I felt it would be helpful to give you an example of how a potential travel might play out. It should be a travel that includes a bunch of what I've been writing about. My diary entries are oh so fascinating (uh huh), but they primarily highlight only one or two aspects of something I've learned. Therefore, I've culled various entries from my collection and assembled the following.
Nonever 33, 2001
I was intent upon some traveling last night
after my long day of writing. Towards this goal, I first took a
brief bike ride to calm my body.
Then, to calm my thoughts, I took a shower by candlelight and
listened to some ducks quacking proudly outside my bedroom
As I reclined in my bed, I planned my travel. I wanted to visit my old neighborhood back in Maryland. Since it's a long way off from where I live now, I planned to first lift-out and go to my nearby gazebo. From there, I could then direct a quick-travel to the old neighborhood rather than meandering all the way there. Once I reached my destination, I'd tool around the neighborhood and the woods where I played as a younger me.
My relaxation method soon brought me to the awake/asleep line. As I gathered my control, I felt a quick surge and then some smooth vibe located around my lower torso. I immediately focused on moving the vibe by whirlpool method to full-body.
The vibe seemed right after a short time, so I directed a spin-out and went through my bedroom window to the ground below. It was a moonless night but everything still shimmered in the glow of all things nonphysical. I moved away quickly from the window because I felt a close-to-physical tug of my cord.
As I reached the gazebo, I spied my egg-raised, big-and-mouthy duck, BooBoo (because that's what she was), lounging in the water. I took a moment to detail her markings. This helped to hone my awareness for the quick-travel.
I reached with attachment for the old neighborhood and quickly began to move in that direction. My vision blurred, and I felt the incredible speed of the travel. After about ten seconds, my vision cleared as I began to slow. I came to float about fifteen feet above the ground in the backyard of where I grew up. Talk about a good landing.
I took off exploring as I'd planned to do. I flew through the woods and up the near-vertical trail I'd climbed on my way to school. I ventured to the creek and rock where I'd hung out on summer nights. I went over my street and took it to the end, where it emptied onto the main roads. There were new buildings where once was woods. At last, I visited my nearby elementary school playground. I explored the large, open-air, upper level. I then rose to a few hundred feet and scanned the sleeping neighborhood.
I decided it was time to return, so I felt for the direction to travel and slowly moved towards my physical. I allowed the speed to increase gradually until it blurred, and I was soon near my home again. I saw another traveler outside my complex, but I couldn't discern any messages or intent being broadcast. I sent a brief greeting but avoided an invitation due to that lack of communication. Perhaps they were not aware that they were traveling and were only dreaming their actions. I moved off to below my bedroom window and floated gently up. I went back through the glass and spun-in a reverse of the way I'd left. I could feel the charge throughout my body, and I lay quietly thinking about my travel, committing it to my physical memory for a later entry.