uri geller

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Let us all focus all our prayers to all the people that are suffering from the immense tragedy in New York on September 11th.
Islam a religion of peace
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John Alexander
Former Staff Officer
National Security Agency
Is chaos necessary?
uri geller
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Uri Geller's Full Biography


Uri Geller - Full Biography

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Translation by Systran

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"Uri" in Hebrew translates to "My light"

One theory is that the name derives from the Yiddish word for yellow (blond) hair �geyl� and hence one of our ancestors who had yellow (blond) hair assumed the name Geyler or Geller. According to Alexander Beider's A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames Prom the Russian Empire, the definitive 760 page book on the subject of Ashkenazic names, the name was prevalent in many forms throughout eastern Europe. Some of the variants include Geler, Gelir, Kheler, Gellerov, Eler, Elert, Geyler, Giller etc. Beider maintains that the name originates from the town of Schwabish-Hall in Wuttemberg Germany. He continues that the name Heller (German spelling) existed in Schwaben (Swabia) already in the 16th century. Lippman ha-Levi Heller (1579-1654) was rabbi in Prague, Nemirov (Podolia), Vladimir (Vclhynia) and Crocow. He also states that the bearers of this surname were numerous in Vienna in the 17th century and were of Levite origin.

God's most trusted and powerful Archangel is called Uriel ... which means God is my Light; God is Light; or Radiation of God; or God is the radiating principle of Light; or Fire of God.

Uriel is the spirit of ministration and peace. Uriel helps turn our worst disappointments into our greatest blessings. He is the Archangel of salvation. Uriel teaches the path of the heart, the fire of pure Love. Without this pure Love and devotion to Spirit, all spiritual study remains an intellectual pursuit. Uriel's symbol of an open hand holding a flame depicts a great gift to humanity. It is the flame of Love to ignite the heart in service to God. Uriel holds out the flame of Love towards all souls. The soul by filling with the flame of Love becomes devoted to serving Yahweh's plan. Uriel's flame of Love, the fire of God, the Light of God, purifies emotional and mental understanding transmuting the lower vibrations into frequencies that can assimilate Spiritual Understanding. The planet that Uriel is associated with is Venus, the planet symbolizing love.


Uri Geller became well known for a few scientifically unexplained phenomena. They are:

  1. Telepathy (Extrasensory perception - the ability to receive someone's thought pattern and transmit images in a similar manner.)
  2. Dowsing - Finding the location of precious minerals, by using what I believe to be my powers.
  3. Bending, breaking and softening metal and other solids with the power of the mind, e.g. spoons, keys etc, more rarely plastic and glass.
  4. Fixing broken watches and appliances, and using collective power, influencing the Big Ben to stop.
  5. Moving compasses with the power of thought
  6. Erasing computer tapes and disks.
  7. Sprouting, causing tiny seeds (mainly red radish) to grow a few centimetres in seconds.

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unorthodox encountersUnorthodox Encounters
Soul-baring, disturbing, mind- expanding, sometimes funny and often bursting with chutzpah, the collected thoughts, writings and experiences of the world's most famous paranormalist are compulsive reading.
psychic and the rabbiPsychic and the Rabbi
"The two men are clearly close and intimate friends, and through their exchanges we discover our own humanity".
Now in Japanese, Spanish and Greek. Soon in more languages.
Parascience Pack
comes with high-quality brass dowsing rods, genuine rock crystal and much, much more for testing,enhancing or using your psi abilities
Mindpower Kit
Now in Spanish for both European and South American markets. Also Greek and Portugese.
Mind Medicine
Now in Dutch, Slovenian, Hungarian, Greek, Japanese, German, Spanish and Portugese! Soon in more languages.
Little book of Mindpower
Now in Portugese, Greek and Dutch.
To find and acquire all of Uri's older books go to http://www.alibris.com/
and type in Uri Geller's name in the search box.
There is no spoon - The Matrix
This Morning ITV - 19-02-2002
Music inspired by Uri
Ken Russell's Film Mindbender
Ken Russell's film Mindbender, was inspired by Geller's life story, Uri himself appears at the end of the film for an interactive psychic experiment.
Geller with Vice President Al Gore,
Yuli M. Vorontsov, First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union and Anthony Lake (then National Security advisor, later head of the CIA), and Senator Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Uri's task was to mentally bombard Yuli Vorontsov and the group at the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty Negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland, to sign the nuclear treaty, which they did.
Dave Stewart's wedding
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