We are asked by "H.C." and other Fellows, to answer the
several queries hereafter propounded. We do so, but with a reservation: our
replies must be made from the stand�point of Occultism alone, no consideration
being given to such hypotheses of modern (another name for "materialistic")
Science, as may clash with esoteric teachings.
Q. What is Hypnotism: how does it differ from Animal Magnetism (or Mesmerism)?
ANS. Hypnotism is the new scientific name for the old
ignorant "superstition" variously called "fascination" and "enchantment." It is
an antiquated lie transformed into a modem truth. The fact is
there, but the scientific explanation of it is still wanting. By some it is
believed that Hypnotism is the result of an irritation artificially
produced on the periphery of the nerves; that this irritation reacting upon,
passes into the cells of the brain-substance, causing by exhaustion a
condition which is but another mode of sleep (hypnosis, or hupnos); by
others that it is simply a self-induced stupor, pro�duced chiefly by
imagination, &c., &c. It differs from animal magnetism where the hypnotic
condition is produced by the Braid method, which is a purely mechanical one, i.e.,
the fixing of the eyes on some bright spot, a metal or a crystal. It
becomes "animal magnetism" (or mesmerism), when it is achieved by "mesmeric"
passes on the patient, and for these reasons. When the first method is used, no
electro-psychic, or even electro-physical currents are at work, but simply the
mechanical, molecular vibrations of the metal or crystal gazed at by the
subject. It is the eye the most occult organ of all, on the superficies of our
body which, by serving as a medium between that bit of metal or crystal and the
brain, attunes the molecular vibrations of the nervous centers of the
latter into unison (i.e., equality in the number of their respective
oscillations) with the vibrations of the bright object held. And, it is this
unison which produces the hypnotic state. But in the second case, the right
name for hypnotism would certainly be "animal magnetism" or that so much
derided term "mesmerism." For, in the hypnotization by preliminary passes, it
is the human will whether conscious or otherwise of the operator himself, that
acts upon the nervous system of the patient. And it is again through the
vibrations only atomic, not molecular produced by that act of
energy called WILL in the ether of space (therefore, on quite a
different plane) that the super-hypnotic state (i.e., "suggestion,"
&c.) is induced. For those which we call "will-vibrations" and their aura,
are absolutely distinct from the vibrations produced by the simply mechanical
molecular motion, the two acting on two separate degrees of the cosmo�terrestrial
planes. Here, of course, a clear realization of that which is meant by will in
Occult Sciences, is necessary.
Q. In both (hypnotism and animal magnetism) there is an act of will in the operator, a
transit of something from him to his patient, an effect upon the pa�ent. What
is the "something" transmitted in both cases?
ANS. That which is transmitted has no name in European lan�guages,
and if we simply describe it as will, it loses all its meaning. The old
and very much tabooed words, "enchantment," "fascina�tion," "glamour," and
"spell," and especially the verb "to bewitch," expressed far more suggestively
the real action that took place dur�ing the process of such a transmission, than
the modem and mean�ingless terms, "psychologize" and "biologize." Occultism
calls the force transmitted, the "auric fluid," to distinguish it from
the "auric light"; the "fluid" being a correlation of atoms on a
higher plane, and a descent to this lower one, in the shape of impalpable and
in�visible plastic Substances, generated and directed by the potential Will;
the "auric light," or that which Reichenbach calls Od, a light
that surrounds every animate and inanimate object in nature, is, on the other
hand, but the astral reflection emanating from objects; its particular colour
and colours, the combinations and varieties of the latter, denoting the state
of the gunas, or qualities and characteristics of each special object
and subject the human being�s aura being the strongest of all.
Q.What is the rationale of "Vampirism"?
ANS. If by this word is meant the involuntary
transmission of a portion of one�s vitality, or life-essence, by a kind of
occult osmosis from one person to another the latter being endowed, or afflicted
rather, with such vampirizing faculty, then, the act can become com�prehensible
only when we study well the nature and essence of the semi-substantial "auric
fluid" spoken of just now. Like every other occult form [force? in Nature,
this end- and exosmosic process may be made beneficent or
maleficent, either unconsciously or at will. When a healthy operator mesmerizes
a patient with a determined desire to relieve and cure him, the exhaustion felt
by the former is proportionate to the relief given: a process of endosmose has
taken place, the healer having parted with a portion of his vital aura to
benefit the sick man. Vampirism, on the other hand, is a blind and mechanical
process, generally produced without the knowledge of either the absorber, or
the vampirized party. It is conscious or un�conscious black magic, as
the case may be. For in the case of trained adepts and sorcerers, the process
is produced consciously and with the guidance of the Will. In both cases the
agent of transmission is a magnetic and attractive faculty, terrestrial and
physiological in its results, yet generated and produced on the
four-dimensional plane the realm of atoms.
Q. Under what circumstances is hypnotism "black magic"?
ANS. Under those just discussed, but to cover the
subject fully, even by giving a few instances, demands more space than we can
spare for these answers. Sufficient to say that whenever the motive which
actuates the operator is selfish, or detrimental to any living being or beings,
all such acts are classed by us as black magic. The healthy vital fluid
imparted by the physician who mesmerizes his patient, can and does cure; but
too much of it will kill.
[This statement receives its explanation in our answer to
Ques�tion 6, when showing that the vibratory experiment shatters a tum�bler to
Q. Is there any difference between hypnosis produced by me�chanical means, such as
revolving mirrors, and that produced by the direct gaze of the operator (fascination)?
ANS. This difference is, we believe, already pointed out in
the answer to Question 1. The gaze of the operator is more potent, hence more
dangerous, than the simple mechanical passes of the Hypnotizer, who, in nine
cases out of ten, does not know how, and therefore cannot will. The
students of Esoteric Science must be aware by the very laws of the occult
correspondences that the former action is performed on the first plane of
matter (the lowest), while the latter, which necessitates a well-concentrated
will, has to be en�acted, if the operator is a profane novice, on the fourth,
and if he is anything of an occultist on the fifth plane.
Q. Why should a bit of crystal or a bright button, throw one per�son into the hypnotic state
and affect in no way another person? An answer to this would, we think, solve
more than one perplexity.
ANS. Science has offered several varied hypotheses upon the
sub�ject, but has not, so far, accepted any one of these as definite. This is
because all such speculations revolve in the vicious circle of materio-physical
phenomena with their blind forces and mechanical theories. The "auric fluid" is
not recognized by the men of Science, and therefore, they reject it. But
have they not believed for years in the efficacy of metallotherapeuty, the
influence of these metals being due to the action of their electric fluids or
currents on the nervous system? And this, simply because an analogy was found
to exist between the activity of this system and electricity. The theory
failed, because it clashed with the most careful observation and experiments.
First of all, it was contradicted by a fundamental fact exhibited in the said
metallotherapeuty, whose characteristic peculiarity showed (a) that by
no means every metal acted on every nervous disease, one patient being
sensitive to some one metal, while all others produced no effect upon him; and (b)
that the patients affected by certain metals were few and exceptional. This
showed that "electric fluids" operating on and curing diseases existed only in
the imagination of the theorists. Had they had any actual exist�ence, then all
metals would affect in a greater or lesser degree, all patients, and
every metal, taken separately, would affect every case of nervous disease, the
conditions for generating such fluids being, in the given cases, precisely the
same. Thus Dr. Charcot having vindicated Dr. Burke, the once discredited
discoverer of metal�lotherapeuty, Shill and others discredited all those who
believed in electric fluids, and these seem now to be given up in favour of
"molecular motion," which now reigns supreme in physiology for the time
being, of course. But now arises a question: "Are the real nature,
behaviour and conditions of �motion� known any better than the nature,
behaviour and conditions of the �fluids�?" It is to be doubted. Anyhow
Occultism is audacious enough to maintain that electric or magnetic fluids (the
two being really identical) are due in their essence and origin to that same
molecular motion, now trans�formed into atomic energy,� to which
every other phenomenon in nature is also due. Indeed, when the needle of a
galvano- or electro�meter fails to show any oscillations denoting the presence
of electric or magnetic fluids, this does not prove in the least that there are
none such to record; but simply that having passed on to another and higher
plane of action, the electrometer can no longer be affected by the energy
displayed on a plane with which it is entirely disconnected.
The above had to be explained, in order to show that the
nature of the Force transmitted from one man or object to another man or
object, whether in hypnotism, electricity, metallotherapeuty or "fas�cination,"
is the same in essence, varying only in degree, and modi�fied according to the
sub-plane of matter it is acting on; of which sub-planes, as every Occultist
knows, there are seven on our ter�restrial plane as there are on every other.
Q. Is Science entirely wrong in its definition of the hypnotic phenomena?
ANS. It has no definition, so far. Now if there is one thing
upon which Occultism agrees (to a certain degree) with the latest dis�coveries
of physical Science, it is that all the bodies endowed with the property of
inducing and calling metallotherapeutic and other analogous phenomena, have,
their great variety not withstanding, one feature in common. They are all the
fountain heads and the generators of rapid molecular oscillations, which,
whether through transmitting agents or direct contact, communicate themselves
to the nervous system, changing thereby the rhythm of nervous vibra�tions on
the sole condition, however, of being what is called, in unison. Now
"unison" does not always imply the sameness of na�ture, or of essence, but
simply the sameness of degree, a similarity with regard to gravity and
acuteness, and equal potentialities for in�tensity of sound or motion: a bell
may be in unison with a violin, and a flute with an animal or a human organ.
Moreover, the rate of the number of vibrations especially in an organic animal
cell or organ, changes in accordance with the state of health, and gen�eral
condition. Hence the cerebral nervous centres of a hypnotic subject, while in
perfect unison, in potential degree and essential original activity,
with the object he gazes at, may yet, owing to some organic disturbance, be at
the given moment at logger-heads with it, in respect to the number of their respective
vibrations. In such case no hypnotic condition ensues; or no unison at all may
exist between his nervous cells and the cells of the crystal or metal he is
made to gaze at, in which case that particular object can never have any effect
upon him. This amounts to saying that to ensure success in a hypnotic
experiment, two conditions are requisite; (a) as every organic or
"inorganic" body in nature is distinguished by its fixed molecular
oscillations, it is necessary to find out which are those bodies which will act
in unison with one or another human nervous system; and (b) to remember
that the molecular oscillations of the former can influence the nervous action
of the latter, only when the rhythms of their respective vibrations coincide, i.e.,
when the number of their oscillations is made identical; which, in the
cases of hypnotism induced by mechanical means, is achieved through the medium
of the eye.
Therefore, though the difference between hypnosis produced
by mechanical means, and that induced by the direct gaze of the oper�ator, plus
his will, depends on the plane on which the same phenom�enon is produced,
still the "fascinating" or subduing agent is created by the same force at work.
In the physical world and its material planes, it is called MOTION; in
the worlds of mentality and meta�physics it is known as WILL the many-faced
magician throughout all nature.
As the rate of vibrations (molecular motion) in metals,
woods, crystals, etc., alters under the effect of heat, cold, etc., so do the
cerebral molecules change their rate, in the same way: i.e., their rate
is raised or lowered. And this is what really takes place in the phenomenon of
hypnotism. In the case of gazing, it is the eye the chief agent of the Will of
the active operator, but a slave and traitor when this Will is dormant that,
unconsciously to the patient or subject, attunes the oscillations of his
cerebral nervous centres to the rate of the vibrations of the object gazed at
by catching the rhythm of the latter and passing it on to the brain. But in the
case of direct passes, it is the Will of the operator radiating through his eye
that produces the required unison between his will and the will of the person
operated upon. For, out of two objects attuned in unison as two chords, for
instance one will always be weaker than the other, and thus have mastery over
the other and even the potentiality of destroying its weaker "co-respondent."
So true is this, that we can call upon physical Science to corroborate this
fact. Take the "sensitive flame" as a case in hand. Science tells us that if a
note be struck in unison with the ratio of the vibrations of the heat
molecules, the flames will respond immediately to the sound (or note struck),
that it will dance and sing in rhythm with the sounds. But Occult Science adds,
that the flame may also be extin�guished if the sound is intensified
(vide Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, 606 and 607). Another proof. Take a
wine-glass or tumbler of very fine and clear glass; produce, by striking it
gently with a silver spoon, a well-determined note; after which reproduce the
same note by rubbing its rim with a damp finger, and, if you are successful,
the glass will immediately crack and be shattered. Indifferent to every other
sound, the glass will not resist the great intensity of its own fundamental note,
for that particular vibration will cause such a commotion in its particles,
that the whole fabric will fall in pieces.
Q. What becomes of diseases cured by hypnotism; are they really cured or are they
postponed, or do they appear in another form? Are diseases Karma; and, if so,
is it right to attempt to cure them?
ANS. Hypnotic suggestion may cure for ever, and it may
not. All depends on the degree of magnetic relations between the oper�ator and
the patient. If Karmic, they will be only postponed, and return in some
other form, not necessarily of disease, but as a punitive evil of another sort.
It is always "right" to try and alleviate suffering whenever we can, and to do
our best for it. Because a man suffers justly imprisonment, and catches cold in
his damp cell, is it a reason why the prison-doctor should not try to cure him
of it?
Q. Is it necessary that the hypnotic "suggestions" of the operator should be spoken? Is it not enough for him to think them, and may not even HE be
ignorant or unconscious of the bent he is impressing on his subject?
ANS. Certainly not, if the rapport between the two is
once for all firmly established. Thought is more powerful than speech in cases
of a real subjugation of the will of the patient to that of his operator. But,
on the other hand, unless the "suggestion" made is for the good only of the
subject, and entirely free from any selfish motive, a suggestion by thought is
an act of black magic still more pregnant with evil consequences than a spoken
suggestion. It is always wrong and unlawful to deprive a man of his
free-will, unless for his own or Society�s good; and even the former has
to be done with great discrimination. Occultism regards all such promiscuous
attempts as black magic and sorcery, whether conscious or other�wise.
Q. Do the motive and character of the operator
affect the result, immediate or remote?
ANS. In so far as the hypnotizing process becomes under his
operation either white or black magic, as the last answer shows.
Q. Is it wise to hypnotize a patient not only out of disease, but out of a habit, such as
drinking or lying?
ANS. It is an act of charity and kindness, and this is next
to wis�dom. For, although the dropping of his vicious habits will add noth�ing
to his good Karma (which it would, had his efforts to reform been personal, of
his own free will, and necessitating a great mental and physical struggle),
still a successful "suggestion" prevents him from generating more bad Karma,
and adding constantly to the previous record of his transgressions.
Q. What is it that a faith-healer, when successful, practises upon himself; what tricks is he
playing with his principles and with his Karma?
ANS. Imagination is a potent help in every event of our
lives. Imagination acts on Faith, and both are the draughtsmen who pre�pare the
sketches for Will to engrave, more or less deeply, on the rocks of
obstacles and opposition with which the path of life is strewn. Says
Paracelsus: "Faith must confirm the imagination, for faith establishes
the will. . . Determined will is the beginning of all magical
operations.... It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the
result, that the arts (of magic) are uncertain, while they might be perfectly
certain." This is all the secret. Half, if not two-thirds of our ailings and
diseases are the fruit of our imagina�tion and fears. Destroy the latter and
give another bent to the for�mer, and nature will do the rest. There is nothing
sinful or injurious in the methods per Se. They turn to harm only when
belief in his power becomes too arrogant and marked in the faith-healer, and
when he thinks he can will away such diseases as need, if they are not
to be fatal, the immediate help of expert surgeons and physicians.
Lucifer, December, 1890
H. P. Blavatsky