Theosophical University Press Online Edition
May 1.
The Gebhards are here -- poor, dear Madam Gebhard! Many misunderstandings have been settled last night, many more will be to-day. A letter enclosed, in answer to my threat to B. in my letter to Miss A. Judge for yourself --
Soloviof has turned a blackguard and a black leg of the blackest dye. Fancy after what I told you of his proposal and offer, he said to Mr. G. that I had made him offer to serve the Russian Govt. as a spy!! I tell you old Nick himself seems at the bottom of all this conspiracy. It is infamous! He says that he (S.) saw Baron Meyendorf personally, who confessed to him that he had been so much in love with me (!!) that he had even insisted that I should obtain a divorce from old Blavats. and marry him, Baron Meyendorf. But that I had luckily refused and he was very glad because he found out later what an infamous, LOOSE woman I was, and that the child WAS HIS AND MINE!!! And the doctor's certificate that I never bore a weazel, not only a child? Now he lies and I am sure, cowardly and weak as I know Meyendorf to be, he could never say such a thing to him. Then he said that he had seen in the Secret Dept., documents in which I had offered myself as a Spy to the Russian Govt. Do you understand the game? Of course it is the struggle between the clay pot and the iron one. How can I go and fight in Russia Soloviof! I could fight him here: but none of you will let me. Now what is to be done? And he tried to persuade Mr. G. that the phenomenon signed by de Morsier, Soloviof, my aunt, sister, and Judge in Paris (that you describe in the Memoirs) was a trick produced with my poor aunt's help! Then he told him that the phenomenon of Mlle. Glinka receiving Master's letter at Elberfeld when I was sick in bed, was produced with the help of my aunt who detained him in the drawing room while Olcott was throwing the letter on Glinka's head. Now here he was caught! for my aunt had arrived with Zorn when Soloviof and Glinka had already left Elberfeld, and they never met. This Mad. G. remembers well and I know it for certain. So there's a lie for you. He pretends to have translated verbatim my Russian letters to him and Mad. de Morsier has them in a large dossier. Now I wrote to him only three letters from Wurzburg in answer to his -- and what Mr. G.----d says about the text, is all an invention from beginning to the end. Soloviof is either crazy or acts so because having compromised himself with his offer of espionage to me he is now afraid I should speak and compromise him at St. Petersburg. And so I will, I swear. I will make the story of the man who accuses me of immorality in my youth, known to the whole world -- and show him living with his wife's sister whom he seduced, and passing her off for a legitimate wife! Nice set. And you pitch into me for trusting Sol.! How have I trusted him? Because I did not regard him as a blackguard? Well I cannot do so with regard to anyone, so long as one behaves as a friend and gentleman.
You want to publish these Memoirs and you omitted the strongest proofs you could bring, and included such as the Paris phenomenon, which is sure to call forth a new protest and vilifications from S. and de M. when they read it. You forgot, as a proof that Masters were known to theosophists so early as 1877, by forgetting Prince Wittgenstein's letter which is in the Theosophist when he says how the invisible protection of the Master, who promised him no ball would touch him during the war -- was felt by the Prince all the time in the Balkans. I believe this is a good proof that I have not invented the Masters only in India? Then you give that phenomenon with the fakir's picture and you omit the testimony of two experts, two great artists who were not theosophists not even Spiritualists and whose art criticism on that picture shows its merits and proves it could not have been done by me. I copied the two letters from Laclear and O'Donovan out of the "Hints on Esoteric Theosophy" No. 1. p. 82-86. You forgot as Mr. Gebhard remarked the most important of all -- the evidence of the Berlin expert as to the handwritings (Mah. K. H.'s and mine) being entirely different. He told Mr. G. "I am sorry to be obliged to tell you that if you believe these letters (mine and the Mahatma's) to have been written by one and same person you are fatally mistaken." Now Mr. Gebhard is willing to give the whole narrative, name and all, and I believe it is something for one expert in London to be saying one thing and another in Berlin -- quite another. In general the Memoirs are very incomplete. There's too much and too little in them. We must go over the thing carefully.
I will go with Miss Kislingbury only to Cologne whence she returns to London via Flushing. I will telegraph to you when I will be at Ostende from Cologne, where I will stop one day. But if [you] have something to do, do not go to the trouble of coming to meet me. You may come after. I guess I'll manage somehow with Louise.
Yours, with love to Mrs. S. and Col. and Mrs. Gordon. --
ever in hot water
H. P. B.
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