Moose / Elks / Buffaloes / Eagles Library

A collection of rituals and documentation of orders named after animals.

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

Loyal Order of the Moose

Ritual, 1975
Ritual, 1984
Ritual Legion of the Moose, 1990
Ritual Moose Legion, 1991
Ritual of the Degree of Purity, Great Britain, 1979 
Ritual and Chapter Business Procedure Women of the Moose, 1980
Ritual and Chapter Business Procedure Women of the Moose, 1997
Ritual of the Moosehaert Legion of the World, n.d. 
Handbook Women of the Moose, 1959
Handbook Women of the Moose, 1997
Constitution and General Laws, 1984
Constitution and By-Laws of Moose International and Loyal Order of the Moose, 2004
Back of the Dream – Story of the Loyal Order of Moose, 1952

Benevolent Protective Order of Elks

Ritual of Subordinate Lodges Grand Lodge BPOE, 1931
Ritual of Subordinate Lodges Grand Lodge BPOE, 1946
Ritual of Subordinate Lodges Grand Lodge BPOE, 1963 
Ritual of Subordinate Lodges Grand Lodge BPOE, 1979
Ritual of the BPOE Canada and Newfoundland, 1924
Rituals of Special Services BPOE, 1964 
Ritual and FloorWork of the Royal Order of Purple, Auxiliary to the BPOE of Canada, 1973
Constitution and Statutes BPOE, 1983-1984
By-Laws and Rules of Order, BPOE-lodge,1941
By-Laws and Rules of Order, BPOE-lodge,1951
History of the Order of Elks 1868 – 1978
The Story of Elkdom

Supreme Emblem Club

                Ritual, 1968
                Handbook for Officers and Chairmen, 1981  

Improved, Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks of the World

Ritual of a Subordinate Lodge, 1986  
Rules, Regulations, Ritual of Companies, Mounted Patrols and Unites of Antlered Guard, 1946 
The only official Granbd Lodge Lectures Book of the I.B.P.O.E., 1986
Lectures of the Daughters of the I.B.P.O.E., 1918
Constitution and By-Laws, I.B.P.O.E.,1962  

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes

Procedure in Lodges, 1958
Manual of Instruction, including Ceremony Lectures, England 1980 
Initiation Ceremony or First Degree, England 1963 
Initiation or First Degree Lecture, England n.d.
Initiation or First Degree Lecture, Northern Ireland, n.d.
Ceremonies (Opening of New Lodge, 1st and 2nd Degree,
Installation of Grand Primo and Lectures), 1958
Examination of Candidates before being raised to the 3rd Degree, 1958
Ceremonies K.O.M. and R.O.H., 1958
Ritual of the Knight’s Chapter, 1956
Rule Book Grand Lodge of England, 1980
The Origin and Development of the RAOB / M.W. Payne, 1973

Other Buffalo Orders

Ritual and Order of Procedure Benevolent Protective Herd of Buffaloes of America, 1915
Ritual of the Ladies of the American Buffaloes, 1902
Ritual of initiatory degrees of Progressive and Protective Order of Buffaloes in America, 1925

Fraternal Order of Eagles

The Rituals, 1955
Ritual of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, 1947
Final Tribute to Deceased Members Ladies’ Auxiliary, 1947  

Beavers Reserve Fund Fraternity

Ritual for United Colonies, 1915

Order of Bees

Ritual, 1912

Benevolent Order of Deer

Ritual, 1913  

Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International

Initiatory Ceremony and Ritual, 1941
Initiatory Ceremony and Ritual, 1997
Constitution and By-Laws, 1996
Wielder’s Guide, 1990 
Most Loyal Gander’s Guide
Grand Nest Bulletin 2004
Grand Nest Bulletin 2005

Order of Owls

Ritual of the First Degree of Male Nests, n.d.
Ritual of the First Degree, Female Nests, n.d.

Knights of the Golden Eagle

Ritual, 1908

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