Year 2006-2007 meetings

York Lodge meets on the 2nd Saturday of the Month between 1.30 P.M. and 3.00 P.M. We would like to start the meeting on time - so try to get there in good time.

in the North York Central Library,
5120 Yonge Street, Toronto


Closest major intersection: Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue. Located on the west side of Yonge Street beside Mel Lastman Square in the North York Civic Centre Complex. The location is north of the 401 highway on the west side of Yonge - north of Sheppard but south of Finch.


There is a paid parking lot underground in the same building as the library premises. The fee is a flat fee of $3.00 for saturdays. The underground parking connects with " Novotel" hotel at 3 Park Home Ave. Note that "Park Home Avenue" is on the West side of Yonge - while the continuation of "Home" on the east side of Yonge - is called Empress Avenue - so be on the look out for this situation. Street meter parking is also available.

Public transit:

TTC subway station: North York Centre. Walk to library located in the mall.


Contact Secretary: Usha Devi Mathivanan -Telephone 416-495-8186
- e-mail:[email protected]

2006 Room Study to be on
    "The Key to Theosophy" by H.P.Blavatsky  click on the underlined title to get your copy of our study document
meeting - topics are▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
October 14 1 Reincarnation or Rebirth
- What is memory according to theosophical teaching? - Why do we not remember our past lives? - On individuality and personality. - On the reward and punishment of the ego.
November 11 2/3 On the Kama-Loka and Devachan
On the Fate of the Lower "Principles". Why do Theosophists do not believe in the Return of Pure "Spirits".
December 9 2/3 A few Words about the Skandhas. [about page 78] On Post-mortem and Post-national Consciousness
What is really meant by Annihilation. Definite Words for Definite Things
Jan. 13 1 On the Nature of Our Thinking Principle [Sect.10]
Feb.10 1 Continuation of Jan. 13 topic
March 10 2/3 Last part of Section 10 of The Key to Theosophy to be completed

Participants should write down a question on any topic - and bring the piece of paper to this meeting.

Each meeting participant - will be asked to pick a question at random - and answer the question at the April 14th meeting. A five 5 minute presentation on April 14 should be about right in telling us what you could find from your sources to answer the question.
April 14 2/3 Answer individual questions picked up at the March 14th meeting.
May 12 2/3 Lotus Day - Readings from "The Bhagavad Gita" and "Light of Asia" by Sir Edwin Arnold. This will be followed by other connected studies
June 9 2/3 Section 11 of The Key to Theosophy - to be started - copy of the document is available at
By exception the study meeting will last only from 1.30 P.M. to 2.30 P.M. - A business meeting will follow for York Lodge members only - same to take place from 2.30 P.M. to 3.00 P.M.. Agenda for this meeting is being mailed to the members.

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A free sample copy of our bilingual magazine can be sent to you. This offer is only good for a mailing to a Canadian address. You have to supply a mailing address.

The Canadian membership of $25.00 includes the receipt of four seasonal issues of our magazine "The Light Bearer" . If you are a resident of Canada send a note to [email protected] requesting a packet of information and your free copy of our magazine

For membership outside of Canada send a message to the International Secretary in Adyar, India [email protected]

For a problem viewing one of our documents - or to report an error in a document - send a note to the webmaster at [email protected]

We will try to answer any other query -if you would send a note to
[email protected]

This document is a publication of the
Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical Society in Adyar)
89 Promenade Riverside,
St-Lambert, QC J4R 1A3

To reach the President - Pierre Laflamme dial 450-672-8577
or Toll Free - from all of Canada 866-277-0074
or you can telephone the national secretary at 905-455-7325
website: http://www.theosophical.ca