Hi again. Back from the library already? That was quick. Did the librarian scan your card? Do you have your relaxation methods all picked out? Do they relax your body, while helping you to stay alert and maintain your control? Good. (As if I can hear you. Please stop talking to yourself.)
I'd now like to point out the obvious for those of you who don't require the prep work it took me twenty-eight years to figure out.
You may be one of those blessed individuals with a natural ability for relaxed control. You may have no problem reaching the awake/asleep line. You may have a highly focused command of your thoughts and control your dreams and travel with ease. If this is you, you're truly gifted. And please knock it off. You're making the rest of us look bad. And I think I speak for us all when I say, so there. Our average motto is, "Practice makes experts."