The Case Against VaccinationsQuestion: In view of the seeming effectiveness of the anti-whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria shots for children, what answer can be given to someone who has no understanding of the Philosophy and cites the lowering of epidemics, as a result of these shots? Answer: An adequate answer can hardly be given in a few words. It is necessary that a person look at the matter from a broader view than the usual materialistic one in order to gain a thorough understanding of all the factors involved. First, we must realize that �Man is a creator by means of his thoughts, and the evil thoughts, the thoughts of fear and hatred, do take form, and in the course of centuries they crystallize into what we know as bacilli. The bacilli of infectious diseases are particularly the embodiment of fear and hate, and therefore they are also vanquished by the opposite force, courage. As a tuning fork will commence to vibrate when we strike another tuning fork of the same pitch, so also will these microscopic germs. If we enter the presence of a person infected with a contagious disease in fear and trembling, we most assuredly draw to ourselves the death-dealing poisonous microbes. If, on the other hand, we approach that person in a perfectly fearless attitude, we shall escape the infection, particularly if we are prompted by love.� Now let us review the facts concerning bacilli and inoculation. �Bacteriologists have discovered that many diseases are caused by microorganisms which invade our body, and also that when this invading army begins to create a disturbance the body commences to manufacture germs of an opposing nature or a substance which will poison the invaders. It is then a question of which are the strongest, the invaders or the defenders. If the defending microbes are more numerous than the invaders or if the poison which is noxious to the invaders is manufactured in sufficient quantities, the patient recovers. If the defenders are vanquished or the body is unable to manufacture a sufficient quantity of serum necessary to poison the invaders, the patient succumbs to the disease. It was further discovered that when a certain person has once successfully recovered from a specific malady, he is immune from renewed attacks of that disease for the reason that he has in his body the serum which is death to the germs that cause the disease he has once weathered. �From the above facts certain conclusions were drawn: (1) If a healthy person is inoculated with a few of the germs of a certain disease he will contract that disease in a mild form. He will then be able to develop the saving serum and thus he will become immune to that disease in the future. That is the philosophy of vaccination as a means of preventing disease. (2) When a person has contracted a disease and is unable to manufacture a sufficient quantity of the serum which will destroy the invading microorganisms, his life may be saved by inoculation with the serum obtained from another who has become immune. �As it is not easy to get such antitoxins or cultures from human beings, these germ-cultures and poisons have been obtained from animals, and much has been written both for and against the use of such methods of fighting disease. With these we are not here concerned. The occult viewpoint goes deeper than the question at issue, as seen from the material side of life. There are undoubtedly cases where disease has been prevented by vaccination and cases where death has been prevented by the use of antitoxins. There are also cases where vaccination and antitoxins have caused the fatality they were designed to prevent, but that is beside the question. From the occult viewpoint vaccination and the use of antitoxins obtained by the processes in use in bacteriological institutes is to be deplored. These methods work a wrong on the helpless animals and poison the human body, making it difficult for the Ego to use its instrument. �If we study the chemistry of our food we shall find that nature has provided all necessary medicine, and if we eat right we shall be immune from disease without vaccination. �When in normal health the body specializes a far greater quantity of the solar energy than it can use. The surplus is radiated from the whole surface of the body with great force and prevents the entrance of microorganisms which lack the strength to battle against the outwelling current.... Scientists recognize the fact of selective osmosis. They know that while a sieve will allow any particle of matter to pass through which is smaller than the mesh of the sieve, the kidneys, for instance, will keep fluids of use to the body, while allowing waste products to pass. In a similar manner the vital fluid makes a distinction. It rids the body of the poisons and impurities generated inside and repels similar products from without. �This emanation has been called N-rays, or Odic fluid, by scientists who have discovered it by means of chemical reagents which render it luminous. During the process of digestion it is weakest, for then an extra quantity of the solar energy is required for use inside the body in the metabolism of the food. The heartier we have eaten, the greater the quantity of vital fluid expended within the body and the weaker the eliminative and protecting outrushing current. Consequently, we are in the greatest danger from an invasion by an army of inimical microorganisms when we have gorged ourselves. �On the other hand, if we eat sparingly and choose the foods which are the most easily digestible, the diminution of the protective vital current will be correspondingly minimized and our immunity from disease will be much enhanced without the necessity of poisoning our body with vaccine.� Furthermore, Max Heindel states that �An enormous percentage of our sickness is actually due and traceable to feelings of fear upon the part of the patient....It is well known to science that an attitude of fear breaks down the power of resistance of the body, and thereby lays it liable to diseases which would not otherwise be able to gain a foothold. From the occult point of view it is perfectly plain why this is so....The moment we allow thoughts of fear, worry, anger, etc., the body endeavors, as it were, to close the gates against an outside foe, fancied or real. Then also the spleen closes up and ceases to specialize the vital fluid in sufficient quantities for the necessities of the body, and we then see a phenomenon which is analogous to the effect of lowering the voltage of an electric fan....The solar fluid does not go through the body with the same speed as before. It does not then radiate from the periphery in straight lines, but these lines become crumpled and thus they allow easy access to the little deleterious organisms which may then feed unobstructed upon our tissues and cause disease. �Whether the consistent mental scientists or others who believe in divine healing know this law or not, they act according to its dictates when they affirm that they are children of God, that they have no reason to fear, for God is their Father and will protect them so long as they do not deliberately disregard the ordinary laws of life. �The actual fact and the truth of the matter is that contagion comes from within. So long as we live a commonsense life, feeding our bodies upon the pure foods which come from the vegetable kingdom, taking a sufficient amount of exercise, and keeping mentally active, we may rest secure in the promise that the Lord is our refuge. There shall no evil befall us so long as we thus show our faith by our works. On the other hand, if we belie our faith in God by disregard of His laws our expectations of health are in vain.� |
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