Theosophical University Press Online Edition
Aug. 18.
Do not be angry, do not call me adjectives but I must protest most emphatically and FINALLY against the book being called Memoirs. Call it "Mme. Blavatsky" as suggested by L. C. H. and it will sell the better as people may think the work pitches into me. As to Memoirs this cannot be. So nothing has happened, letters have been received, "my inner voice" the one that never deceives me -- has given its decree the work must not and shall not be called Memoirs -- unless you insist -- in which case I give my word of honour to protest publicly against the title as soon as the book is out. I write the same to Redway; let him publish the title at his risks and perils. Now my dear Mr. Sinnett, you know, how ready I am to do anything you suggest and try to do my best to please you but this is beyond what I can do, I told you of it before and you put me off with some explanation I could not understand. Unless you strike off Memoirs -- people will and must call it a SHAM and they will be right. It is neither an autobiography nor a biography, but simply stray facts collected and strung together. Much will be wrong in it I daresay and give a false impression, whether for good or bad is indifferent. It is not you, who put on the title page "edited by A. P. Sinnett," but me, who will be publicly and once more whipped for it by kind and merciful readers and critics. I will not have it, for I had as much as I could bear in this life and more than my share. I receive a letter in which I am reminded of my pledge, a sacred promise made in 1864 never to have my Memoirs published so long as any of my family lives. I had forgotten it. I am glad I am reminded of it and I will keep my pledge. Therefore please write immediately to Redway to strike off the word and put simply "Mme. Blavatsky" otherwise I will have to protest and it will be worse. You do not want to harm me do you? Well you will most decidedly -- and kill me for ever and ever if you do not do as I tell you. If the word is taken out no one has any reason to object. If you leave it we will be inundated with published questions. Why did you not put and explain the Philadelphia "marriage incident" if it is Memoirs you wrote? Why did you not put this and the other every accursed gossip or distorted truth? I cannot submit to it and if you object, I will only take it as a great unkindness and unfriendliness on your part. Do screen me, when it costs you so little. Do not expose me to further dishonouring attacks "which are sure to follow, unless Mr. Sinnett does what is right." Remember these prophetic words, and write without delay to Redway to corroborate what I write to him.
My love and regards to Mrs. Sinnett.
Yours always truly so far,
You ARE ADVISED to call it -- "Some Incidents in the Life of Mme. Blavatsky" collected from various sources -- something like that.
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