The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 136

28th January.


Many thanks for your kind letter. I quite agree with you that anything that can be done to substantiate the veracity of past phenomena should be done to clear H. P. B., but you see my testimony brings forth new phenomena and so naturally a new element for the Enemy to pull to pieces -- besides which it seems to me that it is time now to hang a veil before the Mahatmas. I grant you that I think it was quite necessary that Their names and that phenomena should be brought before the Public, it was the only way of drawing their attention towards the Theosophical Movement. I acknowledge that many foolish and ridiculous acts were committed, but when I think of the enormous undertaking and its development by two foreigners without money I feel that I have no right to blame, for placed in the same difficult position I might perhaps have done worse. We are all of us in a most critical position and it is only by our united efforts that we can possibly pull through. I am perfectly willing to contribute my mite and am working heart and soul for the Cause. Let us wait a month and see what development of existing difficulties takes place. If at the end of that time you have sufficient testimonies gathered from other people that you think it could benefit H. P. B. and the Cause to put them into the Memoirs do so -- only don't put me en evidence but one amongst the number -- for else I know quite well that I shall be seized on for dissection, called a Medium and psychologised by Madame, an idea now implanted in peoples' minds by Babajee. At the end of Febry., write and tell me what you think of doing and then if necessary I will get Mme. Gebhard's consent.

One thing may interest you. Mme. G. recalled to my mind that last year '84 -- the chela had said that a chela would come to Elberfeld in winter '85. We thought then that he meant in astral form.

I wrote to you so hurriedly the other day that I forgot to tell you what I decided to do about Babajee's grave charge that the Colonel and Mme. had obtained money on false pretences in India from Prince Hurrysingee. This charge is doubly serious as coming from a chela, and so I determined that though I have often shut my eyes to little irregularities or at least what seemed to me as such, I have reconciled it to my conscience by thinking that as I understood so little about the Occult laws, I must not judge by appearances and that perhaps some day I should understand the real meaning; but Babajee's charge is quite different, it is a criminal charge and can be punished by law (Fletcher's case). Other supposed frauds were innocent and hurt nobody, but here a man is robbed and injured and so I have written most seriously to-day to Col. Olcott and have told him that his and Mme. B.'s word go for nothing in such a case -- he must send me a paper exonerating them entirely from this base charge signed by the Prince and several other people; that if he cannot send me a declaration of innocence I leave the T.S. for I cannot remain in a Society where the Founders lie under the imputation of criminal fraud. I must see my way clearly and honestly before me and not blush to be called a Theosophist.

I do not myself believe Babajee's odious charge, but he may repeat it to others who will. Well, if such a fraud has been perpetrated, better that the Society should be dead and buried; if Babajee's charge is a false accusation, this will be a lesson never to be forgotten that in a Society of Universal Brotherhood, no member has the right to calumniate his brother or sister with impunity.

You as an honest man will I feel sure consider that I have acted rightly though boldly. Why even Hodgson exonerates them from such crimes -- and then a chela is to come and accuse them of the vilest act that can be imagined.

My only excuse for Babajee is that he was really a lunatic during my visit to Elberfeld, even before, as his insulting and impertinent letters to Madame prove. His old grandmother, a Sorceress, must have thrown a spell on him, but when these fits come on he should be locked up for his words are dangerous. Coming from a chela and one who preaches to others such high morals and ethics they act with double force.

If you have Babajee in London he will throw the whole Lodge into confusion and set all members one against another. Far better that he should remain quietly at Elberfeld where they all adore him; there he can write his ethics and be really useful as he has given out some very good papers, which when Mohini has cut them into shape will serve for lectures. The contents of his Tamil books are most interesting and if he would only leave off intriguing and attend to his work he would be of real use.

As he wants to make reforms and refute some of the existing theories which have been given to us, I copy for you a letter written by Madame to Mrs. Gebhard. Read it to Mohini for it will interest him.

I thank you much for your warning about H. I will remember it, he must have felt sympathy for me in Munich, for I am perpetually getting letters from him.

The S.D. has again been put on one side, no work for a fortnight. Babajee's doing -- it is too bad. I wonder what will come next.

Ever yours sincerely,

Letter 137

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