Theosophical University Press Online Edition
13th March.
The English cottage scheme has been knocked on the head this morning by the lawyer's letter. It would be impossible to keep Madame's residence in England secret, for feeling dull she would write right and left and everybody would know, then these lawyers would send her insulting letters, if they did nothing worse, and she would be quite capable of going up to London and having a personal interview to give them a bit of her mind. Had I not been here to-day she would have written to them direct -- so you see where the danger lies and I am terribly afraid she will get into trouble when I am gone. I feel very sorry for her, but we all have to grin and bear our own trials, and so must she.
Considering all things, Ostend is the best place. The place is empty now and she could get an apartment very cheap -- for 1 or 200 francs a month, the only thing is, she must not be left alone, if we want to save what remains of the Theosophical Society. If Mrs. Sinnett will only come to her next month perhaps later on some other arrangement may be made. Madame refuses to come to Sweden so there is an end of that. Do not allude to this letter when you write back but I thought it was only right to tell you exactly what I think, and to me there is positive danger to the Society in leaving her alone, for her great misfortune is that she continually writes letters which only bring down trouble upon herself -- it is dreadful for her to be inactive and to be patient under injury. You see it is her character and she is too old now to alter it.
Just burn this letter please and act as you think best. I at any rate have told you the dangers of the position as I see them.
Ever yrs. sincerely,
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