The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 123


28th December.


Madame begs me to write and thank you for your kind letter which she was delighted to get and hopes you will kindly send her as many stamps as you possibly can. It is a real pleasure to her to receive them and is always most eager to know how many there are, she is as careful of them as if they were precious stones. In a letter to Miss A. I have told her all about Madame.

A letter came yesterday from Lady Caithness, kind, warm and loving, it did the Old Lady's heart good and gave it a little cheerful spark of warmth for a few minutes. You will be amused to hear that Lady C. was enchanted with Mr. Sinnett's paper on "the higher life" particularly as it was Marie Stuart who inspired him to write it. Fancy Mr. Sinnett becoming a medium!!! I heard in a round about way the other day (not through Theosophists) that Lady Caithness had been holding seances in Nice, and that the King of Spain came to her and said that he was very happy now, because where he now is there are no women; I wonder whether he was as tormented with them as Mohini is. No news to give you, the days glide away very smoothly and Madame says the S.D. goes on wheels.

Madame would be very glad if Mr. Sinnett would kindly begin to make enquiries about publication, etc., with prices, she would like the pamphlet to be about the size of the Platonist, different from ordinary magazines -- there will be two chapters each month every chapter containing about 90 of her written sheets. She wishes the type to be a large and distinct one. Madame hopes shortly to send the Preface with 1st Chapter to Mr. Sinnett. I am very glad to be here with Madame for I feel that I am a comfort and of use to her. I also consider it a great privilege to be allowed to witness the marvellous way in which this book is being written. Madame sends much love to you and Mr. Sinnett and she hopes you will pardon her for not writing. May this New Year be a happy and prosperous one to you both is the sincere wish of

Yrs. very sincerely,

Do not trouble to answer this letter but write instead to Madame for she loves getting nice letters though she cannot now answer them.

Letter 124

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