RF_PHour and RF_PopHR Use RF_PopHR to see what planetary hour you are currently in and when the next planetary hour starts. Notice which planet rules the current and next 'hour'. Use RF_PHour to display the planetary hours for any date and place. Also use it to print out many days' worth of planetary hours data. Insert the RF_PHour disk into your floppy drive and select RUN from the FILE menu of Program Manager or RUN after clicking on START in Windows 95. Type a:setup or b:setup and hit ENTER. Follow the on- screen instructions. RF_PopHR is installed in the Windows STARTUP group so that RF_PopHR will automatically load and run when you next start Windows. Left click on the RF_PopHR window to view a popup menu where you can then do one of four things. Modify options - This allows you to modify the RF_PopHR.INI file in the c:\windows directory. Change the Time_Zone through Latitude,_N_or_S entries to reflect your current residence. Changing longitude,_W_or_E to a non-zero value sets EAST longitude. Changing Latitude,_N_or_S to a non-zero value sets SOUTH latitude. For the Time_Zone setting, EST = 5, CST = 6, MST = 7, PST = 8, GMT = 0. Subtract one from these values if you are currently in daylight savings time. Please change this value whenever your local time changes to standard time from daylight savings or vice-versa. List planetary hours - This allows you to see a listing of all the planetary hours for the current day at the designated longitude, latitude and time zone. Click on a planet to see keywords for that planet. About RF_PopHR - This allows you to view the About box and see the RF_PopHR version information. Delete RF_PopHR.INI - Typical contents of the RF_PopHR.INI file are listed below. If you make a mess of things when modifying your settings, simply delete RF_PopHR.INI by left clicking on this menu item. Exit RF_PopHR, then restart RF_PopHR. Doing so will make a new RF_PopHR.INI file. [RF_PopHR] RF_PopHRTop= 750 RF_PopHRLeft= 590 RF_PopHRHeight= 1560 RF_PopHRWidth= 3540 Time_Zone= 6 Longitude_degrees= 87 Longitude_minutes= 58 Longitude,_W_or_E= 0 Latitude_degrees= 42 Latitude_minutes= 1 Latitude,_N_or_S= 0 PHOutputTop= 760 PHOutputLeft= 90 PHOutputHeight= 4700 PHOutputWidth= 4440 Please make the comparable adjustments for your location and time zone in RF_PHour (options #18 - #24) by clicking on the OPTIONS menu item after you have started RF_PHour. Please read all the HELP items in RF_PHour.