Masonic Rosicrucian Library
contents of this CD-ROM (in PDF-files):
The History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism / Harold V.B. Voorhis, 1935
The History of Organized Masonic Rosicrucianism / Harold V.B. Voorhis, 1983
Masonic Rosicrucian Societies in England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Canada and
the U.S.A. / Harold V.B. Voorhis, 1958
The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R:C: and Problems of the Fama
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
- Ritual 1st Degree - Zelator (1995)
- Ritual 1st Degree - Zelator (2005)
- Ritual 2nd Degree - Theoricus (1995)
- Ritual 2nd Degree - Theoricus (2005)
- Ritual 3rd Degree - Practicus (1995)
- Ritual 3rd Degree - Practicus (2005)
- Ritual 4th Degree - Philosophus (2005)
- Ritual 5th Degree - Adeptus Minor (2005)
- Ritual 6th Degree - Adeptus Major (2005)
- Ritual 7th Degree - Adeptus Exemptus (2005)
- Ceremonial for Official Visits / Founding a New College (2005)
- Guide to the Ceremonial (1995)
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle (1995)
- Entrance to the Mystic Circle (2005)
- Clavicula Rosicruciana I - VI
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 1995
- Ordinances of the SRIA, 2005
- Directory 2004
- Directory 2005
- A History of Rosicrucian Thought and of the Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia / T.M. Greensill, 2nd (revised) edition, 2003
- Transactions 1994-1995 of the Metropolitan College
Rosicruciana in Scotia
- Ritual 1st Degree - Zelator (1930)
- Ritual 2nd Degree - Theoricus (1930)
- Ritual 3rd Degree - Practicus (1930)
- Ritual 4th Degree - Philosophus (1930)
- Ritual 5th Degree - Adeptus Minor (1930)
- Ritual 6th Degree - Adeptus Major (1930)
- Ritual 7th Degree - Adeptus Exemptus (1930)
- Ritual 8th Degree - Magister (1930)
Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
- Rituals of the First Four Grades / Charles E. Meyer and Harold
V.B. Voorhis
- Ritual of the First Order (1st, 2nd, 3rd and
4th Degree) (1982)
- Ritual of the Second Order (5th, 6th and 7th
Degree) (1978)
- Key and Property List (1978)
- Constitution of the High Council (1979)
- An Introduction to Masonic Rosicrucianism /
William G. Peacher (1990)
Royal Order of Eri
and some extras.
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