A good many of the Western papers are terribly
excited over a bit of news just arrived in Europe from Sangoon.
The most radical and freethinking of them crow over the fact as
well they may in the interest of truth as though the thickest,
and hitherto most impenetrable of the veils covering Mother Nature's
doings had been removed for ever, and anthropology had no more
secrets to learn. The excitement is due to a little monster, a
seven-year old boy, now on exhibition at Sangoon. The child is
a native of Cambodia, quite robust and healthy, yet exhibiting
in his anatomy the most precious and rare of physical endowments a
real tail, ten inches long and 1½ thick at its root!
This original little sample of humanity unique, we believe,
of his kind is now made out by the disciples of Darwin and Haeckel
to be the bonâ (bony?) fide Missing Link. Let us
suppose, for argument's sake, that the evolutionists (whose colours
we certainly wear) are right in their hypothesis, and that the
cherished theory of having baboons for our ancestors turns out
true. Will every difficulty in our way be then removed?
By no means: for, then, more than ever will we have to try to
solve the hitherto insolvable problem, which comes first, the
Man or the Ape? It will be the Aristotelean egg and chicken problem
of creation over again. We can never know the truth until some
streak of good chance shall enable science to witness at different
periods and under various climates either women giving birth to
apes, graced with a caudal appendix or female orang-outangs becoming
mothers of tailless, and, moreover, semi-human children,
endowed with a capacity for speech at least as great as that of
a moderately clever parrot or mina.
Science is but a broken reed for us in this respect, for science
is just as perplexed, if not more so, than the rest of us, common
mortals. So little is it able to enlighten us upon the mystery,
that the men of most learning are those who confuse us the most
in some respects. As in regard to the heliocentric system, which,
after it had been left an undisputed fact more than three centuries,
found in the later part of our own a most serious opponent in
Dr. Shroepfer, Professor of Astronomy at the University of Berlin,
so the Darwinian theory of the evolution of man from an anthropoid,
has among its learned opponents one, who, though an evolutionist
himself, is eager to oppose Darwin, and seeks to establish a school
of his own.
This new "perfectionist" is a professor in the Hungarian
town of Fünfkirchen, who is delivering just now a series
of lectures, throughout Germany. "Man," says he, "whose
origin must be placed in the Silurian mud, whence he began evoluting
from a frog, must necessarily some day re-evolute into the same
animal!" So far well and good. But the explanations going
to prove this hypothesis which Professor Charles Deezy accepts
as a perfectly established fact, are rather too vague to enable
us to build any thing like an impregnable theory upon them. "In
the primitive days of the first period of evolution," he
tells us, "there lived a huge, frog-like, mammalian animal,
inhabiting the seas, but which, being of the amphibious kind,
lived likewise on land, breathing in the air as easily as it did
in water; its chief habitat, though, was in the salt sea-water.
This frog-like creature is now what we call man (!) and his marine
origin is proved by the fact that he cannot live without salt."
There are other signs about man, almost as impressive as the
above by which this origin can be established, if we may believe
this new prophet of science. For instance, "a well-defined
remnant of fins, to be seen between his thumbs and fingers, as
also his insurmountable tendency towards the element of water":
a tendency, we remark passim, more noticeable in the Hindu
than the Highlander!
No less does the Hungarian scientist set himself against Darwin's
theory of man descending from the ape. According to his new teaching,
"it is not the anthropoid which begot man, but the latter
who is the progenitor of the monkey. The ape is merely a man returned
once more to its primitive, savage state. Our Professor's views
as to geology, and the ultimate destruction of our globe, coupled
with his notions regarding the future state of mankind, are no
less original and are the very sweetest fruit of his Tree of Scientific
Knowledge. Provoking though they do general hilarity, they are
nevertheless given out by the "learned" lecturer in
quite a serious spirit, and his works are considered among the
textbooks for colleges. If we have to credit his statement, then
we must believe that "the moon is slowly but surely approaching
the earth." The result of such an indiscretion on the part
of our fair Diana, is to be most certainly the following!
"The sea waves will, some day, immerse our globe and gradually
submerge all the continents. Then man, unable to live any longer
on dry land, will have but to return to his primitive form, i.e.,
he will rebecome an aquatic animal a man-frog." And
the life-insurance companies will have to shut up their shop and
become bankrupts he might have added. Daring speculators are
advised to take their precautions in advance.
Having permitted ourselves this bit of irreverence about Science
those, rather, who abuse their connection with it we may as
well give here some of the more acceptable theories respecting
the missing link. These are by no means so scarce as bigots would
like to make us believe, Shweinfurth and other great African travellers
vouchsafe for the truth of these assertions and believe they have
found races which may, after all, be the missing links between
man and ape. Such are the Akkas of Africa; those whom Herodotus
calls the Pigmies (II. 32) and the account of whom notwithstanding
it came from the very pen of the Father of History was until
very recently believed to be erroneous and they themselves myths
of a fabled nation. But, since the public has had the most trustworthy
narratives of European travellers, we have learned to know better,
and no one any longer thinks that Herodotus has confounded in
his account men and the cynocephaloid apes of Africa.
We have but to read the description of the orang-outang and of
the chimpanzee to find that these animals all but the hairy surface answer
in nearly every respect to these Akkas. They are said to
have large cylindrical heads on a thin neck; and a body about
four feet high; very long arms, perfectly disproportionate, as
they reach far lower than their knees; a chest narrow at the shoulders
and widening tremendously toward the stomach which is always enormous;
knees thick, and hands of an extraordinary beauty of design, (a
characteristic of monkey's hands, which with the exception of
their short thumbs have wonderfully neat and slender fingers tapering
to the ends, and always prettily shaped finger nails). The Akkas'
walk is vacillating which is due to the abnormal size of their
stomach, as in the chimpanzee and the orang-outang. Their cranium
is large, profoundly depressed at the root of the nose, and surmounted
by a contracting forehead sloping directly backward; a projecting
mouth with very thin lips, and a beardless chin or rather no
chin at all. The hair on their heads does not grow, and though
less noisy than the orang-outang they are enormously so when compared
with other men. On account of the long grass which often grows
twice their own size in the regions they inhabit, they are said
to jump like so many grasshoppers, to make enormous strides, and,
to have all the outward motions of big anthropoids.
Some scientists think this time with pretty good reason that
the Akkas, more even than the Matimbas of which d'Escayrac de
Lauture gives such interesting accounts the Kimosas, and the
Bushin, of austral Africa, are all remnants of the missing
Theosophist, February, 1881
H. P. Blavatsky