Theosophical University Press Online Edition
ADAME BLAVATSKY,Saturday evening,
EAR AND RESPECTED UPASIKA,I was about to (but will not now) post to your address a letter thanking you for your long letters including copy of my letter to Mohini, and to assure you of my devotion to Theosophy and to Masters and that I would never go, nor have I the ability to go, against you or Masters' teachings or against Esot: Budm etc.
But as I just got your kindest letter of absolute forgiveness -- I must thank you heartily for all you have done: General Morgan's letter is excellent. O yes -- whenever I need rest I will surely come to Wurzburg. Do bless me and realise that I am doing good work. My respects to Countess.
Yours affectionately,
Chronological Order
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