Quick Introduction to
The Rosicrucian Fellowship

From our opening page:

Click  on  STUDY AT  HOME to  see the  correspondence courses  we have 
available for  philosophy, spiritual  astrology and  the Bible  (by e- 
mail, if you like).   Click on  REGISTER to  register for  any of  our 
courses.  You will be given an information package that will  give you 
the URLs of the  first lessons  in each  of our  courses.  Take  those 
courses that interest you.   Read the  lessons, answer  the questions, 
then SUBMIT  them to  us here  at headquarters.  We will  forward your 
answers  to  a corrector  and he  will send  you the  URL of  the next 
lesson. Sample lessons are on our web site  so you  can see  the first 
lessons in each of our courses (please do not send  us the  answers to 
these  sample  lessons).   You  must  take  our 12  lesson preliminary 
philosophy course in order to become a regular student.  There  are no 
set dues or fixed tuition fees.  The student  is given  an opportunity 
to help as the heart dictates and the means permit.

Click on PAMPHLETS and review  the list of  pamphlets that describe us 
and our philosophy.  You might especially  be interested  in pamphlets 
#10, #19, #21, #39 and #45.

Click  on  BOOKS  AND  SOFTWARE,  then  DESCRIPTION  OF  BOOKS  for  a 
description  of  the  material  in our  books and  links to  the books 
themselves.   Click  on CATALOG  AND PRICE  LIST to  order any  of our 
books,  software,  or other  material. Click on SOFTWARE  for detailed 
information about the  computer software we have available (most of it 
is FREE).

Click on CENTERS to see a listing of our worldwide centers.

Click on HEALING WORK to learn  about our healing work or to request a 
healing application.


Please give us your feedback

Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
(760) 721 - 3806 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]