Theosophical University Press Online Edition
August 1st, 1882.
EAR SIR & BROTHER,In spite of all that has been said by ignorant bigots and unscrupulous calumniators the Theosophical movement has done an amount of good to our country -- for which we cannot be too grateful to the distinguished personages who are at the head of its affairs. To those who have eyes to see this one fact that I, a Hindu and a Brahman, who has never had the honour of being introduced to you, am addressing you this letter in brotherly confidence, is a very significant fact indeed. By birth and other circumstances I have a strong inclination for mysticism which my so called English education has not been able to remove entirely. I have to a certain extent made myself acquainted with the philosophy of Yoga, as practiced by our ancestors. My knowledge is extremely limited no doubt but it has been sufficient to make me a thorough-going believer in Yoga-Vidya. The existence of the Himalayan Brothers and the statements made with respect to them by Madame Blavatsky, do not make any demand upon my credulity to believe in them. I have reason to believe that you have received proof positive of the existence of the Brothers and their connection with our Society, to the services of which you have devoted your life. I appeal to you therefore as a gentleman and a Brother to communicate to me how you have been satisfied of the connection of the Brothers with our Society, and also to state what good have the Brothers done either to yourself or to any body else.
Hoping to be favoured with an early reply,
I remain your fraternally,
Asst. Secy. Bengal Theo. Society.
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