Scottish Rite Library
contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):
The Story of the Scottish Rite / Harold van Buren
Rose Croix : History of the Ancient and Accepted
Rite for England and Wales / A.C.F. Jackson
Practice and Procedure for the Scottish Rite / Henry
C. Clausen
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 19°-29° and
Résumé of 30°
Statutes of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third
Degree, US-SMJ, 1983
The Rules of the Supreme Council 33° for England and
Wales, 1999
Proceedings of the XXIXth Conference of
European Sovereign Grand Commanders 33° AASR, 1981
Report of the XXXVIIIth Conference of European
Sovereign Grand Commanders 33° AASR, 1993
Facts of Scottish Rite, 1984
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J.
Blanchard. Vol. 1 4th-18th Degree
- Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated / J.
Blanchard. Vol. 2 19th-33rd Degree
- Ordo ab Chao : The Original and Complete
Rituals of the First Supreme Council 33°, Vol. 1 4th-18th
- Ordo ab Chao : The Original and Complete
Rituals of the First Supreme Council 33°, Vol. 2
19th-33rd Degree
- Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry / Albert Pike
- Clausen's Commentaries on Morals and Dogma
- The Book of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
/ Charles T. McClenachan
- Forms and Ceremonies as Proposed for Use of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite NMJ
- Legenda and Readings of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry / Albert Pike
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
Part II 4th-14th Degree
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
Part III 15th-18th Degree
- Liturgy of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
Part IV 19th-30th Degree
- Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite - French
Working - 1st Degree
- 14° Grand Elect Mason - US - NMJ, 1976
- 14th Degree - The Ineffable Degrees : The
Official Ritual of the Lodge of Perfection, Washington, 1982
- Manual of the Lodge of Perfection
- The Ceremonies of a Chapter of Princes Rose Croix
of Heredom, England, 1995
- 18th Degree - Rose Croix - S.C. for
Scotland, 1962
- 19th to 30th Degrees AASR Memory Card with
signs and words
- 20° Master ad Vitam - US - NMJ, 1994
- 30° Grand Elect Knight Kadosh - US - NMJ
- 30th Degree - Grand Elect Knight Kh - S.C.
for Scotland, 1982
30th Degree - Notes for a New
Knight K..., London 1991
31° Grand Inspector Inquisitor
Commander - US - NMJ, 1949
32° Sublime Prince of the Royal
Secret - US - NMJ, 1981
- 32nd Degree - Résumé of the Degree of Sublime
Prince of the Royal Secret, London, 1989
- 32nd Degree and Officer's Guide
- Secret Ritual of the Thirty-Third and Last Degree
Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 1827, 1860
- Ceremonies of Installation and Dedication : Lodge of Perfection, Chapter
of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh, Consistory, SMJ, 1954
- Offices
of Constitution and Inauguration of a Lodge of Perfection and Installation
of its Dignitaries and Officers, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices
of Constitution and Inauguration of a Council of Princes of Jerusalem and
Installation of its Officers and Dignitaries, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices
of Constitution and Inauguration of a Chapter of Knights Rose Croix of
Heredom and Installation of its Dignitaries and Officers, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices
of Constitution and Inauguration of a Council of Knights Kadosh and
Installation of its Officers, US - SMJ, 1870
- Offices
of Constitution and Inauguration of a Grand Consistory and Installation of
its Officers and Dignitaries, US - SMJ, 1870
- Special
Ceremonies : Memorial Services, Kadosh Midnight Burials Service and the
Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday Services, SMJ-Prince Hall, 1961
- Rituels
du 1er au 3ème Degré et Cérémonies Maçonniques REAA
- Rituels
du 4ème au 14ème Degré Loge de Perfection REAA
- Rituels
du 15ème au 18ème Degré Chapitre REAA
- Rituels
du 19ème au 30ème Degré Aréopage REAA
- Rituels
du 31ème, 32ème et 33ème Degré: Degrés Administratifs du Rite REAA
- Rituel
du Souverain Grand Inspecteur Général, 33e et dernier Degré
- Ritual 30. Grad Ritter Kadosch, 1959
- Gerichtsordnung AASR, 1998
- Der Tempel der Freimaurer : der 1. bis 33. Grad : vom Suchenden zum
- Rituale per la Loggia di Perfezione dei
Maestri Segreti (4° Grado), 1967
- Rituale per il Cavaliere Eletti dei IX, 1970
- Rituale per il Cavaliere Eletto dei IX, 1977
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