Complete Historical Notes
The Rosicrucian Fellowship


  this breach, to bring together science and religion, is what we as workers and followers of the Rosicrucian Fellowship teachings are endeavoring to do. We are building the cornerstone of a great future work. We little realize today, the few of us who are here, what this means to humanity. The contents of this little box will live ages after we have given up these physical bodies. The vibrations that will be built into this building will reach the furthest ends of the earth. We are told that when Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, it purified and changed the vibration of the entire city.

   We have been held in the grip of Saturn under crystallized surroundings. It was necessary, however, for us to learn our lessons, for we are in this crystallized world and we have to use material cement. But we have reached a stage in this work where it will not be necessary to struggle much longer, for the foundation is now laid. We have today placed this cornerstone, which with its contents will live for ages.

   Friends, let us go away from here today dedicating ourselves anew to becoming purer, better, cleaner channels through which the great teaching of the Rosicrucians can be sent out to the world. We are here because we have been chosen to be workers in this great field of the Master, Christ. And we are here to prepare the invisible Temple, using the physical temple only as a working center. We have not yet discarded these physical bodies, but we are nevertheless preparing to be able to meet the Christ, as He promised that when he comes we shall "meet Him in the air." What does this meant? That we are weaving the "golden wedding garment," the spiritualized vital body, in which we shall all be able to meet the Christ at His coming.

   Let us, friends, as we each place a trowel of mortar to seal this stone, place it there with a prayer of thankfulness, asking for greater strength, purity, and knowledge that we may be fit instruments to carry on this work and send out this message to humanity, remembering that Christ is the True Cornerstone.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, September 1920, p. 162-164.

by Corinne S. Dunklee

   Not very long ago the writer was privileged to participate in a most beautiful experience on the plane that we know as the Dream World. Under the guidance of a great Spirit, a number of probationers who are striving to qualify as Invisible Helpers, found themselves, seemingly, in the ward of a large hospital. Each one carried a shining receptacle filled with some rare essence, so fine and so ethereal that it resembled a misty web of woven sunlight. This luminous substance we were privileged to sprinkle upon the inmates of the ward. The effect was marvelous and instantaneous. Every patient appeared to imbibe a portion of that wonderful shining throughout his body. So complete was the transformation that one almost expected to hear again those blessed words ringing down through the ages: "Thy sins are forgiven thee; take up thy bed and walk."

   The real meaning of this beautiful experience brought from the Dream World is taking tangible shape in The Ecclesia, the Temple of Healing, that is day by day rising higher and higher, upon Inspiration Point at Mount Ecclesia. Great souls have come from far and near to offer their services for the sacred work. And joyously each day they go forth to their labor of love. Like Manson's Temple, "it is no dead pile of stones and unmeaning timbers, it is a living Thing" that is being built of love and sacrifice, the aspirations and highest ideals of human souls. Oft times to the sensitive ones there is a great hovering as of white wings above it, wings formed of the prayers and blessings that are daily being showered there from all parts of the world. Already a holy calm pervades the place, while the chanting of an invisible choir seems to sing around it: All ye who enter here to serve must have clean hands and a pure heart.

   When the physical structure is completed, the real building will have just begun; for that consists in the forming of soul qualities in the daily lives of those who minister there. Within each "living temple" there must be erected an altar upon which is laid the daily sacrifice of self, and where is ever kept burning the light of love and service for humanity. Just in proportion as this is done will be given to those who are accounted worthy, the blessed privilege of ministering to suffering humanity with the luminous, shining substance.

   Is this not the clarion call of spirit for "whomsoever will" to begin the great initial work of the Aquarian Age? What a most blessed privilege is ours to contribute, not only love and prayers but financial support as well, for the construction of the material edifice, the outer confines, as it were, of this holy Temple.

   Do all the students fully realize how the donations that represent a personal sacrifice and the best and highest love of the heart, will return to them a thousand fold in soul growth?

   A devoted band of workers are here at Headquarters to perform the physical labor. It remains for the other students to see that the financial side of the work is not overlooked. The Temple must be ready for the dedication service on Christmas Eve. So, will not every one respond with a love-offering for the Christ, in order that the building may be ready at the stipulated time. Those who are not able to be here in person for that memorable service will feel an added impetus of love and strength that will lift the soul close up to the realms of spirit. And they in turn shall radiate a blessing upon those with whom they commune.

   When the required number of sufficiently strong esoteric students have banded themselves together in selfless concentration to the work, a great healing vibration shall be sent out over the world, which, as to the strains of some divine music, shall be merged into the law of love; for in the last analysis the two are one. The cosmic goal toward which we strive, the divine formulae of the Christ, is that the great lover shall become the great healer, and he who loves enough shall be made whole.


   Around or over the place where the ground was being broken for the Ecclesia were four large search lights. They faced north, south, east, and west. The one facing south seemed to be situated about seven feet from the one facing north. The same was true of the two facing east and west. This made a circle, the diameter of which was about seven feet.

   The faces of the search lights appeared about twelve inches in diameter. The one facing south was the first to radiate light, next the one to the east, then the west, and lastly the one facing north. The light was pure white and radiated in such a way that at about fifty paces the rays from each fused with those to either side of it, so that beyond this point all space was flooded with a light of great brilliancy.

   Then from out the place where the ground was broken, within the circle made by the search-lights a rich golden colored cloud formed. It grew rapidly and after passing and enclosing the search lights, it tinted every ray emanating therefrom. Then all that was brilliantly white became softened and mellowed, and the whole space became an entrancing vision. At this moment a rainbow over-arched the place, one end resting upon the ground to the east, the other upon the ground to the west. In another moment beneath the arched rainbow out from where the ground was broken and from whence the cloud of gold had come, came a cloud of blue, the Ray of the Father, the Healing Ray; it enveloped the earth and filled the firmament. Then all passed away. At this instant in our midst appeared the All-Seeing Eye. Then it vanished and our prayers ceased, our purpose having been accomplished.

   Our sitting began at 11:55 A. M. and lasted until 12 :02 P. M., seven minutes, short but eventful.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, October 1920, p. 238-239.

by Asa Thurston Heydon

   The "Spiritual Significance of the Ecclesia", also "A Vision from Victoria, B.C." published in the October number of this magazine appeal to me especially.

   The "Vision" was an actuality, for in their exaltation the watchers registered the higher vibrations which, reflected from force center to force center, brought to them the cosmic movie of what was occurring upon Inspiration Point, even as mirages are in lower series. What they saw was the charging and awakening to life of the spiritual series of the natural Force Center upon which the Ecclesia is being built. This was accomplished by the combined thought, desire, consecration, and concentration of all present and of those absent who were interested in that Temple of Healing. Even as the rays of that influx of power reached Victoria, so did the power of all interested and sincere souls converge upon that Force Center, and throw into circuit that higher series which inheres in it.

   None of them know the Force Center organization as such, although parts are visible in aureolas, halos, and rainbows. Yet the writer accurately described the portion of the Force Center whose vibrations were within the registry of the observers. In the horizontal plane there was the Central Light, beyond their registry. This was the same size as the lights seen, 12 inches by 3 feet. Next (on a radius 31,2 feet from center) was the circle bounding the Innermost, the Holy of Holies, wherein abides Divinity. In this circle, oriented by the base meridian of the solar system, were the four auxiliary centers of power, 90 degrees apart, as seen in the phantom suns of halos.

   As in Lodge the Gods sit upon the north side and abide in the High Heaven above the altar, so at the appointed moment their power flamed from the northern center like a search light. It depends upon series as to which flames next, the East or the West, but in this case the East flames next. It is answered by the flame from the West (The Master and Senior Warden of that force center, communicating the commands from on High), then the response from the South (the Junior Warden calling the workmen from refreshment to labor), completing the circle in inverted order. (The pillar beside the Senior Warden was horizontal, the Junior Warden's perpendicular). The labor began. The hollow sphere of white light (150 feet radius) was the charging from the assembling of the whole, and that Light illumined all. Then came the specialized Rays of Power forming the golden cloud, tinting all with the coloring of that series.

   The rainbow was the outer boundary of the complete initial Force Center Series, material, dynamic and mental-spiritual. (Its rays are at right angles to the vertical plane so its serried vibrations are clearly distinguished. This is formed by overlapping lights like the four at the Center. This, the spectrum bounding The Clairum, completed the ground work of preparation. Then came the cloud of blue, the vibrations of the mental-spiritual domain where abides all healing, "The Ray of the Father." That is the ray of the Ecclesia, which it is to radiate to all the world; which it will radiate so long as sincerity and spirituality abide at Mount Ecclesia. The All-Seeing Eye symbolizes the Force Center, (Clairum or cosmic mechanism) complete in all series. The work of the Ecclesia will be complete and completed, but ages will pass.

   One of the meanings of the foregoing is that all series will be used there. The mental-spiritual will dominate all, but material means will be used to ameliorate ailments of material origin, the dynamic, those of dynamic origin, and the mental-spirit those arising therein. The mental-spirit currents can be stepped down to the dynamic and material voltages, but it is a waste of power to do that when the currents of these three domains are correlated, and permanent healing is complete in all three, even as ailments affect all three.

   The currents seen in that vision are flowing and charging the Ecclesia as it is being built. At present the material series dominates. At Christmas, as by precession, the domination will pass to the next higher series, but the third can only be placed upon the throne of power therein by the fruits of the labors of the devoted, who alone can prepare it for the consecration from on high which is to make it a world healing center. Step by step, degree by degree, unseen by men, will the labors of love prepare the Ecclesia for its real consecration, when the Divine will descend and abide to bless earth and all mankind.

   I am glad that the walls have been raised and that the trusses are being placed for the roof. The building of the Ecclesia illustrates what Christ meant by the faith that would move mountains. Know that it is necessary and for the best to move the mountains, and then get in and move them. No matter how sheer and impossible seems the wall that looms in the way, go ahead and the sheer momentum of Will and Faith will cause it to recede when disastrous collision with it seems unavoidable. It is the "hang-to-it" that wins.

   Where the task is great and the resistance monumental, remember the third motion, the rotation of the earth's axis about its center. Unceasingly the constant of variation is levering at the axis of the earth to shift the angle of rotation. There is only a little wobble of the poles within a 70-foot square. It stays within that square. But imperceptibly that square is shifting upon the earth's surface, so that it now varies by the distance between the base line upon which the Stonehenge was built and where the ray of the rising sun in Cancer now strikes. Millennia pass before the cumulative effects of the constant of change culminate in a relatively rapid axial change, after which it steadies down to the minimum of change again. But that culmination changes the axial inclination exactly as much as though each year had moved it the amount of its portion. The slow absorption of motion caused by the incessant straining of the constant with slight changes, allows the time necessary for profiting by the conditions inaugurated by the last axial change. No axial change occurs until the harvest is ready to reap, and the time has come to let the soil lie fallow while preparing for the new seed time of the incoming cycle.

   It is thus with the great work in which you are engaged. Many times you will have to simply stand with all of your weight against the helm, striving to turn it in the direction of progress, straining every fiber, yet not despairing at the helm's apparent immovability, for your efforts are cumulative and will accomplish the desired end when the unerring rhythms bring the culminations.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1920, p. 279-280.

by Arlene D. Cramer

   Did you ever get so joyfully busy that you seemed to cease to be in a physical body, but rather to become a radiating center of activities reaching out to others in many directions? The bell sounds, calling us to dinner; we pause, astonished; it seems but a moment ago that we were breakfasting. In that condition we sense in a dim way something of the nature of functioning in the Region of Concrete Thought where "all is the Eternal Here and Now."

   Will Levington Comfort informs us of what takes place under the above conditions when he states that "Only as we render ourselves utterly, such as we are, can spiritual vibration which is Love itself come into us for use in the outer and lower world."

   Mount Ecclesia provides just the conditions and opportunities for this realization. First, because there are so many things to be done, all of which we are convinced are for the betterment and uplifting of humanity. When we are able to throw ourselves into this wave of service emanating from the "Heart of the Great Work," this activity finally brings complete self-forgetfulness,--the spirit worketh in us, and for a time we know what happiness means.

   A tremendous amount of work had to be done in December. It was work that could not be done before. Large orders for books had to be filled and sent out. Two thousand Christmas greeting cards were printed and tinted in four colors. There were but two or three workers who could paint at all, but we blessed the work and hope you will receive the gift in the spirit in which it is sent. Large quantities of food had to be secured and prepared. Mrs. Heindel, in the midst of her many duties had to go to Los Angeles and purchase a lot of furniture for the new addition to Ecclesia Cottage. The completion of the Temple was delayed because of the impossibility of getting the interior finish or trim from the mills, although the order had been placed in September. However, all necessary things came along a few days before Christmas. The beautiful colored glass windows were set, and the central ceiling light arrived and was placed by loving hands so that the twelve sided room of the temple is flooded with a golden radiance. Chairs had to be secured by loan. A driveway had to be made from the administration grounds out to the Temple. The narrow footpath had to be widened and set with posts, wired for lanterns. Committees were appointed at a probationers' meeting to take charge of decorating the dining hall, the library building, the little Pro-Ecclesia, and the Temple. Loads of greens were gathered to make these places sweet and beautiful. Jolly holly berries peeped from festoons of ivy, smilax, and asparagus ferns. Here and there the gay poinsettias were massed. All the plants on the Mount seemed to reach towards us, pleading, "Here, take me, take me, what sweeter surrender can I make than to fade, giving back my life to its Source, while my beauty gladdens the hearts of mankind?" The marguerites on their great globular bushes, many of them four feet high, danced before us, nodding and smiling, coaxing to be taken into the Temple. What a joy to see these flowers, so abundant here in the winter time. No sooner does the first flow of the outwelling force start from the center of the earth, than these sensitive little blossoms begin to put forth a new generation in such magnificent profusion that the bushes resemble big white and gold snowballs.

   The regular duties and the special work for the great event, the dedication of the Temple, swept us swiftly onward to Holy Night. Then a soft, heavy, warm mist rolled in from the ocean, bathing all in the offering "of the waters" from the Holy Spirit. The mist lifted and hovered over us in a silvery dome, illumined from above by the full moon, as though to veil "the birth of the Babe" from all who should not see. No other light in sky or earth distracted us from the contemplation of the "Mystic Midnight Sun."

   At ten-thirty P.M. the probationers and disciples assembled in the Temple for the dedication and the Full Moon Meeting, the two events awakening vibrations within us that can lift us to the throne of the Father to bring down blessings upon those who will receive. At eleven forty-five the choir was heard singing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful," as they marched from the Pro-Ecclesia to the Temple. Their sweet voices in the still night rang out with a call that swept us all into a great wave of adoration.

   Mrs. Frances Ray was at the organ in the Temple, and played from "Parsifal," that wonderful march of the Knights of the Holy Grail. How we wish we might have had a fine pipe organ for that grand masterpiece. Then we all sang "Holy Night" with the beautiful words that Max Heindel wrote to the melody. This was followed by a most impressive reading of the Scriptures concerning the Immaculate Conception and the Birth of Christ. During the reading stereopticon views were thrown upon the screen over the little organ. Many of the pictures are reproductions of paintings of the great masters, and they are ever very inspiring. In a rich, full contralto voice, Mme. Louise D'Artell sang "Open the Gates of the Temple."

   Then Mrs. Heindel addressed us upon the purpose of the work and the necessity of personal consecration, arousing in all a hearty resolution to press on in spiritual achievement for Christ and humanity. As she told us of the soul hunger of the world for Truth, many of us felt that dedication of the life to the Teaching. Mrs. Heindel spoke in a clear, low tone which brought out the fine quality of the acoustics of the Temple. There was no echo, yet every word carried to all parts of the twelve sided room.

   Mr. D. Moro then played a beautiful selection upon the flute as we prepared ourselves for the Silent Prayer, for which we were called by the sweet tones of a zither solo, rendered by Mr. Eugene Muller. This method of going into the Silence, accompanied by soft music and being recalled by the same, is particularly harmonizing and uplifting when we cease all care for self and flow into that union of all who love, in the service of those who suffer.

   We sang "O Little Town of Bethlehem," after which Mrs. Heindel gave us the parting admonition. Then we silently withdrew while Mrs. Ray played an organ "Recessional."

   CHRISTMAS MORNING we had a merry time. When we gathered for breakfast, we sang "Joy to the World" after little Elizabeth Landis had given us the "Merry Christmas Greeting." Then there was the distribution of little gifts from "Everybody to Everybody."

   At eleven A.M. we all adjourned to the Temple, where we had the first regular Temple Service. Mr. Samuel Bering read the service and the writer had the honor of giving the address upon the text, "The Christ In You is the Hope of the World; the Christ in You is Your Hope of Salvation."

   Christmas evening there was a very pleasant entertainment in the library which we all enjoyed. Mrs. Heindel made a comparison of our happy, prosperous Christmas of this year in which there were about fifty probationers and more than fifty students at Mount Ecclesia, and the first Christmas, 1911, upon which she and Mr. Heindel had to keep on working to help complete most of the woodwork on the first Christmas Day. It had to be done, as the demands for help and instruction were coming in from all over the country, and there were only those two to do most of the work. One by one, helpers came to them as Christ was able to move hearts to serve Him in this way, and we now see a marvelous growth for the ten years, a growth every bit of which represents sacrifice of personality to the service of humanity.

   Mrs. Molyneaux and Mrs. Kirmond gave an illustration of cabalistic music. Mrs. Molyneaux used the words of Mrs. Kittie S. Cowen's "The Message of the Bells," an exquisite poem which appeared in the Rays from the Rose Cross of December of last year. The music was determined, note by note, according to the number to which each word was related, each number also being related to a special tone. The result was entirely unique, weird yet not without charm.

   We have regular entertainments every week but not just for amusement; our Friday Evening Expression Class entertains mainly to train the members in clear and proper expression, so necessary for every one who expects to be called upon to give a reason for his belief. So we are all very happily busy.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, February 1921, p. 388-400.


   The new Temple is fast nearing completion. The carpenters are finishing the pews, reading table, and chairs, while the painter is putting on the last coat of ivory enamel. The inside and out, also the grounds, will be ready for the Easter services. The Temple has been built as simply and with as little expense as possible, yet the prominence of the knoll upon which it is situated makes it stand out beautifully and appear to be much larger and more costly than it really is.

   There yet remain to be paid for, the mill work, the floor covering which will be of plain green linoleum, and a few furnishings. These bills will amount to about $4,000, and we are hoping by Easter to be able to meet them.

   A number of contributors toward the Temple fund have, unfortunately, discontinued their monthly contributions, and this is making it somewhat difficult to meet the outstanding bills.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1921, p. 479.


   Dear Students and loving friends, who through your thoughts and prayers and gifts have made it possible for us to accomplish the building of our beautiful Temple, would you not like to accompany us as we leave the little Pro-Ecclesia after the evening service and walk quietly with a friend by the serpentine path to the Temple?

   On our left the sky is tinted with iridescent colors by the setting Sun, and the ground is covered by the graceful corn that gently whispers an evening hymn when touched by the cool air from the ocean. On our right is a beautiful vista, beginning with our little canyon and following along the valley and river bed until our gaze rests upon the white buildings of the old mission. Beyond that the hills are rapidly assuming their summer dress of delightful browns, and beyond them are the mountains over which hangs a vapor painted by those wonderful artists who dip their brushes in the rays of the setting sun.

   Now we come to the circular cement walk that surrounds the Temple in its beautiful whiteness. With a feeling of repose and peace we hush our voices and silently enter the outer doors. On the sides are small anterooms which we pass to enter the inner doors. Here is revealed to us the beautiful holy place, all painted in white and ivory, with its white enameled pews, and the floor with a soft tinted green covering.

   Directly in front of us on the west wall is our Rosicrucian emblem, which we daily learn to love more and understand better. The background is ultramarine blue on which are painted golden rays in the form of a five pointed star. Upon this is placed the pure white cross with its garland of red roses. In the center of these is seen a white rose, emblematic of the purity of heart of those who serve as Invisible Helpers. This is unveiled only when the services are being conducted.

   Beneath this is the Holy Bible placed on the altar in front of the emblem and opened at the first chapter of the Gospel of John. A very large fern stands near the reading desk and another by the organ. Loving hands place fresh white flowers here every day.

   Let us make ourselves invisible, and while the organ is playing before the opening exercises and meditation, we will look at the six opalescent windows throwing light of yellow and green and blue over the worshipers. Glance upward at the beautiful painting which we have named, "The Spirit of God Moved on the Face of the Waters," and which hangs over the organ. Then look back at the mystic conception of "Mother and Babe," a painting which is placed over one of the doors. These pictures were painted especially for us by a friend, Miss Sarah Eddy of Bristol Ferry, R. I.

   The latest addition to the temple is a reproduction of the Rosicrucian emblem done in beautiful leaded glass. It has been placed in the transom above the inner doors. It was very kindly contributed by Mr. Gewalt of Jacksonville, Fla.

   You will now perceive the beautiful colors with which the building is filled, generated by holy thought and prayers, and you may even see the many shadowy forms of those who come to aid us in our worship.

   Silently we retire from the Temple, strengthened by the contact with the force of Divine Love, and we praise the Giver of all things who has allowed us to be workers at Mount Ecclesia.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, September 1921, p. 199.


   ...The secretary has a book in her possession which very contribution to the Ecclesia is registered. From the very beginning, October 26, 1914, when George W. Wiggs started the building fund by his contribution of $100.00, every name, date, and amount no matter how small, are registered, and all the names of the contributors up to July 23,1920 were placed in the corner stone. Up to January 1, 1915 $606.80 were collected. From that time on small amounts continued to come in, and a few members together with the two Fellowship Centers in New City continued sending in their monthly contributions. In January, 1919, when Mr. Heindel passed into the higher life, the amount subscribed for the Ecclesia building fund was $1978.86. This has all gone to the work for which it was destined.

   We have to date received $20,580.37. This money has all been contributed willingly and lovingly. No one has been asked to donate. When the announcement went out in our magazine in January, 1920, that we were to start the building of the Ecclesia, our friends were ready and willing to do their part. The entire cost of the building has been $23,305.33, to date, leaving a deficit of $2,724.96 which was paid out of the general funds. The four anterooms are still unfurnished. We are hoping as we become able to gradually furnish this part of the building, but this does not interfere with the spiritual work which is being carried on within the auditorium.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, January 1922, p. 358-359.


   Late afternoon at Headquarters; the stillness of concentration broken by the noisy clicking of typewriters. Suddenly all is chaos; the workers abandon their desks and hurry toward an inner room. A general undercurrent of excitement prevails as the glad words flash from one to another, "The pictures are here." Which is to say that after much patient maneuvering the remaining eight "Signs of the Zodiac" paintings, so graciously presented as a gift to the Healing Temple by Camille Lambert of Paris, have been released by the Customs Office and at last have arrived "home." It was with delight and reverence that the little group gathered about his splendid gifts as they lay unfolded there, and we feel certain he must have sensed the keen joy and appreciation with which they were received.

   Words, those little half starved things which often mean so much, are sometimes wont to fail before the warm reality of true workmanship and inspirational genius. The four previous paintings, as forerunners, had prepared us for the beauty of Mr. Lambert's technique; but when we view the added strength and etheric quality he has achieved upon entering deeper into his subject, the reaction is truly inspiring. It has been said that no man courts the spiritual more than the artist who lives for his work; in the face of that application we have no wish to discriminate between these "children" of his brush, and respectfully confine ourselves to a short description of each. Silently we enter the Temple, and high above the circle, almost under the dome, we see the empty, expectant frieze where four of the twelve paintings already are in place. On the west wall above the altar rests, Leo, the Lion, king of his realm, half silhouetted against a blazing sun encircling the emblem of itself. To the right his strength is supported by the majestic towers of a castle; while before him lie rich forests of tropical plants and trees, all done in high colors of mauve and warm reds. Leo, the sun ruling, is the sign of the risen Christ, the emblem of spiritual unfoldment, and since we earnestly seek to follow the teachings of the Master, this sign is given prominence in the Temple.

   Directly opposite over the front entrance is Aquarius, a half figure with rich brown hair, pouring from shoulder-tilted jar the bounty of water unto the earth below. On one side in the foreground lie quaint, snow covered housetops. To the left a vortex of white and gray leads to whirling Saturn and its seeming-definite rings, while far above it Uranus is exalted in a mysterious glowing of indescribable beauty. In the surrounding void, faint yellow stars are gleaming.

   Aries, the Ram, has left the group of patient sheep in the background and stands on a central hillock, surveying the vision of spring before him. One may taste the young wind blowing across meadow lands; the paints are laid on ill light, thin wash effects that half resemble water color.

   Cancer, with its Crab sign, is done in deep blues and sea foam, the waves rolling up to the foreground on some hidden shore. It is a new treatment; a dark, somber sea at night. Here rules the Moon, with her companions Jupiter and Neptune exalted at her side.

   We feel that the remaining paintings, which have now arrived fall into two definite groups: Gemini, Virgo, and Libra are distinctly mural in feeling, with conventionalized symbols at either side. The remaining five transcend classification, but in all of these Mr. Lambert has accomplished a peculiar mystical charm by giving their symbols central locations, sketching them lightly with clear tones of the spectrum, and outlining with raised lines of the pigment; all of which tends to make them stand forth against the heavier colors at both ends.

   Of the latter group, Sagittarius claims close attention to colors and the design used. Here the Centaur pauses for a moment to aim his arrow at a distant star; while before him reigns the sovereign Jupiter with rings of light and shining moons. On the right the artist has carried this allegory to Headquarters, painting the upper portion of a globe in dark colors with a half relief of the coast of California, symbolizing Mount Ecclesia in brilliant sunset glow by the gleaming emblem of the Rose Cross: Mount Ecclesia, where we so earnestly aim our aspirations at the ideals of "The Star."

   In Pisces, two ethereal fishes move lazily to central position above a wide lake where drooping trees and reeds half conceal some adventurer's boat set adrift. It is night, and on the left the water from a power wheel flows constantly under the little bridge that leads to the welcome lights of an inn. Behind it and in conjunction is a large medieval structure; possibly a hospital. On dual thrones we find Neptune and Jupiter, co-rulers of this watery sign. Capricorn is the Goat sign, and he springs forth prominently in white over a sleepy winter village, black winter trees to the right. Mars is exalted here, and Saturn rules among the many glistening stars.

   A huge Bull done fiercely in yellow holds the central place in the Taurus picture, followed by another less distinctly seen in the yellow background of clouds. In the more literal foreground graze herds of peaceful cattle, near to a tree-snug house. Venus is ruler here, with the Moon as exalted counselor and companion.

   Scorpio calls forth an opposition of horror and admiration, as we gaze upon the Scorpion crawling skyward out of the dull swamps of despair. Night- black trees fringe a stream of muddy reds and treacherous undercurrents: swift flowing waters of iniquity. On the left a town by night is represented, half concealed in the smoke arising. Upward, ever upward, moves the crawling Scorpion to exaltation under the planet Uranus, shining forth in splendor from the night. How great the forces of evil when transmuted; with what courage and inner beauty are they blessed!

   The remaining three paintings are under our assumed nomenclature of "Mural-frieze." Gemini, with Mercury as lord of the sign, shows two smiling young figures who pause beneath pink blossoms of apple trees. We like to think of them as not being sharply divided into sexes, forecasting the day when All shall be as One. Soon they will wander on, these two comrades, through Elysian fields of endless hope and joy.

   Libra next attracts us, and we think possibly this one may stand forth even more prominently than many of the others when hung in place. The autumnal wood to the right with its flickering sunlight marks a choice moment of the whole group, and the method of laying on the paint is entirely individual. To balance this riot of color, an old Dutch mills flaunts its lean arms on the left, reminding us that "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh nor whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the spirit." In the center from the fingers of an unseen hand the Scales of Libra hang suspended, prepared to weigh the soul between Venus pleasures and Saturn service.

   Virgo, perhaps the most appealing and surely the most strictly mural of all in its pure simplicity, we have saved until the last. Books and the service of intellect are emphasized on the extreme left, counterbalanced on the right by one glimpse of a dim expanse seen through a window--the window of the soul? In the center in quarter figure with a lily in her hand stands a maid with clear-shining countenance and quiet eyes. With hair drawn back from the forehead in graceful style, she seems the very essence of modesty, purity, and truth. Behind her, all along the central portion of the canvas, a scroll of parchment is unrolled, held by two kneeling angels, one at either end. On the scroll is written our beloved precept, "He who would be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all." There is one word of the sentence painted in gold: the word Servant. Could this be to match the Golden Wedding Garment?

   In summing up these splendid works we find this most salient feature: the variety of style and method attained by Mr. Lambert through honest inspiration and true sincerity.

   The Fellowship wishes to thank him again and again for his wonderfully generous gift, and assure him of its deep-felt gratitude and appreciation.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, January 1923, p. 358-359.


   Dear Mrs. Heindel: It gives me great pleasure to inform you that at the semi-annual meeting of Los Angeles Center of the Rosicrucian Fellowship the motion was unanimously adopted that we start a fund for the purchase of a pipe organ for use in the Temple at Mount Ecclesia.

   We are sending you our first check for $100.00 also a check for $1.00.

   It is desirable that you take charge of this fund and place notice of the same in the Rays so that our friends from all over the world may have the opportunity to join us in the purchase of an instrument that will add charm and harmony to our Temple and help us to vibrate peace and harmony to all mankind.

   Very sincerely yours in Fellowship work,

   Charles D. Cooper, Secy.

   This has been a dream which many have had of the future when the harmony of a pipe organ might add to the work done by the prayers of those in the Temple. At present we have a small organ and a violin, which of course are helping greatly, but the larger organ will be a most useful addition. We appreciate greatly the thoughtful gift of the Los Angeles Center.

   Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1924, p. 335.

   The contributions to the pipe organ fund are coming in slowly. Up to date the amount subscribed is $370:00

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1925, p. 527.

   Our musical friends who have been helping to swell the organ fund may be pleased to hear that this fund has now reached $1003. My, but the Probationers are looking forward to the installation of this organ in the Temple, realizing the great benefit of the music when added to the healing concentration every evening. The work in the Temple is going on most satisfactorily. The Probationers present at each meeting number from twenty-seven to forty. A number of Probationer members are now living in the town of Oceanside.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1926, p. 143.

   The materialization of the second of Max Heindel's special ideas was also assured on Thanksgiving Day when a check for $1000 was donated to the organ fund. This made it possible to place an order with the Artcraft Organ Company of Santa Monica, Calif., for a $4000 pipe organ, which is to be used in the Temple of Healing, our Ecclesia. The organ is to be built for the special purpose of adding soft music to the work of concentration and prayer, which are being used for healing. With this donation we have now a total in the fund of $2916, leaving the sum of $1084 still to be paid. Between now and the time of the dedication of the organ we feel certain that the rest will be forthcoming. It will take four months to build this organ, and we are looking forward to Good Friday night, April 6th, for the dedication services.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, January 1928, p. 46.

   We want to thank our good friends who helped us procure our dear little pipe organ for the Ecclesia, which is fully paid for now. Another friend has given a donation for a new reed organ for the Pro-Ecclesia. The little organ which has done such good work there in the past was second hand, costing us the large sum of twenty-three dollars. It has served our purpose since Christmas 1913.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1928, p. 286.


   As usual, every room and tent is filled, and oh! how we long to build more rooms. But we fear that the materialization of this wish is yet a long way off, for the tremendous drain on our funds for paper, covers, and labor to print and bind our books is making a serious problem for the treasurer. It may interest you to know what we are doing in this department: we are now finishing the binding of 5500 Cosmo-Conceptions; 5000 copies of Simplified Scientific Astrology are just off the press awaiting covers from Chicago; 4000 copies of our new book, The Web of Destiny, are now going through the press, covers for which are also expected from Chicago. The Linotype is setting the type for our November magazine; this takes from the 28th of the month until the 10th to type, print, and stitch ready for mailing. We feel quite encouraged at the growth of our subscription list. We are hoping soon to be able to start on our new Christmas booklet, consisting of a number of student lessons written by Max Heindel for Christmas. These we are hoping to print and bind in a very beautiful paper volume, especially suitable for gifts, and to have them ready by the early part of November.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, in Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1920, p. 278.


   The year 1921 has drawn to a close and the secretary's and treasurer's reports have been handed in, showing that the Rosicrucian Fellowship has great reason for rejoicing.

   On January 10, 1913, the Rosicrucian Fellowship Corporation papers were filed in San Diego and the Fellowship was placed under the care of a Board of Trustees with the following officers: President, secretary and treasurer.

   The land and the buildings are held in name of the Rosicrucian Fellowship and are under the management of this Board of Trustees. Should anything occur to take the president, Mrs. Heindel, away from the work, it would still go forward under the care of the Elder Brothers, as it has continued since our dear leader, Max Heindel, left this physical plane. The removal of any individual cannot hinder nor hold back a work such as has been started at Mount Ecclesia, for God's work is the world's work.

   The past year has been one of the most active and successful since the beginning of the work. During that period the Temple was finished, and all the bills paid. The third edition of the Tables of Houses and a great number of the Ephemerides have had to be reprinted, amounting in all to fifteen thousand copies. These books have been welcomed by all astrological students for their clearness and simplicity, and have aided in spreading the Rosicrucian philosophy.

   Since Max Heindel left the work on the physical plane in January 1919, the publishing department at Headquarters has revised and reprinted new editions of The Cosmo-Conception, The Rosicrucian Mysteries, Simplified Scientific Astrology, The Message of the Stars, and Freemasonry and Catholicism. Four new books: The Web of Destiny, The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas, The Mysteries of the Great Operas, and In the Land of the Living Dead, have been printed and bound. In all there have been 36, 190 volumes of cloth covered books alone issued since January, 1919. The greatest number of books are sold to dealers who receive a generous discount, but they are the avenue through which the message is sent out into the world, consequently, with the high cost of labor and material, the profits on these books are small. Max Heindel always stated that the Elder Brothers wished to make it possible that the poor as well as the rich be given an opportunity to read the message given out in these works. The prices have been placed just a little above cost, but they have brought a good harvest of interested students who are taking the correspondence courses and the magazine.

   Our patients in the healing department are numbering close to one thousand. The contributions have made it possible even under the strained finances in the world for us to meet our bills and Headquarters is at present out of debt. This is a very favorable indication considering the heavy strain under which we have been working.

   The students in South America, Australia, Holland, and other countries are very active, and the following books are now in print in foreign languages:

   SPANISH: The Cosmo-Conception, The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers, The Twenty Lectures.

   GERMAN: The Cosmo-Conception, The Rosicrucian Mysteries, Simplified Scientific Astrology, and The Message of the Stars. The German Questions and Answers is in the hands of the publishers and will soon be ready for distribution.

   ITALIAN: Manual for the Rosicrucian Aspirant, selections from Max Heindel's writings, and "Why I am a Rosicrucian."

  Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1922, p. 478-479


   Owing to the expansion of the work there are at present positions open at Headquarters for office workers (clerical) who are familiar with our philosophy and with astrology. The ability to take stenographic dictation and use a typewriter are desirable but not required in all cases. Probationers of the Fellowship are preferred, but students of the philosophy will be accepted.

   There are many advantages in being a worker at Headquarters among which are the delightful location and climate, the pleasant community life, the classes and lectures, and the religious and philosophical facilities. Workers receive their board and room and a small salary to cover necessary expenses.

   If you are qualified along any of the required lines and would be interested in taking up this work, write us giving as full particulars as possible regarding yourself and your qualifications.

   The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California


   The Training School for lecturers and teachers will open on July 17th and continue for two months. The Rosicrucian philosophy, astrology, and English will be taught. This school is open to all who may be interested in these subjects.

   For information, address The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, August 1922, p. 159.


   During vacation season we naturally expect a cessation of strenuous activities for the time being, but such has not been the case at Headquarters during this season, for we have been as busy as usual in a general way and especially busy in taking care of our ever increasing number of visitors.

   As some of our readers know, tourists and new settlers are coming to Southern California at the present time in greater numbers than ever before. Many of these have been in touch with or have heard of the Rosicrucian Fellowship, and quite naturally they come to Headquarters to stay for a few days or weeks as the case may be, just to see what is going on here or to get into closer touch with the Fellowship. Many strangers just casually drop in as they are passing by to get a better view of the beautiful grounds, or to learn something about our activities. Others call for lunch or dinner, and frequently some of them telephone from town or longer distances for a reservation at the tables.

   It will naturally be understood from the above that all of these side issues create added care and responsibilities for those assisting in the work at Headquarters, and it will readily be seen why we have been especially busy during the summer vacation season.

   On top of all this we find that the increasing number of visitors has created a demand for more and better housing accommodations, and we now find it imperative to erect another building for this purpose as soon as possible. Also it will not be long until our little Chapel, the Pro-Ecclesia, will be unable to accommodate the increasing numbers who attend our regular Sunday evening services, and this will require another building.

   In accordance with the above the Board of Directors instructed our architect, Mr. Lester A. Cramer of Los Angeles, to prepare plans and specifications for a new dormitory to be erected on the south side of the main driveway leading through the grounds and west of the Ecclesia Cottage.

   This building is to be 35x82 feet, plain Mission style, two stories high, made of hollow tile, plastered outside and inside; containing twenty rooms, eight of which will have private baths. The cost of this building will be approximately $15,000.

   Ground for the foundation was broken Tuesday, August 7th, at 4:26 P. M., and work will now proceed as rapidly as conditions will permit. Some of the work will be done by our regular workers at Headquarters and by volunteer workers who wish to assist. However, a great deal of outside help will be required, especially that of mechanics, and this alone means the expenditure of a large sum of money, for, as is well known, mechanics of all kinds now rank close to railroad and bank presidents as regards the amount of salary received.

   It is needless to say that this improvement will be of inestimable value in furthering the work and popularity of the Fellowship in more ways than one. People are writing to us nearly every day asking if accommodations can be had at Headquarters. Some of these letters are from members, and many are from those who have heard of Mount Ecclesia in one way or another and who wish to become better acquainted with us. Many of them want to come here to study.

   We are beginning this improvement with comparatively no building fund of any kind on hand. Consequently, we shall be obliged to borrow funds from our local bank and from friends who have funds to loan unless special contributions are forthcoming at an early date. Our friends did not disappoint us when we built the Ecclesia at an expenditure of over $25,000, and we have faith that they will stand by us in this undertaking.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, September 1923, p. 220.

   The work on the new dormitory is being rushed by the superintendent Paul Gl�ck, who by the way is truly representative of his name. Gl�ck in German means "luck"; and Paul has truly brought good luck to Mount Ecclesia and to Mrs. Heindel, for he has relieved her of much responsibility, and is reducing the cost of the building quite considerably by his frugal management. The second story will be ready for occupancy by the 20th of December. All rooms will have hot and cold water and electric heaters. Eight rooms will be equipped with private baths and eight with shower baths. Friends who wish to spend some time with us should make reservations in advance.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, January 1924, p. 403.

   The new dormitory is nearing completion; the upper floor will be ready for occupancy by the tenth of January. The workers join the writer in a vote of cordial thanks to Mrs. Anna Cooper of the Los Angeles Center and other members and friends who so lovingly helped her to buy the material and embroider the curtains, dresser scarves, table covers, pin cushions, and decorated waste baskets for the furnishing of the new building. They cannot realize what a wonderful saving of labor and funds it has been to us at this particular time. From indications we feel that this building will be filled before Easter. Friends who wish to spend a little time at Headquarters should reserve rooms in advance.

   The San Diego Electric Company has installed for us a most complete electrical system, giving Mount Ecclesia one of the largest private electrical plants in San Diego County. The new building will be heated with electric heaters and will have electric water heaters for the baths. The large Sun Parlor which was built on the roof is already a most popular place, for the outlook from there over the ocean and the San Luis Rey Valley is an inspiration.

   The Editor and the workers take this opportunity of thanking our many devoted friends for their loving thoughts in sending postcards and Christmas greetings. We want to assure them that the greetings were all gratefully received, but that the rush of work makes it impossible to acknowledge each one of them.

   The responses for Fellowship Day on January 6th are very favorable. Especially will this day be well observed in our center in San Diego, in Seattle, and in our largest center, which is in Los Angeles. This center will have morning, afternoon, and evening services.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, February 1924, p. 448.

   The new dormitory has been completed, but on account of unusual stress in meeting the last payments for the labor and material, the lower floor is yet unfurnished, the Board of Directors having had to borrow $6000 to help with the payments. The electricians are at work rewiring the grounds, for Mount Ecclesia has grown so large that the old electric system which was put in by Mr. Heindel could no longer take care of the lights and power. On Christmas Night when so many more lights were needed than usual the switch which connected the meter with the main line was so hot that there was real danger of fire; so we have been put to this extra expense at a time when the heavy bills were due on the building. But this new system with its larger wires and meters will be able to take care of all of our expansion in the future.

   There has been a demand on the part of some of our patients for accommodations so they could come to Headquarters and get the benefit of spiritual help, the vegetarian diet, and assistance in overcoming their physical ailments, which assistance they felt could be found on Mount Ecclesia. Unfortunately we have had to deny this privilege in the past for lack of facilities to make them comfortable, but it has now been decided to turn the south half of the first floor of the new Fellowship Dormitory into a nucleus or beginning of the Health School. With the electric heat, hot water, private baths, and the delightful, sunny rooms we feel that we can take care of those who wish to come for this assistance.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1924, p. 492.

   We have recently completed a new and modern 20-room guests' hall, equipped with shower and private baths, electric light and heat, and sun parlor for guests' use. Our vegetarian cafeteria is also equipped to accommodate a considerable number of patrons. Evening classes in the Rosicrucian Philosophy, astrology, and expression are conducted during the greater part of the year, and are open to guests. Our hospitality is extended to all who are interested in what we have to offer. For rates and particulars address, The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, July 1924, p. 144.


   The Fellowship is equipped to accommodate guests in comfortable rooms in cottages and in Rose Cross Lodge, at the following rates:

   In Cottages--$2. per day, $12.50 per week, and up. In Rose Cross Lodge--$2.50 per day, $15. per week, and up. The Lodge has 20 rooms, all with running hot and cold water, and is fully equipped with shower and tub baths. All rooms on the place are lighted by electricity. The number of rooms in cottages is limited. (This building does not exist any longer).

   Evening classes in the Rosicrucian Philosophy, Astrology, Bible Study, and Public Speaking are conducted practically the year around and are open to guests. Those interested in any phase of our work are invited to pay us a visit. The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, San Diego Co., California.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1925, p. 336.


   The writer is overjoyed at the news she has to impart to her readers. She wants to tell it in big letters: WE ARE TO HAVE OUR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL. This is the third department of the work. As the vehicles of man are threefold, so must the work of the Rosicrucian Fellowship be threefold. We have started the philosophy and the healing, and now the time has come when the Elder Brothers are ready to help direct the starting of the third branch of the work, namely, the training of the children. So many parents have wished their children to be under the training of Headquarters, but this has not been possible before.

   A work which is carried on by voluntary contributions, and for which it is not possible to ask financial help, is very often handicapped. So many make promises, when signing application blanks, to give certain monthly contributions and forthwith forget all about it. People who are well able to help, who are living in princely style, are the most frequently the ones to be neglectful of their financial obligations. These people are accustomed to have their tradesmen send in monthly bills. They cannot understand why spiritual organizations should not ask for money. The middle class man or woman, the wage earner, is as a rule far more considerate and prompt in remembering his or her obligations to Headquarters than the wealthy member. Due to the above conditions the work is very often held back.

   The children's school must be started with a small cottage and dormitory. We shall perhaps be able by July to accept children under seven years of age. The graded school for older children will have to wait until finances will permit us to erect larger buildings.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1926, p. 143-144.

   Much interest has been aroused by our announcement in last month's Rays of the early erection of the children's school. A number of parents have been anxiously waiting for this step so that they might place their children in the atmosphere of Mount Ecclesia. Our first step will be to take small children between the ages of two and one-half and seven years, for during the first seven years of life the vital body is being built, and this body of ethers determines the future of the child, for into this etheric mould is built the physical body and about it the desire body. The vital body also determines the way in which the desires and the emotions of the child will express themselves in the future. The law of repetition and imitation is ever at work with the child during this period; therefore an example must be set and careful training must be given to the little imitators by those in charge.

   The child requires first the foods that go to build bone; then fresh air and sunshine to help build a healthy body. Music and rhythm are most necessary to create harmony in the mind and body. The very best methods used in kindergarten work will be added to the Rosicrucian knowledge of child training. Each child will be studied as an individual ego, the latent talents will be developed, and the weaknesses which are shown in the horoscope will be carefully watched so that they may be replaced by better and stronger tendencies. The method which is to be used in our kindergarten will fit the child to enter into its work in the public schools when it leaves Mount Ecclesia. All training is to be done through love, for corporal punishment is very dangerous to a child and its effects are likely to work havoc with the desire body in later years.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1926, p. 190.

   The building is progressing very satisfactorily The tiles for the side walls are being laid. Much interest is being displayed by the students in this most vital work of the Fellowship. Many realize that the children will be the future directors of the work, and if they have the right training, the teachings will be presented in a proper manner. After the present leader, members, and workers, who have had personal touch with Max Heindel, have passed into the higher life, others will have to take their places; and who will be better fitted to take up such a great work than the girl or the boy who has had a spiritual start under the direct guidance of the pioneers of the movement in the atmosphere of Headquarters? Not only will these children have the advantages of fresh air and sunshine all the year round, but their bodies will be built from pure food, not from desire-feeding flesh food. They will also have the opportunity of attending the spiritual services at the Chapel morning and evening, the vibration of which will be built into their vital bodies.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, July 1926, p. 334.

   The new building for this department is now making rapid headway. The plasterers are at work on the inside of the children's dormitory, and the rest of the building is also getting ready for the finishing touches. The preliminary Manual of Instructions for conducting a Rosicrucian Sunday School is ready, and if anyone in any part of the country is desirous of starting a Sunday School class along the Rosicrucian lines, if he will write to Headquarters, we will send him a copy. We also hope to issue a book of children's stories giving the Rosicrucian Philosophy, which one of our workers, Miss Florence Barr, is very diligently preparing.

   As room in the Children's School will be limited, it is advisable that parents or guardians who wish to place their children in the spiritual environment of Mount Ecclesia, where they will be away from the temptations of the city, should make reservations early, for we shall only be able to take care of a limited number of children in this first building.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, August 1926, p. 383-384.

   The Children's School building at Headquarters will be ready for its furnishings in another week. Up to date we have seven children under seven years registered, and prospects for a number of others. We regret that we cannot at this time take children above this age. A number of applications have had to be refused on account of the age limit. The question may be asked, why limit the age? The answer is that small children require very different training from older ones. Until the seventh year the vital body is forming, and children then pick up habits which have a lasting effect upon their future lives. Older boys are rough at times in their play and want later hours for their bedtime, while the smaller children require early hours. Many other reasons too numerous to mention make it necessary that we wait to take in older children until the money is forthcoming to build a separate building.

   Friends have responded generously to the call for the scholarship of the little girl mentioned in our last month's magazine. One young woman who is supporting herself and her mother has generously offered to provide one-half of the amount required each month. A man with a family has provided the other half for four months. Several small donations were also received. This will assure the child of at least five months' instruction and care. We are in hopes of creating a fund for the purpose of helping another little girl to attend the day school, whose mother lives in Oceanside.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, September 1926, p. 430-431.

   On the afternoon of September 7th the dedication exercises for the new Children's School were held. The little tots have a specially made Rosicrucian emblem which they use at their own devotional services, and this was the emblem that was used at the dedication exercises. Mrs. Heindel made the address, in which she showed how important it was that the souls now being born among us should be properly trained in their early years so that they may later fulfill their mission in life. Already there is a fair enrollment in the new school, and there is every indication that this will be an important department of the Rosicrucian work. Miss Verna E. Purdy is the kindergarten teacher, Miss Florence Barr is matron, and Mrs. Wilkye S. Herndon is housekeeper.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, October 1926, p. 479.

   We have heretofore in our chats brought forward to our readers the pleasant things, the lovely side of the life of the residents at Headquarters. Today the writer feels impelled to bring to your attention some of the problems that we have to confront. We want to say our life here is not one of continual sunshine and pleasure, as so many out in the world think. No indeed, we have our trials. Mount Ecclesia is a real school, not perhaps of the same type as those colleges and seminaries where algebra, physics, et cetera, are crammed into the gray matter of the brain; but the schooling of the personality, the control of the desires, the building of soul qualities go on here, and we can assure you our lessons are sometimes very hard.

   There is one problem that has hung very heavy on the shoulders of the writer and that is the financing of the Children's School. At times it has been most disheartening. That school was one of Max Heindel's ideals. Many times he expressed himself almost with impatience that things did not move faster so we could start with the little children. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs, 22:6. He said that the training of the young minds would create a permanent and reliable foundation for the carrying on of the Rosicrucian Teachings in the future and since the older ones would pass out of the body with age, the younger ones must be trained to continue with the work and Headquarters must start them.

   In 1924 the orders came from the Teacher to begin our plans for the erecting of this school. This was accomplished in the spring of 1926 but the financing of the school has been a very heavy drain on Headquarters not too abundantly filled purse. Whether there are five children or twenty, a certain number of attendants are required to look after the wants of these little ones. A dietitian, two nurses or attendants, one for the boys dormitory and one for the girls, a teacher, and a part-time janitor and gardener are all required. Their salaries must be paid and their board and room taken care of. When the school is filled, the expenses are covered by tuition and contributions, but the attendance fluctuates, especially in the winter time. Where our problem comes in is that a large percentage of the little children that are placed in our boarding school come from homes that are broken up on account of many different reasons and often the poor mothers are compelled to support these children. There are frequent cases where the mother is taken ill or finds herself out of employment and unable to earn enough to keep up her payments to the school. We can not in such cases be hard and cold as is the custom in the world. We dare not turn these little ones out of the school. The result is that we have sustained heavy financial losses in the past two years because of this practice of the Golden Rule.

   But this school cannot go on in this way and yet we dare not become purse- hardened and cold. If there is ever to be an expansion or further growth of this most vital work, we must have some help from those out in the world. We have in the past two years turned away about one hundred children who were under the age of four and over the age of seven for we can only take children between these ages. There is a great need for a Rosicrucian school for older boys and girls. Max Heindel's hope was some time to take all children from the age of three and up, but under the financial conditions which we have experienced since we opened our New Era School, it will take a very, very long time to reach these ideals.

   "And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and His disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And He took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them."--Mark, 10 :13-17.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1929, p. 155.

   The following letter received February 21st, reads as follows : "I was sorry to hear you were having trouble over your receipts regarding the Children's School. That is too bad for as you know, that is one of the best branches of your society. If the children can be trained during the preschool age, there is no lying soul that can undo what you have done. That is what is helping England today in closing 90 many public houses--a campaign training the children to join the Temperance Society. Now the hours of keeping public houses open are shortened. There are thousands fewer cases of drunkenness, and about nine large jails have been closed or let for apartment houses, and one has been offered for sale.

   Then, too, see what Doc Bernardo did! He used to buy many of his children from the women of the street at any price from one shilling each and up. We have many of them today in Canada who have made good business men. Now it would be a great misfortune if you were compelled to give up the Children's School, for we are looking ahead for those who are to come after us. With all the children in the United States with all its wealth, there is no reason why your home could not increase to the thousands. You have my very best wishes for the future and I am sending you a small sum. I cannot make any promises, being only a working man"

   The above letter expresses the sentiment of a number of letters which we have received at Headquarters since last month's Echoes went out.

   Max Heindel, while he lived, often regretted that the work with the children could not be started sooner. He, too, realized that this third step of the work would be the most lasting, for if the Rosicrucian Teachings are to become a lasting and permanent factor in the world, the children will have to become the backbone of this work. Upon them depends the future. When many of the present members will have passed on to the higher life, these children will have grown into manhood and womanhood and just think what a power they will have become! To have had these beautiful teaching built into their very beings, into their vital bodies! Can they help but live them? To most of us these teachings came after we had become set and unpliable with years of struggle in the material world, but what will the teachings do for the little ones who have become imbued with them from infancy? As our friend says in his letter, there is no living soul that can undo what the Mount Ecclesia school has done for its little ones.

   This New Era School started in September, 1926. It can only accommodate twenty children between the ages of four and seven, and since its inception we have had to turn away many children between the ages of seven and twelve. We tried at the beginning to take in older children but were compelled to discontinue this, especially as larger boys require special training. The older children would need a special dormitory and school room which we are not able to furnish, for this would require a large sum of money.

   Our SUNDAY SCHOOL is becoming one of the most popular meetings on Mount Ecclesia, as many grown-ups attend as children. Really, you would enjoy hearing the bright little tots of four and five answering questions about the Bible and about the Planetary Spirits as well as other questions. They can tell you the difference between Jesus and Christ as well as some of the older students.

   Numbers of our friends in different parts of California are planning to attend the sunrise service at Headquarters on Easter morning. The paved roads from Los Angeles are excellent. From Los Angeles to Oceanside is but eighty- five miles by the new road, and from Oceanside to San Diego is only forty-five miles. The motorist who cannot remain longer, can come in the early morning and attend the sunrise service and the eleven o'clock service, then return home the same day; so we are expecting a large attendance.

   Mr. Gerald Bryan of the Los Angeles Center gave an instructive address at Mount Ecclesia on February 17th.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1929, p. 207.

   The Rosicrucian New Era School is conducted in accordance with New Age methods, and is devoted to the training of children between the age of four and seven.

   The first seven years of a child's life are the most important, as is known to occult students, for the vital body, the vehicle of habit, is then coming to birth. Special care is given at this school that the vital body of the child shall receive the impacts which are best suited to develop it along constructive lines. The spiritual needs of the child are carefully looked after, and the development of character is fostered along the lines of honesty, devotion, and a sense of duty. Music, rhythm, nature study, and elementary French are included in the course, as well as regular kindergarten work. The children attend the Rosicrucian Service every morning. The rates are as follows: Boarding pupils, $40.00 per month; Day pupils 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

   Monday to Friday 15.00 per month; Day pupils served with lunch 20.00 per month

   The school is open for pupils at all times of the year. Further information will gladly be sent upon request. The Rosicrucian New Era School

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1930, p. 328.

   Closing of the Children's School. The Children's School was established at Mount Ecclesia in September, 1926, and has been in operation since that time. In the earlier stages it attracted a considerable number of children, but this year the attendance fell to an average of only six or seven children. As the school ordinarily requires the services of three or more people to operate it, the result has been that with the attendance so small the cost of maintenance has far exceeded the income, and there has been a big deficit even with the building and its equipment furnished without charge by the Fellowship. Inasmuch as there were no indications that this state of affairs would be changed in the future, the Board of Trustees recently decided that the Fellowship could no longer make up this deficit from the general funds as it has in the past. A resolution was passed, however, giving Mrs. Heindel the opportunity of continuing the school, using the present building and all equipment free of charge, if she (and those who have been contributing to the school) would make good the monthly deficit. After consideration she decided that they could not do this, and therefore the only alternate was the closing of the school, which was put into effect on March 31st 1931.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, May 1931, p. 279


   The 1929 Summer School at Mount Ecclesia is now in full swing, and a most interested and sincere group of students are taking the courses. We can assure you that it has been a real task to find room for the many who are taking advantage of this school. All rooms and tents were engaged weeks ago; in fact, some of them as far back as April.

   A special feature is that the mothers who are able to attend the school are freed from duties to their small children, who can be placed in the Children's School. This gives the mothers rest and the children freedom. The result is that our dormitory for little girls is crowded to full capacity. Let us hope that these schools, both for adults and children, will grow so that in years to come Mount Ecclesia will truly be a great educational center where thousands may receive not only spiritual but educational advantages through the study of the beautiful Philosophy given to us by the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross. Thus will many of our young men and women be saved from the dangers of atheism, which is so prevalent in our colleges today. Large numbers of young people are attracted to the Rosicrucian Teachings, and Headquarters is a magnet to draw them.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, August 1929, p. 427.

   I am writing these Echoes on the 3rd of March. Just outside of my window the acacia trees are yellow with their sweet-smelling blooms. Everywhere the flowers are in full blossom. The canyons are filled with ferns and wild flowers. California has had a warm and most delightful winter. The lateness of the rains has delayed the vegetation about a month behind its usual time.

   The mountain tops are white with now. Sometimes people who hear the Californian tell about his oranges and also his snow think the story is exaggerated, and truly it does seem at times almost unreal. Take, for instance, the cities of Riverside and San Bernardino where the oranges are so plentiful. These towns are at the foot of the San Bernardino Mountains. Recently the roses were in bloom there and the oranges ripe, while a few miles distant Big Bear Lake up in the mountains was frozen over sufficiently for the enjoyment of skaters, and the San Jacinto Mountain was covered with eight feet of snow. At the same time it was warm enough at Oceanside, seventy-five miles from this snow-capped mountain, for us to take a swim in the Pacific Ocean.

   The writer must talk a little to her readers about her pet hobby, the dear little children. We have one little fellow about whom we have not written, a baby born to two of our disciples, Mr. and Mrs. Oakley. This little fellow a short time ago passed his second birth day. Oh, such a little golden and curly haired darling! His great delight is to attend services in the chapel while his mother plays the organ. Little Junior sits at the back of the chapel among the BIG MEN. He joins in our oral prayer, which by the way is always spoken aloud by the members: "Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of serving Thee we thank thee for Thy divine Love." This little baby's voice rings out, word for word, in this prayer, and in the song he sings at the top of his voice. The children at the New Era School are always begging to come to the chapel, and they can sing the hymns as well as the grown-ups.

   This school is now so full that we may have to have a waiting list. Such a big work is getting its start in this school for children, namely, building the spiritual teachings into the vital bodies of the little ones, who will never lose what they have received even though they should wander into other fields. A mold is formed here for a moral and religious character. Where can one find a more lasting and more effective work than with the children We pray that God will strengthen and bless the teachers and nurses in this school, and that possibilities may materialize for expansion, which is so badly needed.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1930, p. 222.


   We are delighted to announce that some time in March or April at a date to be given later, a series of Rosicrucian lectures will be broadcast from station WWVA, which is located at Wheeling, West Virginia. One of our members, Mr. J. C. Stroebel, the owner of this broadcasting station, has offered the services of the station free of charge to one of our speakers. We are now making arrangements with Mr. Theodore Heline, of the New York Union Center of the Fellowship, to go to Wheeling and deliver this series of radio lectures on the subject of the Rosicrucian Philosophy, adapted to the needs of radio audiences. This is a wonderful opportunity to get the Rosicrucian Philosophy before thousands of people whom we are not reaching at the present time. This line of work we sincerely hope will be expanded in the next few years so that we shall be sending our messages through several broadcasting stations located in different parts of the country and thereby reach a much larger percentage of the people of the United States. The Fellowship extends its very sincere thanks to Mr. Stroebel for making possible the initial movement in this direction.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1928, p. 143.

   As noted in an earlier number of the Rays Mr. J. C. Stroebel of Wheeling, West Virginia, has placed his broadcasting station, WWVA, at the disposal of a representative of the Rosicrucian Fellowship for the purpose of broadcasting Rosicrucian lectures. Arrangements have been made with Mr. Theodore Heline of the New York Union Center to broadcast from this station at 12 o'clock noon and 7:15 P.M., beginning Friday, April 13th, and continuing daily until Thursday the l9th, inclusive. This movement marks the beginning of a new era in the dissemination of the Rosicrucian Philosophy. The radio will undoubtedly be used to an increasing degree in the future in carrying the Rosicrucian message. We are very grateful to Mr. Stroebel for making these initial lectures possible.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1928, p. 239.

   Radio Lectures and Lecturers: Have you noticed the radio masts that are a part of the Center News heading. For those who have not, we now call your attention to them and ask: How many Centers are now broadcasting ?

   Following the example set by Mr. Theodore Heline of New York came Mr. Fred O. Schwender of Utica (WIBX), then our Schenectady friends, and now Mr. Christian of Cleveland, Ohio.

   Let's make 1932 a "radio year" in the annals of the Fellowship. If you have arranged for broadcasting time on the air and are in need of lectures already prepared, you may secure them by writing to the Center Department.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1932, p. 165.

   Rosicrucian Fellowship Radio Broadcasts : We are happy to announce that the Fellowship is sponsoring a series of radio broadcasts over Station KFOX ( 1250 KC), to be given by Mr. Joseph Darrow.

   Subjects and dates are as follows:

   Creative Power of Your Thought. -- Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 P.M.

   The Key to Success. -- Sunday, May 15, 1:45 P.M.

   The Sixth Sense. -- Tuesday, May 17, 8:15 P.M.

   The Secret of Healing. -- Sunday, May 22, 1:45 P.M.

   The Facts about Evolution. -- Tuesday, May 24, 8 :15 P.M.

   Where Do We Go from Here? -- Sunday, May 29, 1:45 P.M.

   Listen in on these broadcasts. Vital information on topics of universal interest. Tell your friends about them.

   A free printed copy on written request, after each broadcast, to KFOX, Broadway Arcade Bldg., Los Angeles, California.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1938, p. 285.


   Prison student enrollment in the Rosicrucian study courses continues to grow. Our members are contributing largely to the success of this work by writing encouraging and cheerful letters to these men. Anyone who is willing to correspond with a prisoner will be furnished the name and address of one by applying to,

   Prison Department,

   The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, March 1929, p. 156.

   We wish again to call attention to the fact that we have a Prison Bureau for the purpose of providing correspondents for men and women in state prisons. These men and women are in all cases taking one or more of our Correspondence Courses and are thus students of the Rosicrucian Philosophy. Prison life, of course, is not very pleasant at the best, and therefore when our students in those institutions wish to have correspondents to whom they can write and from whom they may receive friendly letters from time to time, we endeavor to supply the need.

   A recent ruling adopted by the Fellowship is that in future only men correspondents will be provided for men prisoners and women correspondents for women prisoners. The great need is for men correspondents, because 95 per cent of the prisoners on our list are men, and up to date only a comparatively few of our men students have volunteered for this service. Therefore, we would like to make a special appeal for more men to take up this work. As a matter of fact, at the present time, we have no women prisoners who have not already been supplied with correspondents. Will not some of our men recognize this opportunity for service and respond ?

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, August 1929, p. 427.

   Our Prison Department is in need of men volunteers to correspond with our men prison students. We are doing a splendid work in this field, and shall appreciate your cooperation. This service relieves the wretched monotony of prison existence, and the personal interest of our members give the men courage to carry on. In making your application for a correspondent, address, Prison Department

   THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP, Oceanside, California.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, April 1930, p. 224.

   Yes, opportunity is everywhere, even in prison life where one is so limited that he cannot go anywhere without permission, even from one side of the yard to another; but I manage to help and teach those who are seeking for the light. How help is given and how it comes to me is most strange. I had been wanting an Astro-Diagnosis for a long time but how it was to come to me was a mystery. However, a few weeks ago, on a Sunday, I was reading the Rays and a man came up and sat down beside me. He glanced at the cover and made the remark that he had been at Oceanside. I loaned the magazine to him. The next day he wanted to join the Fellowship and asked me to help him and inquired if I needed anything in the line of books, et cetera. Well, he got the books that he would eventually need in the course of his studies and because he will not need the Astro-Diagnosis for some time he loaned it to me, while he is studying the philosophy. I helped him and he helped me.

   What it means being on the job as a probationer: The line was marching in for dinner and I stepped in my place. Two boys were talking about the sun and its distance from the earth, but they could not agree. They drifted from this subject into a discussion of the planets and again they could not agree. Just then the line made a turn and another boy ahead said, "Why argue, ask the man behind you--he reads the wheel of the heavens." I answered all questions and had new company at dinner, and then loaned my Simplified Scientific Astrology to one of the boys, and to the other my Cosmo-Conception.

   The treasures of the rubbish can have blossomed. When the boys go out they leave everything behind them and that is how one morning I found five paper covered Cosmos in the rubbish can. They are not rubbish to me and all my Cosmo are loaned out and being red.

   This morning a man came to me and said: "I understand you are a Probationer and know medical astrology. My brother has gall stones and must be relieved somehow or quit his insurance business." It so happened that I had just received the Astro-Diagnosis lesson for the month of July, which covers this very ailment. The man wore a smile when he left me and made the remark that his brother would probably escape the operating table.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, October 1930, p. 544.

   Correspondents and books wanted for prisoners. We frequently acquire prison students who desire a correspondent from among our members. We are in need of men volunteers to correspond with these prison friends. They sometimes express a desire for good reading matter. We shall be glad to pass on any books to them which our friends may wish to send us for this purpose, as these will help to relieve the monotony of prison life. In sending books please be sure to specify that they are for the prisoners. We appreciate the always hearty response to our calls for service. Any man desiring a correspondent kindly apply to:

   THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP, Oceanside, California.


   Rosicrucian Philosophy Courses : A new course of twelve Preliminary Lessons, using the Cosmo-Conception as textbook. Capable instructors correct these lessons and give individual help where needed.

   Astrology Courses : Anyone not engaged in commercializing spiritual knowledge may apply for these courses of which there are two: A Junior Course of 26 lessons for beginners, and a Senior Course of 12 lessons for advanced students.

   The Rosicrucian Teachings are free, but the cost of printing and disseminating them is met by free will offerings.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia in Rays from the Rose Cross, July 1932, p. 390.

HEALING DEPARTMENT BUILDING--Dedication August 27, 1938

   At the May meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fellowship it was decided to hold a Convention of members at Mount Ecclesia during the last week-end of our Summer School--August 26th, 27th, and 28th, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

   It is planned to make this convention a three day "Festival" of joyous fellowship, during which as many as possible of those interested in forwarding the work of the Fellowship will come together to discuss definite ways and means of further serving humanity through the Western Wisdom Teachings. As an Association of many members, our success in fulfilling the high mission entrusted to us by the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross depends upon a massing of many individual "coals"--upon a combining of many individual talents and abilities, upon a synthesizing of many individual aspirations and plans. A general assembly of those vitally interested in helping to establish the New Age principles and ideals which humanity is destined to embrace at some future time can result in a powerful impetus being given toward raising the mass consciousness of mankind.

   One of the important events scheduled for this occasion is the dedication of the new building which is to accommodate the secretaries and other servers in the Healing Department. Then there will be talks, discussions, etc., conducted by visiting and resident members especially fitted to handle same particular phase of the Work. There will be opportunity, too, for making new acquaintances and furthering old associations; also plenty of fun, along with the serious thought and discussion.

   A definite program will be formulated as soon as possible.

   Write us your ideas, and make your plans to be with us!

  Rays from the Rose Cross, July 1938, p. 330.

by Max Heindel

  1909, Fall


  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, June 1914, p. 3-4.


   1909, End

   THE ROSICRUCIAN CHRISTIANITY LECTURES , are written in English, and given as lectures.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, June 1914, p. 2.



   First edition of THE ROSICRUCIAN COSMO-CONCEPTION,(2500 copies) sold in six months.

   Second edition of The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception in English.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, June 1914, p. 2.


   1913, November

   SCIENTIFIC SIMPLIFIED ASTROLOGY has been translated into French

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, November 1913, p. 2.


   1914, February

   FREEMASONRY AND CATHOLICISM released before February 1914.


  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, February 1914, p. 1.


   1914, March

   THE ROSICRUCIAN COSMO-CONCEPTION may be bought in Dutch, German and Spanish direct from Headquarters.

   THE ROSICRUCIAN CHRISTIANITY LECTURES, translated in Spanish, may be bought from Headquarters.

   THE ROSICRUCIAN PHILOSOPHY IN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, translated in Spanish, may be bought from Headquarters.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, March 1914, p. 2.


   1914, July

   THE ROSICRUCIAN COSMO-CONCEPTION, fourth edition in English.


   CHRIST OR BUDDHA? by Annette C. Rich.


   1918, January

   First EPHEMERIS are being printed:

   SIMPLIFIED SCIENTIFIC EPHEMERIS 1875 to 1895 also 1912 to 1918 just of the press.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, February 1918, p.144.


   1918, May

   SIMPLIFIED SCIENTIFIC EPHEMERIS 1875 to 1919 are now printed; and the printing of the numbers from 1874 to 1860 has started. Rays from the Rose Cross, May 1918, p.28.


   1918, June

   We have now on hand a limited number of complete sets of

   THE WEB OF DESTINY consisting of a series of nine consecutive months of our Student's Lessons. They are written by Mr. Heindel and go deeply into the occult and mystical side of the subject, showing: How the web of destiny is made and unmade; The Qualifications of Research; The Dweller on the Threshold; Cause and Effect - Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1918, p.72.


   1918, November


   By the time this magazine reaches you the Message of the Stars will be ready for distribution and if you have not already sent in your order you should do so at once, for this is a wonderful book, a wonderful mine of information written in such a clear beautiful style that even Part II, the Medical Astrology can be understood by any layman.

   36 examples Horoscopes are used to illustrate the science of Astro- Diagnosis and they show strikingly the stellar symbols of the diseases most commonly met.

   This book of 700 pages embodies the experience acquired by the authors through many years of practice during which time they have successfully diagnosed many thousands of horoscopes.

   The arts of reading and prediction are thoroughly explained. To those who delight in the philosophical side of Astrology it offers discourses on esoteric Astrology.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, November 1918, p.267.


   1920, November

   MYSTICAL INTERPRETATION OF CHRISTMAS. Printing of the new book, The Web of Destiny.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, December 1920, p. 284.


   1920, December

   IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING DEAD, by Prentiss Tucker, ready about March 15th.


   1922, August

   An INDEX of Rosicrucian Literature--Help of students wanted.

   It is our intention to compile a composite index of all Max Heindel's writings--books, lectures, lessons, magazines, letters--correlating the matter by subjects so that it will be possible by consulting the index to ascertain the location of all that he has written on any given subject. Our students can help us in this work by sending in lists of references to the following subjects, these references giving only the book or paper and page where the subject is discussed. We shall be very glad of such cooperation. A list of subjects on which references are wanted will be published in the Rays each month.

   List for August: Second Heaven, Third Heaven, Soul, Soul Body, Ripe destiny.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, August 1922, p. 159.


   1924, June


   We have The Riddle of Life and Death and Where Are the Dead? done in Revised Braille, Grade One and a Half, by one of our members. If you know of a blind person who would like to read one of these books, we will loan it to you for one month. The rest of the series will be translated and made available later.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1924, p. 94.


   1928, August

   New book on Astro-Diagnosis

   ASTRO-DIAGNOSIS, A GUIDE TO HEALING is the title of a new book by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel which is now on the press and which we expect to have ready for delivery about August 15th. This book contains 446 pages, and has about 100 astrological charts. It is devoted to medical astrology and diagnosis from the horoscope and hand. It is the most comprehensive and complete book of its kind yet published. Mr. and Mrs. Heindel are recognized authorities in the field of medical astrology, having specialized in it for many years; in fact, they were the pioneers in this line of astrological research. The earlier chapters are devoted to the fundamentals involved in reading the horoscope for the purpose of diagnosis. A chapter is devoted to each of the different parts of the body, such as the ear, lungs, throat, etc., with actual examples of diagnosis from the horoscope, showing exactly the modus operandi. The final chapter describes the Rosicrucian system of healing

   This book will be of great value to students who are engaged either in healing or nursing, whether they are attached to the orthodox medical school or the nature-cure school.

   The book is beautifully bound in cloth with cover stamped in red and gold. The price is $3.00 postpaid. It will be ready for mailing about August 15th. Advance orders are now being booked, and will be filled in the order of receipt. Send in your order at once.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, September 1928, p. 383.


   1931, June


   The Fellowship is about to publish a new book by Max Heindel composed of his series of articles on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Christian Mystic Initiation, which originally appeared in the Rays. They embody occult and mystical information of the highest value for the aspirant, not to be found anywhere else in Max Heindel's writings.

   About a year and a half ago this book was linotyped with the intention of publishing it at once. However, for various reasons the actual printing and binding were held up. Recently, however, the Board of Trustees authorized the publication of this book, and we expect to start the printing and binding shortly. We hope, therefore to have the book ready for sale some time in July.

   Mr. Louis Chavez of Indianapolis, Indiana, has very kindly furnished us seven full page drawings illustrating the various features of this book, such as the Tabernacle, the Brazen Laver, the East Room, the Ark of the Covenant, the Path of Initiation, and the Process of Transfiguration. He has also designed ornamental chapter headings and initial letters embodying the Rosicrucian Emblem to be used at the beginning of each chapter. The full page illustrations will be printed on fine half-tone paper, and these together with the ornamental headings will make this book by far the most attractive one the Fellowship has ever published. It will be a sort of deluxe edition of this portion of Max Heindel's writings. The subject matter will comprise about 125 pages, to which an index will be added. The price will be announced later.

   This book will be invaluable to the Rosicrucian student and aspirant. Therefore, we would suggest that those of our students who feel that they would like to obtain a copy, place their order in advance. This will enable us to determine the number required, and advance orders will be filled first. This is an opportunity not to be neglected.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, June 1931, p. 334.

   As stated last month, we are getting ready to print a new book by Max Heindel which will include his series of articles on the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Christian Mystic Initiation, which appeared some years ago in the Rays. The title of this book will be ANCIENT AND MODERN INITIATION. It contains some of the best things which Max Heindel has written, and some of the most important occult and mystic information. It will be thoroughly illustrated, and will be one of the most attractive books that the Fellowship has ever put out. We hope to have it ready for distribution by midsummer. We would suggest that those who would like to have copies, place their orders with us in advance, and these will be filled immediately upon the completion of the book.

  Rays from the Rose Cross, July 1931, p. 389.



   In the Probationer's meeting of October 1, 1989, the restoration of Mount Ecclesia "old landmarks" was outlined.

   The Maintenance Department reported that the Ecclesia (the Healing Temple) needs exterior painting and the Finial, the crown of the Temple, must be removed for extensive repair work.

   The old Electric Cross near the Founder's circle also needs re-painting and re-wiring, both of which necessitate shop work.

   Repairs on the Pro-Ecclesia (the Chapel). Re-roofing over both entrances and work on the east door, were completed prior to that date. The three small bells in the structure over the main entrance had been cleaned, re-painted and returned to their positions.

   The Founder's Cross, the first of the landmarks, had been found to be so old that it was necessary to replace it. An exact copy has now been completed--made possible through the donations of workers and Probationers.

   The opinion was expressed that perhaps other Probationers might wish to contribute toward the restoration of the Temple's Finial and the electric emblem. The response to this announcement was immediate and overtly indicative of the interest of our Members in these old landmarks. A grand total of $570.00 was placed at the disposal of the Maintenance Department within minutes after the closure of the meeting!

   If you wish to have a part in the project of renovating Mount Ecclesia's "old landmarks," your contributions will be gladly received by the Maintenance Department, who is conducting the project.

   We thank you in advance for your support of this project and the support in general of the continuing expenses of the work of the Fellowship.

  Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, January 1990, p. 2.


End of

Complete Historical Notes
On The Rosicrucian Fellowship

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