Theosophical University Press Online Edition
20th April.
Madame Blavatsky has received this morning your letter of the 18th, also the £50 and thanks you much for the trouble you have had in getting it for her.
Babajee's conduct is very annoying, and certainly if something is not done he will carry out the threat made to me, that he would destroy the London Lodge by breaking it up into factions. Madame Blavatsky says the best remedy to this evil would be if Colonel Olcott were to write and tell Babajee that he must either leave the T.S. or else work in unity with yourself and the Doctrines; she hopes that you have written to Colonel Olcott to this effect.
Madame says that she is quite willing to come to London and use all her influence with Babajee and Mohini to try and bring them round to a better state of mind. Madame Blavatsky would leave this about the 8th and arrive in London about the 10th or 11th, but should she come there it would be quite necessary for her to take a lodging on the ground floor, as she can no longer mount stairs. She would bring her maid with her and would also travel with Miss Kislingbury who has just come here on a visit to her and would return to London at that time. Madame B. only fears that her visit to London may bring her into trouble either with the lawyer or with Miss L., for though she would of course keep it secret, still directly Babajee knew that she was there, he would tell everybody in the hopes of driving her away.
Will you kindly think over this plan and write and say what you would advise.
If it is advisable for Madame B. to go to London, the opportunity of having a travelling companion would be a boon to her, but pray write and tell us how the M.L. affair stands at present, if there has been any new development in the case since last you wrote.
The second part of the Memoirs is far more interesting than the first, Madame Jelihovsky's narrative being simply a bundle of dry facts.
Have you asked Dr. Hartmann to send you his manuscript? On small points, he is very sensitive.
Ever yours sincerely,
Chronological Order
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