The German press has recently attempted in
numerous editorials to solve what seems a mystery to the ordinary and sceptical public.
They feel that they are evidently betrayed by one of their own camp a
materialist of exact science. Treating at length of the new theories of Dr. Rudolph
Falb the editor of the Leipzig "popular astronomical journal,"
the Sirius they are struck with the faultless accuracy of his scientific
prognostications, or rather to be plain, his meteorological and cosmological
predictions. The fact is, that the latter have been shown by the sequence
of events, to be less scientific conjectures than infallible prophecies
Basing himself upon some peculiar combinations and upon a method of his
own, which, as he says, he has worked out after long years of researches
and labour, Dr. Falb is now enabled to foretell months and even years in
advance every earthquake, remarkable storm, or inundation. Thus, for
example, he foretold last year's earthquake at Zagrel. At the beginning of 1868 he
prophesied that an earthquake would occur on August 13, in Peru, and it
did take place on that very day. In May 1869 he published a scientific work
entitled The Elementary Theory of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions,
in which, among other prophecies, he foretold violent earthquakes at
Marseilles, at Utach, along the shores of the Austrian possessions in the
Adriatic Sea, in Columbia and the Crimea, which five months later in
October actually took place. In 1873, he predicted the earthquake in Northern Italy, at Belluno,
which event occurred in the very presence of Dr. Falb, who had gone there
to witness it himself, so sure was he of its taking place. In I 874, he
notified to the world the then unforeseen and quite unexpected eruptions
of Etna; and notwithstanding the chaff of his colleagues in science, who
told him there was no reason to expect such a geological disturbance, he
went to Sicily and was able to take his desired notes on the spot, when
it did happen. He also prognosticated the violent storms and winds between
the 23rd and the 26th of February 1877, in Italy, and that prediction was
also corroborated by fact. Soon after that, Dr. Falb went to Chile, to observe
the volcanic eruptions in the Andes which he had expected and predicted
two years before and he did observe them. Immediately upon his return,
in 1875, appeared his most remarkable work known as Thoughts on, and
Investigations of, the Causes of Volcanic Eruptions and which was
immediately translated into Spanish and published at Valparaiso in 1877. After the
predicted event at Zagrel had taken place, Dr. Falb was immediately invited to lecture
in that city, where he delivered several remarkable discourses in which
he once more warned the inhabitants of other forthcoming smaller
earthquakes which, as is well known, did take place. The fact is that as was recently
remarked by the Novoye Vremya, he has really "worked
out something, knows something additional to what other people
know, and is better acquainted with these mysterious phenomena of our globe
than any other specialist the world over."
What is then his wonderful theory and new combinations? To give an
adequate idea of them would require a volume of comments and explanations. All we
can add is, that Falb has said all he could say upon the subject
in a huge work of his, called Die Umwälrungen, im Welt All,
in three volumes. In Vol. I, he treats of the revolutions in the stellar
world; in Vol. II, of the revolutions in the regions of clouds, or of the
meteorological phenomena; and in Vol. III of the revolutions in the bosom
of the earth, or earthquakes. According to Dr. Falb's theory our
Universum is neither limitless nor eternal, but is limited to a certain time
and circumscribed within a certain space. He views the mechanical
construction of our planetary system and its phenomena in quite a different light than
the rest of the men of science. "He is very original, and very interesting
(eccentric) in some respects, though we cannot trust him in
everything" seems the unanimous opinion of the press. Evidently, the doctor is too much of
a man of science to be treated as a "visionary" or a
"hallucinated enthusiast"; and so he is cautiously chaffed. Another less learned
mortal would surely be, were he to expound the undeniably occult and
cabalistic notions upon the Cosmos that he does. Therefore, while passing over his
theories in silence as if to avoid being compromised in the propagation
of his "heretical" views, the papers generally add. "We
send the reader who may be curious to fathom the doctrines of Dr. Rudolph
Falb to the latest work of this remarkable man and prophet." Some add
to the information given the fact that Dr. Falb's theory carries Eback the
"Universal" deluge to 4000 years B.C.,
and presages another one for about the year 6,500 of the Christian era.
It appears that the theories and teaching of Dr. Falb are no new thing
in this department of science, as two hundred years ago, the theory was
propounded by a Peruvian named Jorie Baliri, and about a century ago by
an Italian called Toaldo. We have, therefore, a certain right to infer that
Dr. Falb's views are cabalistic, or rather those of the mediaeval Christian
mystics and fire-philosophers, both Baliri and Toaldo having been practitioners
of the "secret sciences." At the same time though we have not
yet been so fortunate as to have read his work that calculation of his,
in reference to the Noachian deluge and the period of 6500 A.D. allotted
for its recurrence, shows to us as plain as figures can speak that the learned
doctor accepts for our globe the "Heliacal," Great year, or cycle
of six sars, at the close and turning point of which our planet,
is always subjected to a thorough physical revolution. This teaching has
been propounded from time immemorial and comes to us from Chaldea
through Berosus, an astrologer at the temple of Belus at Babylon. Chaldea, as is
well known, was the one universal centre of magic, from which radiated the
rays of occult learning into every other country where the mysteries were
enacted and taught. According to this teaching, believed in by Aristotle
if we may credit Censorinus the "great year" consists
of 21,000 odd, years (the latter varying) or six Chaldean sars consisting
of 3,500 years each. These two decimillenniums are naturally halved, the
first period of 10,500 years bringing us to the top of the cycle and a minor
cataclysm; the latter decimillennium to a terrible and universal geological
convulsion. During these 21,000 years the polar and equatorial climates
gradually exchange places, "the former moving slowly towards the line
and the tropical zone: . . . replacing the forbidding wastes of the icy
poles. This change of climate is necessarily attended by cataclysms,
earthquakes and other cosmical throes. As the beds of the ocean are displaced, at the
end of every decimillennium and about one neros (600 years) a
semi-universal deluge like the legendary Bible flood is brought about" (see Isis
Unveiled, Vol. I, pp. 30-31).
It now remains to be seen how far Dr. Falb's theory and the old
antediluvian teaching mentioned by the author of Isis Unveiled agree. At all events,
as the latter work antedated by three years, his Die Umwälrungen
im Welt All which was published in 1881 (but two months ago), the theory
was not borrowed from the Leipzig astronomer's work. We may add that the
constant verification of such geological and meteorological predictions
besides its scientific value is of the utmost philosophical importance to
the student of theosophy. For it shows: (a) that there are few secrets
in nature absolutely inaccessible to man's endeavours to snatch them from
her bosom; and (b) that Nature's workshop is one vast clock-work
guided by immutable laws in which there is no room for the caprices of
special providence. Yet he, who has fathomed the ultimate secrets of the
Proteus-nature which
changes but is ever the same can, without disturbing the LAW, avail himself
of the yet unknown correlations of natural Force to produce effects
which would seem miraculous and impossible, but to those who are unacquainted
with their causes. "The law which moulds the tear also rounds
the planet." There exists a wealth of chemic force in heat, light,
electricity and magnetism the possibilities of whose mechanical motions
are far from being all understood. Why then should the theosophist
who believes in natural (though occult) law be regarded as
either a charlatan or a credulous fool in his endeavours to fathom its secrets?
Is it only because following the traditions of ancient men of science the
methods he has chosen differ from those of modern learning?
Theosophist, May, 1881
H. P. Blavatsky