Scottish Rite Library

The contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):  

The Story of the Scottish Rite / Harold van Buren Voorhis  
Rose Croix : History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales / A.C.F. Jackson   
Practice and Procedure for the Scottish Rite / Henry C. Clausen    
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 1°-17°   
A. & A.R. The Intermediate Degrees 19°-29° and Résumé of 30°  
Statutes of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree, US-SMJ, 1983   
The Rules of the Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales, 1999    
Proceedings of the XXIXth Conference of European Sovereign Grand Commanders 33° AASR, 1981   
Report of the XXXVIIIth Conference of European Sovereign Grand Commanders 33° AASR, 1993   
Facts of Scottish Rite, 1984   





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'Scottish Rite Library'.

You can order this CD-Rom by payment of € 30,00 via Paypal to [email protected] (subject Scottish Rite Library), or send an email to this address for an invoice and instructions.