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The Rosicrucian Fellowship publishes and sells books on Esoteric Christianity and Philosophy, Spiritual Astrology and Bible Interpretation. Max Heindel, an Initiate of the Rosicrucian Order, founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship and wrote his many books based on firsthand knowledge of occult facts.

| Philosophy | Astrology | Health and Healing | History | Index |

Book List - Philosophy

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures

The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume I

The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume II

The Rosicrucian Mysteries

Letters to Students

Gleanings of a Mystic

Mysteries of the Great Operas

Teachings of an Initiate

Ancient and Modern Initiation

The Web of Destiny

Freemasonry and Catholicism

The Vital Body

The Desire Body

The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training

How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming?

The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas

The Mystical Interpretation of Easter

Nature Spirits and Nature Forces

Book List - Spiritual Astrology

The Message of the Stars

Simplified Scientific Astrology

Astro-Diagnosis - A Guide to Healing

Book List - Health and Healing

Occult Principles of Health and Healing

Book List - History

Memoirs about Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, 1913 - 1919

Book List - Index

Complete Index of Books by Max Heindel

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

This book gives a complete outline of the Western Wisdom Teaching as far as it may be made public at the present time. It contains a comprehensive outline of the evolutionary processes of man and the universe, correlating science with religion. Max Heindel, the author, received this Teaching personally from the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. It is their latest communication.

Part I is a treatise on the Visible and the Invisible Worlds, Man and the Method of Evolution, Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect.

Part II takes up the scheme of Evolution in general and the Evolution of the Solar System and the Earth in particular.

Part III treats of Christ and His Mission, Future Development of Man and Initiation, Esoteric Training and a Safe Method of Acquiring Firsthand Knowledge.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-34-0

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The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures

Delivering these twenty lectures in person was one of the earliest activities of the authorized Messenger of the Rosicrucian Order, Max Heindel. This book is a comprehensive outline, with modern application, of the ancient truths of Rosicrucianism.

Titles of Lecture-Chapters

The Riddle of Life and Death
Where Are the Dead?
Spiritual Sight and the Spiritual Worlds
Sleep, Dreams, Trance, Hypnotism, Mediumship and Insanity
Death, and Life in Purgatory
Life and Activity in Heaven
Birth - A Fourfold Event
The Science of Nutrition, Health and Protracted Youth
The Astronomical Allegories of the Bible
Astrology: Its Scope and Limitations
Spiritual Sight and Insight
The Angels as Factors in Evolution
Lucifer - Tempter or Benefactor?
The Mystery of Golgotha and the Cleansing Blood
The Star of Bethlehem: A Mystic Fact
The Mystery of the Holy Grail
The Lord's Prayer
The Coming Force: Vril or What?
Fellowship and the Coming Race

ISBN Number: 0-911274-84-7

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The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume I

A book of ready reference upon all mystic matters, which ought to be in the library of every occult student. It comprises the answers to 189 questions asked of Max Heindel on the lecture platform. Here is a partial list of subjects:

Life After Death
Life on Earth
The Bible Teachings
Spiritualistic Phenomena

ISBN Number: 0-9112-74-89-8

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The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers - Volume II

This volume contains questions and answers from early issues of the Echoes newsletter and Rays From the Rose Cross magazine which, with a few exceptions, have never been published in book form. It therefore offers a store of information valuable to all occult students. 165 topics, handled in Max Heindel's usual thorough manner, are grouped under the following headings:

Life After Death
Health and Healing
The Invisible Worlds
Spiritual Sight
Bible Interpretation

ISBN Number: 0-911274-90-1

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The Rosicrucian Mysteries

Max Heindel has written the sublime truths of the Western Wisdom Teachings in almost narrative style in this book intended specially to give busy people a solution to life's basic problems as contained in the mind- and heart-satisfying Rosicrucian Philosophy.

This is the book for the busy man who is seeking a solution to the Great Mystery called Life but lacks leisure to wade through volumes of metaphysical speculation. The lucid and logical explanations carry conviction - they bear the stamp of Truth. Nevertheless, the language is so simple, clear and devoid of technicalities that a child can understand its message. It is therefore specially suited to beginners.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-86-3

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Letters to Students

This book is exactly what the name implies - letters to students - the direct personal contact of Max Heindel with every student of The Rosicrucian Fellowship. There are ninety-seven letters written in the intimate friendly tone of a teacher and friend, extending from Christmas of 1910 to January of 1919. After his passing, these priceless letters were published in book form for the inspiration and instruction of all.

Twelve arresting titles of letters out of ninety-seven are given below:

Friendship as an Ideal
A Plea for the Church
Baptism of Water and of Spirit
Flesh Food and Alcohol
Initiative and Personal Freedom
Role of Evil in the World
The Coming Age of Air
Eastern and Western Methods
The World War (I) and Infant Mortality
Christ and His Second Coming
Tolerance of Others' Beliefs
The Unnecessary Fear of Death

These letters transform the cold printed page into warmth and comfort. As a gift to yourself or another this may be a turning point toward the Light.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-09-X

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Gleanings of a Mystic

This book is devoted to practical mysticism, bringing out a vast array of new information and fine points never before presented in this form. The information contained in this book will be of immense value to the student and aspirant, enabling them to make swifter progress in both their spiritual and material development.

Subjects include:

The Sacraments
The Unpardonable Sin and Lost Souls
The Immaculate Conception
The Coming Christ
The Coming Age
Magic, White and Black
Stumbling Blocks
The Cosmic Meaning of Easter

ISBN Number: 0-911274-87-1

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Mysteries of the Great Operas

Faust - Parsifal - The Ring of the Niebelung - Tannhauser - Lohengrin

What is the true Nature of Music Itself? Why must there be Dissonance as well as Harmony? Where does Music come from?

Myths - Legends - Folk Stories

Why are the age-old Tales used as Vehicles for some of the Greatest Music of all Time? What is the Relation between the Human Spirit and Music?

Folk Lore and its interpretation through music has much to offer to the general reader as well as to the musician and occultist. These Myths conceal many of the hidden truths which are now being translated from symbol and allegory, and this attractive book is the key to these poetic tales of evolution, sacrifice and unfoldment.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-88-X

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Teachings of an Initiate

This book is compiled from the writings of an Initiate of the Rosicrucian Order. It comprises a series of lessons issued by Max Heindel to his students, together with various public addresses.

A few chapter headings will give an idea of the contents of the book:

The Scientific Method of Spiritual Unfoldment
The Death of the Soul
Our Work in the World
Mystic Light on World War I
The Secret of Success
The Sign of the Master
Religion and Healing

Max Heindel was well qualified to impart esoteric knowledge on these subjects by virtue of his various Initiations into the Mysteries. Teachings of an Initiate contains the later fruit of Mr. Heindel's extensive occult investigations. It is of value to both the beginner and the advanced student of occultism.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-19-7

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Ancient and Modern Initiation

This book is a penetrating and deeply spiritual presentation of the Unity of Truth as applied to the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Formulas on Initiation are:

The Law, "the shadow of good things to come," as symbolized in the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.

The Gospel, "the good tidings" as revealed in the four Gospels containing the Life of Christ.

Ancient and Modern Initiation contains priceless wisdom for those who seek truth as well as for those who already rejoice in Christ and the Christ-message.

Part I - Tabernacle in the Wilderness
Part II - Christian Mystic Initiation

ISBN Number: 0-911274-82-0

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The Web of Destiny

This book contains sixteen of the ninety-seven monthly lessons sent out to his students by Max Heindel. They are the fruitage of true esoteric research. The Web of Destiny is based on personal occult investigations by the author, in which he uncovered many of the inner laws governing man's hidden springs of action.

It gives information regarding the Dweller on the Threshold, which every aspirant has to meet, usually at an early stage of his progress into the unseen worlds. It treats of the causes of obsession of men and animals. It describes how we create our environment and some of the causes of disease, pointing the way to final emancipation.

Some of the subjects covered are:

Spiritual Research - The Soul Body
The Christ Within - The Memory of Nature
The Sin Body and Elementals
The Genesis of Mental and Physical Disabilities
The Cause of Disease
Etheric Sight - Collective Destiny
The Function of Desire
The Necessity for Poise
The Effects of Remorse
Prayer - A Magic Invocation
Practical Methods of Achieving Success

ISBN Number: 0-911274-17-0

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Freemasonry and Catholicism

An Esoteric Treatise on the Underlying Facts regarding these two great Institutions as determined by occult investigation.

It explains in terms of Mystic Masonry the conflict between the Sons of Seth and the Sons of Cain and unravels the allegory dealing with the building of Solomon's Temple, the Queen of Sheba and the Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.

This book should be in every Mason's library.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-04-9

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The Vital Body

The Western Wisdom School teaches as its fundamental maxim that "all occult development begins with the vital body," stated Max Heindel, Initiate of the Order of the Rose Cross. It is therefore with the purpose of presenting in a concise and easily understood form all the important information which the founder of The Rosicrucian Fellowship wrote in his various letters, lessons and books concerning the etheric vehicle that this compiled material is published in book form. To the layman in occult study, as well as to the advanced student, it offers much of practical value.

ISBN Number: 0911274-16-2

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The Desire Body

Man, the indwelling Spirit, has at his present stage of development four vehicles through which he functions: the dense physical body, the vital body, the desire body, and the mind. Although these bodies are closely interrelated and are affected by each other, it is helpful to the student in understanding thoroughly their functions and possibilities to study each one separately and intensively. To facilitate such study Max Heindel's material concerning the desire body has been collected and published in this one convenient volume.

The desire body of man is his vehicle of feelings, desires, wishes and emotions. It is responsible for all his actions, reveling in unrestrained motion. If unbridled it makes the body do all the unnecessary and undignified things which are so detrimental to soul growth. However, that temper which is such a great menace when it takes control, may be as effective for service under proper guidance. Hence the temper of the desire body must be controlled but not by any means killed.

The Western Wisdom Teachings therefore emphasize the transmuting of the lower desires into higher ones through service motivated by devotion to high ideals. This generates the Emotional Soul, essential nourishment for the evolving Spirit.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-03-0

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The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training

This book is a compilation of the writings of Max Heindel on the training of children in accordance with Rosicrucian principles. Contents are as follows:

Education of Children. Methods of Education
Heredity and the Problems of Childhood
The Reason for Infant Mortality
Astrology and the Child

ISBN Number: 0-911274-62-6

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How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming?

This book tells us that Christ will return in an etheric, not a physical body. Hence mankind must develop the etheric body to the point where they can function in it consciously before Christ will return. Then they will possess the inner spiritual perception by which they will be able to recognize Him. These matters are fully elucidated in this book.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-64-2

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The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas

Christianity has been expounded from thousands of pulpits during the past 2000 years. Nevertheless, humanity today has but an allegorical conception of Christ and His ministry.

This treatise covers the Cosmic Significance of Christmas and the annual Sacrifice of Christ, traces the astrological interpretation up through the simplicity of nature worship and sketches a glorious outlook for the coming age, which inspires the casual reader to seek more Light.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-65-0

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The Mystical Interpretation of Easter

This booklet contains some of the most beautiful writings of the founder of The Rosicrucian Fellowship. It gives the true esoteric meaning of the resurrection of Christ Jesus, His correlation to the great Sun Spirit and an explanation of His mission on Earth. Here will be found the results of firsthand research into the Memory of Nature.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-69-3

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Nature Spirits and Nature Forces

The esoteric explanation of an important subject compiled from the writings of this foremost Western Mystic, Max Heindel. Recommended to all students of inner truths.

Chapters include:

The Ethers and Laws of Nature
Heaven World Activity and Nature Forces
Mission of Christ and Festival of the Fairies
Forces of Different Periods
The Earth Spirit
Two Questions and Answers
Constitution of the Earth and Volcanic Eruptions

ISBN Number: 0-911274-70-7

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The Message of the Stars

This is a practical textbook for the student who is learning to read his chart. The fundamentals of astrological interpretation are given in clear, understandable language. The Keyword System of horoscopical analysis is outlined. The library of every astrology student should contain a copy of this essential reference book. This book is one of the most complete systems of character delineation and reading the horoscope for medical diagnosis yet given to modern astrology. It includes a simple method of Progression and Prediction.

In the section on Medical Astrology the authors, Mr. and Mrs. Heindel, have given a system that is based on years of practical experience. Thirty-six example horoscopes are included and the subject is dealt with most thoroughly.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-18-9

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Simplified Scientific Astrology

A complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, making the process simple and easy for beginners. It also includes a Philosophic Encyclopedia and Table of Planetary Hours. The Tables of Planetary Hours enables one to select the most favorable time for beginning new enterprises. No astrological student can afford to be without it.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-01-4

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Astro-Diagnosis - A Guide to Healing

This book is devoted to medical astrology and diagnosis from the horoscope and hand. It is the most comprehensive and complete book of its kind yet published. Mr. and Mrs. Heindel are recognized authorities in the field of medical astrology, having specialized in it for many years.

Part I contains 68 pages of carefully selected instruction designed to enable the student to understand and use the authors' method of diagnosis.

A chapter is devoted to each of the different parts of the body, such as the ears, throat, lungs, etc., with actual examples of diagnosis from the horoscope, showing exactly the modus operandi. Instructions in regard to reading the horoscope for the purpose of diagnosis are included, as well as natural methods for curing diseased conditions.

This volume will be of great value to students who are engaged in healing or nursing, whether they are attached to the orthodox medical school or to the nature-cure school.

There are about 100 astrological charts used, which were selected from the many hundreds analyzed by the writers.

ISBN Number: 0-911274-06-5

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Occult Principles of Health and Healing

The information in this book has been culled with great care from the many books, lessons, letters - even from hitherto unpublished notes - of the Western Seer and Initiate, Max Heindel, and brought together in one volume. This is the heart of the Western Wisdom Teaching pertaining to Health and Healing.

Partial List of Contents:

Man and His Vehicles
General and Specific Causes of Disease
The Rosicrucian Fellowship Method of Healing
The Science of Nutrition
Astrology as an Aid to Healing
Therapeutic Basis of Light, Color and Sound
The Scope of Healing
The Real Nature of Death

ISBN Number: 0-911274-81-2

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Memoirs about Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Available at last! The long-awaited memoirs about the beginning of The Rosicrucian Fellowship, as written by Augusta Foss Heindel, Max Heindel's wife. Delight in the firsthand description of the early days, Max Heindel's first contact with the Elder Brothers, the search for Mount Ecclesia, the first summer school and the construction of the buildings, including the Pro- Ecclesia and Temple (Ecclesia). There are many early-day black and white pictures, eight full color present-day pictures and MUCH more.

Catch the opportunity to read this fascinating book.

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Echoes from Mount Ecclesia, 1913 - 1919

The Echoes of Mount Ecclesia 1913 - 1915 were the first historical events of Mount Ecclesia printed and published by Max Heindel. Then, in the second part of 1915, Max Heindel decided to print and publish a magazine, the Rays from the Rose Cross. From 1915 on, the magazine Rays includes the Echoes, which relate the history and events of Mount Ecclesia. The Echoes 1913 - 1915 are out of print as are some of the oldest Rays as well.

Echoes of Mount Ecclesia, 1913 - 1919 enables everyone to know the history of the beginning of The Rosicrucian Fellowship until Max Heindel passed away in January, 1919.

Echoes of Mount Ecclesia, 1913 - 1919 is the "companion" book to Memoirs about Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship by Augusta Foss Heindel. Echoes has fifty-one black and white historical pictures, most being different from the ones in Memoirs . . ..

Enjoy the reading of the historically valuable book.

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Complete Index of Books by Max Heindel

This index has been prepared primarily for the purpose of aiding students to find quotations by Max Heindel dealing with particular subjects. Hence there is a more detailed listing of references to basic topics, in words verbatim from their sources, than would otherwise be the case. It is also hoped that this index may serve as an incentive to topical study and research in the development and correlation of fundamental subjects taught in the Western Wisdom Teachings.

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