Traveling: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Handbook
by Alan Guiden
© copyright 2001 A.Guiden All Rights Reserved

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Now that I've explained some signals that may greet your attempts at a direct lift-out, I'd like to again refresh your memory. (Refreshing like a cool mountain stream.) A quick-travel may bypass any signals prior to a lift-out from your physical, because your goal is to "be somewhere" with as little fuss as possible. Your nonphysical may then respond less to your conscious desire, than to your subconscious desire, during that quick-travel. If this occurs, you may lose your control temporarily while your goal is being reached. Accomplishing a direct lift-out is just one step past initiating a quick-travel. A direct lift-out is a method that you would consciously choose and control to separate from the physical. As you progress in your traveling, your lift-outs will be quicker and easier from the awake/asleep line.

There. Now you are completely refreshed. Except for that spot behind your left ear. Oh, that's a dime. I see. No, I don't see actually. Why would you glue a dime behind your left ear? Uh huh. So you know that you always have some change left. That's even worse than some of my jokes.

Keep in mind that a quick-travel utilizes a visual-destination (or goal) that is general in action and accomplished immediately. A quick-travel is your instruction to get somewhere or do something NOW!

To initiate a direct lift-out and travel, you utilize a more defined visual-destination. You give yourself instructions with more exact intentions. You direct your nonphysical one action at a time, rather than all-at-once.

Tease Training To Direct A Lift-Out:
As you approach the awake/asleep line, begin to concentrate on rolling over or of changing your position from whatever it happens to be as your physical body sleeps.

Tell yourself that you're going to move at any moment. Don't attempt to actually awaken your slumbering physical, but tell yourself that you're planning to move. Tease yourself into thinking that a move is imminent. (Na na na na na.) Why do you do this? (Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell ya.) You're triggering a thought process that says to prepare for movement because here it comes. It's as if you were physically going to scratch an itch. There's the itch and a thought process that precedes the actual movement to scratch it, but you don't allow yourself to do so. In your thought process, the trigger to scratch has already occurred, and a stress of desire builds until you either allow yourself to scratch, talk your way out of the itch, or scratch without even recognizing that you're doing so. It's the same with telling yourself a move is about to happen. You're telling yourself that you desire to move. You build it up further by preparing to move. Any moment now you're going to move. Getting ready. Here you go. You're going to move at any second now. But you don't allow your physical to move from sleep. You just keep triggering the thought process that says you're about to move. And of course, you can guess what happens. (I guess you can guess.) The physical continues to sleep while your nonphysical reacts to the teasing and slips out of sync to fulfill your desire. Your choice in the way you tease your nonphysical body into moving will result in differing methods of lift-out (roll-out right or left, jump-out,slide-out, float-out, spin-out, etc., all describe the motion of separation). You may not even realize that you've moved nonphysically instead of physically unless you check (as my earlier included entry of November 9, 1980 revealed). On another occasion, I was halfway to my front door to find my newspaper before I discovered that my physical had never left the bed.

After you've experimented with this method of direct lift-out a few times, you'll soon find that you require only a whim of decision to lift-out, without all the teasing. Your intent to move nonphysically has been recognized and recorded as your usual practice. You bypass the learning process used initially and go straight to a direct lift-out on command. It becomes as nonphysically routine as, "I'm going to sit up now" or "I'm going to roll over to the other side of the bed now" or "I'm going to float to the ceiling now" or "I'm going to go check on the morning paper now." (Take your physical though, if you have any plans to pick up the paper.)

It's best, as you become more proficient at direct lift-out, to lift-out with an intent of moving at least twenty or so feet from the physical. I'll tell you why in step six.

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