Theosophical University Press Online Edition
4th January.
Many thanks for your letter of the 30th received this morning.
Madame is delighted with your proposition about the S.D. She thinks it is a most favourable and satisfactory arrangement for herself, but she says the journal must come out every month or if you think it better every three months, for if she lives she believes so much will, be given to her that it will last 3 years or more. The size of the Journal you can arrange as you think best. There will be no regular preface, only about 6 or 7 pages addressed to the Reader to give them an idea of what the book will contain, for otherwise they would be plunging wholesale into matter entirely unknown to them. Madame will send you shortly the Title pages, and in a week or so the address to the Reader with first two chapters. From this you will be able to judge of the general purpose of the whole work. I wish myself that some clever theologian could be found who would read and criticise before the book is put into print. Do you know anyone whom you can trust. It would have to be a man deeply read in all these particular subjects.
Thank you very much for sending Phallicism. As soon as I know the amount of my debt to Miss Arundale I will send a cheque for the amount. Madame is much interested to find that "Phallicism" contains a few of the things which she has already written out in the S.D., only given in a Jesuitical point of view, and she intends to cut them up finely; it was in reading her manuscripts that I saw the resemblance in some points and so was anxious that she should see the book. Again another curious fact. Madame had written many pages on the signification of numbers, and that the words Jehovah and Cain are simply algebraical numbers, when she receives by post a book from Arthur Gebhard which he has found in America and sends it to her as he thinks it so interesting, it corroborates and confirms all that she has previously written, only from a mathematical point of view. The book is by Skinner. 3,000 rupees have been as yet subscribed in India for the S.D. I write to Col. O. this mail to let us know exactly the amount. I suppose many will have subscribed now during the Anniversary. I will also ask how many the different branches will require. The O.L. says you may do anything you please with her memoirs, she leaves all entirely in your hands. She is terribly upset to-day, has received a brutal letter from Selin telling her he resigns because he looks upon her and the whole Society as a fraud, that he does not believe in the Masters and that he thinks that "Isis" has been plagiarised from other books.
We are having a horrible time of it here. I thought Madame would have had an apoplectic fit -- but fortunately a violent attack of diarrhea saved her, but I do weary of it all so much. I think sometimes my own strength will fail me, physical not moral. It is a mystery to me how all this dirt and filth seems to surround and oppress us. When all this has blown over if you go to America will you kindly let me know just before you start for I shall have something I should then like to say to you which will interest you much. My love to Mrs. Sinnett and much to you both from Madame.
Yrs. very sincerely,
Madame was delighted with the card and cried over it like a child, she also thanks for the stamps.
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