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Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software


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A calculation program for ephemerides, 1900 - 2100

RF_EPHEM.ZIP, 248058, 06 June 1999. DOWNLOAD the demo version.

The Rosicrucian Fellowship proudly announces its latest software program - The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software. A picture of the input screen appears below so you may see the many features and options this software contains.


The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software Features

True planetary positions given - spiritual astrology does not consider the effects of light abberration, nutation, etc.

4 different zodiacs - tropical, sidereal, ayanamsa and custom ayanamsa.

Generate midnight or noon ephemeris data, 1900 - 2100.

Generate heliocentric or geocentric positions.

Data output consists of longitude, declination, right ascension (in either zodiacal coordinates or in hours, minutes and seconds) and latitude.

Generate true or mean Node positions for the Moon.

Vary the number of days for which you want to generate data - or do a whole month at a time.

Automatically save data to files on disk - or not - your choice.

For the aspectarian, control whether Moon sign changes are automatically listed or not.

CD-ROM for Windows 95/98/NT or floppy disk for Windows 3.1.

The price of The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software is $95.00 (US) or $97.00(foreign). Both prices include postage.

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Ephemeris Software cannot be run directly from the CD-ROM or the floppy disk, but when loaded onto your hard disk it only takes up about 3.1Mb of disk space (less if you already have the supporting VB 5.0 files already on your system).


  • Please note that only true planetary positions are calculated. Spiritual astrology does not consider the effects of light abberration, nutation, etc. as spiritual forces are not affected by distance, gravity, time, etc.


  • Please realize that a small font size was used in the below pictures in order to allow you to see more data. Therefore, some glyphs look a little fragmented or incomplete. The font size used for the text listings is variable within the program.



    Note the lunation, Moon sign change (ingress) and the change of direction in Mercury.

RF_Ephem Aspectarian


RF_Ephem Geocentric Longitude


RF_Ephem Heliocentric Longitude


RF_Ephem Declination


RF_Ephem Longitude (Sidereal)


Computer System


250 day ephemeris

30 day aspectarian

Pentium II - 233 MHz
VB 5.0 on Win 95/98
6.26 seconds
8.66 seconds
Pentium II - 233 MHz
VB 3.0 on Win 95/98
8.89 seconds
27.40 seconds
Pentium - 166 MHz
VB 5.0 on Win 95/98
12.87 seconds
16.83 seconds
Pentium - 166 MHz
VB 3.0 on Win 95/98
11.93 seconds
33.53 seconds
486 - 33 MHz
VB 3.0 on Win 3.1
194.70 seconds
560.07 seconds
  • The Windows 95/98/NT version of RF_EPHEM (written using VB 5.0) comes on a CD-ROM and only works under Windows 95/98/NT.


  • The Windows 3.1 version of RF_EPHEM (written using VB 3.0) comes on one 3.5" floppy disk and works under Windows 3.1/95/98/NT.

Please give us your feedback

Rosicrucian Fellowship - International Headquarters
2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92054-2399, USA
PO Box 713, Oceanside, CA 92049-0713, USA
(760) 757 - 6600
(760) 721 - 3806 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]