Christian |
The Mysteries | The miracles | ||
The Sem, or mythical representations | The parables | ||
The Ritual as the book of resurrection | The Book of Revelation | ||
The sayings of Iu or Iu-em-hetep | The Sayings of Jesus | ||
Huhi the father in heaven as the eternal, a title of Atum-Ra | Ihuh, the father in heaven as the eternal. | ||
Ra, the holy spirit | God the Holy Ghost. | ||
Ra the father of Iu the Su, or son of God, with the hawk or dove as the bird of the holy spirit | God, the Father of Jesus, with the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit. | ||
Iu or Horus, the manifesting son of God | Jesus the manifesting Son of God. | ||
The trinity of Atum (or Osiris) the father, Horus (or Iu) the son, and Ra the holy spirit | The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. | ||
Iu-Su or Iusa, the coming son of Iusāas, who was great with Iusa or Iusu | Jesus. | ||
The ever-coming Messu or Child as Egyptian | The Hebrew Messianic Child. | ||
Horus (or Heru), the Lord by name, as a child | Child-Jesus as the Lord by name (Gospels of the Infancy). | ||
Isis, the virgin mother of Iu, her Su or son | Mary the virgin mother of Jesus. | ||
The first Horus as Child of the Virgin, the second as son of Ra, the father | Jesus the Virgin’s child, the Christ as son of the father | ||
The first Horus as the founder, the second as fulfiller for the father | Jesus as the founder, and the Christ as fulfiller for the father. | ||
The two mothers of Child-Horus, Isis and Nephthys, who were two sisters | The two mothers of Child-Jesus, who were sisters. | ||
Meri or Nut, the mother-heaven | Mary as Regina Coeli. | ||
The outcast great mother with her seven sons | Mary Magdalene, with her seven devils. | ||
Isis taken by Horus in adultery with Sut | The woman taken in adultery. | ||
Apt, the crib or manger, by name as the birthplace and mother in one | The manger as cradle of the Child-Christ. | ||
Seb, the earth-father, as consort to the virgin Isis | Joseph, the father on earth, as putative husband to the Virgin Mary. | ||
Seb, the foster-father to Child-Horus | Joseph, as foster-father to the Child-Jesus. | ||
Seb, Isis and Horus, the Kamite holy trinity | Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a Christian holy trinity. | ||
Egyptian |
Seb, the builder of the house, the carpenter | Joseph, the carpenter. | |
Seb, the custodian of the mummied dead | Joseph of Arimathea, the keeper of the Corpus Christi. | |
Sut and Horus, the twin opponents | Satan and Jesus, the twin opponents. | |
Horus, the sower, and Sut, the destroyer, in the harvest-field | Jesus, the sower of the good seed, and Satan, the sower of tares. | |
Sut and Horus contending in the desert | Satan and Jesus contending in the wilderness. | |
Sut and Horus contending on the Ben-Ben or Pyramidion | Satan and Jesus contending on the pinnacle. | |
Horus carried off by Sut to the summit of Mount Hetep | Jesus spirited away by Satan into an exceeding high mountain. | |
Sut and Horus contending on the mount | Satan and Jesus contending on the mount. | |
Sut undoing the good that Horus does | Satan sowing tares by night. | |
S’men, for Khemen, a title of Taht | Simeon. | |
S’men, who held Child-Horus in his arms as the young solar god | Simeon, who took the Child-Jesus in his arms. | |
Anna or Annit (a title of Hathor), with Taht-S’men | Anna, the prophetess, with Simeon. | |
The Petar or Petra by name in Egyptian as Revealer to Horus | Peter, the revealer to the Christ. | |
The house of Annu | Bethany. | |
The group in the house at Annu | The group in the house at Bethany. | |
Horus in Annu | Jesus in Bethany. | |
Asar or Osiris | Lazarus. | |
The two sisters Mertae | The two sisters Mary and Martha. | |
Osiris, whom Horus loved | Lazarus, whom Jesus loved. | |
Osiris perfumed for his burial | Jesus anointed, when the odour fills the house. | |
Osiris prays that he may be buried speedily | Jesus begs that his death may be effected quickly. | |
Osiris prepared for burial under the hair of Hathor-Meri | Jesus prepared for his burial beneath the hair of Mary | |
Osiris, who slept in the tomb at Annu | Lazarus, who slept in the tomb at Bethany. | |
Osiris raised from the tomb by Horus in Annu | Lazarus raised from the tomb at Bethany. | |
The mummy Osiris bidden to come forth by Horus | The mummy Lazarus bidden to come forth by Jesus | |
The Great One who does the work of washing | Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. | |
The star, as announcer for the Child-Horus | The Star in the East that indicated the birthplace of Jesus. | |
The seven Hathors (or cows) who minister to Horus | The seven women who minister to Jesus. | |
Anup, the Precursor of Horus | John, the forerunner of Jesus the Christ. | |
Anup, the Baptizer | John the Baptist. | |
Aan, the saluter of Horus | John, the saluter of the Christ. | |
Aan, a name of the divine scribe | John, the divine scribe. | |
Hermes, the scribe | Hermas, the scribe. | |
Mati, the registrar | Matthew, the clerk. | |
Taht, Shu, and black Sut | The three kings, or Magi. | |
Nut at the pool of the Persea, or sycamore-tree, as giver of divine drink | The woman at the well as giver of the water. | |
Horus born in Annu, the place of bread | Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread. | |
The vesture put on Horus by the Goddess Tait | The swaddling clothes put on the infant Jesus. | |
Offerings made to the child by the worshippers in Annu | Offerings and worship of the Magi. | ||
Child-Horus with the head of Ra | Child-Jesus with the solar glory round his head. | ||
The Bull of Amenta in the place of birth | The ox in the birthplace of the Child. | ||
The ass, Iu, in the birthplace | The ass in the birthplace (catacombs). | ||
The lions of the horizon attending upon Horus | The lions attending the Child-Christ (pseudo- Matthew). | ||
Child-Horus emerging from the Papyrus-reed | The Child-Jesus in the catacombs issuing from the Papyrus. | ||
Horus, the ancient child | The little old Jesus in the catacombs. | ||
Horus, the gracious child | Jesus, the child full of grace. | ||
Horus, one of five brethren | Jesus, one of five brothers. | ||
Horus, the brother of Sut the betrayer | Jesus, the brother of Judas the betrayer. | ||
Amsta, the one brother of Horus in the human form | James, the human brother of Jesus. | ||
The two sisters of Horus | The sisters of Jesus. | ||
Horus the lad in the country and youth in town | Jesus as the child in the country and youth in town. | ||
Horus baptized with water by Anup | Jesus baptized with water by John. | ||
Horus in the tank of flame | Jesus the baptizer with fire. | ||
Horus in his baptism becoming the beloved Son of God the Father | Jesus becoming the Son of God the Father in his baptism. | ||
Horus the husbandman with the fan in his hand | Christ coming with the fan in his hand. | ||
Horus the Good Shepherd, with the crook upon his shoulder | Jesus the Good Shepherd, with the lamb or kid upon his shoulder. | ||
Horus with the four followers in the Mount | Jesus with the four disciples in the Mount. | ||
Horus with the seven great spirits in the Mount | Jesus with the seven spirits in the Mount (Rev.). | ||
Herrut the Apap-reptile, slayer of the younglings in the egg | Herod, the murderer of the innocents. | ||
commanded to take her child down into |
warned to take her Child down into |
Horus as the typical fish | Jesus as Ichthus the fish. | ||
Horus as the fisher | Jesus as the fisher. | ||
The four fishers with Horus as founders of the kingdom | The four fishers with Jesus as founders of the kingdom. | ||
Sebek, the father of the fishers | Zebedee, the father of the fishers. | ||
Two fisher-brethren, Kabhsenuf and Hapi | Two fisher-brethren, Simon and Andrew. | ||
Two other fisher-brethren, Amsta and Tuamutef | Two other fisher-brethren, James and John. | ||
The seven on board the bark with Horus | The seven fishers on board the bark with Jesus. | ||
The wonderful net of the fishers | The miraculous draught of fishes in the net. | ||
Horus as the lamb | Jesus as the lamb. | ||
Horus as the lion | Jesus as a lion. | ||
Horus (Iu) as the black child | Jesus as the little black bambino. | ||
Horus as Ahi, the striker with the flabellum | Jesus wielding the scourge of cords as the striker. | ||
Horus identified with the Tat or Cross | Jesus identified with the Cross. | ||
The blind Horus, in two characters, as the God and Manes | The two blind men of the Gospels. | ||
Horus of twelve years | Jesus of twelve years. | ||
Horus made a man of thirty years in his baptism | Jesus, the man of thirty years in his baptism. | ||
Horus (Iu), the son of a beetle | Jesus, the good Scarabaeus. | |
Horus (or Ra) as the great cat | Jesus as the cat. | |
Horus as the shrewmouse | The mouse of Jesus dedicated to “Our Lady.” | |
Horus, the healer in the mountain | Jesus, the healer in the mountain. | |
Horus as Iusa, the exorcizer of evil spirits as the Word | Jesus, the caster out of demons with a word. | |
Horus, born as the shoot, branch, or plant from the Nun | Jesus born as the Natzer of Nazareth, so rendered in the course of localizing the legend. | |
Osiris as the vine-plant, Aarru | Jesus as the vine. | |
the bringer of the fish and the grapes in |
Jesus as bringer of the fish and the grapes (catacombs). | |
Horus, the child standing on two crocodiles which adore him | The Christ-Child adored by dragons=crocodiles. | |
Horus, the child of a widow |
Child-Christ who lodges with a widow in |
Horus, the child of the widow in Sutenkhen | The Child-Christ with the widow in Sotenin (pseudo-Matthew). | |
The golden Horus | The corn-complexioned Jesus. | |
Horus full of wine | Jesus the wine-bibber. | |
Horus, who gives the water of life | Jesus as giver of the water of life. | |
Horus in the lentils and the grain | Jesus the bread of life. | |
Horus as Unbu in the bush of thorn | Jesus in the crown of thorn. | |
Horus the just and true | Jesus the faithful and true. | |
Horus-Mat-Kheru, the Word made truth at the second coming | Jesus the spirit of truth at the Second Advent. | |
The human Horus glorified in becoming a (Khu) spirit | The spirit not given until Jesus is glorified. | |
The world made through Horus | The world made through Jesus. | |
Horus the bridegroom with the bride in Sothis | Jesus the bridegroom with the bride. | |
Horus of both sexes | Jesus as the bearded Sophia; Charis, the female Christ. | |
Horus who exalteth his father in every sacred place | Jesus who exalteth his father in every place. | |
Horus as Remi the weeper | Jesus as the weeper. | |
Dumb Horus, or the silent Sekari | Jesus silent before his accusers. | |
Horus behaving badly to Isis | Jesus speaking brutally to his mother. | |
Horus the gladsome | Jesus the jocund. | |
Horus as prince of the divine powers | Jesus the prince. | |
Horus the uplifted serpent | Jesus uplifted as the serpent. | |
Horus as the Bennu | Jesus as the phoenix. | |
Horus who giveth light by means of his own body | Jesus the light of the world. | |
Horus the hider of himself as Har-Sheta | Jesus the concealer of himself. | |
Horus the word-made-flesh | Jesus the word-made-flesh. | |
Horus the word-made-truth | Jesus the doer of the word. | |
Horus in the bosom of Ra | Jesus in the bosom of the Father. | |
Horus the Krst | Jesus the Christ. | |
Horus the avenger | Jesus who brings the sword. | |
Iu-em-hetep who comes with peace | Jesus the bringer of peace. | |
Horus called the illegitimate child | Jesus called the Mamzer. | |
Horus the afflicted one | Jesus the afflicted one. | |
Horus the unique one | Jesus the unique one. | |
Horus the lord of resurrections from the house of death | Jesus the resurrection and the life. | |
Horus as the type of life eternal | Jesus the type of eternal life. | |
Iu (em-hetep) the child-teacher in the temple | The Child-Jesus as teacher in the Temple. | |
Child-Horus as sower of the seed | Child-Jesus as sower of the seed. | |
Har-Khuti, lord of the harvest | Jesus, lord of the harvest. | |
Horus the founder | Jesus the founder. | |
Horus the fulfiller | Jesus the fulfiller. | |
Horus as master of the words of power | Jesus whose word was with power. | |
Horus Ma-kheru | Jesus, “the witness unto the truth.” | |
Horus as the lily | Jesus typified by the lily. | |
Horus the link | Jesus the bond of union. | |
Horus who came to fulfil the law | Jesus who comes to fulfil the law. | |
Horus as bearer of the Ankh-symbol of life and the Un-sceptre of resurrection | Jesus as the resurrection and the life personified. | |
Horus (or Khunsu) the chaser of boastfulness | Jesus the humbler of the proud. | |
Horus of the Second Advent | The coming Christ. | |
Horus the hidden force | Jesus the concealed. | |
Horus as Kam-Ura, the overflower, and extender of the water illimitably | Jesus, giver of the water of life without limit. | |
Horus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit | Jesus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit. | |
Horus the opener as Unen | Jesus the opener with the keys. | |
Horus of the two horizons | Jesus of the two lands. | |
Horus as teacher of the living generation | Jesus as teacher on the earth. | |
Horus as teacher of the spirits in Amenta | Jesus as preacher to the spirits in prison. | |
Horus as teacher on the Atit-bark, with the seven glorious ones on board | Jesus the teacher on the boat, also with the seven fishers on board. | |
Horus uttering the words of Ra in the solar bark | Jesus uttering the parables on board the boat. | |
Horus walking the water | Jesus walking the water. | |
The blind mummy made to see by Horus | The blind man given sight by Jesus. | |
Horus and the Hamemmet or younglings of Shu | Jesus and the little ones. | |
The children of Horus | The children of Jesus. | |
Horus the raiser of the dead | Jesus the raiser of the dead. | |
Horus the raiser up of Asar | Jesus the raiser up of Lazarus. | |
Horus, who imparts the power of the resurrection to his children | Jesus who confers the same power on his followers. | |
Horus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father | Jesus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father. | |
Horus one with the father | Jesus one with his father. | |
Horus transfigured on the mount | Jesus transfigured on the mount. | |
Amsu-Horus in his resurrection as a Sahu- mummy | Jesus rising again corporeally or incorporated. | |
The blood of Isis | The issue of blood suffered by the woman. | |
The field manured with blood in Tattu | Aceldama. | |
The mummy-bandage that was woven without seam | The vesture of the Christ without a seam. | |
Seven souls of Ra the Holy Spirit | Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. | |
Seven hawks of Ra the Holy Spirit | Seven doves of the Holy Spirit. | |
Seven loaves of Horus for feeding the multitude reposing in the green fields of Annu | Seven loaves of Jesus for feeding the multitude reclining on the grass. | |
Twelve followers of Har-Khuti | Twelve followers of Jesus, as the twelve disciples. |
[Page 912]
Horus with the twelve in the field of divine harvest | Jesus with the twelve in the harvest-field. | ||
The twelve who reap for Horus | The twelve who reap for Jesus. | ||
Horus as the intercessor | Jesus as the paraclete. | ||
Horus as the great judge | Jesus as the great judge. | ||
The judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Horus, the good shepherd | Judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Jesus the Good Shepherd. | ||
The judgment of the guilty, who are the goats of Sut | Judgment of the wicked, who are the goats of Satan. | ||
Horus parting off the evil dead | Jesus parting off the accursed. | ||
The condemned spirits entering the swine | The evil spirits entering the swine. | ||
The glorious ones that wait on Horus | The angels that minister unto Jesus. | ||
Horus ascending to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree | Jesus ascending to heaven from Mount Olivet. | ||
The revelation of Horus, given by Ra, his father, to make known the mysteries of divine things to his followers | The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show unto his servants. |
The revelation written down by Aan (Tehuti), the scribe of divine words | The Revelation written by John the divine. |
The saluter Aani, who bears witness to the word of Ra and to the testimony of Horus | John, who bears witness to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. |
The secret of the Mysteries revealed by Taht-Aan | The secret of the Mysteries made known by John. |
The books in Annu | The book of doom and the book of life in Patmos. |
The books and their bringer | The book and its opener. |
Seven dungeon-seals | The book with seven seals. |
The great mother Apt, the pregnant water-cow | The woman sitting on the waters. |
The crocodile as great mother | The dragon as great mother. |
The great mother as Hathor, the abode | The woman that was the great city personalized. |
The great or enceinte mother in her lunar character | The woman arrayed with the sun about to bring forth the child |
Isis, who brought forth Horus in the marshes | The woman who brought forth in the wilderness. |
Isis pursued by the great crocodile | The woman persecuted by the dragon. |
Isis, hawk-winged | The woman with eagle’s wings. |
The bride as Hathor-Isis, with the calf or lamb upon the mount of glory | The bride as the lamb’s wife upon the mount. |
Atum-Huhi, the closer and the opener of Amenta | Ihuh, who carries the keys of death and Hades as closer and opener. |
Atum-Ra, the holy spirit | The spirit. |
Hathor-Iusāas the bride, with Horus the lamb (or earlier calf) upon the mount | The bride with the lamb upon the mount. |
Anup and Aan, the two witnesses for Horus | The two Johns as witnesses for Jesus. |
The seven Khuti or glorious ones | The seven spirits of God. |
Horus, with the seven Khabsu stars, or gods of the lamp | Jesus in the midst of the seven golden lamp- stands. |
Sebek-Horus the lamb on the mount | Jesus the lamb on the mount. |
Horus the morning star | Jesus the morning star. |
Horus, who gives the morning star to his followers | Jesus, who gives the morning star to his followers. | ||
The Har-Seshu, or servants of Horus | The servants of Jesus Christ. | ||
The seven spirits of fire around the throne of Ra | The seven spirits of fire before the throne. | ||
The fathers, or the ancient ones | The four-and-twenty elders. | ||
The four corner-keepers | The four living creatures at the four corners. | ||
The solar god of golden form | The form with feet like unto burnished brass, and countenance as of the sun. | ||
Iu the son of man (or Atum) | Jesus the son of man. | ||
Horus as the first-born from the dead | Jesus the Christ as first-born of those that slept. | ||
Horus in the house of a thousand years | The Millennial reign of Jesus. | ||
Sebek the solar dragon | The scarlet-coloured beast with seven heads. | ||
Seven souls or powers of Ra | Seven heads of the solar dragon. | ||
The eighth to the seven | The eighth to the seven. | ||
Ten Tata-gods or powers | The ten horns or kings. | ||
The war in heaven | The war in heaven. | ||
Har-Tema as the avenger, the red god who orders the block of execution | The word of God, faithful and true, with raiment dipped in blood. | ||
Har-Makhu | Michael the Archangel. | ||
Sut the accuser | Satan the accuser. | ||
Sut and Horus | Christ and the Anti-Christ. | ||
The celestial Heptanomis | The seven mountains of earth or islands in the sea. | ||
The seven children of the old earth-mother | The seven kings of the earth. | ||
Horus at the head of the seven | Jesus at the head of the seven. | ||
The last judgment | The last judgment. | ||
The mount of glory | The throne set in heaven on the mount. | ||
The mount as judgment-seat | The mount as throne of the Great Judge. | ||
The lion-faced throne of steel | The great white throne. | ||
The great judge seated on his throne | The Great Judge on the judgment-seat. | ||
The god in lion form | The god who is the lion of the Tribe of Judah. | ||
The god in the solar disc | The god with the sun-like countenance. | ||
The god whose dazzling mouth sends forth breezes of flame | The god from whose mouth proceeded the two-edged sword. | ||
Osiris-Tat, the sufferer in the Lower Egypt of Amenta |
Lord who was crucified in |
The Apap-reptile, the serpent of evil | Abaddon, Apollyon, or Satan, that old serpent. | ||
Apap, the power of evil in the Abyss | Abaddon or Apollyon, the angel of the Abyss. | ||
The binding of Apap in chains and casting the beast into the Abyss | The binding of the dragon, that old serpent, and casting him into the Pit. | ||
Apap and Sut bound in chains and cast into the Abyss | The Devil and Satan bound in a great chain and cast into the Pit. | ||
The Ankh-key of life and the Un-symbol of the resurrection | The keys of death and Hades in the hands of the opener. | ||
The first resurrection and the second death in Amenta | The first resurrection and the second death. | ||
The Lake of Putrata where the lost souls fall headlong into everlasting night | The lake of the second death. | ||
The beatified in their white garments of glory | The beatified spirits arrayed in white. | ||
The name of Ra on the head of the deceased | The name of the Father written on the forehead. | ||
The little column of white stone given as a talisman to the initiates | The white stone given to the initiated. | ||
The mount of the double earth in Hetep | The mountain great and high. | ||
The eternal city at the summit | The Holy City. | ||
The water of life as lake or river | The river of the water of life. | ||
The two divine sycamores over the water of life | The tree of life on either side of the water of life. | ||
The water of life proceeding from the throne of Osiris. | The water of life proceeding from the throne of God. | ||
The great lake in Hetep upon which the gods and glorified alight | The glassy sea on which the victors stand triumphant. | ||
The great white lake of Sa | The sea of crystal. | ||
The calf (later lamb) of Horus standing on the mount with Hathor bearing the bride | The lamb standing on Mount Zion with the bride. | ||
The lunar goddess Hathor bearing the solar orb | The woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon at her feet. | ||
The glorified in Hetep stoled and girdled and crowned | The angels girt about the breasts with golden girdles. | ||
The emerald dawn around the mount or throne of Ra | The rainbow like an emerald round the throne. | ||
The Ba enclosure of Aarru, in twelve measures | The walled enclosure of the New Jerusalem, in twelve measures. | ||
Heaven according to the measure of a man | Heaven according to the measure of a man. | ||
The paradise of the pole-star | The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon=the pole-star. | ||
The ark of Osiris-Ra | The Ark of the New Covenant in heaven. | ||
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