THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP CD-ROM MAX HEINDEL'S COLLECTED WORKS AND SEARCH ENGINE [Version 3.00 - English/Spanish, copyright 1998-2002] NOTICE: All rights, including that of translation, reserved. Permission to copy or translate certain portions of this CD-ROM may be given upon written request. HOW TO USE THIS TOOL: In order to view Max Heindel's Collected Works and Search Engine, simply point your web browser (assuming your CD-ROM drive is device "d:") to the following local URL: d:\index.htm. In order to start the search tool, simply navigate to the MH_Works Search Engine directory on the CD and double-click the MH_Books.exe file. Of course, you may copy the .exe file to your hard drive (recommended) and set up a shortcut to it for easier access in the future. COMO USAR ESTE INSTRUMENTO: Para ver la Obra completa de Max Heindel y el Generador de Búsqueda, simplemente señale su browser (asumiendo que el CD-ROM es el dispositivo "d:") al siguiente URL local: d:\index.htm. Para comenzar el instrumento de búsqueda, simplemente navegue al Generador de Búsqueda de MH_WORKS - en el directorio Español en el CD, y presione el ratón dos veces en el directorio MH_BOOKS, archivo Spanish.exe. Desde luego, usted puede copiar el archivo Spanish.exe a su disco duro (recomendado) y establecer un acceso rápido para un acceso más fácil en el futuro. In order to run RF_QOTD (Quote of the Day), simply navigate to the rf_qotd directory on the CD and double-click rf_qotd.exe. Of course, you may copy the .exe file to your hard drive (recommended) and set up a shortcut to it for easier access in the future. To install any of the software programs, simply navigate to the directory of interest and double-click on setup.exe to run the installation program. Please read the documentation files that are installed with the program for information on how to use the program. You will find that some of the web pages contain clickable features that will automatically prompt your PC to connect to the Internet if your computer is configured with an existing account. For example, to order our printed books, simply fill out the book order web page form and click on the "Submit" button. Your Internet account software will prompt you to connect to your online provider and your order will be sent to us. NOTE: Although there may be references in the files on this CD-ROM to our FTP site on the Internet, please be informed that our FTP site on the Internet is no longer in operation. Please ignore any links to FTP. Each book has its own mnemonic, or acronym, as listed below. 1QA : "The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Volume I" by Max Heindel 2QA : "The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, Volume II" by Max Heindel ADG : "Astrology and the Ductless Glands" by Augusta Foss Heindel ADH : "Astro-Diagnosis--A Guide To Healing" by Max & Augusta Foss Heindel AKS : "The Astrological Keyword System of Analyzing Character & Destiny" by J.D. AMI : "Ancient & Modern Initiation" by Max Heindel ARC : "Archetypes" by Max Heindel BRF : "The Birth of the Rosicrucian Fellowship" by Augusta Foss Heindel COB : "Christ or Buddha?" by Annet C. Rich DBD : "The Desire Body" by Max Heindel EVO : "Evolution from the Rosicrucian Standpoint" EVW : "Etheric Vision & What It Reveals" by A Student FRC : "Freemasonry & Catholicism" by Max Heindel GLM : "Gleanings of a Mystic" by Max Heindel HKC : "How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming?" by Max Heindel LLD : "In the Land of the Living Dead" by Prentiss Tucker LTS : "Letters To Students" by Max Heindel MAG : Online Magazine Articles MDG : "The Mystery of the Ductless Glands" by A Student MGO : "Mysteries of the Great Operas" by Max Heindel MIC : "The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas" by Max Heindel MIE : "The Mystical Interpretation of Easter" by Max Heindel MOS : "The Message of the Stars" by Max & Augusta Foss Heindel NDX : Complete Index of Books by Max Heindel NSF : "Nature Spirits & Nature Forces" by Max Heindel OPH : "Occult Principles of Health & Healing" by Max Heindel PLA : "The Passing & Life Afterward" by Max Heindel RCC : "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" by Max Heindel RCL : "The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures" by Max Heindel RCT : "Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training" by Max Heindel RFS : Rosicrucian Fellowship Devotional Services RMS : "The Rosicrucian Mysteries" by Max Heindel SCS : "The Silver Cord & Seed Atoms" by A Student SSA : "Simplified Scientific Astrology" by Max Heindel TIN : "Teachings of an Initiate" by Max Heindel VBD : "The Vital Body" by Max Heindel WBD : "The Web of Destiny" by Max Heindel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP ASTROLOGY PROGRAM TIPS FOR QUICK STARTUP Insert this CD-ROM disk into your CD-ROM drive and select RUN after clicking on START in Windows 95/98/ME. Type d:\rf_astro\setup (d: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive) and hit ENTER. Follow the on- screen instructions. When installation is completed, please exit and restart Windows so that changes to your WIN.INI file can take effect. Once you are back in Windows, double-click on the RF_ASTRO icon to start RF_ASTRO. Read the information in the introduction window, then click on 'OK' to remove the window. You will now see three windows, the Natal Input Data window, the Names window and the Diurnal Input Data window. Click on a name in the Names window. The birth data for that name appears in the Natal Input Data window. You may change this data or enter data for a different person or event. The Diurnal Input Data window is for entering the data for transits, progressions, solar or lunar returns, etc., or the birth data for another individual. If the '2nd Person' box is checked in the Diurnal Input Data window, then clicking on a name in the Names window will make that person's birth data appear in the Diurnal Input Data window. This allows you to compare one person's horoscope with another. Data entered into the Natal Input Data window can be saved to file by clicking on the 'Save to Disk' command button. You will be given a choice as to which data file you want the data saved. When you are satisfied with your data entry, click on the 'OK' command button to start the calculations. Shortly, the natal data for the person whose data is entered into the Natal Input Data window appears in the Data window. All data and help information will appear in this window. Whatever appears in this window or has appeared in this window since the buffer was last cleared can be printed to your printer or saved to a disk file. Additional data is displayed in the Data window by clicking on the DATA menu item in the RF_ASTRO window. Select the data you want displayed from amongst the many menu item choices. Planetary hour data is displayed in its own window but the information can be transferred to the Data window. You may display single, double or triple chartwheels by clicking on the WHEELS menu item in the main RF_ASTRO window. If you get an error message when the chartwheel should appear, then copy the file named HORARY.TTF from your c:\windows\system directory to your c:\windows\fonts directory. Choose various combinations of data from amongst the three types of wheels. Once the Wheels window is displayed, you may display a list of aspects or print the chartwheel to your printer in either a full page or half page arrangement. Change program parameters by selecting the OPTIONS menu item in the main RF_ASTRO window. Edit the options text box as you would if you were in Notepad or any other Windows text editing application. Click on SAVE to save your changes. Click on QUIT to leave the options window. I suggest you immediately change options #18 - #24 to fit your locale. Help is available at any time by clicking on the HELP menu item in the RF_ASTRO window, then clicking on the topic of interest. I suggest you read ALL the information under HELP - HINTS (How Do I...? and Tips), especially the hint that tells you how to print out all the help files into one document. Experiment with RF_ASTRO. It will not take long for you to become an expert user. If you need help, feel free to contact us at Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUGERENCIAS PARA UN INICIALIZADOR RAPIDO Inserte el disquete de RF_ASTRO en su unidad de disquete y seleccione 'RUN' (Ejecute) en el menu de 'FILE' (Archivos) del 'Program Manager' (Director de Programas) si usa Windows 3x, o selecccione 'RUN' en 'START' (Inicializador) si usa Windows95. Teclee a:setup o b:setup y golpee la tecla 'ENTER' (Entrada). Siga las intrucciones que aparecen en su pantalla. Cuando la instalacion se haya completado, salga del programa y reinicie Windows para que los cambios hechos en el archivo WIN.INI se hagan efectivos. Una vez que este de vuelta en Windows, piquee con el raton en el icono de RF_ASTRO para ejecutar el programa RF_ASTRO. Lea la informacion en la ventana de introduccion, y piquee con el raton en el boton de mandato 'OK' para remover la ventana de introduccion y entrar en el programa. Ahora vera tres ventanas: la ventana 'Natal Input Data' (Ingreso de Datos Natales), la ventana 'Names' (Nombres) y la ventana 'Diurnal Input Data' (Ingreso de Datos Diurnos). Piquee con el raton en un nombre en la ventana Names. Los datos de nacimiento para ese nombre, apareceran en la ventana Natal Input Data. Usted puede cambiar esos datos o entrar datos nuevos de otra persona o evento. La ventana Diurnal Input Data es para la entrada de datos de transitos, progresiones, retornos solares o lunares, etc., o los datos de nacimiento de otra persona. Si la casilla '2nd Person' (2da Persona) en la ventana Diurnal Input Data esta marcada con una cruz, entonces piqueando con el raton en el nombre de la ventana Names, hara que los datos de nacimiento de esa persona aparezcan en la ventana Diurnal Input Data. Esto le permite comparar el horoscopo de dos diferentes personas. Los datos entrados en la ventana Natal Input Data, pueden ser guardados en un archivo solo con picar en el boton de mandato 'Save to Disk' (Guardar a Disco), y se le dara a escoger en cual archivo de datos desea guardar sus datos. Cuando este satisfecho con su entrada de datos, piquee con el raton en el boton de mandato 'OK' para comenzar los calculos automaticos. Al momento, los datos natales de la persona para la cual ha entrado los datos en la ventada Natal Input Data, apareceran en la ventana de Data. Todos los datos, asi como la informacion de ayuda, apareceran en esta ventana. En adicion, cualquier dato que aparezca, o que haya aparecido en esta ventana desde que el almacenamiento intermedio fue limpiado, puede ser imprimido en su impresora, o guardado en un archivo en el disco duro. Otros datos adicionales seran mostrados en la ventana de Data, solo con picar en el articulo 'DATA' en el menu de la ventana de RF-_ASTRO. Seleccione los datos que usted desee que aparezcan en su pantalla, de los varios articulos para escoger que aparecen en el menu. Los datos para la hora planetaria son mostrados en su propia ventana, y la informacion que aparece en ella puede ser transferida a la ventana de Data. Usted puede mostrar en su pantalla una sola rueda de carta natal, dos, o tres, con solo picar con el raton en el articluo de menu WHEELS (ruedas de carta natal), en la ventana principal de RF_ASTRO. Una vez que la ventana WHEELS este mostrada en su pantalla, usted puede tambien mostrar la lista de aspectos, o imprimir en su impresora la rueda de carta natal en pagina completa o en media pagina si asi lo desea. Para hacer cambios en los parametros del programa, seleccione el articulo OPTIONS (Opciones) en el menu de la ventana principal de RF_ASTRO. Puede editar directamente el texto de opciones sin necesidad de usar Notepad, u otro editor de texto de Windows. Cuando termine de editar, piquee 'SAVE' para guardar los cambios que haya hecho, y despues piquee 'QUIT' para salir de la ventana de opciones. Le sugerimos que cambie inmediatamente las opciones del #18 al #24, y las adapte a la localidad donde usted vive. La ayuda esta disponible en cualquier momento con solo picar con el raton en el articulo HELP (Ayuda) en el menu de la ventana de RF_ASTRO, y despues picar en el topico que le interese. Le sugerimos que lea TODA la informacion que aparece en HELP - HINTS 'How do I...? and Tips' (AYUDA - SUGERENCIAS 'Como se puede...? y Sugerencias'), especialmente aquellas sugerencias que indican como usted puede imprimir todos los archivos de ayuda en un solo documento. Use RF_ASTRO y experimente con el programa, y vera que en poco tiempo se convertira en un experto usuario. En caso que necesite ayuda adicional, puede llamarnos en horas de oficina (Hora del Pacifico) al telefono: (760) 757-6600 o envienos e-mail a: Gracias y esperamos que le guste RF_ASTRO. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP ASTROCLK SCREEN SAVER STEP 1 ------ Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive and select RUN after clicking on START in Windows 95/98/ME. Type d:\rf_acss\setup (d: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive) and hit ENTER. Follow the on-screen instructions. STEP 2 ------ To setup the Rosicrucian Fellowship AstroClk Screen Saver, go into CONTROL PANEL-DESKTOP (Windows 3.1) or CONTROL PANEL-DISPLAY-SCREEN SAVER (Windows 95) and click the arrow on Screen Saver and select RF_ACSS. To change screen saver options, click on SETUP (Windows 3.1) or SETTINGS (Windows 95) and change the settings in the options file RF_ACSS.INI) as you would in any Windows text box. Click on SAVE to save your changes, then QUIT to exit the options screen. Click on TEST (Windows 3.1) or PREVIEW (Windows 95) to test your settings. NOTE: The essential settings you need to change are the time zone, longitude and latitude for your physical location. Change options #18 - #24 to reflect your physical location. For the time zone setting (option #18), EST = 5, CST = 6, MST = 7, PST = 8, GMT = 0. Subtract one from these values if you are currently in daylight savings time. Click on SAVE, then QUIT, to exit the options window. Every minute at 00 seconds, the screen saver chartwheel will recalculate all the planetary positions and display a new wheel. Remember to go back and change option #18 when Daylight Savings Time goes into or out of effect. STEP 3 ------ Set the time interval for your screen saver to be activated, then click on OK. The Rosicrucian Fellowship AstroClk Screen Saver Here are some recommended option settings for different display screen resolutions. Try them and see what you like. Or set your own values. Option 640x480 800x600 and greater Screen font size for: ------ ------- ------------------- --------------------- Opt #68 10.2 12 Text Opt #69 12.6 14 House cusp degrees Opt #70 11.4 13 House cusp sign Opt #71 9 10 House cusp minutes Opt #72 12 15 Planet glyph Opt #73 10.2 14 Planet degrees Opt #74 11.4 13 Planet sign Opt #75 8.4 10 Planet minutes Opt #76 7.8 9 Planet Rx Opt #77 11.4 12 Aspect glyphs Option #33 - What event will end the screen saver? Value Key Press Mouse Click Mouse Movement ---------- --------- ----------- -------------- 0 no no yes 1 no yes no 2 no yes yes 3 yes no no 4 yes no yes 5 yes yes no 6 yes yes yes OPTIONS 78 - 92. These options specify the colors used for the screen chartwheel display. Set the color option(s) according to the following table. COLOR CODE COLOR CODE COLOR CODE ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- Black 0 Blue 1 Green 2 Cyan 3 Red 4 Magenta 5 Yellow 6 White 7 Gray 8 Lt. Blue 9 Lt. Green 10 Lt. Cyan 1 Lt. Red 12 Lt. Magenta 13 Lt. Yellow 4 Bright White 15 License Agreement for RF_ACSS ----------------------------- The software that comprises RF_ACSS is not copy protected but is covered by United States Copyright Law unless otherwise stated. You may use this software on multiple computers as long as the programs and files contained within this software are not being used simultaneously on multiple computers. You may not sell, give away, publish, rent, assign, lease or otherwise distribute this software package, in whole or in part, in any form. You are allowed to make backup copies of this software for your own archival purposes. This license agreement is non-transferrable. This software is distributed strictly on an as-is basis. The author and publisher specifically disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to software and documentation defects or suitability of the software for a particular purpose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RF_PHour and RF_PopHR Use RF_PopHR to see what planetary hour you are currently in and when the next planetary hour starts. Notice which planet rules the current and next 'hour'. Use RF_PHour to display the planetary hours for any date and place. Also use it to print out many days' worth of planetary hours data. Insert the RF_PHour disk into your floppy drive and select RUN after clicking on START in Windows 95/98/ME. Type d:\rf_phrs\setup (d: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive) and hit ENTER. Follow the on- screen instructions. RF_PopHR is installed in the Windows STARTUP group so that RF_PopHR will automatically load and run when you next start Windows. Left click on the RF_PopHR window to view a popup menu where you can then do one of four things. Modify options - This allows you to modify the RF_PopHR.INI file in the c:\windows directory. Change the Time_Zone through Latitude,_N_or_S entries to reflect your current residence. Changing longitude,_W_or_E to a non-zero value sets EAST longitude. Changing Latitude,_N_or_S to a non-zero value sets SOUTH latitude. For the Time_Zone setting, EST = 5, CST = 6, MST = 7, PST = 8, GMT = 0. Subtract one from these values if you are currently in daylight savings time. Please change this value whenever your local time changes to standard time from daylight savings or vice-versa. List planetary hours - This allows you to see a listing of all the planetary hours for the current day at the designated longitude, latitude and time zone. Click on a planet to see keywords for that planet. About RF_PopHR - This allows you to view the About box and see the RF_PopHR version information. Delete RF_PopHR.INI - Typical contents of the RF_PopHR.INI file are listed below. If you make a mess of things when modifying your settings, simply delete RF_PopHR.INI by left clicking on this menu item. Exit RF_PopHR, then restart RF_PopHR. Doing so will make a new RF_PopHR.INI file. [RF_PopHR] RF_PopHRTop= 750 RF_PopHRLeft= 590 RF_PopHRHeight= 1560 RF_PopHRWidth= 3540 Time_Zone= 6 Longitude_degrees= 87 Longitude_minutes= 58 Longitude,_W_or_E= 0 Latitude_degrees= 42 Latitude_minutes= 1 Latitude,_N_or_S= 0 PHOutputTop= 760 PHOutputLeft= 90 PHOutputHeight= 4700 PHOutputWidth= 4440 Please make the comparable adjustments for your location and time zone in RF_PHour (options #18 - #24) by clicking on the OPTIONS menu item after you have started RF_PHour. Please read all the HELP items in RF_PHour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RFInterp Insert the RFInterp disk into your floppy drive and select RUN after clicking on START in Windows 95/98ME. Type d:\rfinterp\setup (d: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM drive) and hit ENTER. Follow the on- screen instructions. Double-click on the RFInterp icon to start RFInterp. The first window that appears is the RFInterp title window. Click on 'OK' to move on. You will now see two windows, the Natal Input Data window and the Names window. Click on a name in the Names window. The birth data for that person now appears in the Natal Input Data window. You may change this data or enter data for a different person. Data entered into the Natal Input Data window can be saved to file by clicking on the 'Save to Disk' command button. You will be given a choice as to which data file you want the data saved. When you are satisfied with your data entry, click on the OK command button to start the calculations. Shortly, the natal data for the person whose data is entered into the Natal Input Data window appears in the Data window. All data and help information will appear in this window. Whatever appears in this window or has appeared in this window since the buffer was last cleared can be printed to your printer or saved to a disk file. Click in HELP for more information about the DATA window. Other data is displayed in the Data window by clicking on the DATA menu item in the main RFInterp window. Select the data you want displayed from amongst the menu item choices. Go through each menu item and see what data that menu item presents. You can always click on HELP for more information. A chartwheel can be displayed by clicking on WHEEL. After displaying, you may reproduce an ASCII chart in the Data window, view a listing of aspects in a separate window, change the orbs for those aspects, print the chartwheel in either full or half page format, or view a chartwheel with proportional or non-proportional houses. Go through each menu item and see for yourself. A natal report may be generated by clicking on the 'REPORT' menu item. You may print the report to a printer or save it to a file. Page up and down the report by clicking on the appropriate command button. The HOME, END, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys also navigate you through the on-screen report. Change program parameters by selecting the CHANGE-OPTIONS menu item in the RFInterp window. Edit the options text box as you would if you were in Notepad or any other Windows text editing application. Click on SAVE to save your changes. Click on QUIT to exit the options window. The CHANGE-HEADER menu item allows you to change your personalized information for the generated report and the chartwheel. Help is available at any time by clicking on the HELP menu item in the RFInterp window, then clicking on the topic of interest. The last menu item under HELP allows you to print out ALL the help files. I suggest you at least look at HINTS under HELP. Experiment with RFInterp. It will not take long for you to become an expert user. If you need help, feel free to contact us at Thank you. The other programs install in a similar way. The Rosicrucian Fellowship 2222 Mission Avenue PO Box 713 Oceanside, CA 92049-0713 USA (760) 757-6600 (760) 721-3806 fax