple ritual. Place a desert turtle under your bed. Put fresh mint leaves inside your pillow-case and place a rose-tinted crystal glass filled with water next to your bed. Three bright yellow daffodils are set up at your window. Light three blue candles and let them flame for one hour while you're getting ready to go to bed. Then draw a protective white chalk circle around the bed. Once between the covers you say, "Sandoz" eight times. Sleep in the nude or it doesn't work.

Witchcraft hinges on desire, and the reason for this is that most people find it easy to become emotional about things they want, about things they love. It's difficult for them to become emotional about a dress or money. That's the whole key to it. Men who have made fantastic amounts of money do so because they can become aroused and emotionally turned-on with money. The average person can't.

If you can get your emotions going you can accomplish anything. Don't think about what money might bring. You've got to understand very clearly that once you have the money, it will bring all the things you want to buy, so there's no point in wasting your energy thinking about the end results. Start by thinking about the money. Once you turn-on for money it will start coming to you.

You eventually can arouse a desire for money once you learn how to trigger your emotions, but it takes practice. You must learn to project your emotional intensity in order to have it create the situation you want. The best way to do that is to begin with sex and love and build up slowly to money. Sex and love are easy for most people, because they naturally cause emotional energy.

When you like someone very much, when you're attracted to him, it shows. Something is transmitted by the force and power of the emotion. The thing to do now is feel that way about money or your job or your career - something other than love. Put the same forces to work, and when that happens, you get money. So you can use witchcraft for things other than love, but it takes a lot of work and is more difficult. It takes practice.

6. Spice Rub

Egypt's elite were known for their superior sexual ability and spicy approach to life. They would rub a special spice and herb mixture all over their lover's body in order to increase sexual excitement. There is no way now to know if their success was due to spicy, aromatic inhalation or spicy outer Habitations.

Here is the lover's magical spice and herb mixture: one teaspoon powdered cumin, the Greek and Turkish spice; one teaspoon powdered mace; teaspoon powdered sage; teaspoon powdered thyme; a pinch of rosemary; teaspoon of powdered cloves; teaspoon of powdered nutmeg and a tablespoon of powdered ginger. Grind them all together, and you have a very sexy spice. Use all new spices. Don't use anything you've got lying around the kitchen because that might impart something from a previous situation; also use new utensils. Never mix anything else in the utensils that you use for your sex spells.

A small, clear bell rung nine times will bring visitors from the outer world. A whistling teakettle insures helpful support from the other world, so you can keep a teakettle on a low flame and just let it gently whistle. This sets up the proper vibration to bring about things you want. What it actually does is constantly support your concentration and determination. It reminds you, fixes your idea firmly in mind. If you begin to think that that whistling teakettle on the kitchen stove is going to drive you wild, you're right; it will.

7. True Love Tea

For beginners in sorcery, here is a very simple love tea to make: Every night for two hours, between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m., burn an orange-red candle - sort of coral colour, not bright red and not clear orange. Light the candle and sip the tea. This is for people who are very lonely and want to establish an emotional relationship, a true love, with someone. It's a very tedious spell, but effective.

The tea starts with any blend you like, spiked with nutmeg, rosemary thyme, rosebuds, honey and lemon leaves, a small amount of each. This chemical combination has all the witching ingredients it takes for attracting a true love. Begin sipping True Love Tea on an odd number date: three, five, seven, nine et cetera, and continue for six weeks, every night. It is for people who have been alone for a long time.

You can repeat this spell many times if you want, but it takes six weeks so don't wear yourself out. Once you get the spell completed, you can reinforce it by having this tea, say, every Friday night. Friday is recommended because it's a Venus-ruled day and has to do with love activities.

You can also combine True Love Tea with the Sexual Seduction Spell (once you get the thing rolling), and do the two spells at the same time. You can even throw in an Emotional Bondage Spell, described later. There is also a love cake that's guaranteed to increase sexual vitality and to cure infidelity.

It's an Italian love cake known for over 300 years. Updating the recipe so that it's easier than starting from scratch, it is possible to use the Bisquick muffin mix. First, fry crisp a half pound of Italian sweet sausage until practically all the oil is out of it. Then season it with ginger and add a half pound of very finely chopped candied fruits. Next, add about one quarter of a package of bittersweet chocolate chips, two cups of Bisquick, a half cup of brown sugar, one egg, three-fourths cup of milk, and one-fourth cup of black coffee.

It's easiest to take the Bisquick, the milk, the egg, the sugar, the coffee and the ginger, and mix them all together. Add the sausage, then the fruit, and finally the chocolate. Bake until done in a 400 degree oven. The recipe makes fifteen small love cakes. Feed the cakes to your husband or lover over the weekend, and it will keep him in line for the next month or so. You can achieve the same effect without the love cake, but it's very difficult, and you must sustain your confidence all the time.

So, in case you weaken and doubt yourself, the cake takes over for you. You eat it, he eats it, and you can serve it to the whole family. It keeps everybody in line, but it's especially effective on your lover.

Once people start using witchcraft, they should become aware of the special dates in the year for casting spells. There are days when the position of the earth in relationship to the other planets and the sun allows for a more effective use of magnetic forces. There are special festival dates: February 2, April 30, August 1 and, of course, October 31.

The other dates are not the same every year, because the earth doesn't come back to the same position, in relation to the sun every year on the same day. Very effective times are around March 21, the vernal equinox; June 21, the summer solstice; September 21, the autumnal equinox; and December 21, the winter solstice. Get a current calendar and find out the first day of spring; certain spells are cast the night before. Also important are the nights before the first day of summer, autumn and winter.

There seems to be more force to spells cast at these times. Another thing to watch is the moon. New and full-moon days are very effective for spellcasting. Use the new moon for beginnings and the full moon for endings - either for romance. The moon dates give you twenty-four good spell days a year. The special dates and festivals give you another eight. That's thirty-two spell days a year, which ought to keep anybody hopping.

The new moon is when the moon is dark, and anything you do at the new moon should be something that you want quick results from because it's bound to happen in the next two weeks. By the time the moon is full you should get what you want. Usually the new moon spell is used for quick attractions. They're not days to use for your whole life-span project. Use the vernal equinox for the life pattern and the new moon for fun and games.

8. The Money Increase Spell

Here's one that's fun, but it's not a moon spell: The Money Increase Spell. Cast this at one minute after midnight on any one of the special festival dates. You could do it at the new moon, too, but when you do the new moon money spell, it may help quickly to pay an overdue bill, but it's not going to be a life pattern. The festival dates are the best ones for that. At one minute after midnight on the festival date, you should have all set up: one gold candle, six green candles, and nine white candles. And, of course, salt. Place the gold candle in the centre of the table and circle it with the six green candles. Then enclose these inside a circle of the nine white candles. Use the salt to pour a protective circle around the candles. Light the candles, and chant three times:

Orbiting Jupiter,
Trine the sun:
Bring money on the run.

Your finances should begin to improve within nineteen days. This is your lifelong money aspect, not the spell you do with the new moon for quick money. For quick money throw brand new coins into your house, from outside, on the day of the new moon, and let them roll wherever they will. Don't pick them up for the rest of the month.

The chant is, "Money on the floor, money through the door." It's best to have mint-new coins from the bank, but it doesn't matter what the denominations. Remember, wherever they roll, don't touch them for the rest of the month. You don't have to go any further outside than far enough to put your back out of the front door so you're facing in when you throw the coins.

9. Orgies

There's a special kind of energy derived from uniting with someone sexually, and a spellcaster uses so much energy that she needs a tremendous amount of uniting. I know one woman who participates in orgies regularly because she's a witch, and although I think it's weird, she doesn't seem to think it's strange at all. In order for a spell to be successful, a great deal of emotional energy must be generated, so an orgy, if done properly, can prime the pump.

The best time to cast a spell would be moments before the orgy is consummated. That's when the atmosphere is charged with electrical-magnetic impulses and tends to promote success of the attempted spell. Some Spellcasters insist that only orgies supply the type of excitement needed, and, of course, there are other Spellcasters who just enjoy orgies. Any spell can be cast; the orgy just supplies the energy to do it, and supposedly fire you up. Witches usually don't waste orgies on little spells; they do big ones aimed at the whole life pattern. To break an old pattern and establish a new direction, they'll have an orgy in which all the witches cast spells.

But these are not the typical covens that everyone talks about, with twelve women and one man. There are a lot of women and a lot of men. Some witches who aren't group-minded will cast a spell before they get into bed nude with somebody. Frequently, the lover is innocent and does not understand that he is being used for a spellcast. Often, though, he is aware.

I mean, at a time like that, what kind of a person would cast a spell? It would have to be a witch. You've got to have all the paraphernalia dragged out and set up before you are ready to climb into bed. Usually this type of thing is better when both people involved are experienced Spellcasters who may no longer need props but are able to project a thought strongly enough without candles and incense and bells ringing - although of course they still can be utilized.

10. Candle Magic

It is well-known that certain coloured candles stand for certain things.

The colours mean something to most people who deal with this type of thing. White candles are always used for inspiration, increase in knowledge or an inner solution for a particular problem. If you want inspiration to hit, light a white candle.

Blue candles are protection against evil, and they will put a magnetic field around you if you light one. Many who set out on a trip take a blue candle along and light it every night to keep themselves safe during their journey.

A yellow candle represents spiritual love. The kind of love, perhaps, between two people with a tremendous age difference and no sexual attraction but a similarity of ideas and exchange of thoughts. It's not the flesh and blood kind of love.

An orange-red candle is for sexual activity. This is the colour that traditionally has been used for this purpose. It has to do with sexual seduction and sexual attraction spells.

Green candles are for all new beginnings, such as starting a new job or making new friends. Some witches even use green candles to keep a relationship going, because it gives another aspect to it: newness. Green is also specially good for financial security.

Black candles are for evil wishes. If you want to tap evil forces, harm someone, or just to gain control of a rough situation without necessarily harming anybody, use the black candle.

The purple candle is for contact with the spirit world, and it's good for giving psychic readings. If you want to get messages from somebody who has departed, use a purple candle.

The silver candle is to stop slanderous gossip about yourself, your friends or family. The gold candle projects good health.

Don't fool with a red candle. It's beyond sex. It's awfully primitive, and it's best not to mess with it. Not if you're a novice, anyway. Leave the red candle to full-fledged witches. Stick to orange-red for sex. It's all you'll be able to do to control the results of that!

To alter circumstances you must be intense, emotional, self-motivated and capable of obsession. That's the only way it can work. And you must understand that once you cast a spell you've set into motion vibrations that can never be erased. They can never be stopped. Something's going to happen.

Once in motion, there's no return, so you must be very brave. You may be able to alter the conclusion a bit, but things will never remain the same; they are no longer what they were. That's another difference between witchcraft and positive thinking. Positive thinking doesn't put you in danger. In witchcraft you make a complete commitment. It's like jumping off a building. You can't go halfway down and then say "Whoa." You must keep going.

11. The Self-fascination Spell

Here is a spell that delves into the very heart of witchcraft, creating power inside you by sharpening your faculties and bringing them to bear on the most important thing in your life: you. In order to increase control over others, the Self-Fascination Spell must be performed regularly. Strip nude in front of a mirror in a dark room. Light one candle of any colour except red. (Only if you're already very powerful can a red one be used.)

Raise your arms high over your head and rhythmically sway from left to right as you repeat your first name ninety-nine times, continuing to sway while you're repeating your name. The best way to do this is to write your name ninety-nine times, and then read it off, so you can keep track. Some Spellcasters use ninety-nine flower petals to keep track of their counting. For each petal you touch, say your name.

It must be an exact count to ninety-nine. When you stop swaying at the count of ninety-nine, become very dynamic and tense, much the same as when you're doing isometric exercises. Clench your fists, stiffen your muscles, brace yourself all over and repeat three times, "I control. I am the power." Blow out the candle and it's over. Cast this spell on Tuesdays and Fridays for three months, and it will never fail to improve your life. It's good for the waistline, too.

A few decades ago a popular psychologist had everyone around the world marching to their mirror every morning saying, "Every day in every way, I am getting better, and better, and better." Well, I tell myself things in the mirror, too, all the time. I've done it all my life. I look in the mirror and tell myself what everything is about. Seeing yourself puts you more in contact with yourself. We all live up in the back of our heads somewhere, but if we can become accustomed to looking at ourselves, thinking aloud, we get to know ourselves better. And what we know, we control.

Mirrors are very important in witchcraft. There's another thing single people can do with a mirror on Halloween. Go out to where you can see the moon and put your back to it so the reflection of its light will fall on the mirror. Then light a candle and put it in front of your face so you can see your face with the moon behind you. Over your shoulder will appear an image of the person you are going to marry.

12. Emotional Bondage Spell

If your partner is sexy but projects little emotional warmth, then you must try the Emotional Bondage Spell. It's a dangerous spell, as frequently the conjurer gets conjured. You must be certain that you really want him. Never bind anybody to you merely for kicks, and never, ever use the Emotional Bondage Spell where there is little or no sexual compatibility, because you will be stuck with that person for ever.

Light three candles, one yellow, one orange, AND, if you're really strong, one red. If you don't think you can handle it, use just an orange-red candle. Surround a photograph of the love object with the three candles and forty-seven yellow blossoms. Then say forty-seven times, "We are one, we are one, we are one," and gaze at the photo for nine full minutes after you say this. Then sip True Love Tea and ring a bell three times. If you really want to be tricky, you can take a few drops of your blood and drop it into his food. That's a cincher.

If fooling around with candles makes you feel odd, consider this: Millions and millions of people, for century after century, spent their most thoughtful moments staring at the tongues of fire from candles and torches and, before that, campfires. And untold millions, attending church ceremonies, were conditioned by flickering candlefire as they made their strongest efforts to contact the supernatural, God. Odd? Not a bit. If thought has any force beyond our own small persons, then no greater communication with the thought energies of millions could be approached than through the common human fascination with controlled fire.

13. The Coleopterous Charm

One charm that will have a catalytic effect upon all personal relationships, and will project a romantic aura about the charmer that love objects will find irresistibly exciting, is the ancient Coleopterous Charm. Since Cleopatra's time, the coleopterous (beetle) has been a symbol for occult beginnings, germination force, power, birth, life and death - and, above all, magic.

Enchantresses insist that a Coleopterous Charm will insure a very satisfying love life. The charm should increase sexual vitality, attract many healthy, vibrant love relationships, encourage fidelity, prolong romantic desire and protect the clandestine. For all that, certainly this charm is worth considerable effort. Cleopatra knew how to prepare a Coleopterous Charm; however, the exact preparation she used has been lost. She carried it to her grave.

The Ironclad Beetle Love Charm is the most successful Coleopterous Charm since Cleopatra's. Take one live, ironclad beetle and wrap it into a small square of red silk. Place this small packet inside a tiny wooden box that has been painted bright red. Now cover the packet with one half cup of dried rosebuds. Close the lid and seal the box with wax. Place the box and its contents in the northeast corner of your home and light a tapered purple candle. Chant, "Coleopterous Magnificent, Coleopterous Blessed, Coleopterous Beloved, Coleopterous Eternal." It is not considered important if the beetle dies.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, the saying goes, but mix in a little witchcraft just to be sure. Witches know that if you add melissa officionalis (lemon balm) to your fellow's bath, his straying will stop; he'll stay where he oughter; and a bit of anise added to the cake makes any tired old lover turn into a rake.

Figs, dates and eggs are supposed to be the sexiest foods. Oysters and fish, too. Fish is very high in vitamin E, which may have some effect on sexual activity. When a man is having difficulty getting a woman pregnant, doctors often advise increasing the vitamin E intake for her and the man, so there must be something vital in it. The Chinese eat seahorse, and they consider this the ultimate stimulant for sexual desire and potency.

As for beverages, use your imagination. You might put three drops of female blood into his coffee, or try True Love Tea spiked with booze. As an icebreaker, a whisky sour spiced with just a dash of cumin might do. Here's a hot one: Take instant coffee and heat a cup of milk for each cup of coffee; use a half spoon of instant coffee and a half spoon of chocolate - not cocoa - a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick. Rum, if desired.

There are dozens and dozens of spells and recipes, of course, most of them very old. But accomplished, modern-day witches, if they know the significance of the objects and process involved, often create their own. Perhaps you feel somebody has harmed you. You want revenge. One way to accomplish this is to mail, every day for nine days, the same type of flower - no return address, nothing but a flower for nine days in a row.

That causes everything they have done to you to go back to them. That's a century-old spell. Here is a fairly new one, based on the same principle: If you want to get rid of somebody, to make them go away, procure some soil from another state, and mail them a little bit every day for nine days. That will pull them towards that direction.

Or, supposing you have used the powerful card spell to hex somebody. Draw the circle layout as described in Chapter Four, and make a symbol of each of the cards you have placed to effect the hex, K for king, J for jack, et cetera. Mail one diagram a day for nine days. It will drive them crazy, if nothing else, to get that incomprehensible thing in the mail for nine days running.

Trim your hair a quarter of an inch every new moon, and it will grow in thick and luxurious. Start a new business at the last quarter, the week before the new moon. This is the most dynamic period. But to begin a new love affair, it's best to pick the quarter or the week just before the full moon, in order to have the right emotional influences.

Aside from the seasonal influences and festival dates mentioned earlier, there are some days of the week that are better than others for spellcasting, and there are specific reasons why. Saturday is a good day for casting spells connected with money, and Friday is good for emotion, but Wednesday is the best day of the week for witch spells, because Wednesday is more involved with the intellect.

We are not so much moved by passion and emotion; we're very cool, and when you are casting a spell you must be able to turn on an emotional intensity, but only enough to support some very clear thinking. It isn't good to be passionate and aroused and a bit dizzy all at the same time. Wednesday is the best clearheaded day. If you've got a case in court, for instance, it would be very good if you could get it on a Wednesday. It's that kind of day.

The days of the week are named after planets, in all languages. Sunday is derived from the sun, and Monday is moon day. In foreign countries, the same practice is followed: It's a global custom. The Chinese god, Tui, was a war god, and although our war god, Mars, comes from the Romans, we named Tuesday after Tui. The French use Mardi in honour of Mars. The Spanish and French named Wednesday after Mercury, but we use the Germanic "Wodensday." Woden was the counterpart of the god Mercury.

Thursday is Thor's day. Thor was the god who was comparable to Jupiter and although the French and Spanish named their Thursday after Jupiter, we stick to Thor. Thor and Jupiter were the same gods in different parts of the world. Friday comes from Venus but we use the German "Freitag," the equivalent goddess. Saturday is Saturn's day. It is not only witches who set aside special days. There are certain traditional days to do certain things; all sorts of tricky things that most women know about.

A Sunday marriage is blessed and, of course, this may be why so many more people get married on Sunday than on any other day. (Sunday marriages are customary in the United States.) Monday marriages are likely to face great ups and downs and changes because of the connection with the phases of the moon. Tuesday weddings mean arguments and a bit of inconstant behaviour. (It's Mars' day, which means a lot of strife and trouble and difficulties.) Wednesday is based on commercial, level-headed values, control over emotions.

Thursday is pretty good if you want to have a swinging affair and a lot of unexpected money coming in. Friday, being a Venus-ruled day, can be a day of sorrow. Lovers face many tragic moments and they reach a point of separation and then make up again. It's a very emotional day. Saturdays are for practical people.

For example, two people marrying on Wednesday, Mercury's day, might do so for appearances or for commercial gain. A homosexual and a lesbian, for instance, might marry on Wednesday. On the other hand, Saturn's people, those who marry on Saturday, generally stick to their commitment, sometimes against all odds. They might end up hating each other, even become sexually incompatible, yet still they usually stay together.

14. Unwanted Lover Spell

Speaking of sex and war, there is a Tuesday-oriented spell that comes in handy for fiery young ladies. An experienced spellcaster who has increased her animal magnetism and sexual attraction frequently runs into the problem of having too many lovers. Now she needs a spell to get rid of an unwanted lover. As she is totally responsible for having created this irresistible attraction, she can also break the spell and get rid of the old lover to make way for the new.

You must call on Nai-no-kami, the Japanese god of earthquakes. Begin on the third Tuesday of the month, and at 9 p.m. enter into a quiet area; the only light must be the flame from one large, black candle. Ring a clear bell three times, and on parchment paper draw the symbol for the Sun, the Moon and the planets (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1

Stain the parchment with eight juicy seeds of a pomegranate, then completely burn the parchment in the flame. Take the ashes and touch them to your forehead. Remain gazing quietly at the flame a full three minutes, then shout out, as loudly as you can, his name: Nai-no-kami!

Make up nine small packets, putting in each one some of the ashes from the parchment, three cloves, a soft grey feather and some sand. Extinguish the black candle. Place the packets into envelopes and seal them with sealing wax. The next day at 3 p.m., and each day until all nine are mailed, post a packet to the unwanted lover. At the end of that time, or before, he'll stop bothering you, and you'll be free for other love affairs.

15. Dream Spell

Would you like to visit a cherished friend while travelling to a dream dimension? There's a variation of the Charmed Sleep Spell for this: Draw the light, chalk, protective circle around your bed; place a large turtle under the bed and three fresh mint leaves in your pillowcase. Before retiring, light three blue candles, and let them flame for one hour. Blow out the candle, ring a bell once, and nine times whisper, "Orpheus, Orpheus, Orpheus," et cetera.

Practising witches, as we indicated, are able to create their own spells and design them for specific situations once the idea of how they work is mastered. When I was younger and more adventurous, I would set up all sorts of things to try and make something happen. Actually I was learning to spells that it projected the thought and attracted me towards condition my subconscious so thoroughly through these the thing that I wanted, however removed it was from the spell itself.

I did many little silly things. For example, I decided once that I wanted to meet a certain big celebrity. I put it in my mind that this should be done, and that once I met him many other things in my life would fall into place and begin to happen.

I performed a ritual to set up a series of events that would lead to my meeting this powerful man. After that I never went anywhere without running into him. His wife would sit next to me at the Hollywood Bowl, or I'd walk through a door and he'd be corning out. He looked startled each time, probably because I was ready to meet him. Every time he came through a door I'd react with a very strong force that probably would not have been there had I not performed the ritual, so naturally he reacted to my reaction, and before I knew it he was saying, "Hello." I didn't deliberately go anyplace where he would be. I didn't do anything physical that would make it happen. It just happened.

As for the ritual itself, I lit a candle in a darkened area, then burned incense. If you can get all your senses going at the same time you make more of an impression on your subconscious for the thing you want. I hypnotized myself into feeling that I was surrounding this man with myself and calling him into my sphere of being. I think we are all a mass of energy, and we really have no clearly defined end.

Where does my body end and the air around me begin? At which point do the molecules no longer unite into a separate entity? I don't understand the principle involved in what keeps me together so I don't understand the natural law that would prevent my leaving my body and surrounding another person, and because I am stupid I am able to do it. I can absorb things and situations. I begin feeling as if an octopus form were coming out of me, and I can surround and hug everything I want. As long as I can sustain the sensation of surrounding something, it's mine.

16. Your Word Of Power

Even a novice at witchcraft can take some steps to individualize some parts of the practice. You can choose your own Word of Power, and each morning when you arise, say it before you even set your feet on the floor. Here's how to find your Word of Power: Get a dictionary and put it on your lap. Turn it sideways, upside down and every which way, without looking at it, so you don't know, literally, which end is up. Insert your finger into the book with your eyes closed and move it around until you get the urge to stop. When the urge strikes, stop. Your finger will locate your magic word. It's important that the word be chosen on the first try and adopted permanently. It's your own magic word. Chance brought it to you. Utter the word each morning. Now you are controlling chance.

Witches frequently use books to give themselves psychic readings, as well. This is done by selecting a book that is meaningful to you, but has a broad scope. That is, a book of quotations, perhaps, or poetry, or even a dictionary. Almost anything but a novel, which doesn't provide a broad enough range of words. Make up a pattern, wildly, saying the first thing that comes into your head, like: On the fortieth page, fifteenth sentence, and the third word over, my message begins. Then pick another, and another, and another, until you have a predetermined number of words, say twenty-five. The words won't be in the right word order, but there will be a message there that applies to your life.

My mother used to do this all the time. She had a special set of favourite spellcast books, and when I'd come into the room looking troubled, she'd go to them. Her finger would move around at random, and she'd begin writing down words. It was great! When I was worried about a lover, for instance, she would even come up with his correct name.

But you must make your plan ahead of time so that you are committed to the words you come to. What actually happens is that your subconscious moves into action and allows you to read into the words something your subconscious powers want to tell you, so it's a message from an intelligence greater than your conscious mind.

If you're starting a new relationship, and you're wondering about it, try the dictionary. I remember once I met a man and wondered what kind of relationship we'd have. I used the dictionary, and the first word I blindly chose was: nitroglycerine. It turned out to be that kind of a romance, too! I got the word three times in a row after juggling the book around so much that my finger never should have hit the same place twice.

The secret is to set a code and stick with it from the first. Now you can tell not only your own fortune every day, but anybody else's you wish.


