The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 164

16th August, 1882.

KOOTHOOMI LAL SINGH, etc., etc., etc.


Mr. Hume informs me in his reply to the letter which I addressed to him in accordance with your instructions, that, in as much as I am not in a position to come to Simla, he intends coming here to see me and to study the Ancient Aryan philosophy with my assistance. However willing I may be to render him such assistance as he requires in this matter as far as it lies in my power, I cannot fail to see that his coming here will not in any way be more advantageous to him than merely corresponding with me from Simla, though it may cause me some amount of inconvenience. All that I can teach him here, he can learn from my communications sent to Simla. I need hardly say that I can never teach him the whole mystery of our ancient science and philosophy as I do not know the whole of it myself. And even if I am in possession of some of the Secrets which are revealed only to initiates and proper candidates for initiation, I shall not be permitted to communicate such secrets to him either orally or by any other means of communication. Moreover, in my present condition I have very little time for my own investigations in Our Ancient Arcane Science and I am afraid I shall not be able to spare even two hours a week for giving him instructions in Occult Science, even if he takes the trouble of coming here. For obvious reasons, I cannot sit with him in my closet and I will be under the necessity of going to the place where he may put up. In addition to this, his arrival here for my sake is likely to produce an impression on the minds of my friends and acquaintances that I am a proficient in Occult Science; and almost every day, I shall have to deal with a concourse of idle visitors, enquirers and curiosity-seekers and waste my time in answering their questions, if the public were to entertain any such belief. I beg to request, therefore, you will be kind enough to give such advice to Mr. Hume, in this matter, as you may deem proper under the circumstances. If Mr. Hume desires to see me in my material form, he can conveniently come here after the removal of the Head Quarters of the Theosophical Association to this place, and have the satisfaction of seeing me if that can be of any use to him.

I beg to remain,
Your most obedient and humble servant.

Letter 165

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