Theosophical University Press Online Edition
EAR COUNTESS,I can only send you a few words in acknowledgement of your several recent letters. I am convalescing from a severe attack of fever and have to use an amanuensis.
The terrible scene you witnessed at Elberfeld with Babajee was the outbreak of an epileptomania that had been developing in him since even before he left for Europe. His nervous excitable temperament was terribly strained by the excitements of 1884, and his most unwise departure with H. P. B. inevitably resulted in the maniacal scene in question. If you will simply consult any standard work in epilepsy and hysteria you will hardly feel like subjecting me or any other gentlemen through the mortifying indignity of applying to a third party for a certificate that he had not acted like a common swindler. Just please exchange places with me and see how you would like that yourself. A half crazy man makes a wild assertion unsupported by proof and incapable of being proved since it does not contain a word of truth, but is the very opposite of the facts, and on the strength of that the innocent accused is called upon to supply written documents in his defence. Why this is monstrous! Your letter could hardly have left you before you received the Convention Report and in it a letter from Prince H. himself flatly giving the lie to the childish accusations brought against us. Naturally I am now waiting for your further advices before taking any other step. I value your opinion sufficiently to keep it at almost any cost of self sacrifice, and if after reading the Prince's letter you still say you wish me to address him I am ready even to do that. But do not be surprised if his reply show so clearly the unnecessary and cruel indignity put upon me as to make you sorry that you should have ever listened to that poor boy's ravings as charges of serious import.
The Pondicherry project is utterly impracticable. When H. P. B. quits Europe it must be for India and Adyar. I am giving the matter my most serious thought.
Miss Leonard has appealed to me for redress, and I have sent her a quieting letter to suggest that she should allow me to arbitrate the case and keep it out of the Courts. Should she do this it will [be] best for all concerned. H. P. B. has unquestionably involved herself legally in this matter.
My head is too bad to go on further so I must close with thanks for your constant attention to myself and your unremitting and unselfish devotion to H. P. B.
Affy. Yours,
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