Theosophical University Press Online Edition
11th February.
I have today received the enclosed testimony from Lady Caithness. If you publish it Madame begs that you will suppress the "tears." I wonder if you have received many testimonies from different people. The more you get the better.
Mr. Gebhard writes to me that he has shown his letter from the Master K. H. with a letter of H. P. B.'s of 8 pages, to a sworn expert in Berlin [see Post Letter No. 183. -- ED.] and he says in the most absolute way that it is not possible that the two could be written by the same person.
Madame says that she can give you no more information about the steamer than what she told you. The idea of old Blavatsky being alive terrifies her on account of the phantom marriage in America -- she says that she and everybody took him to be over 80, but he said he was much younger, and never having seen the certificate of his birth could not swear to his age, she only knows he was an old man. Now you know there are differences of opinion as to age, and a young girl of 17 looks upon a man of 50 or 60 as quite old, so that it seems to me in my own mind as just quite possible that he is still alive. Madame only heard of his death from her Aunt, nothing official has ever been known. You see it would not matter in the least if he were still alive or dead were it not for that unfortunate American episode. They might end by bringing up a charge of bigamy against her. Mme. de M. declares that Solovioff has got his hands full of proofs and charges against Madame, this may be false or true as the case may be. At any rate weigh the consequences well in your mind before you publish the Memoirs. I have been obliged to write to Mme. de M. twice lately in this sense "that she is irritated against Madame because she believes her to be trying to screen Mohini knowing him to be guilty." I tell her that she is absolutely wrong in her conclusions that having seen the correspondence on both sides both Madame and myself believe him to be innocent of both intention and act, and that Madame cannot sign a paper of apology to Miss----- which would incriminate Mohini -- because that would be bringing a false accusation on her part against Mohini whom she believes to be innocent -- and so a lie. That I know from the tone of Mme. de M.'s letters that she believes Mohini to be guilty. To believe a man guilty, one must have proofs and facts of his guilt, these of course Mdme. de M. has, and so instead of writing letters filled with innuendoes and accusations she would kindly clearly state and in detail -- the proofs and facts given to her which have made her believe Mohini guilty -- if these statements overwhelm the proofs that we have of his innocence, I promise on my word of honour Madame will sign an apology to Miss L. for all she has said against her. I hope I have done right. I believe myself so strongly in Mohini's innocence, he may have been weak in not putting an end to a correspondence as soon as it assumed a compromising and tender character, but that is all. I hope you will approve of what I have done but the fact is Madame would have started there and then for Paris (do not repeat this) had I not taken things into my own hands. How it will all end it is impossible to say. But if Madame could sign an apology to Miss L. for what she said of her without compromising Mohini, it would be a good thing and perhaps prevent this dirty affair from going into a Court of Law and saving trouble to many persons. If you can word such a paper, send it to me by return of post and I will get it signed and will send it to Mme. de M. Consult Mohini on the subject and tell him what I have done.
No more news to give you. There is only one thing I would ask of you and Mrs. Sinnett, that is, that if you see my sister and nieces this spring, to say as little to them about me as possible. Turn the subject to other things. I keep them myself in the dark as much as I possibly can knowing that in their hearts they are dead against my work.
You see we have all our own particular trials.
Ever yrs. sincerely,
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