Odd Fellow Library


A comprehensive collection of publications and rituals that are (or were) used in various orders of Odd Fellow Orders and appendant bodies.

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

Odd Fellows Monitor and Guide, 1889
Manual of Instruction (Grand Lodge of PA)
IOOF – Their Principles, Obligations, Accomplishments (Grand Lodge of PA, 1964)

Constitution and General Rules – Grand Lodge of the U.S., Manchester Unity, 1934
Model Constitution/By-Laws for Odd Fellow Lodges
By-Laws Pennsylvania District, 1920
Constitution and By-Laws of Fidelity Chapter of Royal Arch Degree of Oddfellowship, 1924
Rules of the Rhode Island District, 1915
The Colorado Code of Laws, 1970
Ontario Constitutions, 1985
By-Laws Geneva Lodge # 320, 1983
Amended By-Laws of the Orillia Encampment # 36, 1970
Amended By-Laws of the Orillia Encampment # 36, 1985

Ancient Ritual of the Order of Patriottic Odd Fellows, 1797

Revised Odd Fellowship Illustrated, 1944
Howard’s Odd Fellowship up to date, 1970
Charge Book of an Odd Fellow Lodge, 1956
Charge Book of an Odd Fellow Lodge, 1975
Charge Book of an Odd Fellow Lodge, 1989
The Unwritten Work, 1928
Working Ritual, 1974
Ritual of a Subordinate Lodge, 1954   
Ritual of a Subordinate Encampment, 1975
Ritual for the use of Officers and Members of Provincial Lodges of Past Grands MU, 1969
Funeral Ceremony, 1889            
Funeral Ceremony 1904           
Ceremony for Memorial Day, 1897

Charge Book of a Rebekah Lodge, 1950
Charge Book of a Rebekah Lodge 1968
Memorial Ceremony Rebekah Lodges, 1909
Burial Ceremony Rebekah Lodges, 1898

Code of Law for the Patriarch’s Militant, 1925
Drill Regulations and Ceremonies Patriarchs Militant, 1944 

Rituals and Ceremonies of the Ladies’ Militant, 1905
Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs Militant Ritual, 1982
Laws and Ceremonies for Ladies Auxiliaries Patriarchs Militant, 1954           

Ceremonies for Conferring the Grand Decoration and Decoration of Chivalry on a Chevalier and the Decoration of Chivalry on a Lady, 1930

Juvenile Lodge Service Book MU, USA, 1937
Ritual of a Junior Lodge (USA), 1958
Ritual of the Theta Rho Girls’ Club (USA), 1968

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