MAX  HEINDEL

        23 JUL 1865    TZ = 0.0      4.34 A.M.   56.00 NORTH    0.00 WEST

                           The Rosicrucian Fellowship
                                   PO Box 713
                            Oceanside, CA 92049-0713
                                 (760) 757-6600


                          OUR PHILOSOPHY OF ASTROLOGY

     Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon man. It 
     is not fortune telling. It is one of the best methods for man to learn 
     about who he is, where he came from and where  he is  going. Astrology 
     reveals CHARACTER and character  is destiny.   If man  can change  his 
     character, then man will have changed his destiny.   The main  uses of 
     astrology are diagnosis of  health and  sickness, character  analysis, 
     vocational guidance, analysis of children's horoscopes  so as  to give 
     parents a better idea  as to  how best  to raise  their children,  and 
     analysis of the compatibilities between people.

     Astrology does not show anything but  tendencies. A  man can  rule his 
     stars by exerting his will. If a man decides to flow with the tide  of 
     life, then the tendencies indicated in  the birth  chart will  at some 
     time have their effect. The one thing a birth chart  does not  show is 
     the WILL of the  individual and  how he  may exert  it. The  matter of 
     exercising free will is left entirely up to the individual.   The wise 
     man rules his stars, the fool is ruled  by them.   Astrology forewarns 
     and being forewarned, a man is thus forearmed to better cope with  the 
     struggles of life.

     Remember that good or so-called evil configurations are not the result 
     of chance or luck, but are the product  of our  own past  acts -   the 
     horoscope shows what we have earned by our  past living  and therefore 
     what we are entitled to in the present life. What we lack in this life 
     can be gained in the future by applying ourselves to the task at hand. 
     The stars IMPEL but do not COMPEL.  As Goethe, the great mystic, said, 
     "From every power that holds the  world in  chains, Man  frees himself 
     when self-control he gains."

     The Law of Consequence  ("Whatsoever a  man sows,  that he  shall also 
     reap") works in harmony with the planets. The spirit is born into  the 
     physical world at that opportune time when the Law and the planets may 
     operate in harmony with each other. The birth of an Ego is so timed by 
     the  Lords  of  Destiny,  that the  horoscope, which  is the  clock of 
     destiny, registers the kind of debts which the Ego has incurred in its 
     previous lives, and the time when these debts  come to  fruition, when 
     the harvest  from the  seeds which  have been  sown must  be garnered. 
     However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, for it may be modified 
     to a certain degree in proportion to the amount of will power awakened 
     and utilized by the Ego. "For be not deceived, God is not  mocked. The 
     mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow, but  they grind  exceedingly 

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     There are three factors which bring to us  the mystic  message of  the 
     stars - the houses, the signs and the planets. Each house represents a 
     department of life, the signs are  divisions of  the heavens  which by 
     their placement relative to the houses indicate our  basic temperament 
     and attitude towards life, and the planets are  the messengers  of God 
     which by their motion through the  houses and  signs bring  to us  the 
     opportunities  for  soul  growth  which  we  need  for  our individual 
     development. Think of the  planets as  representing the  players in  a 
     play. The signs, then, would describe  the role  that each  player has 
     and how he expresses his character, the houses  represent the  various 
     settings  of  the  play  and  the  angular  relationships  between the 
     planets, the aspects, represent the plot of the play. Each  planet has 
     a  characteristic  energy.   That  energy  can  be  expressed   either 
     positively  or  negatively.   The  way  that  energy  is  expressed is 
     determined by  the aspects  of the  other planets  to that  particular 

     The  horoscope  shows  tendencies  only.  It  is a  matter for  you to 
     determine how any planetary position will work itself out.  That  will 
     be determined by the use you make of your own WILLPOWER.

                         THE RISING SIGN OR ASCENDANT

     The sign that is  on the  eastern horizon  at the  moment of  birth is 
     called the  Rising Sign  or the  Ascendant.  The  Ascendant marks  the 
     difference  in  temperament,  disposition,  physical  appearance   and 
     personality of individuals. It  is the  lens through  which everything 
     else in the chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the  way 
     we look at everything. People see us through  our rising  sign and  we 
     see the world through our rising sign.  YOUR ASCENDANT HAS:

     LEO rising
     The  lion  is  the  king  of  beasts  and  even  in  captivity  is  an
     embodiment of stateliness and pride. The typical Leos  of  the  Zodiac
     also express pride in every movement and a stateliness which will  not
     escape attention of  the  keen  observer;  the  expansive  chest,  the
     massive  shoulders,  the  strong  arm  and  the  large  head  contrast
     noticeably with the more slender but still muscular  under  body;  and
     as Aries has the sheep face, so the typical  Leo  has  certain  feline
     features. The complexion is florid,  eyes  large  and  full,  blue  or
     grayish in color, expressing laughter, cheerfulness and  content.  The
     whole frame is well  knit  and  strong,  having  great  endurance  and
     recuperative power.

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     It is really wonderful how the symbology of the signs is  brought  out
     in the different kinds of people  born  under  them.  People  who  are
     born under Leo always want to be noted; they are aggressive  and  want
     to attract attention everywhere they go. They aim to be  leaders,  not
     Leo rules the heart, and it is a  marked  characteristic  that  people
     with  Leo  rising  unafflicted,  have   hearts   bigger   than   their
     pocketbooks, they give generously of their time,  money  or  knowledge
     without thought of self. If the Sun rises in Leo, this  trait  becomes
     almost prodigality, but if Saturn is  there  to  afflict  instead,  he
     will counteract it so that they will either circumscribe  their  gifts
     with  conditions  to  such  an  extent  that  they  retain   practical
     control, or they will spend their means on themselves.
     Leos are honest and faithful; being children of  the  day  star,  they
     love light and truth, are above subterfuge and aim straight  at  their
     object. Their will is firm to attain by  honorable  means,  They  make
     good orators and hold their audiences by personal magnetism. They  are
     very attractive to the opposite sex, and the lower  nature  should  be
     held firmly in check, otherwise  serious  trouble  and  heartache  may
     ensue. The French, as a race, are  ruled  by  Leo,  and  afford  ample
     illustration of this point.       
     The Sun  rising  in  Leo,  unafflicted,  gives  a  body  of  wonderful
     strength, vitality and recuperative power; superior  in  its  wiriness
     to the body generated by the Sun in Taurus; but if Mars  is  afflicted
     in Leo, palpitation of the heart will ensue. Saturn  here  will  cause
     regurgitation unless care is taken in early years to avoid strain.
     When there are no  planets  on  the  Ascendant  the  rising  sign  has
     considerable influence on the type of mind.
     LEO rising gives a frank, open, ambitious mind; a  powerful  will  and
     a proud, honorable and kind disposition  but  inclined  to  be  hasty,
     quick-tempered, sensual and apt to go to extremes.
     The ruling planet also has an  important  bearing  on  the  life-work,
     and the occupations signified by the different planets may  be  stated
     as follows:
     THE SUN as life ruler indicates a leader--it may be of a state as king
     or president, or of a province or city as governor  or  mayor,  or  as
     head of a corporation, whether large or small. Thus  when  the  Sun is

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     life ruler, especially if it is in the Tenth  House,  it  indicates  a
     government position or employment in an executive capacity.
     When the vital, courageous and ambitious well aspected Sun  is  ruler,
     it gives dignity to the whole nature, a lofty  pride  that  would  not
     stoop to do anything small,  mean  or  degrading,  a  fine  and  noble
     courage that may show itself  on  occasion  as  much  by  disdainfully
     ignoring the attacks  of  an  adversary  whom  he  considers  too  far
     beneath his notice as by a fight to the death for a  principle.  There
     is an intense craving for recognition and leadership which  will  make
     it very difficult for him to occupy a subordinate  position;  also  an
     intense warm-hearted, affectionate and demonstrative nature.
     When the life rulers  are  afflicted  by  the  conjunction,  parallel,
     square, or opposition from the  other  planets,  especially  from  the
     malefics--Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Neptune--they affect  the  life  in
     an inimical manner which may be outlined as follows:
     When the cowardly and arrogant afflicted Sun  is  life  ruler,  people
     born under his debilitating influence are egotistical in the  extreme,
     full  of  swagger,  self-importance  and  arrogance.  If  they  obtain
     authority over anyone whom they think they can overawe they will  rule
     such dependent  with  a  rod  of  iron,  trample  upon  his  tenderest
     feelings without a twinge of conscience or compunction,  but  if  they
     themselves  come  under  the  authority  of  another  these  spineless
     weaklings will then cringe, creep and cater to the slightest  whim  of
     their master though they hate him with an intense hatred that is  only
     kept in check by their fear. They whine and wheedle  at  the  faintest
     frown though ready to spring and devour him if only they dared. It  is
     the signature of one of the most despicable characters in the gamut.

                           SIGN POSITIONS OF PLANETS

     The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can manifest  in 
     different  ways.   They  are  like the  actors in  a play.   The signs 

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     describe the ways in which these  planetary energies  are used.   They 
     show the motivation and the roles the different actors play.   As with 
     everything in the material world, these  energies can  and usually  do 
     operate in two directions, the positive and negative.

     Sun in Leo
     The Sun in Leo gives a  masterful  nature  with  a  large  measure  of
     self-control, a keen sense of honor  and  a  never-failing  integrity.
     The person aspires to rule others but  would  scorn  to  take  a  mean
     advantage or to do anything to others that  would  not  be  in  strict
     accord with the golden rule; the  affections  are  deep  and  lasting.
     People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defenders of those  they  love,
     but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is  the  sign  which  rules
     the heart. Whatever people with the Sun in  Leo  do  is  done  with  a
     concentration  of  purpose  which  compels  success.  They  make  true
     friends and if  one  must  have  an  enemy,  a  Leo  will  prove  more
     honorable and magnanimous than any other.
     The sign Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun, and  it  is  called  the
     royal sign of the Zodiac;  therefore  it  confers  upon  the  children
     which are born under its influence a  noble,  ambitious  and  aspiring
     nature. They are of the Master breed and make good  leaders  but  poor
     followers. Being of a noble and lofty character themselves they  scorn
     mean and sordid things nor will they  stoop  to  do  a  low  act  even
     under great provocation or  the  strong  urge  of  self-interest.  The
     love nature is very strong and ardent. No inconvenience  or  sacrifice
     is too great to serve  those  they  love.  They  are  loyal  and  true
     friends through thick and thin. Leo is a  fixed  sign  and  gives  its
     children considerable will power, so that they  are  usually  able  to
     win their way to the top despite all  handicaps  and  obstacles.  They
     are very fixed in their opinions and if they espouse  any  cause  they
     will usually stay by it  and  work  for  it  in  a  most  enthusiastic
     manner. They never do anything half-heartedly, for Leo being  a  fiery
     sign endows them with power, vitality and enthusiasm. Leo  also  gives
     it children a good memory.  The  foregoing  tendencies  are  indicated
     when the Sun is fairly well aspected in the horoscope; but  if  it  is
     afflicted by Mars, or any of the malefics, the nature is  changed,  so
     that the person becomes bombastic,  blustering  and  domineering,  one
     not to be trusted in  any  department  of  life,  and  an  unfaithful,
     amorous husband or wife, or  a  disloyal  friend,  one  who  will  not
     hesitate to stoop to any meanness. He is then just as bad as  the  Leo
     with the well aspected Sun is good, this on  the  principle  that  the
     brightest light always casts the deepest shadow. The  principal  fault
     of the Leos is a quick temper, but they do not hold  spite,  and  when
     shown to have been wrong they are always ready to apologize  and  make
     amends. They are magnanimous, even to their bitterest enemies.

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     Moon in Leo
     THE MOON IN LEO has an illuminating influence on the  mind.  It  gives
     a strong, self-reliant and aggressive  disposition  with  ability  for
     organization; therefore people with the Moon in this position  usually
     attain to leadership in their immediate  circle.  They  are  honorable
     in financial  and  social  matters,  fair  and  magnanimous  in  their
     dealings with others, and very popular with other people.

     Mercury in Leo
     MERCURY  IN  LEO  gives  high  ideals  and  aspirations,  a  positive,
     strong and persevering intellect which scorns  to  stoop  to  low  and
     mean  acts,  and  despises  equivocation;  is  blunt  and  out-spoken,
     quick-tempered, but kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with  Mercury
     in Leo well-fortified have good organizing ability  and  make  capable
     leaders. They love children  and  are  also  fond  of  pleasure.  When
     Mercury is afflicted in Leo it makes the person fickle and  inconstant
     in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler and speculator, a  low  and
     sensual nature.

     Venus in Gemini
     VENUS IN  GEMINI  blends  the  beauty  of  Venus  with  the  mercurial
     ability to express so that people  who  have  this  configuration  are
     able to choose their words with singular facility and infuse  in  them
     a rhythm which is like music to the  ears  of  a  listener.  Therefore
     this is one of the positions which  make  poets,  provided  of  course
     that other indications in the horoscope support, for it should  always
     be remembered by the student that no single aspect or position  is  in
     itself sufficient to mark a prominent characteristic. To do  this  the
     whole horoscope must be blended. This position  has  a  very  refining
     influence on the mind, inclining to a literary or artistic career.  It
     makes the person beloved of his brothers and  sisters,  neighbors  and
     other  people  in  his  immediate  environment.  This  position   also
     inclines to marriage and frequently to more than one union. It  favors
     traveling both for gain and pleasure, especially short journeys.

     Mars in Virgo
     MARS IN VIRGO when well-aspected  gives  an  ambitious  nature  and  a
     quick intellect, able to grasp an  idea  and  elaborate  upon  it.  It
     strengthens the mental qualities and gives a scientific  turn  to  the
     mind with an ability to apply this faculty either in research work  or
     in business. The people with this  position  are  therefore  energetic
     and enterprising in many of  the  world's  industrial  affairs.  There

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     their  shrewdness  and  quick-wittedness  brings  them   success   and
     preferment. This is a good position for people who are engaged in  any
     of the industries connected with the sick, such  as  nurses,  doctors,
     chemists, the  science  of  sanitation  and  hygiene,  preparation  of
     health-foods and kindred occupations. If people  with  Mars  in  Virgo
     are themselves overtaken by  disease  this  position  gives  them  the
     ability to recuperate quickly and makes them  less  liable  to  become
     chronic invalids as so many other Virgo people do.
     When Mars is afflicted in Virgo it subjects  the  mind  to  worry  and
     irritability, with a tendency to brood over  troubles  in  life  which
     are mostly illusory. No matter how or where such people  are  employed
     they  are  always  critical  toward  their  fellow-employees  and  the
     employer and dissatisfied with everything connected with  their  work.
     They are also of a  dishonest  nature  and  cannot  be  trusted  in  a
     position  of  responsibility.  This   position   also   makes   people
     over-indulgent  of  their  appetites   and   subject   to   intestinal

     Jupiter in Sagittarius
     JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS  when  well-aspected  gives  good  fortune  and
     general success in life, a humane, broad  and  philosophical  mind,  a
     reverent and religious disposition. Hence people  with  this  position
     rise to the top and become leaders in their various spheres  of  life,
     finding places  of  prominence  in  church  or  state,  scientific  or
     philosophic enterprises or institutions. If Jupiter  is  afflicted  in
     Sagittarius it makes the  person  sporty,  fond  of  cheap  and  gaudy
     display, extravagant and ready to take a chance on any gamble,  causes
     loss of social standing if  born  in  a  better  environment,  trouble
     through law, financial difficulties, narrow-minded sectarian views  if
     inclined to be religious.

     Saturn in Libra
     SATURN IN LIBRA is exalted and very  strong  and  therefore  his  good
     aspects bring out  all  the  fine  saturnine  qualities  and  on  that
     account secure for the  person  public  esteem  and  recognition.  The
     marriage partner is chaste  and  pure  as  gold.  This  position  also
     brings good health and long life, but  when  Saturn  is  afflicted  in
     Libra the marriage partner is either  treacherous  or  removed  by  an
     early death. If the person goes to law  he  is  likely  to  lose,  and
     become the object of public disfavor.  He  will  also  be  subject  to
     urinary troubles.

     Uranus in Cancer

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     URANUS IN CANCER. Cancer is a psychic sign and when  Uranus  is  there
     it  indicates  that  the  person  is  a  sensitive,  attuned  to   the
     psychic vibrations  and  capable  of  cultivating  these  powers,  but
     whether for good or  ill  depends  upon  the  aspects.  If  Uranus  is
     afflicted there is  a  tendency  to  nervous  indigestion  for  Cancer
     rules the stomach, and if this is  not  attended  to  serious  stomach
     trouble may be expected. These people are liable  to  separation  from
     their families, though usually much against their will,  but  as  they
     are generally of a very uncertain  temper,  irritable  and  impatient,
     they are usually to blame for this  condition  and  are  only  getting
     their just desserts.

     Neptune in Aries
     NEPTUNE IN ARIES, when well aspected fills  a  person  with  religious
     enthusiasm, though not always of the  orthodox  kind,  and  gives  him
     the energy  and  ambition  to  push  forward  to  the  front  rank  in
     whatever line of thought and belief he espouses.  There  is  a  desire
     to elevate humanity to a higher and more noble plane of  life  and  on
     that  account  this  configuration  or  position  usually  brings  the
     person forward as a public  character  or  more  or  less  importance,
     according to the general aspects and tenor of the horoscope.
     But when afflicted,  Neptune  in  Aries  brings  out  the  destructive
     tendencies. There is a similar desire to raise humanity to  realms  of
     happiness, but the methods are anarchistic and it  incites  to  murder
     of those whom the person conceives to be the enemies  of  society,  by
     bomb  plot  or  assassination,  and  lays   the   person   liable   to
     imprisonment on  account  of  conspiracy  against  the  government  or
     others in authority.

                           HOUSE POSITIONS OF PLANETS

     The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can be  utilized 
     in various ways. They are like the actors in a play.  Houses represent 
     the different  spheres of  life where  these energies  can be  and are 
     brought to bear, for  better or  for worse.   If the  planets are  the 
     actors in a play, then the  houses represent  the various  settings in 
     which the actors play out their roles (signs).

     Sun in 12th house
     This is the signature of the  lonely  soul  who  as  a  recluse  shuts

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     himself off from his fellows. It brings with it a danger  of  conflict
     with the authorities or  an  inability  to  fit  in  with  the  family
     conditions and on account of the ensuing trouble the person goes  into
     voluntary or enforced exile, living his  life  henceforth  a  stranger
     among strangers. Even when such extreme  conditions  do  not  prevail,
     the first third of the life is usually wasted in vain efforts to  find
     a balance and settle down to some life work.
     Like the Sixth House position of the Sun, this also favors  work  with
     the sick in hospitals, chemistry and laboratory  work,  or  work  with
     prisoners; it gives a love of the occult and leads  to  curious  lines
     of research.

     Moon in 12th house
     THE MOON IN THE  TWELFTH  HOUSE  if  well-aspected  gives  success  in
     such work as is performed in seclusion away from the public  gaze,  in
     prisons,  hospitals  or  charitable  institutions.  There  is  also  a
     liability to become involved in clandestine love-affairs  but  if  the
     Moon is well-aspected the person will be able to keep this  a  secret.
     If the Moon is afflicted there is a danger of secret enemies,  trouble
     and persecution.

     Mercury in 1st house
     MERCURY  IN  THE  ASCENDANT,  OR  FIRST   HOUSE   makes   the   person
     quick-witted and sharp according to the nature of the sign rising  and
     the aspects of the planets which he  receives.  The  fiery  signs  and
     the airy signs have  the  strongest  influence  in  that  respect.  In
     Aries or Leo he is more impulsive than  when  rising  in  Sagittarius,
     but Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are best. When  Mercury  is  rising  in
     the watery signs Cancer or Pisces the intellect is  dull,  but  rising
     in Scorpio where it is fired by the  martial  energy  and  armed  with
     the  venomous  sting  of  the  scorpion  it  has  a  somewhat  similar
     influence  to  that  of  Mars  in  Scorpio  through   not   quite   so

     Venus in 11th house
     VENUS IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE if  well-aspected  brings  to  the  person
     hosts of friends who are  willing  and  anxious  to  aid  him  in  the
     realization of his hopes, wishes and desires, but it depends upon  the
     nature and character of the sign wherein Venus is placed  as  well  as
     on the strength of the aspects whether they will be able to do  so  or
     not. For instance, if Venus is in  the  Eleventh  House  in  Aries  or
     Scorpio, one of the martial signs where  she  is  weak,  and  aspected
     only by sextiles from Mercury and the Moon, very little  help  can  be

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     expected of her compared to what she will give if she is  in  her  own
     signs, Taurus or Libra, and  aspected  by  trines  from  the  Sun  and
     Jupiter. In the case first cited, the friends drawn to the person  may
     be ever so sincere in their  wish  to  help  but  will  not  have  the
     ability. In the latter case they will  exert  powerful  influence  and
     will accomplish wonders. If Venus is afflicted in the  Eleventh  House
     it is very often found that the person  attracts  friends  who  impose
     upon him and use him for their own objects and when they have so  used
     him to the fullest extend  and  he  cannot  serve  their  purpose  any
     longer they throw him aside.

     Mars in 2nd house
     MARS IN THE SECOND HOUSE when  well-aspected  makes  the  nature  free
     and generous in financial dealings  with  others.  The  person  has  a
     splendid earning capacity and will make a  financial  success  in  any
     business or a martial nature involving the use of fire, iron tools  or
     machinery. It is also an indication of money by  marriage  or  legacy,
     but although the money comes fast and  easily,  the  person  will  not
     accumulate wealth as he is very  generous  and  fond  of  comfort  and
     pleasure. When Mars is afflicted in the Second House money  will  come
     just as fast as under the good aspects at times, but  at  other  times
     the bad aspects make the person outrageously extravagant and  inclined
     to be reckless in  financial  ventures,  with  the  inevitable  result
     that heavy losses  are  incurred  and  the  person  may  find  himself
     without a cent in the world.  A  competence  may  be  made  and  spent
     several times during life. These people never give  up,  however,  and
     when they have  met  financial  disaster  they  immediately  start  to
     build up anew  on  the  ruins  of  the  old.  They  are  then  usually
     successful for a time again, but they  can  never  learn  to  be  more
     careful  and  less  extravagant,  hence  they  are  always  liable  to
     repeated financial shipwreck.

     Jupiter in 5th house
     JUPITER IN THE FIFTH HOUSE and well-aspected increases the  number  of
     children  and  they  will  bring  much  profit  and  pleasure  to  the
     parents; it gives popularity and good friends who will be  a  help  to
     the person, also a sociable and pleasure loving disposition.  Gain  by
     speculation  is  foreshown,   high   intelligence   and   success   in
     educational work  or  the  publishing  or  newspaper  business.  These
     people make fine teachers and have a very convincing  way  of  putting
     things. If Jupiter is afflicted in  the  Fifth  House,  especially  in
     Sagittarius, it gives a tendency towards gambling and loss thereby,  a
     love of sports, disinclination for work, and trouble with children.

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     Saturn in 4th house
     SATURN  IN  THE  FOURTH  HOUSE,   well-aspected,   shows   gain   from
     inheritance, also  success  from  investments  and  administration  of
     houses and lands, agriculture or mining  property  under  careful  and
     economical management. The success  grows  better  as  life  advances.
     When Saturn is afflicted in the Fourth House it  signifies  the  early
     death of one of the parents, inharmony and trouble in the  home,  loss
     of property and consequent poverty.  This  position  whether  well  or
     ill aspected makes the person a recluse in the latter years of life.

     Uranus in 11th house
     URANUS IN THE ELEVENTH  HOUSE.  Uranus  being  lord  of  the  Eleventh
     Sign, Aquarius, is more at home in the Eleventh House than in  any  of
     the others, therefore he exerts a strong influence in  bringing  about
     strange  and  eccentric  friendships  with  people  of  an   original,
     creative, or inventive turn of mind who  will  be  a  benefit  to  the
     person if Uranus is well-aspected. This also  indicates  that  through
     such friendships the wishes, hopes and aspirations  will  be  promoted
     and reach a successful culmination. If on the other  hand,  Uranus  is
     afflicted in this house, friends are apt to turn traitors or at  least
     use the person for their own selfish ends as far as possible.

     Neptune in 10th house
     NEPTUNE IN THE TENTH HOUSE, when well aspected indicates one  of  high
     aspirations  and  inspirations,  spiritually  inclined,  who  has  the
     ability to rise to leadership, fame  and  honor,  in  connection  with
     some mystical society or in  scientific  research.  This  position  of
     Neptune also indicates an accident to one of the parents, probably  by
     water, while the person is still a  child,  but  when  the  planet  is
     well aspected a legacy often accrues.
     Neptune in the Tenth house and trine to  the  Sun  or  Moon  are  sure
     signs of the ability to cultivate the spiritual sight in this life.  A
     number of well-known seers have this aspect.
     When Neptune is afflicted in  the  Tenth  House  it  indicates  fraud,
     deception and dishonesty which in time  will  bring  their  reward  of
     sorrow, trouble and scandal.

                               PLANETARY ASPECTS

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     If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces  that manifest  in 
     different ways, then the planetary aspects show how these energies and 
     forces tend to act and react,  one with  another, if  the will  of the 
     person is not brought into play to change them.

     Sun blending with Moon
     or house the conjunction of the Lights occurs the person  will  be  so
     strongly marked with the characteristics of  that  sign  that  lacking
     knowledge of this true Ascendant even the  most  competent  astrologer
     is likely to be misled and judge him to be born with the  sign  rising
     in which the conjunction took place, and whatever  matters  are  ruled
     by the House in which conjunction occurs will play  a  very  important
     part in the life. In the First House he is  an  out  and  out  egotist
     with very little love for others save in so  far  as  they  serve  his
     ends; in the Seventh, his world pivots  on  the  mate;  in  the  Tenth
     House or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations  to  rise  in
     public life; in the Twelfth House or sign the conjunction will give  a
     strong tendency to drink, bringing trouble; in  the  Third  and  Ninth
     Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he  will
     benefit; in the Second House it will bring wealth,  especially  if  in
     good aspect with Jupiter.
     But if the conjunction of the  Sun  and  Moon  is  closer  than  three
     degrees it  has  a  tendency  to  deplete  the  vitality  and  if  the
     conjunction is also a solar eclipse,  AND  THE  CHILD  SURVIVES,  this
     will be particularly noticeable, all through  life.  People  who  have
     such close conjunctions or eclipses become listless, dis-spirited  and
     out of sorts every time there  is  a  new  Moon.  The  conjunction  or
     eclipse does not seem to interfere with  the  good  effects  in  other
     departments of life.

     Sun discordant to Saturn
     very detrimental effect where the resistance is fundamentally low;  in
     Gemini and Sagittarius it gives a tendency to  tuberculosis.  It  does
     least damage in the fixed signs  where  resistance  is  greatest,  but
     even there when sickness gets a grip on the person it  hangs  on  like
     grim death, for it lessens the power of the body to throw off  disease
     quickly, hence recuperation is very slow.
     These aspects  are  extremely  adverse  to  that  which  is  generally
     termed success, but they give an abundance of experience, so they  are
     excellent from the standpoint of the soul. It may  be  truly  said  of
     the person who has them, that "the best-laid plans  of  mice  and  men

                                     Page 13

     gang aft agley," for no matter how carefully he may plan  his  affairs
     he will be subject to delays and obstacles which thwart  his  desires.
     His marriage is unhappy and is likely  to  end  in  divorce  or  early
     death of the  partner.  He  has  difficulty  in  finding  and  keeping
     employment, trouble with employers and authorities, a  feeling  as  if
     he were held in leash all  his  life  and  denied  expression  in  any
     direction. These are the outward experiences but  they  are  generated
     by the inner nature,  and  until  that  changes  he  must  suffer  the
     whiplash of necessity. In the first place he has a tendency  to  crawl
     into a shell and shut himself in and others out.  He  is  a  pessimist
     and a kill-joy, has little or no regard for  the  feelings  of  others
     and is very obstinate. In the horoscope of  a  woman  such  an  aspect
     signifies marriage to one much older who will hold  her  with  a  very
     tight  rein;  it  augurs  death  of  the  husband  and  often  several
     marriages which are ended by death or divorce.
     These  configurations  often  bring  legacies,  but  either  there  is
     trouble and litigation over the bequests, or the person squanders  the
     estate after he receives it. If Saturn  is  in  his  exaltation  sign,
     Libra, the latter part of the life may be better  because  the  person
     may have taken the lessons of life to heart and mended his ways.

     Moon harmonizing with Neptune
     NEPTUNE SEXTILE  OR  TRINE  TO  THE  MOON  increases  the  faculty  of
     imagination to a superlative  degree,  especially  if  either  of  the
     planets is in the Ninth House. Then it  favors  prophetic  dreams  and
     visions which bring the person in contact with the  invisible  worlds.
     It indicates ability in the occult arts and success in their  practice
     for it makes the nature exceedingly inspirational and  it  also  gives
     a  kind  and  sympathetic   disposition.   The   spiritual   qualities
     mentioned may not be apparent even to  the  person  himself  but  then
     they are latent and capable of development. It is  also  safe  to  say
     that at some time or other during the life people with  these  aspects
     will come in contact with and be very much  attracted  to  the  occult
     whether the qualities of the soul are subsequently developed or not.

     Mercury harmonizing with Jupiter
     the finest assets  in  life,  for  it  gives  a  cheerful,  optimistic
     disposition with the ability to look upon the bright  side  of  things
     and keep up the spirits in hours of  adversity.  The  mind  is  broad,
     versatile, and able  to  reason  correctly  and  to  form  a  reliable
     judgment by careful deliberation. These  people  never  give  a  hasty
     decision; they require time to think over  whatever  is  presented  to
     them, but once they  have  reached  a  conclusion  it  will  be  found

                                     Page 14

     incontrovertible. They are successful in law or  literature  and  much
     respected  for  their  honesty  and  sincerity.  These   aspects   are
     particularly  fortunate  for  people  who  travel  for   business   or
     pleasure, for they  will  reap  both  benefit  and  enjoyment  from  a
     migratory mode of life; these aspects make them "healthy, wealthy  and
     wise" beyond the  average,  and  loved  by  everybody  for  the  vital
     vibrations they radiate upon whomever they meet.

     Mercury harmonizing with Saturn
     SATURN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO MERCURY acts as a brake  upon  the  flighty
     mind and gives it a seriousness, depth and concentration which  is  of
     inestimable value in life.  The  forethought  and  profound  reasoning
     ability  indicated  by  these  aspects  insure  success  in   whatever
     vocation the person may pursue. The patient persistence which  permits
     no temporary failure to stand in the way of  ultimate  success;  their
     caution and diplomacy make such people invincible  in  the  long  run.
     Therefore they generally become  prominent  in  connection  with  some
     serious enterprise such  as  secret  societies,  the  church  or  even
     politics  or  governmental  affairs.  They  are  in  demand  for  high
     positions in great undertakings where a steady  hand  is  required  on
     the helm. But they do not usually shine in public for  they  are  very
     quiet, subdued and serious in their manner and demeanor; besides  they
     are absolutely  honest  and  fairminded,  hence  they  make  the  very
     finest judges obtainable.

     Venus discordant to Jupiter
     JUPITER SQUARE  OR  OPPOSITION  TO  VENUS  gives  the  same  luxurious
     likings as the good aspects, but limits the ability to  satisfy  them;
     although such people make the most frantic efforts to present  a  fine
     front to the world, they are generally found out to  be  shams.  Their
     lack  of  business  ability  is  often  responsible  for  failure  and
     bankruptcy and they are very  liable  to  suffer  losses  through  the
     treachery of others. Love and marriage also are sources of sorrow  for
     those whom Venus and Jupiter  are  afflicting.  They  are  apt  to  be
     jilted before marriage or the marriage  partner  may  prove  faithless
     and may  abscound.  These  aspects  also  produce  an  amorous  nature
     likely to take liberties regardless of the laws of decency and  to  be
     faithless  to  marriage  vows.   They   make   people  extremely  self-
     indulgent and in Pisces they predispose to drink.

     Venus harmonizing with Neptune
     NEPTUNE SEXTILE OR TRINE TO VENUS makes an inspirational musician.  It
     gives a fertile imagination and deep emotions, a nature that  is  pure
     and chaste,  hence  occasionally  it  leads  to  platonic  unions  and

                                     Page 15

     companionship of the most esthetic nature.

     Mars harmonizing with Uranus
     URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO  MARS  gives  an  energetic  and  ambitious
     disposition, an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive  mind  which  is
     resourceful in  the  highest  degree  and  able  to  cope  with  great
     difficulties under trying circumstances. Therefore people  with  these
     configurations  are  naturally  of  an  inventive  turn  of  mind  and
     successful in bringing their ideas  to  realization.  Their  inventive
     genius expresses itself usually along electrical  lines,  aviation  or
     other unusual directions for these aspects are one  of  the  marks  of
     the pioneer of the Aquarian age, where science and  intervention  will
     reach  out  in  directions  that  are  now  undreamed   of   even   as
     possibilities. But while these people are dreamers of dreams they  are
     also practical, energetic and enterprising in a sufficient  degree  to
     make their dreams come true in the world.  They  have  a  wide  vision
     and a noble nature which rises over all petty  distinctions  of  race,
     creed or color and recognizes in all human  beings  the  divine  spark
     which is the basis of universal brotherhood. They may not  be  exactly
     religious in the orthodox sense of  the  word,  but  their  ideas  are
     truly cosmic, hence they are often mistaken for visionaries  by  those
     who do not understand them.

     Jupiter harmonizing with Saturn
     SATURN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO JUPITER gives a  strong  character  with  a
     deep and profoundly philosophical mind, a benevolent disposition  with
     a strong sense of justice and fair play. All  the  virtues  of  Saturn
     and Jupiter  are  combined  by  these  aspects  and  people  in  whose
     horoscope they are found will consequently gain the honor  and  esteem
     of the community where they are. Thus they  will  be  looked  upon  as
     pillars  of  society  and  gain  prosperity  commensurate   with   the
     environment in which they are placed, for  these  aspects  give  sound
     financial judgment and the ability to grasp the  opportunity  when  it
     is met.

     Saturn harmonizing with Uranus
     URANUS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO SATURN is fortunate  for  a  public  career
     in an official capacity for it gives ambition and  determination  with
     ability to concentrate upon large  problems  and  exercise  authority,
     plan and systematize.  It  strengthens  the  intuition  so  that  such
     people are guided by  an  interior  insight  when  new  and  important
     steps have to  be  taken,  therefore  they  are  in  demand  and  find
     positions with large corporations where they  win  their  way  through
     sheer ability. The mind is both mechanical and ingenious,  hence  this

                                     Page 16

     position often denotes the  successful  inventor,  particularly  along
     the lines of electricity.

                                CLOSING COMMENTS

     The astrological interpretations in this report  have been  formulated 
     with  the  assumption  that  your  birth  date,  time,  and place  are 
     accurately given. This includes  whether the  birth time  was daylight 
     savings time or standard time.  Even a difference of one hour in birth 
     time can invalidate much of the interpretation given  in this  report, 
     most notably  'HOUSE POSITIONS  OF PLANETS'  and 'THE  RISING SIGN  OR 

     By no means is  this astrological  analysis complete.   Obviously, you 
     are far more complex  than what  a few  pages of  writing can  depict. 
     Hopefully, this short description of you and your inner character will 
     lead you on your way to really discovering who you  are, what  you can 
     become, and what you need to be doing in this life.

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