This is the autobiography of, and the first book by, the famous
and controversial Israeli psychic known throughout the world as
the man who - apparently by force of will - bends keys and spoons,
who mends broken radios and stopped watches, and who has demonstrated
in controlled experiments at the University of London, at the
Stanford Research Institute, and elsewhere, staggering extra-sensory
It is Uri's own story, in his own words, of his incredible powers.
'It amazes me,' he says, 'every time these things happen. I want
to jump up and point them out to people.' And it also tells of
Uri's ambivalence about what he can do and about the enigma it
poses. 'I ask myself why does it have to be watches, keys, metals?
Why do they throw me symbols?'
Here, too, is the story of how Uri came to reaise his powers
and of how they affected him. His was a normal childhood (with
loving though divorced parents, dogs, a dislike of school, typically
adolescent adventures), except that strange and embarrassing things
seemed to happen when Uri was around. He describes an event in
a 'magical mystery garden' when he was three or four. He recalls
his first telepathic and clairvoyant experiences: reading his
mother's mind, on several occasions sensing potential disasters,
shocking his school-teachers when he took tests and wrote compositions
('Many times mine was exactly the same as the guy's sitting five
chairs behind me'). He reveals a fantastic incident that occurred
while he was training in the Israeli Army and tells of his uncanny
foreknowledge about combat in the Six-Day War (he knew he would be wounded).
And he describes his first public appearance, an event that started
a new life for him, propelling him into international celebrity.
Since then he has baffled audiences and scientists everywhere.
URI GELLER: MY STORY goes beyond anything written elsewhere about
this extraordinary man. It tells of Uri's experiments with distinguished
scientists - tests that verify beyond doubt the existence of his
powers. It describes the series of broadcasts in Europe-when psychic
energies were transferred from Uri to viewers in their own homes.
It reports the strange and apparently interrelated phenomena that
began in Israel: voices speaking from tape recorders, objects
levitating or disappearing and reappearing, encounters with flying
saucers. And it ends with the strangest event of all - one never
before revealed - at once the, epitome and the culmination of
all that has gone before.
Uri Geller's autobiography is a story that staggers the mind.
URI GELLER, in addition to appearing before audiences throughout
the world, had recorded an album of his songs that is now being
distributed internationally. He recently signed a contract with
the Robert Stigwood Organization (producers of Jesus Christ,
Superstar and Tommy) for a film based on URI GELLER:
Jacket design by Roy Kuhlman
Jacket photograph by Shipi Shtrang
ISBN 0 903895 45 5
Robson Books
28 Poland Street, London W1V 3DB
I have tested Uri Geller in my laboratory at King's College, London
University, with specially designed apparatus.
The Geller Effect-of metal bending-is clearly not brought about
by fraud. It is so exceptional that it presents a crucial challenge
to modern science, and could even destroy the latter if no explanation
becomes available.
DR. HAROLD E. PUTHOFF and RUSSELL TARG Stanford Research Institute
We have observed certain phenomena with the subjects [including
Uri Geller] for which we have no scientific explanation.
DR. DAVID BOHM and DR. JOHN HASTED Birkbeck College, University
of London
We feel if similar tests are made later, enough instances of this
kind will probably accumulate, so that there will be no room for
reasonable doubt that some new process is involved here, which
cannot be accounted for or explained in terms of the present known
laws of physics. Indeed, we already feel that we have gone some
distance toward this point.
"Is he a fraud or a phenomenon as he bends metal by what
he contends is the power of his mind alone and performs telepathic
feats with a considerable degree of accuracy? The fact that even
respected scientists who have tested the 28-year-old Israeli under
controlled conditions, supposedly cheat-proof laboratory conditions,
are asking that question opens up a whole new bag of possibilities
for an adventurous mind."
-Chicago Daily News
"The scientific community has been put on notice 'that there
is something worthy of their attention and scrutiny' in the possibilities
of extra-sensory perception. With those words the respected British
journal 'Nature' called on scientists to join - or refute - millions
of non-scientists who believe human consciousness has more capabilities
for real perception than the five senses."
-New York Times editorial
"I have tested Uri Geller in my laboratory at King's College,
London University, with specially designed apparatus. The Geller
Effect - of metal bending is clearly not brought about by fraud.
It is so exceptional that it presents a crucial challenge to modern
science, and could even destroy the latter if no explanation becomes
-Professor J. G. Taylor
"Under doubly strict laboratory conditions, Targ and Puthoff
said 'No magician has been able to duplicate through trickery
the psychic feats performed by Uri Geller and others. Some won't
even try.'
-Los Angeles Times
"I found every page of URI GELLER: MY STORY exciting and
exhilarating.... Anybody who can read should read MY STORY so
they can know how wonderful and limitless are their potentials."
-Gloria Swanson
URI GELLER: MY STORY will have great success with the reading
public, as it should, since there is no question in my mind but
that Uri's talents are real, and awesome and extremely important
to today's world."
-Ruth Montgomery
"Geller's autobiography is must reading for those whose tastes
lean toward either the scientific or the psychic."
-Detroit Sunday News
"One hundred years ago we'd have burned Uri Geller at the
stake. Now we put him on the Johnny Carson Show. We've come a
long way."
-James Fadiman, Stanford University
"A group of French scientists say that Israeli telepathist
Uri Geller. . . is probably endowed with special powers."
- Chicago Tribune
This book is dedicated to those who have worked, contributed,
and loved for the past two and one-half years and especially to
my mother and father, who devoted all their efforts and energies
to bringing me up into something so unbelievable and so unknown.
First Printing: April, 1976
Copyright © 1975 by Uri Geller This edition © 1976 by
Uri Geller All rights reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 74-25462
ISBN 0-446-89025- 1
Lyrics from "The Day," p. 60, "Mood," p. 63,
ore all © copyright 1974 by Kadima Productions, Inc., and
are reproduced by permission of Kadima Productions, Inc.
This Warner Books Edition is published by arrangement with Praeger
Publishers, Inc.
Photograph section designed by Thomas Nozkowski
Cover photograph by Shipi Shtrang
Warner Books, Inc., 75 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10019
A Warner Communications Company
Printed in Canada.
Not associated with Warner Press, Inc. of Anderson, Indiana
Many people have helped me as I was writing my book and otherwise.
I thank you: Charles Anderson, Mark and Dianne Anderson, Bob Banker,
Robert and Stephanie Barrat, Dr. Edward Bastin, Michael Bentine,
Dr. David Bohm, Jim Bolen, Bryce Bond, Dr. Dean Brown, Sara Bursak,
Eldon Byrd, Zmira Chen, Solveig Clark and her family, Bart Cox,
James and Brenda Crenshaw, Iris Davidesco, David Dimbleby, Arnold
Dolin, Mike Douglas, Sir Val Duncan, Albert Ducrocq, Peter and
Anita Edler, Moshe Farkash, Wolfang Foges Dr. Wilbur Franklin,
John G. FulIer, Margaret Geller, Tibor and Eva Geller, Ingrid
Goldberg, Vicki Golden, Felice Gordon, Merv Griffin, Dr. John
Hasted, Ron and Nancy Hawke, Peter Hielscher, Rani Hirsh, Jim
and Desiree Mazel Hurtak, Brian Inglis, Byron and Maria Janis,
Stefan Janis, Joker, Joselito and Joseline Jacinto, Yasha Katz,
Betty Kenworthy, Kasey Kirby, Ephraim Kishon, Rae Knight, Ed Koster,
Jesse and Pat Lasky, Benjamin and Anita Levi, Larry and Gloria
Lighter, Michael Magzis, Ron and Carmen Markham, Marquis of Bath,
Jean Mayo, Bruce Merrin, Kevin McCormick, Capt. Edgar Mitchell
and Anita, Richard Moore, Del Newman, Maxine Nightingale, Dr.
Glenn Olds and Eva, Brendan O'Regan, Charles Panati, Gidon and
Lea Peleg, Hagai and Ruth Pinsker, Jose Lopez-Portillo, Muncy
and family, Dr. Andrija- Puharich, Dr. Harold and Adrienne Puthoff,
Dotson Rader, David and Sue Richardson, Piri Rosner, Amnon and
Roni Rubinstein, Lo Sachs, Dr. Louis and Edna Shenkman, Dr. Michael
and Ralla Shenkman, Don Scheuch, Werner Schmid and Brothers, Ioav
Shacham, Shipi Shtrang, Arie, Hava and Hanna Shtrang, Soshi and
Iaakov Shtrang, Bob and Judy Skutch, Frame Smith, Ray and Mary
Kathryn Stanford, Robert Stigwood, George Swanson, Russell and
Joan Targ, Prof. John Taylor, Telos and Venus, John and Sue Tishman,
Melanie Toyofuku, Tzuki, Charles Van Doren, Trina and Frida Vatter
and their family, Lyall Watson, Arnold Weissberger, Dr. Paul and
Maudine Wheeler, Bob Williamson and Candace, Dolly and Kelly Williamson,
Priscilla Williamson, C. V. and Joanne Wood, Jun Ichi Yaoi, Ila
Zibell, and to all my friends around the world.
To all detractors and skeptics, I give love.
April, 1976
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