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Sunrise Online
Author Index: A - D
B | C | D
Albertson, W.
Amakulo, I. C.
Anderson, Douglas A.
- Book Review: Book of the Three Dragons by Kenneth Morris (Feb/Mar 05)
Arana, Louis R.
Armstrong, Thomas
Ashmole, E.
Aveline, Carlos Cardoso
Awa, Emmanuel O.
Baboolal, Lal
Baer, Klare
Bandyopadhyay, Indrani
Barker, A. Trevor
Baylis, Walter J.
Beach, Curtis
Belderis, Ina
Belderis, James T. (Jim)
Bennett, Lennie
Bergen, Jules van
Bergstrom, Gitte
Bergstrom, Rutger
Bernshteyn, Lev
Blaschke, David
Blavatsky, H. P.
Bone, Gene
Bonnell, Robert W.
Borger, Monika
Bosma, Jelle
Bowen, Capt. P. G. B.
Bowen, Robert
Bower, Nancy
Brakel, J. P.
Brandon, Enid
Brandt, Willem
Burke, Lillian
Carey, Stefan
Chuang Tzu
Chegwidden, Theo
Chester, Craig
Cicero, M. T.
Clark, Abbott
Clark, Madeline
Claterbos, Nel van Weijdom
Coker, J. T.
Coker, Nancy
Conger, Arthur L.
Conger, Martha R.
Coppen, Phillip
Coryn, Herbert
Cosser, Michael
Costa, Gabrielle
Crabbe, Norman Williams
Crabbendam, Jean B.
Darrow, F. S.
David, Allen
Davidson, Mark
Davidson, Nhilde
Davidson, Robert K.
Davis, Nellie M.
Davy, Ted G.
van Dijk, Ad J.
"Waves and Vibrations: Thoughts on Electromagnetic Energies" (Winter 07)
Dolinek, Elisabeth
Donant, Alan E.
Dooley, Nance
Dougherty, Bill (W. A.)
Dougherty, Jennifer
Dougherty, Michael
- Book Review: (Aug/Sep 03) From Science to God: A Physicist's Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness by Peter Russell
Dougherty, Sarah Belle (Sally)
- "Animals and Man" (Apr/May 90)
- "As a Man Thinketh: Effects of the Media" (Apr/May 89)
- "Be What You Love" (Feb/Mar 98)
- Book Review (Jun/Jul 01) In the Dark Places of Wisdom by Peter Kingsley
- "Book Reviews " (Oct/Nov 01) Would You Believe? Finding God without Losing Your Mind by Tom Harpur; God at 2000 edited by Marcus Borg and Ross Mackenzie
- Book Review: (Aug/Sep 02) Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames by Thich Nhat Hanh
- Book Review: (Jun/Jul 03) Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come by Norman Cohn
- Book Reviews: (Aug/Sep 03) When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time by Michael J. Benton, and The Seven Day Circle: The History and Meaning of the Week by Eviatar Zerubavel
- Book Reviews (Oct/Nov 03) 1421: The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies; The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
- Book Reviews (Feb/Mar 04) (Lost Discoveries by Dick Teresi, The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky ed. John Algeo)
- Book Reviews (Jun/Jul 04) (Children's Dreaming and the Development of Consciousness by David Foulkes: God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time by Desmond Tutu)
- Book Reviews: (Oct/Nov 04) (Helena Blavatsky, ed. Nicholas Cookrick-Clarke; Flesh in the Age of Reason by Roy Porter)
- Book Reviews (Winter 07) (The Secret Gateway by Edward Abdill; Practicing Peace in Times of War by Pema Chödrön; The Mind Has Mountains by Paul R. McHugh, MD)
Review: Transforming
Burnout: A Simple Guide to Self-Renewal by Alan Shelton (rev. S. B.
- "Brotherhood in the Balance" (Oct/Nov 05)
- "Brotherhood: Pattern in Nature"
(Apr/May 84)
- "Come See! Theosophic Light on the Qabbalah" (Aug/Sep 06) (review article on
Theosophy in the Qabbalah by Grace F. Knoche)
- "Creating Ourselves" (Apr/May 83)
- "Developing Our Hidden Potentials" (Apr/May 01)
- "Early Christian History: Fact or Fabrication?" Review Article:
The Jesus Mysteries and Jesus and the Lost Goddess by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy (Dec 02/Jan 03)
- "The Effects of Capital Punishment" (Oct/Nov 89)
- "Embodying the Future" (Dec 90/Jan 91)
- "Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary: Working Manuscript Available" (Feb/Mar 99)
- "Evolution and the Sexes" (Apr/May 95)
- "Exploring the Mysteries of Consciousness" (Apr/May 02)
- "Fiat Lux: Archeology and the Old Testament" (Feb/Mar 03) (Review Article"
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman)
- "For Better Understanding . . ." (Oct/Nov 99)
- "Gottfried de Purucker: A Biographical Sketch" (Apr/May 00)
- "Henry Steel Olcott"(Sum 07)
- "History in a Different Light" (Apr/May 88)
- "How Can We Help?" (Jun/Jul 02)
- "How Can We Make A Difference?" (Aug/Sep 89)
- "How Do We Fit In?" (Aug/Sep 87)
- "How Do We Know?" (Apr/May 06)
- "The Human Kindness Foundation" by Sarah Belle Dougherty (Jun/Jul 05)
- "Inducing Altered States" (Jun/Jul 94; Aug/Sep 94)
- "The Infinity Within" (Apr/May 01)
- "Judge Not" (Aug/Sep 90)
- "Justice: The Keynote of Life" (Apr/May 93)
- "Karma" (Jun/Jul 84)
- "A Key to Ancient Greece" (Aug/Sep 00)
- "Light from the Mystic West" (Dec 04/Jan 05)
- "Links in the Great Chain of Being" (Apr/May 04)
- "A Living, Conscious Universe" (Aug/Sep 98)
- "Looking Beyond the Material" (Dec 85/Jan 86)
- "Looking for Answers" (Oct/Nov 00)
- "Mankind and a Living Earth" (Feb/Mar 88)
- "Man, the Medicine Wheel" (Feb 79)
- "Meditations on Unity" (Spring 07)
- "Modern Science, Ancient Wisdom" (Apr/May 03)
- "Moving from 'Me' to 'We'" (Spring 07)
- "Moving toward Brotherhood" (Dec 03/Jan 04)
- "Music and the Healing Arts" (Apr/May 92)
- "Mysteries of Prenatal Consciousness" (Feb/Mar 90)
- "New Light on Human Nature" (Apr/May 94)
- "The Occult Path" (Apr/May 96)
- "Opening Ourselves to Brotherhood" (Oct/Nov 02)
- "Particles of Gold" (Oct/Nov 04)
- "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men" (Dec 01/Jan 02)
- "Peas in a Pod?" (Sum 07)
- "Reflections on 'A Global Ethic'" (Oct/Nov 93)
- "Remembering H. S. Olcott" (Feb/Mar 97)
- "Removing Our Human Blinders" (Feb/Mar 92)
- "The Responsibility of Being Human" (Apr/May 87)
- "The Sacred in Our Lives" (Apr/May 05)
- "The Search for Truth" (Apr/May 99)
- "Self-Directed Evolution" (Dec 96/Jan 97)
- "Solar Reflections" (Apr/May 97)
- "Some Thoughts on Sacrifice" (Jun/Jul 87)
- "Spiritual Growth or Spiritual Behaviorism?" (Jun/Jul 88)
- "The Spiritual Heart of Mankind" (Apr/May 99)
- "Still Dreaming . . ." (Dec 05/Jan 06)
- "Storm Reflections" with Nancy Coker (Oct/Nov 05)
- "Sunrise" (Winter 07)
- "Taking Responsibility for Ourselves" (Jun/Jul 90)
- "Theosophic Perspectives" (Oct/Nov 01)
- "A Theosophic Vision" (Review: To Light a Thousand Lamps: A Theosophic Vision by Grace F. Knoche) (Feb/Mar 02)
- "Thoughts in a Divine Mind" (Nov 79)
- "To Be Like-Minded with God: The Philosophy of Epictetus" (Apr/May 86)
- "An Understanding Heart" (Apr/May 00)
- "Why Brotherhood?" (Aug/Sep 88)
- "A Wider Vision: Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy" (Oct 79)
- "'With Malice toward none, with charity for all'" (rev. of
The Judge Case by Ernest E. Pelletier) (Aug/Sep 05)
Downey, Tony
Duffie, Elizabeth
E - K
L - N
O - S
T - Z
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