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Digial Dharma |
Steven Vedro |
The Golden Thread - Ageless Wisdom of the Western Mystery Tradition |
Joscelyn Godwin |
Sacred Space, Sacred Sound |
Hale, Susan Elizabeth |
Magical Christianity |
Brown, Coleston |
Vision Keepers : Walking
for Native Americans and the Earth |
Doug |
Twin from Another Tribe |
Hill & Kandemwa |
Echoes from the
Gnosis - edited by John Algeo |
Mead, G.R.S. |
Esoteric Christianity - with Notes by Richard Smoley |
Besant, Annie |
Hidden Wisdom - a Guide to
the Western Inner Traditions |
Smoley, Richard & Kinney, Jay |
Adyar Day
- 17th February |
1 |
Adyar Library Bulletin Jubilee Volume |
2 |
from Ancient Wisdom; At the Feet of the Master; Light on the Path; The Voice of the Silence |
3 |
Koran, The |
4 |
Spirit of the Unborn |
5 |
Meditations from "At
the Feet of the Master" |
A Server |
6 |
The Secret Gateway - Modern
Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition |
Abdill, Edward |
7 |
Christian Mysteries and the Catholic Church |
Adyar, Francis |
8 |
Alcyone -
See Krishnamurti |
9 |
The Letters of H.P.Blavatsky - Volume -1-, 1861-1879 | Algeo, John | 10 |
American T.S. Lodge procedure | American Section | 11 |
Primer of Theosophy | American Section | 12 |
Our Emergent Civilization | Anshen,R.N. | 13 |
Light of Asia | Arnold, Sir Edwin | 14 |
Song Celestial | Arnold, Sir Edwin | 15 |
My Guest- H.P.Blavatsky | Arundale, Francesca | 16 |
From Visible to Invisible Helping | Arundale, George S. | 17 |
Gods in the Becoming- Volume -1- | Arundale, George S. | 18 |
Growth of National Consciousness, The | Arundale, George S. | 19 |
Kundalini: An Occult Experience | Arundale, George S. | 20 |
Mount Everest, Its Spiritual Attainment | Arundale, George S. | 21 |
Nirvana (3 copies) | Arundale, George S. | 22 |
Thoughts on "At the feet of the Master" | Arundale, George S. | 23 |
Under the Weather | Arundale, George S. | 24 |
Principles of Baha'I Faith (pamphlet) | Baha'I | 25 |
Letters on Occult Meditation | Bailey, Alice | 26 |
Out of the Mouths of Babes | Bain Macbeth, J.L. | 27 |
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures | Baker Eddy, Mary | 28 |
Holy Wisdom | Baker, Father | 29 |
Divine Plan | Barborka, G.A. | 30 |
Letters of H.P.Blavatsky to A.P.Sinnett | Barker, A.T. | 31 |
Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett [2] | Barker, A.T. | 32 |
Letters from a Living Dead Man | Barker, E. | 33 |
Cheery Thoughts | Barnet, Montrose L. | 34 |
Gnosticism | Barrie, M.W. | 35 |
An Esoteric reading of Biblical Symbolism [2 copies] | Bartlett, Harriet Tuttle | 36 |
Because: for Children who Ask Why | Bartlett,H.T. | 37 |
38 |
Key of Dreams | Beck, L.Adams | 39 |
Story of Oriental Philosophy (2 copies) | Beck, L.Adams | 40 |
On the Side of the Angels | Begbie, H. | 41 |
Man Incarnate | Bendit, L. & Payne, P. | 42 |
The Psychic Sense | Bendit, L.& Payne, P. | 43 |
Key Words of the Wisdom Tradition | Bendit, Laurence J. -Editor | 44 |
Everybody's Guide to Theosophy | Benjamin,H. | 45 |
Human Machine | Bennett, A. | 46 |
Self and Self-Management | Bennett, A. | 47 |
Creative Evolution | Bergson,Henri | 48 |
Bhagavad Gita | Besant | 49 |
Beauties of Islam | Besant, Annie | 50 |
H.P.Blavatsky and the Masters of the Wisdom | Besant, Annie | 51 |
The Inner Government of the World | Besant, Annie | 52 |
After-Death Life | Besant, Annie | 53 |
Ancient Ideals in Modern Life | Besant, Annie | 54 |
Ancient Wisdom | Besant, Annie | 55 |
Avataras (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 56 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -1- | Besant, Annie | 57 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -2- Ideal Education (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 58 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -3- Indian Problem (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 59 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -4- | Besant, Annie | 60 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -5-India: Bond or Free | Besant, Annie | 61 |
Besant Spirit- Volume -6-The Right Purpose of War | Besant, Annie | 62 |
Brahmavidya | Besant, Annie | 63 |
Building of the Kosmos (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 64 |
Centenary Book 1847-1947 | Besant, Annie | 65 |
Changing World | Besant, Annie | 66 |
Civilisation's Deadlocks and the Keys | Besant, Annie | 67 |
Coming of the World-Teacher (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 68 |
Daily Meditations - On the Path and Its Qualifications | Besant, Annie | 69 |
Death and After (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 70 |
Doctrine of the Heart (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 71 |
Duties of the Theosophist | Besant, Annie | 72 |
Esoteric Christianity (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 73 |
Eternal Now | Besant, Annie | 74 |
Evolution and Occultism- Vol.-III- | Besant, Annie | 75 |
Evolution of Life and Form | Besant, Annie | 76 |
Giordano Bruno | Besant, Annie | 77 |
Hindu Ideals | Besant, Annie | 78 |
Hints on the Story of the Bhagavad Gita (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 79 |
How India Wrought for Freedom | Besant, Annie | 80 |
Ideals of Theosophy (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 81 |
Immediate Future (4 copies) | Besant, Annie | 82 |
In Defence of Hinduism | Besant, Annie | 83 |
In the Outer Court (6 copies) | Besant, Annie | 84 |
India- Volume IV- | Besant, Annie | 85 |
Initiation: The Perfecting of Man (4 copies) | Besant, Annie | 86 |
Introduction to Science of Peace (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 87 |
Introduction to Yoga (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 88 |
Karma (4 copies) | Besant, Annie | 89 |
Lectures on Political Science | Besant, Annie | 90 |
Legends and Tales | Besant, Annie | 91 |
London Lectures | Besant, Annie | 92 |
Man and His Bodies (6 copies) | Besant, Annie | 93 |
Man and His Bodies (T.S. Manual No.7) | Besant, Annie | 94 |
Man's Life in This and Other Worlds | Besant, Annie | 95 |
Mysticism (Adyar Pamphlet No-21) | Besant, Annie | 96 |
Nature's Finer Forces (Adyar Pamphlet No. 94) | Besant, Annie | 97 |
New Civilisation | Besant, Annie | 98 |
The Path of Discipleship (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 99 |
Problems of Reconstruction | Besant, Annie | 100 |
Reincarnation | Besant, Annie | 101 |
Reincarnation (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 102 |
Religious Problems in India | Besant, Annie | 103 |
Riddle of Life | Besant, Annie | 104 |
Self and its Sheaths (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 105 |
Seven Principles of Man (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 106 |
Shri Rama Chandra, The Ideal King (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 107 |
Study in Consciousness (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 108 |
Study in Karma, A | Besant, Annie | 109 |
Superhuman Men in History and in Religion (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 110 |
Talks with a Class (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 111 |
The Spiritual Life [2 Copies] | Besant, Annie | 112 |
The Masters {2 copies} | Besant, Annie | 113 |
The Pedigree of Man | Besant, Annie | 114 |
The Riddle of Life - and How Theosophy answers it (2) | Besant, Annie | 115 |
The Seven Principles of Man [2 copies] | Besant, Annie | 116 |
Theosophical Society and the Occult Hierarchy (3) | Besant, Annie | 117 |
Theosophy (4 copies) | Besant, Annie | 118 |
Theosophy and the New Psychology | Besant, Annie | 119 |
Theosophy and the Theosophical Society | Besant, Annie | 120 |
Theosophy and World Problems | Besant, Annie | 121 |
Thought Power: Its Control and Culture (4 copies) | Besant, Annie | 122 |
Three Paths, to Union with God (2 copies) | Besant, Annie | 123 |
Universal Textbook Vol. -II- Ethics | Besant, Annie | 124 |
Universal Textbook- Vol. Religion/Moral (3 copies) | Besant, Annie | 125 |
Wisdom of the Upanishats | Besant, Annie | 126 |
Man, Whence, How and Whither [2 Copies} | Besant, Annie . & Leadbeater,C.W.. | 127 |
Talks on the Path of Occultism- Vol. -2- (2 copies) | Besant, Annie. & Leadbeater,C.W.. | 128 |
Talks on the Path of Occultism Vol. -3- | Besant, Annie. & Leadbeater,C.W.. | 129 |
Theosophy and World Problems | Besant, Jinarajadasa,Arundale, Krishnamurti | 130 |
Lives Of Alcyone Vol-1- | Besant, A. & Leadbeater,C.W. | 131 |
Occult Chemistry (3 copies) | Besant, A. & Leadbeater,C.W. | 132 |
Talks on the Path of Occultism- Vol-1- | Besant, A. & Leadbeater,C.W.. | 133 |
Mind of Annie Besant | Besterman,T. | 134 |
Essential Unity of All Religions | Bhagavan Das | 135 |
Science of Emotions , The (4 copies) | Bhagavan Das | 136 |
Science of Peace, The | Bhagavan Das | 137 |
Science of Pranava-vada of Gargyayana, The | Bhagavan Das | 138 |
Science of Social Organization, The ( 2 copies) | Bhagavan Das | 139 |
Questions from the City; Answers from the Forest | Bhikku,Ajan Sumano | 140 |
Christian Platonists of Alexandria | Bigg, C.D. | 141 |
Collected Writings- 1883- Volume -5- | Blavatsky, H.P. | 142 |
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan | Blavatsky, H.P. | 143 |
Isis Unveiled- Volume -1-Science | Blavatsky, H.P. | 144 |
Isis Unveiled- Volume -2-Theology | Blavatsky, H.P. | 145 |
Key to Theosophy ( 3 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 146 |
Modern Panarion- Volume -1- ( 4 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 147 |
Nightmare Tales | Blavatsky, H.P. | 148 |
Nightmare Tales | Blavatsky, H.P. | 149 |
Original Program of the Theosophical Society | Blavatsky, H.P. | 150 |
Practical Occultism | Blavatsky, H.P. | 151 |
Practical Occultism (2 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 152 |
Raja-Yoga or Occultism | Blavatsky, H.P. | 153 |
Secret Doctrine- Volume -1- (4 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 154 |
Secret Doctrine- Volume -2- (7 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 155 |
Secret Doctrine- Volume -3- (3 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 156 |
Secret Doctrine- Volume -3-& Index (2 copies) | Blavatsky, H.P. | 157 |
Studies in Occultism | Blavatsky, H.P. | 158 |
Secret Doctrine- Volume 2,3 and Index (3 copies) | Blavatsky,H.P. | 159 |
Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge | Blavatsky,H.P. | 160 |
Voice of the Silence, The (3 copies) | Blavatsky,H.P. | 161 |
Kinship with All Life | Boone, J.A. | 162 |
Crown of Asphodels | Boucher,H. | 163 |
Imitation of Buddha | Bowden,E. | 164 |
Episodes from an Unwritten History (2 copies) | Bragdon,Claude | 165 |
Eternal Poles | Bragdon,Claude | 166 |
Primer of Higher Space (2 copies) | Bragdon,Claude | 167 |
Yoga for You | Bragdon,Claude | 168 |
Between War and Peace | Brewer-Boeckel, F. | 169 |
Old Memories and Letters of Annie Besant | Bright, E. | 170 |
Wisdom of the Chinese | Brown, B. | 171 |
Mystery of Space | Browne, R. | 172 |
Notes and Index to the Bhagavad Gita | Browning, K. | 173 |
Hermit in the Himalayas | Brunton, Paul | 174 |
Discover Yourself | Brunton,Paul | 175 |
Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga | Brunton,Paul | 176 |
Quest of the Overself | Brunton,Paul | 177 |
Search in Secret India | Brunton,Paul | 178 |
Modern World Movements | Buck,J.D. | 179 |
Book of the Dead, Volume -2- | Budge, W. | 180 |
Bulfinch's Mythology | Bullfinch | 181 |
Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha | Burtt, E.A. | 182 |
Promised Land | Carpenter,E. | 183 |
Henri Bergson: The Philosophy of Change(2 copies) | Carr,H.W. | 184 |
Reflections on Life | Carrel, Alexis | 185 |
Story of Faust | Charles M. | 186 |
Viveka-Chudamani: Crest-Jewel of Wisdom(2 copies) | Chatterji, M.M. | 187 |
The Bhagawad Geeta | Chinmayananda, Swami | 188 |
Occult Cosmogony -Part -3- Descent of Monad | Chodkiewicz, K. | 189 |
Occult Cosmogony-Part 2- Evolution of Matter | Chodkiewicz, K. | 190 |
Physical Forces and Spiritual Intelligences | Chodkiewicz, K. | 191 |
Cloud of Unknowing | Chriestie, C.W. | 192 |
Christ in You | Christie, C.W. | 193 |
Christmas at Home | Christie, C.W. | 194 |
Theosophy for Beginners (3 copies) | Christie, C.W. | 195 |
Alchemy and the Alchemists- Volume -1- | Clymer Swinburne | 196 |
Alchemy and the Alchemists- Volume -3- | Clymer Swinburne | 197 |
Alchemy and the Alchemists- Volume -4- | Clymer Swinburne | 198 |
Philosophy of Fire | Clymer Swinburne | 199 |
Essential Mysticism | Cobb, S. | 200 |
Poems | Codd, C. & D. | 201 |
Ageless Wisdom of Life | Codd, Clara M. | 202 |
Meditation: Its Practice and Results | Codd, Clara M. | 203 |
Theosophy as the Masters See It (2 copies) | Codd, Clara M. | 204 |
Theosophy for Very Little Children | Codd, Clara M. | 205 |
Way of the Disciple | Codd, Clara M. | 206 |
207 |
Gods in the making: Man and the Law of Continuity [2 copies] | Cole, T. Mawby & Reid, Vera W. | 208 |
Green Leaves [2 Copies] | Collins, Mabel | 209 |
Illusions | Collins, Mabel | 210 |
Light on the Path | Collins, Mabel | 211 |
Light on the Path | Collins, Mabel | 212 |
Light on the Path + Karma ( 3 copies) | Collins, Mabel | 213 |
Light on the Path + Through the Gates of Gold | Collins, Mabel | 214 |
Through the Gates of Gold (2 copies) | Collins, Mabel | 215 |
Through the Gates of Gold: A fragment of Thought | Collins, Mabel | 216 |
Transparent Jewel | Collins, Mabel | 217 |
When the Sun Moves Northward | Collins, Mabel | 218 |
Story of Sensa | Collins,Mabel | 219 |
Light and Colour | Colville, W.J. | 220 |
The Human Aura and the Significance of Color | Colville, W.J. | 221 |
Will Levington- Comfort Letters- Book 1 | Comfort, W.L. | 222 |
Curiosities of Mathematics (Pamphlet) | Condon, E. | 223 |
Theosophy the Interpreter | Convention Lectures 1923 | 224 |
Theosophy, Past and Future | Convention Lectures 1929 | 225 |
Primer of Occult Physics | Coode Adams, W.R.. | 226 |
Thy Kingdom Come | Cooke, I. | 227 |
Hinduism and Buddhism | Coomeraswamy, A.K. | 228 |
Methods of Psychic Development (2 copies) | Cooper, Irving S. | 229 |
Reincarnation: A Hope of the World | Cooper, Irving S. | 230 |
Secret of Happiness | Cooper, Irving S. | 231 |
Theosophy Simplified | Cooper, Irving S. | 232 |
Ways to Perfect Health ( 3 copies) | Cooper, Irving S. | 233 |
Extracts from the Vahan | Corbett, S. | 234 |
Romance of Two Worlds | Corelli, Marie | 235 |
Wisdom of the West | Cousins, J.H. | 236 |
Bases of Theosophy | Cousins, J. | 237 |
Right and Wrong Thinking and their Results | Crane, A.M. | 238 |
Answers to Questions on "Ocean of Theosophy" | Crosbie, Robert | 239 |
Evolution as Outlined in Archaic Eastern | Crump, B. | 240 |
Culperer's British Herbal | Culperer | 241 |
Voice of Isis | Curtis, H.& H | 242 |
Coming World Changes | Curtis, H.A. & F.H. | 243 |
Vitamins | Curtis, F.A. & F.H. | 244 |
History of Science | Dampier-Whetham W. | 245 |
Inferno | Dante | 246 |
Paradiso | Dante | 247 |
Purgatorio | Dante | 248 |
Secrets of Wise men, Chemists and Great Physicians | David, W.K. | 249 |
New Worlds Beyond the Atom | Day, Langston | 250 |
Hereafter | Deichmann, H. | 251 |
Babel and Bible | Delitzch, F. | 252 |
Manual of Mystical Theology | Devine, A. | 253 |
Krishna the Charioteer | Dhar, M.M. | 254 |
Krishna the Cowherd | Dhar, M.M. | 255 |
Atlantis- the Antediluvian World | Donnelly, I. | 256 |
The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Armanic Jesus |
Douglas-Klottz, Neil | 257 |
Way, The | Dowd, F.B. | 258 |
New Revelation | Doyle, A.C. | 259 |
Vital Message | Doyle, A.C. | 260 |
Nicholas & Helena
Roerich - The Spiritual Journey of Two Great Artists and Peacemakers [NEW] |
Drayer, Ruth A. |
261 |
Studies in the Bhagavad Gita- 3rd series | Dreamer, The | 262 |
Plutarch's Lives | Dryden Clough, A.H. | 263 |
Story of Philosophy | Durant,W. | 264 |
Transformed Hinduism- Volume -1- | E.P.B. | 265 |
Transformed Hinduism- Volume -2- ( 2 copies) | E.P.B. | 266 |
Evolution (Theosophical Manual No. 6) | Edge, H.T. | 267 |
Theosophy and Christianity (T.S.Manual No. 12) | Edge, H.T. | 268 |
Astral Light (Theosophical Manual No. 10) | Edge,H.T. | 269 |
Elements of Theosophy | Edger, L. | 270 |
Gleanings from "Light on the Path" (2 copies) | Edger, L. | 271 |
Feast of Light | Ellis, Normand | 272 |
Tibetan Book of the Dead | Evans-Wentz, W.Y. | 273 |
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines | Evans-Wentz, W.Y. | 274 |
Heart of Things | Farnsworth, E.C. | 275 |
Teachings from the Arcane Science (2 copies) | Farnsworth, E.C. | 276 |
Fairies | Fauldings, G.M. | 277 |
Transactions- 1906 | Federation European Sections | 278 |
Transactions- 1904- | Federation European Sections | 279 |
Transactions- 1905 | Federation European Sections | 280 |
Tibetan Healing- Modern Legacy | Fenton, Peter | 281 |
Golden Verses of Pythagoras | Firth, F.M. | 282 |
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam (2 copies) | Fitzgerald, E. | 283 |
Death and Its Mystery before Death | Flammarion, Camille | 284 |
Metaphysical Thesaurus and Dictionary | Flowers, S. | 285 |
Golden Calf | Forward, C.W. | 286 |
Find and Use Your Inner Power | Fox, E. | 287 |
Heart, Self and Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance and Harmony | Frager, Robert | 288 |
Visual Journaling- Going deeper than Words | Ganim Barbary & Fox, Susan | 289 |
Introductory Studies | Gardner, Adelaide | 290 |
Web of the Universe | Gardner, E.L. | 291 |
Mysteries, The | Gardner, E.L.. | 292 |
Reincarnation | Geley, G. | 293 |
Jesus | Gibran Kalil | 294 |
Madman, (The), His Parables and Poems | Gibran Kalil | 295 |
Prophet, The | Gibran Kalil | 296 |
You will Come Back:- A conversation about | Goold, F.E. | 297 |
The Visionary window | Goswami, Amit | 298 |
Religions of the World | Grant | 299 |
Little Builders, New Thought Talks to Child | Grenside , D. | 300 |
Book of Months, A | Grenside, D. | 301 |
Next Steps in Educational Progress | Guest, L.H. | 302 |
Gospel of Apollonius of Tyana | Guthrie, K.S.L. | 303 |
Power of Will | Haddock, F.C. | 304 |
Devils, Drugs and Doctors | Haggard | 305 |
Loves Conquers All | Hamlyn, H. | 306 |
Assay on Prayer | Hare, W.L. | 307 |
Geomancy | Hartmann, Franz | 308 |
Paracelsus: His Life and Doctrine ( 2 copies) | Hartmann, Franz | 309 |
Perfume of the Desert | Harvey and Hanue | 310 |
He sent leanness: A book of Prayers for the Natural | Head, David | 311 |
Reincarnation: An East-West Anthology | Head, Joseph & Cranston, S.L. | 312 |
Cloning the Buddha- The Moral Impact of Biotechnology | Heinberg, Richard | 313 |
Message of the Stars | Heindel, Max | 314 |
Ancient and Modern Initiation (2 copies) | Heindel, Max | 315 |
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception | Heindel, Max | 316 |
New Era of Thought | Hinton, C. | 317 |
Silent Worship: The Way of Wonder | Hodgkin, V. | 318 |
A Yoga of Light | Hodson, Geoffrey | 319 |
Be Ye Perfect | Hodson, Geoffrey | 320 |
Brotherhood of Angels and of Men | Hodson, Geoffrey | 321 |
Fairies at Work and at Play | Hodson, Geoffrey | 322 |
Kingdom of Fairies | Hodson, Geoffrey | 323 |
Kingdom of the Gods | Hodson, Geoffrey | 324 |
Lecture Notes- The School of Wisdom- Vol. 1- | Hodson, Geoffrey | 325 |
Lecture Notes, The School of Wisdom Vol. -2- ( 2) | Hodson, Geoffrey | 326 |
Man the Triune God | Hodson, Geoffrey | 327 |
Meditations on the Occult Life | Hodson, Geoffrey | 328 |
Miracle of birth | Hodson, Geoffrey | 329 |
Pathway to Perfection | Hodson, Geoffrey | 330 |
Reincarnation- Fact or Fallacy? | Hodson, Geoffrey | 331 |
Seven Human Temperaments | Hodson, Geoffrey | 332 |
Creative Mind | Holmes, E.S. | 333 |
Aether and Gravitation | Hooper, W.G. | 334 |
Universe of Ether and Spirit | Hooper, W.G. | 335 |
Dictionary of Some Theosophical Terms | Hoult Powis | 336 |
Study in Symbolism | Howard, M.F. | 337 |
Heavens Declare, The | Howell, Alice O. | 338 |
Law of Mental Medicine | Hudson, T.J. | 339 |
Buddhism | Humphreys, Christmas | 340 |
Harmonics of Evolution- Volume -1- | Huntley, F. | 341 |
Hypnotism and Self Education | Hutchison, A.M. | 342 |
Man's Place in Nature and Other Essays | Huxley, T.H. | 343 |
Contemporary Indian Philosophy | Indian Philosophers | 344 |
History and Power of Mind | Ingalese, R. | 345 |
Light, Life and Love | Inge, W.R. | 346 |
Training the Teacher | International Sunday School | 347 |
New Science of Colour | Irwin, B. | 348 |
Vedanta for the Western World | Isherwood, C. | 349 |
The Key to Divine Reality | Jefferys, W.H. | 350 |
Uncovering the Wisdom of the Heart Mind | Jensen, Lin | 351 |
Art and Emotions | Jinarajadasa, C. | 352 |
Christ and Buddha | Jinarajadasa, C. | 353 |
Earling Teachings of the Masters, The | Jinarajadasa, C. | 354 |
Economics and Theosophy | Jinarajadasa, C. | 355 |
Faith, That is the Life | Jinarajadasa, C. | 356 |
Flowers and Gardens | Jinarajadasa, C. | 357 |
Golden Book of the Theos.Society 1875-1925 | Jinarajadasa, C. | 358 |
How we remember our Past Lives | Jinarajadasa, C. | 359 |
In his Name (2 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 360 |
Is and Is-to-be (2 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 361 |
K.H.letters to C.W.Leadbeater (2 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 362 |
Letters from the Masters- Vol. -2- | Jinarajadasa, C. | 363 |
Letters from the Masters- Vol. -1- | Jinarajadasa, C. | 364 |
Message of the Future | Jinarajadasa, C. | 365 |
Nature of Mysticism ( 2 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 366 |
New Humanity of Intuition (3 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 367 |
Occult Investigations | Jinarajadasa, C. | 368 |
Practical Theosophy | Jinarajadasa, C. | 369 |
Release | Jinarajadasa, C. | 370 |
Seven Veils over Consciousness | Jinarajadasa, C. | 371 |
The World as Idea, Emotion and Will | Jinarajadasa, C. | 372 |
Theosophy and Modern Thought (2 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C. | 373 |
Theosophy and Reconstruction | Jinarajadasa, C. | 374 |
War and After | Jinarajadasa, C. | 375 |
What We Shall Teach | Jinarajadasa, C. | 376 |
World as Idea, Emotion and Will | Jinarajadasa, C. | 377 |
First Principles of Theosophy (4 copies) | Jinarajadasa, C.. | 378 |
Crest Jewel of Wisdom | Johnson, C. | 379 |
Echoes from the Orient | Judge, William Q. | 380 |
Ocean of Theosophy | Judge, William Q. | 381 |
The Ocean of Theosophy | Judge, William Q. | 382 |
Notes on The Bhagavad Gita | Judge, William Q. & Students | 383 |
Letters that have Helped Me | Judge, William Q.. | 384 |
Journey of Transformation, A | Jung, Carl G. | 385 |
Modern Man in Search of a Soul | Jung, Carl G. | 386 |
Where Theosophy and Science Meet Vol. -2- | Kanga, D.D. | 387 |
Where Theosophy and Science Meet Vol. -3- ? | Kanga, D.D. | 388 |
Where Theosophy and Science Meet Vol-1 (2 copies) | Kanga, D.D. | 389 |
Where Theosophy and Science Meet, Part 4 ? | Kanga, D.D. | 390 |
Teachings of Zoroaster | Kapadia, S.A. | 391 |
Does the Bible Teach Reincarnation and Karma | Katsunoff, R.G. | 392 |
Dante's Mystic Love | Kavanagh, M. | 393 |
Three Years in Tibet | Kawaguchi, E. | 394 |
On the Imitation of Christ | Kempis, T. | 395 |
Story of the Bible | Kenyon, Sir. F. | 396 |
Travel Diary of a Philosopher- Volume -1- | Keyserung,H. | 397 |
Silken Tassel | Khabadard, A.F. | 398 |
Secret of Heroism | King, W.L.Mackenzie | 399 |
Perfect Way or the Finding of Christ | Kingsford, A & Maitland, E. | 400 |
Scientific Idealism | Kingsland, W. | 401 |
Esoteric Basis of Christianity (2 copies) | Kingsland, William | 402 |
Physics of the Secret Doctrine | Kingsland, William | 403 |
Real H.P.Blavatsky, The | Kingsland, William | 404 |
Hypathia or New Foes with an Old Face | Kingsley, C. | 405 |
Outlines of Spiritualism for the Young | Kitson, A. | 406 |
Science and the Infinite | Klein, S.T. | 407 |
Mystery-Schools (Theosophical Manual 4) | Knoche, G.F. | 408 |
At the Feet of the Master (4 copies) | Krishnamurti, J. | 409 |
Brockwood Talks and Discussions -1969 | Krishnamurti, J. | 410 |
Discussions, Talks at the Oak Grove | Krishnamurti, J. | 411 |
Education as a Service (4 copies) | Krishnamurti, J. | 412 |
Experience and Conduct (2 copies) | Krishnamurti, J. | 413 |
Kingdom of Happiness | Krishnamurti, J. | 414 |
Let Understanding be the Law | Krishnamurti, J. | 415 |
Life the Goal | Krishnamurti, J. | 416 |
Now | Krishnamurti, J. | 417 |
Ojai Camp- 1934 | Krishnamurti, J. | 418 |
Pool of Wisdom Who Brings the Truth ? | Krishnamurti, J. | 419 |
Search | Krishnamurti, J. | 420 |
Talks in Latin America | Krishnamurti,J. | 421 |
India's True Voice | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 422 |
Lost Light, The | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 423 |
The Lost Light | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 424 |
The Shadow of the Third Century (2 copies) | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 425 |
Theosophy - A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 426 |
Who is this King of Glory? | Kuhn, Alvin Boyd | 427 |
A Rebirth for Christianity |
Kuhn, Alvin Boyd |
428 |
Men Beyond Mankind (3 copies) | Kunz, Fritz | 429 |
In Search of P.D. Ouspensky | Lachman, Gary | 430 |
Theosophy in Dante's Divine Comedy (2 copies) | Lambart-Taylor, M. | 431 |
God is my Adventure | Landau, R. | 432 |
Prophecies of Melchi-Zedek in the Seven Temples | Landone, B. | 433 |
An Outline of Theosophy | Leadbeater, C.W. | 434 |
Astral Plane, The (5 copies) | Leadbeater, C.W. | 435 |
Australia and New Zealand as the Home | Leadbeater, C.W. | 436 |
Beginnings of the Six Root Race | Leadbeater, C.W. | 437 |
Christian Creed | Leadbeater, C.W. | 438 |
Clairvoyance (3 copies) | Leadbeater, C.W. | 439 |
Devachanic Plane, The ( 2 copies) | Leadbeater, C.W. | 440 |
Hidden life in Freemasonry | Leadbeater, C.W. | 441 |
Inner Life - Volume -2- | Leadbeater, C.W. | 442 |
Invisible Helpers [2 copies] | Leadbeater, C.W. | 443 |
Masters and the Path (2 copies), The | Leadbeater, C.W. | 444 |
Monad | Leadbeater, C.W. | 445 |
Occult View of the War | Leadbeater, C.W. | 446 |
Outline of Theosophy | Leadbeater, C.W. | 447 |
Perfume of Egypt | Leadbeater, C.W. | 448 |
Some Glimpses of Occultism | Leadbeater, C.W. | 449 |
Some Occult Experiences | Leadbeater, C.W. | 450 |
Soul's Growth through Reincarnation | Leadbeater, C.W. | 451 |
Spiritualism and Theosophy | Leadbeater, C.W. | 452 |
Starlight | Leadbeater, C.W. | 453 |
Talks on "At the Feet of the Master" | Leadbeater, C.W. | 454 |
Textbook of Theosophy | Leadbeater, C.W. | 455 |
The Astral Plane | Leadbeater, C.W. | 456 |
The Devachanic Plane [2 copies] | Leadbeater, C.W. | 457 |
The Inner Life | Leadbeater, C.W. | 458 |
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ | Levi (Levi H.Dowling) | 459 |
Paradoxes of the Highest Science | Levi, Eliphas | 460 |
Pauli and Jung - The meeting of Two Great Minds | Lindorff, David | 461 |
Philosophy of Kant | Lindsay, A.D. | 462 |
Talks with the Dead | Lobb,J. | 463 |
Survival of Man | Lodge, Sir Oliver | 464 |
Expanding Horizons | Long, J.A. | 465 |
Eminent Victorian Women | Longford, E. | 466 |
Practical Occultism | Loomis, E. | 467 |
Some Characteristics of the Interior Church | Lopukhin, I.V. | 468 |
Challenge of Reincarnation, The | Luntz, C.E. | 469 |
Faith Catholic | Lutyens, Lady E. | 470 |
Sacramental Life | Lutyens, Lady E. | 471 |
M.C. - see Collins, Mabel |
472 |
Song of the Cross | Macbeth, J. | 473 |
Science of Correspondences Elucidated | Madeley, E. | 474 |
Blue Bird | Maeterlink, M. | 475 |
First Steps in Theosophy | Mallet, E.M. | 476 |
Next Step in Evolution (Pamphlet 1221) | Marcault, E. & I.A.H. | 477 |
Facts You should know about Will Power | Markun, L. | 478 |
Scientific Corroborations of Theosophy | Marques, A. | 479 |
Ring of Return | Martin,E. | 480 |
Secret of a Star, The | Martin,E. | 481 |
Echoes from the Gnosis |
Mead, G.R.S. |
482 |
Did Jesus Live 100 Years Ago? | Mead, G.R.S. | 483 |
Echoes from the Gnosis, Volume -1- (2 copies) | Mead, G.R.S. | 484 |
Echoes from the Gnosis, Volume -2- | Mead, G.R.S. | 485 |
Echoes from the Gnosis, Volume -7- | Mead, G.R.S. | 486 |
Gospels and the Gospel, The | Mead, G.R.S. | 487 |
Mysticism: The Experience of the Divine | Medial Wisdom | 488 |
Eternal Light | Mehta, Rohit | 489 |
Intuitive Philosophy | Mehta, Rohit | 490 |
New World of Socialism | Mehta, Rohit | 491 |
Seek out the Way | Mehta, Rohit | 492 |
Theosophy in Action [3 copies] | Mitchell, Roy | 493 |
Theosophy Study + A White Lotus Day Address | Mitchell, Roy | 494 |
Spiritual Guide | Molinos, M. de | 495 |
Metempsychosis | Moore | 496 |
497 |
Creative Attitudes (5 copies) - a booklet | Morgan, Fred | 498 |
Manu : A Study of Hindu Social Theory | Motwani, K. | 499 |
State, The | Mukerji, K.P. | 500 |
Jatakamala or A Garland of Birth Stories | Musaeus-Higgins, M. | 501 |
Personal Memoirs of H.P.Blavatsky | Neff, Mary K. | 502 |
How Theosophy Came to Australia and New Zealand | Neff,Mary K | 503 |
Discovery of India | Nehru,J. | 504 |
The seven human powers - luminous shadows of the self | Nicholson, Shirley J. | 505 |
Letters that Have Helped Me (2 copies) | Niemand,J. | 506 |
Human Destiny | Nouy, Le Comte Du | 507 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -1- | Olcott, H.S. | 508 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -2- | Olcott,H.S. | 509 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -3- | Olcott,H.S. | 510 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -4- | Olcott,H.S. | 511 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -5- | Olcott,H.S. | 512 |
Old Diary Leaves- Volume -6- | Olcott,H.S. | 513 |
Life Beyond the Veil | Owen, V. | 514 |
Racial Cleavage or The Seven Ages of Man | Pagan, I.M. | 515 |
Middle Path, The - The Safest | Parchment, S.R. | 516 |
World of Life- A General Biology | Pauli, W.L. | 517 |
Theosophy for Youth | Pavri P. | 518 |
Coming World-Teacher | Pavri, P. | 519 |
Theosophy Explained in Questions and Answers | Pavri, P. | 520 |
Freedom through Intuition (booklet) | Perkins, James S. | 521 |
Through Death to Rebirth | Perkins,James S. | 522 |
Cabala | Pick, B. | 523 |
Star Habits and Orbit (Astronomy for Theos.Students) | Plumber, L.G. & J.R. | 524 |
After-Death Life, The | Powell, A.E. | 525 |
Astral Body, The (2 copies) | Powell, A.E. | 526 |
Causal Body, The | Powell, A.E. | 527 |
Etheric Double, The | Powell, A.E. | 528 |
Mental Body, The | Powell, A.E. | 529 |
Ritual of Business | Powell, A.E. | 530 |
Judgment of the Orient, The | Pratt, A. | 531 |
Studies in Evolutionary Psychology | Preston, E.W. & C.G.T. | 532 |
Magical Message According to Ioannes | Pryse, J.M. | 533 |
Reincarnation in the New Testament | Pryse, J.M. | 534 |
Dialogues of G. de Purucker- Volume -1- | Purucker, G.de | 535 |
Dialogues of G. de Purucker- Volume -2- | Purucker, G.de | 536 |
Dialogues of G. de Purucker- Volume -3- | Purucker, G.de | 537 |
Esoteric Tradition- Volume-1- ( 2 copies) | Purucker, G.de | 538 |
Esoteric Tradition-Volume -2- (2 copies) | Purucker, G.de | 539 |
Fountain Source of Occultism | Purucker, G.de | 540 |
Man in Evolution | Purucker, G.de | 541 |
Studies in Occult Philosophy | Purucker, G.de | 542 |
Confessions of St Augustine | Pusey, E.B. | 543 |
The Templars and the Grail | Ralls, Karen | 544 |
Advance Course in Yogi Philosophy | Ramacharaka Yogi | 545 |
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy (2 copies) | Ramacharaka Yogi | 546 |
Gnani Yoga | Ramacharaka Yogi | 547 |
Mystic Christianity | Ramacharaka Yogi | 548 |
Raja Yoga or Mental Development | Ramacharaka Yogi | 549 |
Spirit of the Upanishads | Ramacharaka Yogi | 550 |
Madame Blavatsky- Occultist | Ransom, Josephine | 551 |
Bliss- finding happiness in the face of hardship | Raphael, Howard | 552 |
Possession of Elizabeth, The | Rea, H. | 553 |
Reincarnation and Christianity | Rea, H. | 554 |
Blavatsky's Secret Books | Reigle,David and Nancy | 555 |
New Frontiers of the Mind | Rhines, J.B. | 556 |
A Voice in the Silence | Rhodes, Harrie Vernette | 557 |
Psychosoma (Soul-Sleep) | Rhodes,H. | 558 |
Biblical Allegorism | Riley, F.L. | 559 |
Eternal Truths of Life | Robson, A. | 560 |
Coming of the World Teacher | Rocke, M.E. | 561 |
Occultism- True and False | Roest, P.K. | 562 |
Elementary Theosophy | Rogers, L.W. | 563 |
Hints to Young Students of Occultism [2copies] | Rogers, L.W. | 564 |
Doctrine of Cycles (Theosophical Manual No.-8-) | Ross, L. | 565 |
Commentary of Hierocles on Golden Verses (2 copies) | Rowe, N. | 566 |
God Will Work with You but Not for You | Russell,L. | 567 |
H.P.Blavatsky and theTheosophical Movement | Ryan, C.J. | 568 |
Inner Life of Krishnamurti- Private Passion and Perennial Wisdom |
Sanat, Aryel | 569 |
Psychic Powers (Theosophical Manual No.-11-) | Savage, H. | 570 |
Mysterious Wisdom | Savoye, H. de | 571 |
History and Beliefs of the Major Religions | Scholl, W. | 572 |
Dreams | Schreiner, O. | 573 |
Hermes and Plato | Schure, Edouard | 574 |
Science and Religion | Schure, Edouard ? | 575 |
Marriage of the Soul | Scott-Elliot, W. | 576 |
Fellowship of the Holy Ones | Scott-Moncriell, C.W. | 577 |
Albert Schweitzer- The Man and His Mind | Seaver, G. | 578 |
The Zen of listening | Shafir, Rebecca Z. | 579 |
Mental Magnetism | Shaftesbury, E. | 580 |
Modern Theosophy | Shearman, Hugh | 581 |
To form a Nucleus | Shearman, Hugh | 582 |
Doubt (pamphlet) | Sherwood, E. | 583 |
Four noble Truths, The | Silacara, Bhikku | 584 |
Noble Eighfold Path, The | Silacara,Bhikku | 585 |
Introductory Study Course in Theosophy- Part-1- | Simons, E.S. | 586 |
Introductory Study Course in Theosophy- Part-2- | Simons, E.S. | 587 |
Growth of the Soul | Sinnett, A.P. | 588 |
Karma | Sinnett, A.P. | 589 |
Occult World (3 copies) | Sinnett, A.P. | 590 |
Occult Essays (2 copies) | Sinnett, A.P. | 591 |
Tennyson: An Occultist | Sinnett, A.P. | 592 |
Cell and Psyche | Sinnott, E.W. | 593 |
When oracles speak | Skafte, Dianne | 594 |
Hatha Yoga - A simplified Course of Yoga | Slater, W.S. | 595 |
Some Ideals in Co-Education | Smith, A. | 596 |
Religions of Man | Smith, H. | 597 |
Beyond the postmodern mind | Smith, Huston | 598 |
Science and the Real (pamphlet) | Smith, L. | 599 |
Book of Synonyms | Smith, L.E. | 600 |
Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases | Smith, L.E. | 601 |
Hidden Wisdom - A Guide to the Western
Inner Traditions |
Smoley, Richard & Kinney, Jay |
602 |
Bhagavad Gita ( 3 copies) | Smythe, A.E.S. | 603 |
Spiritual Reconstruction | Smythe, A.E.S. ?? | 604 |
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the F.E. | Spalding, B. | 605 |
Mother, The | Sri Aurobindo | 606 |
Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita | Sri Krishna Prem | 607 |
Approach to Reality | Sri Ram, N. | 608 |
Human Interest | Sri Ram, N. | 609 |
Thoughts for Aspirants (4 copies) [Diferent Series} | Sri Ram, N. | 610 |
Inner Sanctum | Sri Ravena K. Das | 611 |
The feminine face of Christianity | Starbird, Margaret | 612 |
Suns and Worlds | Steavenson,W.H. | 613 |
Francis Bacon | Steeves, A.W. | 614 |
Gates of Knowledge | Steiner, Rudolph | 615 |
Initiation and Its Results | Steiner, Rudolph | 616 |
Mystics of the Renaissance | Steiner, Rudolph | 617 |
Three Essays on Haeckel and Karma | Steiner, Rudolph | 618 |
Ego and His Own | Stirner, M. | 619 |
Sadhu:-A study in Mysticism and Practical | Streeter & Appasam | 620 |
Collection of Esoteric Writings | Subba Row, T. | 621 |
Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita | Subba Row, T. | 622 |
Jacob Boehme: The Teutonic Philosopher | Swainson, W.P. | 623 |
Hindu Psychology: Its Meaning for the West | Swami Akhilananda | 624 |
Srimad- Bhagavad-Gita | Swami Premananda | 625 |
Karma-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga | Swami Vivekananda | 626 |
Dictionary of Correspondences | Swedenborg, E. | 627 |
Divine Love and Wisdom, The | Swedenborg, E. | 628 |
Divine Providence, The | Swedenborg, E. | 629 |
Four Leading Doctrines | Swedenborg, E. | 630 |
Heaven and Hell | Swedenborg, E. | 631 |
Heaven and Its power, and Hell (3 copies) | Swedenborg, E. | 632 |
74th Annual General Report
of the T.S. 1949 |
T.S.India |
633 |
Principles of Theosophical Work ( 4 copies) | Taimni, I.K. | 634 |
Self-Culture | Taimni,I.K. | 635 |
Pythagoras: Teacher of the Law | Taylor, J. | 636 |
Leonardo the Florentine | Taylor, R.A. | 637 |
Shankaracharya: Philosopher and Mystic | Telang, K.T. | 638 |
Works of W.M. Thackeray - Volume -3- | Thackeray, W.M. | 639 |
Works of W.M. Thackeray- Volume -5- | Thackeray, W.M. | 640 |
Bible | The Gideons Int. of Canada | 641 |
Space-Time: Its Relation to Man | Theosophical Research Ctr | 642 |
The Mystery of Healing | Theosophical Research Ctr | 643 |
This Dynamic Universe | Theosophical Research Ctr. | 644 |
Five Years of Theosophy | Theosophist | 645 |
War and the Soul [NEW] |
Tick, Edward |
646 |
War and the Soul | Tick, Edward | 647 |
Short Life of Apollonius of Tyana | Tidderman, M.F. | 648 |
Time and the Teaching of Jesus-Christ | Tidderman, M.F. ?? | 649 |
Theosophy: an Attitude Towards Life | Toronto Theosophical Soc. | 650 |
Theosophy and the Changing Outlook in Science | Trew, C. | 651 |
Psychoanalysis Sleep and Dreams | Tridon,A. | 652 |
In the Land of the Living Dead | Tucker, P. | 653 |
Is Shakespeare Dead? | Twain, M. | 654 |
Sanskrit Keys to the Wisdom-Religion | Tyberg, J. | 655 |
Your Latent Powers | Underhill, M.V. | 656 |
Eternal Verities, The | United Lodge | 657 |
Gods in Exile ( 2 copies) | Van Der Leeuw, J.J. | 658 |
Kaman - the Law of Consequences (5 copies) | Van Pelt, G.W. | 659 |
Rounds and Races | Van Pelt, G.W. | 660 |
Some observations on the Study of the Secret Doctrine | Wadia, B.P. | 661 |
Selections from Three Essays by Richard Wagner | Wagner | 662 |
Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah | Waite, A.E. | 663 |
Works of Thomas Vaughan, The | Waite, A.E. | 664 |
Reincarnation | Walker, E.D. | 665 |
Meaning and Purpose | Walker, Kenneth | 666 |
Light from the East | Ward, E. | 667 |
Life of Dr. Henry More, The | Ward, R. | 668 |
An Outline of Comparative Psychology | Warden, R.J. | 669 |
Reminiscences of H.P.Blavatsky & the Secret Doctrine | Watchtmeister, C. | 670 |
Legacy of Asia and Western Man, The | Watts, A.W. | 671 |
Varieties of Psychism | Wedgwood,J.I. | 672 |
Divine Pymander - Volume II-, The | Westcott, M.W. | 673 |
Quest of the Holy Grail, The | Weston,J.L. | 674 |
Science and the Modern World | Whitehead, A.N. | 675 |
Occultism Simplified- or the Mystic Thesaurus | Whitehead, W.F. | 676 |
In Re | Whitman, W. | 677 |
Neo-Platonists, The | Whittaker, T. | 678 |
Great Teachers, The | Whyte, H. | 679 |
Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality | Wiedemann, A. | 680 |
Laws of Dramatic Perspective in Man... | Wild, D. | 681 |
Secret of the Golden Flower, The | Wilhem & Jung | 682 |
Living on a Star | Williams, B. | 682 |
Truth about Christ and the Atonement, The | Willis, M.F. | 683 |
Ancient and Modern Physics | Willson, T.E. | 684 |
The Basic Ideas of Occult Wisdom | Winner, Anna Kennedy | 685 |
The Yoga of Time Travel - How the mind can defeat time | Wolf, Fred Alan | 686 |
Romance of the Worlds (Pamphlet) | Wood, C. | 687 |
Character Building (2 copies) | Wood, Ernest | 688 |
Concentration | Wood, Ernest | 689 |
Destiny | Wood, Ernest | 690 |
Mind and Memory Training | Wood, Ernest | 691 |
Personal Psychology and the Subsconscious mind | Wood, Ernest | 692 |
Question and Answer Bulletin | Wood, Ernest | 693 |
Raja-Yoga: The Occult Training of the Hindus | Wood, Ernest | 694 |
New Thought Simplified, The | Wood, H. | 695 |
Gospel of Rightness, The | Woods, C.E. | 696 |
Philosophy of Reincarnation | Woods, C.E. | 697 |
Buddhist Stories | Woodward | 698 |
Mary Ellen Through the Ages | Workman,R.M. | 699 |
Mahatmas & Chelas (Theosophical Manual-13 [2 Copies]) | Wright, L.L. | 700 |
Reincarnation (Theosophical Manual No.-2-) | Wright, L.L. | 701 |
Seven Principles of Man | Wright, L.L. | 702 |
Autobiography of a Yogi | Yogananda, P. | 703 |
Living in India | Zimand, Savel | 704 |
Philosophies of India | Zimmer,H. | 705 |
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