If my memory has not altogether
evaporated under the combined influences of this blazing Indian sun and
the frequent misconstructions of your correspondents, there occurred, in
March, 1878, an epistolary skirmish between one who prudently conceals his
face behind the two masks of "Scrutator" and "M.A. Cantab.,"
and your humble servant. He again attacks me in the character of my London
Nemesis. Again he lets fly a Parthian shaft from behind the fence of one
of his pseudonyms. Again he has found a mares nest in my garden a
chronological, instead of a metaphysical one this time. He is exercised
about my age, as though the value of my statements would be in the least
affected by either rejuvenating me to infancy, or aging me into a double
centenarian. He has read in the Revue Spirite for October last a
sentence in which, discussing this very point, I say that I have not passed
thirty years in India. And that:
Cest justement mon age quoique fort respectable tel quil
est qui soppose violemment à cette chronologie, etc.
I reproduce the sentence exactly as it appears, with the sole exception
of restoring the period after "lInde" in the
place of the comma, which is simply a typographical mistake. The capital
C which immediately follows would have conveyed to
anyone except a "Scrutator" my exact meaning, viz., that my age
itself, however respectable, is opposed to the idea that I had passed
thirty years in India.
I do hope that my ever-masked assailant will devote some leisure to the
study of French as well as of punctuation before he attacks again.
[Probably from the London Spiritualist.
Bombay, February, 1879
H. P. Blavatsky