What is the meaning of it all-
The destinies that rise and fall,
The losses and the gains?
What is the Power that moves our sphere
And guides the life evolving here?
Who is this God we love and fear?
Theosophy explains.
What is the purpose? What
is real?
Where shall we seek? To whom appeal?
How may we burst our chains?
Why are we born? Why do we die?
Where do we go, and how, and why?
And who are you and who am I?
Theosophy explains
There is an answer; we may know -
The Great Designer planned it so;
His Consciousness sustains.
Theosophy reveals the Plan
Whereby the whole creation can
Reflect the Brotherhood of Man.
Theosophy explains.
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of the
Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical
Society in Adyar)
89 Promenade Riverside,
St-Lambert, QC J4R 1A3
Telephone: 450-672-8577
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