Theosophical University Press Online Edition
[This postcript is in H. P. B.'s writing. It does not appear to have any connection with the preceding letter -- ED.]
P.S. If you want peace and quiet and good understanding between the London Lodge and the Parent Society you better take care that there should be no nonsensical pretensions, arrogance, or uncalled for expression of superiority on its part. For, I swear to you if Olcott shall, -- I WILL NOT STAND IT; and I will have no such untheosophical flapdoodle. For months I have something that I have buried deep in my heart and held my tongue hitherto merely out of pure veneration for Mahatma K.H. That HE should be reviled and shown contempt by one who needs all the indulgence of the pure and chaste for his past years of adultery himself; and that He -- K. H. should be sermonised in letters to Olcott by a Grandison with 8 illegitimate children calling him father -- is something that disgusted me profoundly. No one cared more or loved and respected and made more of M. than I did. But since I read his letters to Olcott and saw him taking it on a tone of a Saint Chastity and Honour, appear to shrink nervously before an imaginary untruth or rather an appearance of untruth of K.H., when he himself had soiled his chaste wings in an action far worse than what he accuses of one so immeasureably higher than himself, I felt disgusted with him. Remember, that hitherto no one in the L. Lodge has done anything for Theosophy -- unless you think it the greatest honour for having joined it. Remember that Mrs. K. does not believe, and if she believes she does not care one fig for the Brothers. That so far we had but a Wyld, an Oxon (the eternal opposing power), a Massey, a Dr. Carter Blake etc. to boast of in that Branch. That with the exception of yourself no one has lifted his finger for the Theos. Society in general. That the one who did the most after you for it, is an American -- Uncle Sam. Then why the devil should we be salaaming them? Let them resign all to-morrow, for what I care. Let them show regard and respect to us and we will do ditto, not otherwise.
Brown and Parker are here. They quarrelled all the way, but I plainly told them they will not quarrel here for I won't have Montecchis and Capullettis in the Society. I am ready to do all I can. I furnished and prepared a nice separate room for Mr. Brown with bath and veranda near Mme Colomb's house. I do, and shall do, all I can for him, he is welcome to all we have, but quarrelling and airs I will have none. Basta I will say no more.
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