Theosophical University Press Online Edition
13th April.
The sad news from the Gebhards has reached us today. I feel so much for them all in their trouble that I cannot turn my thoughts to other things and so can only just thank you for your kind letter and tell you that H. P. B. is occupying herself with her Memoirs. If they are to be published now I certainly agree with you that they should be made as complete as possible and am using all my influence with Madame to make her write as much as she can. I have an ally here in Dr. Hartmann who is also of the same opinion. It seems that he also had had an idea of once writing H. P. B.'s life, and has collected some material which he will if you please send to you. We both think Mme. Jelihovsky's account is wonderfully dry reading -- and that it should be interspersed with a little flowing language. Something in the style of Ghostland, a book so interesting that when you take it up it is with difficulty that you put it down again, or even Lord Bulwer's life, thrilling incidents told in a thrilling way. You see there is a halo of romance round Mme. Blavatsky and if her life is put before the public in a matter of fact way, the ideal Mme. B. will be forever lost.
If you want to run after the scientists you are running after a shadow. But if you want to create an enthusiasm in the minds of your readers concerning her and the system of thought advocated by Theosophy, the book should be written in a style touching not only the intellect but also the heart, offering at the same time nutriment to the imagination -- but I am letting my pen run away with me.
The enclosed is a copy of a letter sent to Babajee -- Madame attributed Walter's death to him -- it is too horrible!!
Dr. Hartmann says if he can help you in any way with the Memoirs he will be very pleased to do so. He is now very much occupied with his books which are all to be published at Redways. I find that he has great occult knowledge and he is a man replete with common sense.
Madame sends you her love,
Ever yours sincerely,
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