The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett
Theosophical University Press Online Edition

Letter No. 182



I beg to thank you for your card and your kind wishes. I sent you a box with stamps also some 6 weeks ago, which I trust you have received. My father is better but my mother has taken his place -- it is nothing serious at all. I suppose we must all pay for the sudden change in the weather.

I suppose you heard that the H. B. of L.* was in the hands of the Jesuits and nice people they, and our mutual members should be warned. I hear for instance that Zorn belongs to that Society also.

I hope you feel as well as circumstances permit and that the Secret Doctrine is going on well.

With kindest regards from all, I remain,
Yours very truly,

By post I forward some coins which Mr. Soloviof gave my father in Paris.

* Hindu Brotherhood of Luxor with Davison in it and others working now in the U.S. against us. [The passage in bold type is in H. P. B.'s writing. -- ED.]

Letter 183

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