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RF_ASTRO Features


Take a look at this extensive list of features in RF_ASTRO!

NATAL ASTROLOGY - Nine different house systems, declinations, personal sensitive points, planetary house and sign qualities and major/minor aspect listings.

PLUS - Progressed, solar arc and transit planetary positions, solar and lunar returns, aspects and parallels to natal planets, lunations for the coming 12 months, and daily transit interpretations (customizable) for any day desired.

RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY - Synastry data and charts.

PLANETARY HOURS - Lists the planetary hours and the planetary hour rulers for any day. Click on a planet and see keywords and activities appropriate for that planetary hour.

CHART WHEELS - Among the chart wheels you can display in color are single, dual and triple natal, progressed, solar arc, transit, solar return, lunar return, synastry, flat, solar and solar equilibrium chart wheels and more.

PHILOSOPHY - Many text files featuring the teachings of Max Heindel regarding astrology, its symbolism and the Rosicrucian teachings and philosophy.

OTHER FEATURES - Help on all menu items, option settings for many program parameters, a listing of aspects alongside the chartwheel for quick reference, major aspect lines within single chart wheels, 11 different files containing over 2400 cities' longitudes, latitudes and standard time zones, 12 different orb files for customizing the orbs for different chart wheel's aspects, 5 different files for storing your birth data with the ability to add any number of files you want, and much more.


Interface to the ACS electronic atlases (DOS only).

Time zone help including 68 time zone selections.

Whole sign single chart wheels.

European type single chart wheels.

KEYWORDS for planets, signs, houses and qualities.

Download the RF_ASTRO demo

RF_ASTRO.ZIP, 506663, 06 March 1998. This demo has the features found in version 1.00 of RF_ASTRO, but only allows you to input natal data for November, 1963. Otherwise, everything is available for you to try out. The RF_ASTRO demo installs as any Windows program once unzipped. See the HELP files for more information on the program once you have it running.

QUICK1.ZIP, 1883, 18 Feb 1998. Tips For Quick Startup for RF_ASTRO.

NOTE: You MUST download VBRUN300.ZIP or already have VBRUN300.DLL in your c:\windows\system directory in order to be able to install the AstroWin demo.

VBRUN300.ZIP, 229286, 09 Aug 1996. Visual Basic 3.0 run-time file needed for Windows program installation and operation.

Please give us your feedback

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PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
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E-mail: [email protected]