Dear Alan,
I've been wanting to know for a long time if it's at all possible
to travel and be with someone who has died. My dad died almost
four years ago and I would really like to spend some time with
him again. I have asked a lot of people about it and it seems
like there isn't a person around who has any idea. Any
information you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Shananagin
hi Shananagin. thank you for writing.
first off friend, your email address returns as a "delivery
failure". please call your server and get the scoop on this
difficulty. (this happens all the time folks. so if you're
wondering where my long-winded response to your email is, please
check your address. i sugggest that you try sending yourself
email or have a cyber-pal do so. this may pinpoint the problem.)
well, as there is not a person around who has an idea (and
because i'm a big blabbermouth), i'll tell you what i think. you
may or not find it informative but ehh...what else ya got to do?
if you were traveling out-da-body and focused intensively
upon dear pop, you may very well draw the 'essence' (spirit,
consciousness...) to you in a form that allows communication. and
it might run something like this:
(alan channels up a tale based on some experience and lots of
hi dad. i sure missed you.
my pleasure poppa. how ya feeling?
(you grin) yes, i'd heard.
sounds nice. but do you miss being here at all?
i suppose that's so. what's it like?
dad? dad?
(no response.)
you smile and float back to your body. at least you didn't get a
busy signal.
- - -
morals of this tale:
1. your father is part of all that you will one day be.
2. if you wanna call him, remember to shout really loud. (i'm not
kidding. 'yelling' your intent, during the travel, can often add
the boost you need to accomplish your desired action.)
3. don't be discouraged if the connection doesn't go through on
the first try.
hello Singapore. thank you for writing. your words are in italic:
I have never had a conscious 'travel' before but I always had
pre-travel experiences, like hearing a gushing sound through my
ears or my body, unable to move. All this can be easily achieved
by observing the process of going to sleep.
Since I have been trying for a long time to master
traveling, I realize that it is not an easy task. I am still
trying very hard. Is there a simpler way to achieve a travel? Is
there such a machine or device that can help in achieving this
experience? If you do know, please let me know.
sure Singapore, i'll fill you in a bit. there are indeed
plenty o' gizmos (each with their associated method) that MIGHT
lure you into a travel beyond your physical. here's three of 'em,
mixed with my big-mouth opinions.
1. the top of the line in machine, method, and money has to
be "Hemi-Sync" from the Monroe Institute.
Hemi-Sync, in a nut-shell (whatever that means) intends to
merge your left and right brain hemispheres towards a
wave-pattern suited to traveling. this MMM is coupled with
pay-per-program, support-style instruction. the institute also
offer tapes, etc. for the home user.
the late Robert Monroe is a big player in traveling (my
jargon-free word to describe the event, not his), and the
institute has a well-deserved following. it does seem to yield
results for some people. because i'm a big know-it-all, i can
think of a few things i'd change to make their approach better
but i'm not running that show, so i'll shut up.
bottom line:
if you like a sorta-scientific, structured approach, this one may
be for you.
2. the next stop in my MMM, features two products produced by
any number of vendors, available in a moderate price range.
the first gizmo is a lucid-dream detector. in short synopsis,
you wear some goggles over your eyes and it figures out (not very
reliably, in this expert's opinion), when you are having a lucid
dream. usually, the gizmo scans your eyelids for REM and when it
senses the movement, it activates a light and/or sound that
reminds you to trigger a response to wake up! and waking in a
lucid dream MAY lead to a travel beyond your physical body. well,
this gizmo works in theory anyway. but the practice ain't so hot.
each dream-gizmo usually comes with 8 to 10 pages of
unintelligible hows, whys, and wherefores. i'll break it down to
a few sentences. you put the goggles on and fiddle with the
sensitivity/pattern of this and that. you then lay perfectly
still, so as not to send the goggles flopping from the proper
eye-alignment. most times, i woke up with them around my ankles.
and yes i did have the bulky head-strap fastened properly. so
bottom line:
close, but no cigar. i found all of the dream-detector models i
tested to be lacking in user-friendliness and all were designed
uncomfortably wrong. technology has advanced beyond the limited
products available thus far.
having said all of that, any company, that would like my
re-evaluation, may forward their latest gizmo...err, device for
inspection. but for now, it seems we're stuck with yesterday's
news at inflated prices.
the other gizmo in this catagory is a light/sound thingy
(this is very technical stuff folks). this device flashes light
patterns, via diodes in a pair of glasses. often, the patterns
mimic brain-wave activity. the flashes may be quite bright
(adjustable) and are viewed with your eyes closed. this light
effect is bolstered by sound patterns, or any background sound of
your choosing, through the use of headphones. it should not be
used by epileptics due to the flashing lights.
bottom line:
this product shows merit and the price is right with base models
starting at about $40.00. the glasses are usually comfortable and
the headphones above par in sound quality (most feature a R/L
volume control on the wire, for easy access). there are many
pre-written 'patterns' to choose from that 'set your mood', and
on more expensive models ($200.00 and up) you may program
patterns based on your preferences. this gizmo may or not allow
you the focus you require for your traveling but it's still fun.
3. lastly, in my MMM list for today, are gizmo/methods that
are cheap and plentiful. this multitude includes low-end
biorhythm feed-back machines, pre-recorded hypno-tapes, home-made
hypno-tapes, sound generators, bells, chimes, music, and
static on the radio.
all of these goodies may be utilized easily, at a low cost,
as part of a program towards your out of body traveling. which
one might work best for you? ask your hairdresser.
bottom line:
any or all in this catagory may or not do the trick. have at them
if you crave. and keep your focus on the following...
you can already travel beyond your physical. it simply takes
a patient, positive attitude and a willingness to adapt as the
situation requires. remember that any machine you try will work
only as well as you do. the more how-to's you know, before
starting that gizmo's engine, the better your ride will be.
From Elton:
Hi Alan. I'm a wannabe-traveler from Sweden. I have been able
to enter a light trance for a month now, and I'm wondering if the
trance state and the aw/as
line are the same thing? If not, will the trance state
work just as well for traveling?
hello Elton. thank you for writing.
'trancing' is not the same as the aw/as line and a light trance
state would probably not facilitate a travel. but it's a good
starting point. the distance between your achievement and the
aw/as line is short. you simply take yours down a notch and
you're there.
a 'trance' implies that you already have good control of your
thoughts. it's self-hypnosis. in other words, you know what you
want and you're gonna get it. you will relax and focus. you will
accomplish this or that (mostly that). you will remember or
overcome or discover or teach yourself something of direct
importance to you. it's meditation with a purpose. that's why
'trancing' places you so close to traveling. but there's a small
difficulty. while you're instructing yourself to get out-da-body,
and go here or there or do this or that (mostly this), your
physical is still calling the shots.
your physical is wide awake (or at least semi) during your
light trance state when it needs to be snoring and unaware of
itself (silly physical). in other-words again (as these words
need some exercise), if push came to shove and you were to bolt
from your bed, due to a unexpected something (or other), your
physical would win the race over your nonphysical. it's still
prone (that's a lying down joke) to taking your directions until
it shuts down completely. and that's not gonna happen in a light
trance state.
although you could incorporate some phrases within your
trance that allow your physical to seek sleep, it's easier than
that. truly, as long as YOU understand that YOU are willing to
let go a notch and slip towards the line, you should have no
difficulty getting there.
it's like a game. you let your consciousness slip a bit
towards the line and your physical follows along thinking that
it's time for sleep (which it is for the ol' bod, but not for
you). then, when your physical reaches the line, you snap back
your full control, which by this point might not be an easy thing
to do. gee, did i forget to mention that? (har.)
you see Elton, this game has a pitfall. while you're allowing
your physical to shut down, you're also likely to go along for
the ride. you almost have to. it's practically a requirement that
you walk the aw/as line prior to a travel beyond your body. it's
this natural process of physical shut-down that leads to your
nonphysical exit.
you simply allow yourself to careen towards sleep and then
snap yourself back to alert, before your physical is any the
wiser. then, off you go into the sky. (ooh ahh, imagery.)
From Weeble:
(His words are in italics and mine are not.)
Hi Alan. Any advice please:
1. I can feel the vibrations...this all over tingly sensation in
my body. I am talking about the right thing, aren't I?
I can concentrate on them, and make them really strong,
but only for a couple of seconds. (Note: they are particularly
strong around my chest.)
this is a norm for vibe. the sensation may also concentrate
near the neck and head region. as this intense, localized vibe
can be somewhat distracting and unproductive, i suggest that you
focus upon 'waving' the vibe. mentally 'push' the vibe from its
perceived position; first down your body and then back up again.
with each push and faster return, 'feel' the vibe becoming
smooth, until it is almost imperceptible. which brings us to your
next thought...
Then they tend to go away. And of course I haven't
projected by this point.
actually, "by this point", the vibe may only be
fading from your perception due to the increased speed
(regardless of whether or not you attempted to wave). you may
actually be primed for the travel but your extra-attention to the
signal of vibe 'locks' you to your physical. so don't do that.
instead, once you feel the vibe, smooth/speed it (for just a
moment or three) and then ignore it. you've acknowledged that the
signal is already there, so move on! think beyond your bed and
that sensation, to the next room, or out in the garden, or up on
the roof.
The other thing is, after I've had these vibrations I
can't make them happen again - it feels like all my energy is
used up.
bingo. you may only get one shot at traveling per attempt, so
make it count. this lack of 'energy' can be caused by a number o'
factors but basically, you're just pooped. it's as if you have
entered yourself into an Olympic traveling event. it's all or
nothing Weeble! you go for the gold! but sometimes (eep), you get
tin (and tired too).
fear not though Weeble. you'll likely have more than one
burst of vibe/traveling as you continue your attempts. you'll
build up some endurance to the all-out effort that's required.
and when you do travel successfully, you'll get a real boost of
energy. this is due, in part, to an actual 're-charging' that is
often associated with getting non, and also due to the fact that
2. Are you going to write any more articles - particularly
about the things you've done whilst projecting - the
people/entities you've met, the places you've been (both on the
physical and non-physical dimensions)?
i will continue to write articles as the mood strikes and
some will no doubt include snippets of my personal experiences.
on a larger scale though, with regard to my traveling
my goal has always been to leave most of the 'me' out of helping
folks to travel (as there is too much pomp among the 'experts'
already). however, due to my reader's requests for more me (thank
you friends and yikes), i have decided to give up on my
lack-de-ego. therefore, you'll find my traveling tales a'plenty
in book 3 (run while you can).
Alan, I just had a REALLY cool experience. Allow me to
describe it.
I'm lying in my bed, with two foam earplugs in my ears (I live in
an apartment complex with crazy college students), and these
earplugs, for some reason or another, allowed me to hear my own
heartbeat; like through a stethoscope.
I was getting more and more relaxed, my body was warm, and I was
listening to my heartbeat (slow now, and rather loud). It was
really comforting. I'm just drifting.
I begin to pull my consciousness away from my body, but it feels
like I'm trying to pull a boot out of really sticky mud.
Suddenly, my heartbeat quickens a LOT (or so it seemed). It felt
like it was going to jump out of my chest! My whole body tingled
and seemed like it was twitching or convulsing, though now that I
think about it I wasn't moving an inch. Wow! Here we go!
Then, POP (!)'s a dud. I slowly felt myself
becoming aware of my physical body again, and I sat up in my bed.
I'm still wired from this. I can't sit still, I have more energy
than I've had in a while. It was the biggest rush!
Now, my question is ('s are), do you think I actually left my
body? I think I might have, at least for an instant, but I'm not
sure. Did any of what I just described sound familiar? What do I
need to do at that point to get fully out?
Hugs and kisses,
(lol. okay, so i threw that last part in.)
my words backatcha Ned...
dynamo. that was an exciting story. and it looked cool in
italics; like it was zipping along at breakneck speed.
to your first question, i say yay Ned and 'dud' not say, ey?
(that sentence outta wake you up.) you did did did have a travel,
mostly. it's likely that you did leave your body for a blip or
two. but more to the point of your traveling...
(alan flails crazily and falls from the stage.)
you are describing an experience that is known world-wide. it's
everywhere and ya can't get away from it. it's coming to your
bedroom tonight! it's there now, hiding in the closet. AHHHHHhhh!
yeah, i know. i need some coffee. but back to my point. i've been
writing about traveling for years and so have other folks (not as
well of course, and they call it something stupid). now you Ned,
are writing about this familiar experience too. and i have this
to say about that; you speak truth heap big. keep at it. and
speaking of truth (or a heap of something), i have just answered
your last question. it was the sentence before this one.
Three questions from PetalPusher:
(Her words are in italic and mine are not.)
1. Can you have sex OOB with someone like say Alec Baldwin
or do they have to know or what?
well gee, that question is a first.
brushing aside the moral aspects of 'taking' Alec at your whim
(you wish):
if Mr. Baldwin was 'out' and you were out, and you met:
you might have relations of the nonphysical type. keep in mind
however, that Alec might not know he is out. he could be 'acting'
in a nonphysical
dream and have no idea that you are not actually part of it,
but an intruder. he might really be dreaming about Kimmy, when
you letch your way in. speaking of which, she might be out too
and on guard.
if, on the other hand, Alec was out and not dreaming:
he may be partially or fully aware of your rendezvous. he might
then complete the action, return to his bed, and interpret the
romp as a dream.
OR... he might remember the whole sorted affair!!! (lucky you.)
my advice to you Petal:
if you think Alec is aware of you, give him your phone number.
2. Once, when rolling over, I came face to face with a
white/transparent being with large eyes and a round face and no
hair. It seemed very pleasant; as if it were waiting for me to
speak to it. I looked it over a bit, then decided I just didn't
know what to think about it and I came back. I guess that scared
me a little bit. If you have any clues about this, please let me
this is really one of those areas in which only the traveler
can decide the meaning of the event (as you are the only
witness). but i'll kibbitz nonetheless. your guide? a reflection
of yourself without the trappings of a physical ego? another
traveler? a ghosty? a happy alien?
i suggest that the next time you meet your round-headed
friend, ask one question: "Who are you?"
3. Can you still travel if someone is sleeping next to you
or partially touching you?
yup. as a matter o' some fact (not much, but some), the
person you sleep next to, or in close proximity to (a few rooms
worth), is the person you're most likely to meet while
nonphysical. a few reasons for this are:
similar schedules.
emotional connection.
they're there and you're there.
of course, if they are jabbing you in the stomach as you
attempt to travel, you might wanna get a larger bed.
hi X-Gal. thank you for writing.
(This reader wants to know if she's on the right
here are your words in italic and mine not...
"I went to bed and figured I'd try to travel. I lay
there for what seemed like ages. Probably about half an
that's not much time X-Gal (you big show-off). for instance,
i can take upwards of an hour and fifteen to get properly staged
for traveling. now that's a lot o' laying around. whoa, that gets
dull quick. therefore, i rarely attempt a lift-out as soon as i
hop into bed.
instead, i grab a few hours of sleep, followed by a bunch of
minutes awake and then back to bed. this results in a much faster
physical shut-down and a smooth separation to go wherever i'm
"But then, I got bored, turned over and went to
lol. my point above, exactly.
"I was having this dream. In it, as I sat up, I felt
myself leave my body. So (of course) suddenly my full attention
was there. I am trying to remember this as much as possible
although it is a little hazy, but it was real. I know it was.
Anyway I lifted out and I was trying really hard to see my
surroundings, but I couldn't. I remember just knowing my
whereabouts. I was in my room. I tried really hard to open my
eyes but I remember thinking that if I opened them I would be
back in my body."
oops. bad X-Gal. bad bad X-Gal. (grin.) if you think that
way, it might occur. to quote myself (redundant behavior at its
"While traveling, thought equals action."
and also, umm...
"Random thoughts are a pain in the butt."
hmm. don't quote me on that second one i guess.
you can confuse yourself into returning to the physical by
focusing on a thought such as:
"...thinking that if I opened them (your eyes) I
would be back in my body."
eep. that's a rubberband back to bed X-Gal. so stop thinking
that way. and while you're busy not doing that which i said not
to do, be sure to move twenty or more feet away from your
physical whether you can see or not.
which bring us to...
"I remember feeling a wall. I tried getting out of the
door. I wish I had left it open. I think it must be very hard to
overcome the feelings of what would be impossible in the physical
world, suddenly becoming possible."
bingo again. stop thinking that way. you are already out of
body. you feel it. rather than looking for the impossible,
examine all the real aspects of this new-to-you environment. buck
up traveler and PUSH through! you can do it!
"Then, with one last try, I went to the window. I
stood on the ledge and told myself very firmly that I would be
able to fly out, and guess what? I did, and it was the most
amazing feeling. I tried really hard, but I still could not see
anything down below. Yet I knew without a doubt I was flying. It
was incredible."
ta da. you rock. i knew you could do it. WOO WOO WOO
(alan trips on his pompoms.)
"And then for some reason, I was back; eyes open,
wide awake. It wasn't the kind of awake you get after a few hours
sleep either. It was like I had laid down and then instantly got
up again. Which convinced me further that this had been no
what a lovely time you had X-Gal. it included...
A romp around your room.
An attempt to see (which will soon be a success).
A trip though the looking glass (your bedroom window).
And then back to bed.
bravo. you are well on your way to lots more travelin'.
Alan. Read book. Very good. Let's talk. I need to know if
you are for real.
hello Pooch. thank you for writing.
yes, i am real. i think. (therefore i am, most of the time.)
but if i'm not real, this email is also not here, being read by
you, who should not exist either because why would a real person
write to a fictitious person? poof, we both disappear in a puff
of near-logic.
alternate response to your question:
yes. or no. yes, make it a no. no, make it a maybe with a perhaps
thrown in and an extra-affirmitive on top, in place of the
"I am trying to get my six year old son interested in
traveling. How can I get him to be interested in this without
overwhelming him?"
hmm. what i know about kids could fit in a thimble, Mr.
but i'll give it a go based on what i might try if (ha) i ever
did procreate. (eep. just what the planet needs; a little version
of me.)
you could begin by discussing dreams with him. start by
telling him a light-hearted tale of a "dream" you
recall that involves flying (or any other similar free-feeling
experience). let him know, through your words, that dreams are
interesting and fun to recall. then, ask him to share a dream
that he's had of flying (or running or swimming or...).
as he recalls his dreams, help him to pull out the details
with specific questions. (i.e., "Where were you flying to?
What color was the sky?") this will increase his awareness
during future events.
you don't really need to say anything at first about actual
traveling (which may be happening already). simply allow your son
to move towards an acceptance of dreaming.
as your talks continue (if he's pressure),
you can branch into a new discussion of dreams that seem VERY
REAL to him. if he's had any, he'll know it. and due to your
chats, the odds are better that vivid lucid-dreams and traveling
will occur. after awhile, your exchange upon real-dreams can
branch into the 'possibility' of traveling beyond the body.
lastly, traveling can be scary (take vibe
for example). try not to bring any fearful thoughts into your
discussions. and if your son has any frights of dreaming or
traveling, do your best (as any good parent would:) to calm and
help him through the thoughts. it's a lot less scary when you
hello Kirby. thanks for the read.
i'd be glad to answer that question. in fact, i'd be extra glad.
from your words (italic),now mixed with my words
I've had lucid dreams in the past.
While lucid dreams are pretty neat, I really would like to
good twice.
I lie down, do some relaxation exercises and deep breathing.
fine and dandy.
Pretty much every time I try I can become very, very relaxed.
here's the problem but it's not really a problem. more in a
But then, I don't know what to do.
now, that's a problem. have you read my books and articles
yet? :^)
I'm lying there, with my mind clear and my body relaxed, and
nothing happens.
okay, we're back to the other problem again that's not really a
problem. guess what it is.
I've never felt the vibrations or anything.
well duh. (i amuse me.) so again, what is the actual problem
that's not really a problem but more of a step towards your
traveling goal? (you hear wacky banjo plinking of the Jeopardy
no, that's not the problem that's not really a problem but
rather a step towards...oh, you get the idea. and stop talking to
yourself. i can't actually hear your answer. this is just pretend
chatting. it's not? then i can hear your thoughts! oh my gosh,
this is great! oh wait. that's my dog's thoughts i'm hearing.
he's quoting Plato again. dang, that's annoying.
here's why you are not traveling Kirby (in my opinionated
opinion). you are not at the awake/asleep
line. oh, you may be nice and relaxed but that's not enough. you
must go beyond a clear mind and a mildly relaxed body to travel.
you must reach the very edge of sleep and teeter on the brink of
unconsciousness! AAAAAHHhhhh!
you should let yourself slip from that vantage of
clear-thinking relaxation. simply allow your physical to continue
a path towards sleep and move your thoughts there too, one click
at a time. you 'give' a little to reach the aw/as line and get it
back later.
then Kirby, when you do begin to notice vivid dream-like
imagery (lucid or otherwise), that's your cue to pull back from
the edge of sleep and re-direct yourself to your traveling plan.
also, as you mention it, when you reach the aw/as line, you
will most likely experience the signals
of vibe or pseudo sight/sound (etc.) that have been absent thus
far. (what kind of word is thus?)
hello Cloudhopper. thanks for the good read. you lead an
interesting life. let's get down to it, by re-capping your words
(in italics) with my chatter stuck in here and there (mostly
there and without italics).
Hi Alan. My wife gets up at 4:30 a.m. to go to work. I've
been getting up with her and, after she leaves, I settle in to my
recliner in the living room and attempt a travel.
that's a perfect opportunity for a nonphysical event C.H.
you're mentally refreshed from a few hours sleep. you're
mostly-alert-but-still-kinda-relaxed. your physical is at ease,
and moves quickly again towards a full you
recline...and then...and then...(dramatic pause)...
1) The experience always begins with me...feeling
movement, even though my physical is not moving. I then simply
walk across the room.
2) I am able to pass easily through walls and doors,
although I can feel the structures as I pass through them.
3) The colors, when I do see them, are extremely bright,
sharp and defined. I am a little excited, but I still wonder if
it all isn't some kind of self-induced lucid dream.
Do you have any advice as to how to get more control
let me begin with some re-run thoughts that i've written on
this topic and then finish up with some more yakaty yak.
Travel Trap Question 9:
The best way to sharpen your awareness while traveling is to...
___focus your attention on your nonphysical actions.
___ask inquisitive-wanna-know-ponder-this-and-that questions.
___the first and second answers.
___the third answer. (I wonder how many of you will miss this
Simple instructions, repeated a number of times prior to your
attempts at traveling, can trigger the switch from a lucid-dream
to WOW.
For example (as I have nothing better to do):
"I will become fully aware and in control, when I reach the
mountain top I have seen in my dreams."
"I will wake up when I float to the ceiling again. I will
become very alert and aware when I reach the ceiling."
And the moral is: "Travels are tricky" (yeah, so
I'm no Aesop). If you think that you have come back from a
remarkably clear and defined adventure beyond your physical body,
think again. For although you may be absolutely correct, and your
awareness of the travel is first-rate, you may still gloss over
some key points of the travel.
Additionally, you should attempt to remove those parts of
your travel that seem clouded by dreams (either within the
physical or while nonphysical), so that you may reveal only the
true elements of the event.
A few examples (as I always have those laying around):
*** Note the compass-direction of your travel: N-S-E-W (does it
correspond with the events and locations that you have
*** Note the events and individuals (physical or non) that you
*** Note light and color variance; temperature change; scents.
*** Note any thoughts that you recall from your travel.
Utilizing a breakdown of ideas like these, can help you to
pinpoint the true aspects of your travels.
and lastly (although i have blabbed many more places on this
topic)... please read the article, Dreaming 101
i promised you some ending yakaty Cloudhopper, so here it is.
awareness is what you make of the event at the time of the travel
and the interpretation afterward. it's the abilty to separate the
facts of the event from dream snippets and other subconscious
norms. awareness is not an answer but rather a question...did i?
did i actually go there?
did i see what i saw?
did i feel what i felt?
did i really-really travel beyond the physical?
well, if ya think that there is the slightest possibility of
a yes answer to any of those questions, then you are halfway to
full awareness. so now, go out and get the other half. take what
you have experienced and decide from the details, what is real
and what is unreal. and don't forget; just because something is
unexpected or different from what you know, does not necessarily
make it unreal.
hello M. thank you for writing.
(This gent asks for my thoughts regarding his nonphysical event.)
let's recap from your words. (my responses are in
"I was in my room listening to a self hypnotic tape
that is geared toward achieving an out of body experience. When
it was over, I turned over to take a nap and all of a sudden
there was a rumbling all over my body. (vibration, of
course.) When the rumbling reached my head I felt a tearing
sensation in my back and then I rose up out of my body. (Houston,
we have lift-out!) There appeared to be a mobile above my head
but there is nothing like that in my room."
yup, an incident of the unexpected. it happens. it could be a
few things M. it might be that you're having a near-lucid dream
or pseudo-sight just outside the physical body. try moving 20
feet away, to see if the surprise images persist.
you might also be mistaken about the room you're in. i.e.,
while looking for similarities to your room, you may overlook the
differences that show it is not your room at all. you might first
be elsewhere and then, as you think of your room, move back there
in a flash. and that concept brings us to...
the wonders of time/space perception. i.e., what TIME were
you THERE? i was quite sure that there WAS/IS a mobile there in
2007. you might wanna go back and check a calendar.
so, you pick which it is or ain't. my advice, regardless of
the cause, is to simply stay focused and find as much 'real' as
you can, wherever you end up.
"My perception was blurry but I remembered to think,
I want to see. My vision became clearer but it was too bright to
see details in the hall. It was about 3 pm."
good time o' day to be blinded by the light. it can be bright
bright bright bright. i wrote about that in an article (and
elsewhere too) titled Reverse
Psychology ©.
even in pitch M, there is a delightful glow. so try thinking
of the bright as umm...radiant rather than harsh...vivid and
awake, rather than loud. this should help you to acclimate to the
physical environment, as witnessed through the 'eyes' of the
"I proceded to move down the hall and at a left turn
I blacked out again and suddenly with no feeling at all I was
back in my body."
tada. the end of a successful, mostly-controlled travel.
congratulations M.
hello Dr Bombay. thank you for sharing your traveling
your written words:
"Hey.... waitaminit..... I can't move. Gads, I must be
asleep! And from there I sort of popped out of my body. Very
easily. It's almost creepy."
lol. 'gads' is a great word. it's that spark of recognition.
it's like eep, only more obvious.
yes, it can be amazingly easy to lift-out from the physical.
it can be so easy in fact, that you might wonder why it took so
long to accomplish it. then, often on the very next travel
attempt, it can be difficult again (of course, this will not be a
problem for you, Dr. Bombay:).
i call this ironic sometimes-ya-can-and-can't-travel, the
'lull-factor'. as described like so...umm, hang on. let me go
find that section. i'll be right back. i'm back. cool trick, huh?
okay here it is.
a few lines from...
An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Sequel
Section: THE NUMBER ONE QUESTION, Sub-Section: The Lull-Factor
© 2001 A. Guiden All Rights Reserved
"The Lull-Factor is the time between the last really
cool thing that happened to you nonphysically, and the next
really cool thing. The lull could be a few days, a few weeks, or
longer. You try this, you try that and nothing happens. Well, ya
want my advice? (Nod your online head, yes.)
My advice is:
Don't let the lulls get to you. Before long, you'll have another
travel to call your last travel before the last lull which had
three travels before that lull and those really nifty travels
before that previous lull. It's the ups and downs of the
but, as i have said Dr. Bombay, you will not have any problem
jumping in and out of your physical at whim. you will be a
remarkable traveler among travelers. you will be a traveler of
great conquest and marvel. well, you will. so there.
hello Broomhilda. thanks for the read of your recent
experience. as you ask for my opinion, yes, it does sound like a
nonphysical event to me. here's a breakdown of your words
(important trumpet music begins to toot)...
you write:
I was just going to sleep and I remember thinking (as I very
usually do) that this would be an ideal time for practicing. Some
minutes later I felt myself leaving my body (I don't know if even
then I was completely conscious). I felt the same intense fear as
usual although not as strong, but I told myself over and over
again not to be afraid.
my turn:
good. don't be afraid! that's the exact attitude to take. fear is
a common emotion prior to a lift-out from the physical.
a snippet:
An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Sequel ©
"It's sometimes difficult to remain calm while traveling
from the physical. This overwhelming emotion is due, in part, to
the actual incredibleness (look it up) of the event. But your
emotional highs AND lows are also affected by your nonphysical
proximity to your physical body. Near the physical, less
desirable emotions (than those associated with incredibleness)
may also amplify without restraint.
Fear is one of the not-so-fun amplified emotions that may
occur close to your physical. A brush with amplified fear can
easily drag you back into yourself. There doesn't even need to be
a cause for the alarm. One second you're slightly wary, the next
second you're terrified, and by the third second, you're back in
your physical. However, once you are a few feet (20 of them) from
your physical, this emotion-boost of highs or lows decreases.
Then, you may continue your travel with clearer thoughts."
you write some more:
I remember being over on one side of the room and trying
desperately hard to fly out the window, I tried this over and
over again, but everytime I got to the window I just blacked out
and found myself back over to the other side of the room.
it sounds like a travel, almost.
in this case Broomhilda, your control was not quite all there, so
you got snapped back to physical (but you're on your way to more
your black-outs are also due to that lack of complete
control. they may occur occasionally, as you train yourself to
STAY AWAKE and exist outside the norm of the physical
environment. staying awake is a gradual skill like umm...ballet
or bowling. (alan slips into his leotard and picks up the 7-10
split.) you'll soon get past the window. and speaking of those
panes, here's some more info, regarding obstacles (windows or
walls or boulders or) from a physical perspective...
another snippet:
Thoughts © Article Archive:
"There are two reasons you may encounter something (like a
physical window) blocking your way:
1. Your nonphysical is vibrating very close to that of the
physical environment.
2. You may have a bit too much "you" with you. In the
most general sense, you have brought along some of your physical
density as you travel.
Either situation is easily overcome by a strong desire to get
past the physical object. It is this focus that triggers an
increase in the speed at which you vibrate, and reduces the
amount of density you're hauling with you."
back to you (this is like ping-pong):
Then I think I was back in my body but then leaving it again...I
was the wrong way up floating above near the ceiling...I felt
really disorientated, but I wasn't afraid.
my turn:
sounds like a good time. i laugh at some of my early travels for
the way i must have looked, banging into things and getting
"lost" (which really can't happen, as you are attached
to the physical).
back to your words:
Then I must have just relaxed into a dream because I remember
hovering above Mr. Potato Head (my boyfriend) and he was cleaning
a stain on the bedroom carpet, but I know he was asleep all
me again:
tell Mr. Potato Head to get some sleep and knock off the cleaning
at all hours. (grin) seriously, Mr. Potato Head may have been
'out' too and running a pattern of semi-conscious or
sub-conscious thought.
as Mr. Potato Head's physical sleeps, (it detests late-night
cleaning), Mr. P.H. simply takes another route, that allows him
to finish his agenda. it happens all the time. it could be due to
a chore left undone, or a craving for a sip of late-night orange
juice (i get that one all the time), or concern for a loved one
(baby, dog, fish, gerbil). in short (too late), any
i-wanna-be-there-but-i'm-snoring-in-bed-so-i-can't might launch
your non.
Mr. Potato Head could really be sleeping in bed and that's all
there is to that. therefore Broomhilda, you are having a
near-to-physical and/or within-the-physical semi-lucid dream. in
other words, you're making it up. but with practice, your ability
to remain sharp will increase. soon, you will be less likely to
slip into a dream (in or out of your physical).
congratulations Broomhilda and continued success.
Traveling Beyond The
Body w/ Alan Guiden ©
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