Newness of Life

An entirely new set of surroundings--new people, new scenes, new activities, and consequent new thought processes--often brings about a remarkable improvement in one’s health. This his been demonstrated many times, and nowadays physicians may prescribe a trip as a remedy for an illness which has stubbornly refused to yield to other curatives. Many people, however, are unable to leave their homes, and consequently may join those fortunate ones who learn to transcend the power of outer stimuli by effecting a change within themselves.

  This method is the superior, not only because it obtains permanent results, but because it also brings soul growth. In view of its results, the effort of will required to give up old, set ways of feeling and thinking which have brought about the crystallizations manifesting as disease, is indeed well spent.

  Anyone, if he will, may change his consciousness simply by establishing different reactions to the same people and surroundings-—reactions clothed in the golden aura of Christ-like love and desire to serve.

  The Love-Wisdom Aspect of Divinity is inherent in every human being, and may be unfolded in all its glorious beauty by daily efforts to love and serve others. Through it we may accomplish a physical, mental, and spiritual change in a seemingly miraculous manner, for it’s presence dispels crystallization and restores the normal rhythm and harmony to the bodies.

  By visualizing the Christ Light about ourselves and others, by emulating His wondrous love and compassion, by cultivating a firm faith in His gracious mercy, thus permeating our consciousness with His vibrations, we may walk in that “newness of life” which St. Paul mentions in the 6th Chapter of Romans, and “we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.”

  Visible Helpers are just as necessary as Invisible Helpers, and our friends and patients may share in a high privilege, as well as add much to the power of liberated healing force, by joining us in prayer for the sick. Our Healing Service is held every evening in the Healing Temple at 6:30 (7:30 when Daylight time is in effect) and in the Pro-Ecclesia at 4:15 P.M. when the Moon is in a cardinal sign on the following dates:


  Relax, close your eyes, and make a mental picture of the pure white rose in the center of the Rosicrucian Emblem on the west wall of our Pro-Ecelesia, and concentrate on Divine Love and Healing.

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Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
(760) 721 - 3806 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]