The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 129


15th January.


I send you the Russian pamphlet from Madame B. She says you may take anything out of it that you please and that if Mohini would go to Madam Novikoff she would translate it. It would be better to find someone else if possible, however, you will settle that to your own satisfaction. At last Madame has settled down again to the S.D.; a whole fortnight lost.

What did you think of my paper with the idea of collecting the experiences of those who have had phenomena independently of Madame. In the Scottish Branch I believe there are some, also Mlle. de Glinker, a few curious facts. I do not mean when she and Solovioff saw the Masters -- but other phenomena quite independent of Madame B. Here the most curious phenomena take place every day when Madame is fast asleep, but as I do not care to mix any phenomena of a physical nature with the sacred name of the Mahatmas or even their chelas, I do not speak of them, besides they are not independent of Madame, as she is in the apartment. I only tell this to yourself; not to be repeated.

Madame B. thinks all your arrangement about her memoirs a very good one and thanks you much; having taken again to the S.D. she cannot now tear herself from it again to write to you. The German T.S. is still alive, though entre nous very shaky, but certainly if this squall does not kill us nothing ever will.

My kind regards to you all,

Ever yours sincerely,

P.S. I have written both to Madame Fadeyeff and to Madame Jelihovsky and have told them how necessary it is for them to clear Madame B. from all charges brought against her by giving all possible details about her youth.

Letter 130

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