In compliance with the request of the Honourable
Alexander Aksakoff, Counsellor of State in the Imperial Chancellery at St.
Petersburg, the undersigned hereby give notice that they are prepared to
receive applications from physical mediums who may be willing to go to Russia,
for examination before the committee of the Imperial University.
To avoid disappointment, it may be well to state that the undersigned
will recommend no mediums whose personal good character is not satisfactorily
shown; nor any who will not submit themselves to a thorough scientific test
of their mediumistic powers, in the city of New York, prior to sailing;
nor any who cannot exhibit most of their phenomena in a lighted room, to
be designated by the undersigned, and with such ordinary furniture as may
be found therein.
Approved applications will be immediately forwarded to St. Petersburg,
and upon receipt of orders thereon from the scientific commission or its
representative, M. Aksakoff, proper certificates and instructions will be
given to accepted applicants, and arrangements made for defraying expenses.
Address the undersigned, in care of E. Gerry Brown, Editor of The
Spiritual Scientist, 18, Exchange Street, Boston, Mass., who is hereby
authorized to receive personal applications from mediums in the New England
H. P. Blavatsky