![[ICO]](/icons/blank.gif) | Name | Size |
![[DIR]](/icons/back.gif) | Parent Directory | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 1 - Health Questions/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 2 - 911 - Who Done It/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 3 - Moon Questions/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 4 - The Corporation - Michael Moore - etc/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 5 - Watch - David Icke/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 6 - Evolution Questioned/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 7 - The Unquestionable, Questioned/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 8 - Religious Questions/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 9 - IRS & Taxes Questioned/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | 10 - Men's Issues/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Brzezinski, Zbigniew Kazimierz 1928-2017/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Coleman, John/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Cooper, William Milton 1943-2001 - Mystery Babylon 1993/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Del Mar, Alexander 1836-1926/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Fort, Charles Hoy (1874-1932) & The Unexplained/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Gill, Joseph 1949-/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Gun Ownership/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Lash, John Lamb 1945- - Not in His Image 2006/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Marrs, Jim/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Maxwell, Jordan - Origin of Our Symbols/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Mullins, Eustace Clarence 1923-2010/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Sphinx & Pyramid Structures - Robert Schoch 2-9-2003/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Sutton, Antony C. 1925-2002/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | The Journal of History - The United States is Still a British Colony - #13 WINTER 2004/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Trump, Donald John 1946-/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Turner, Karla/ | - |
![[DIR]](/icons/dir.png) | Velikovsky, Immanuel 1895 -1979/ | - |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | # - OOPS.AU | 5.8K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Grace Commission Report, income taxs go 100% to pay the interest on the national debt to the privately owned Fed - 1984.pdf | 31K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | The Greatest Hoax for the US.odt | 47K |
![[IMG]](/icons/image2.png) | Change to Learn.jpg | 69K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | 120 million year old map found in Russia.doc | 81K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | FBI flyer; You Are Terrorist.pdf | 127K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Garret Water Carbeurator Plans For Water Powered Vehicles.pdf | 128K |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | President Kennedy and the Press - 27 April 1961.mp3 | 280K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | SATANIC ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY Vol #2 - Fritz Springmeier.doc | 320K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla, originally published as My Inventions - Nikola Tesla 1919.pdf | 323K |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray.lit | 329K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury.pdf | 373K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | The Brookings Report (selected scanned pages).doc | 387K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | HOW TO RUN YOUR CAR ON TAP WATER.pdf | 507K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The New World Order - H G Wells 1940.pdf | 530K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Power of NOW - Eckhart Tolle.pdf | 679K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki Sept 2002.pdf | 777K |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii on the shadow government 1987.mp4 | 893K |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | Votescam - James M. Collier and Kenneth E. Collier 1992.doc | 931K |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Silent Spring - Rachel Carson 1962.pdf | 968K |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray.rtf | 1.0M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Pivot of Civilization, Birth Control - Margaret Sanger 1922.pdf | 1.0M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Stolen Legacy, of African People - George G. M. James 1954.pdf | 1.0M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Record of The Red Terror - S. Melgunoff.pdf | 1.2M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | Battle of Los Angeles Feb 25 1942 - Paul T. Collins.doc | 1.4M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Day After Roswell - Col. Philip J. Corso 1998.pdf | 1.4M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Anglo-American Establishment - Carroll Quigley 1981.pdf | 1.5M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | 1491, New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Charles C. Mann 2006.epub | 1.7M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn 1995.pdf | 1.8M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye & UN Meditation Room - Robert Keith Spenser 1960.pdf | 1.8M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia Oct 16 2011.docx | 1.8M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | Selected by Extraterrestrials - William Tompkins 2015.epub | 1.9M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | SATANIC BLOODLINES - Fritz Springmeier 1995.doc | 2.1M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Gary Allen 1971.pdf | 2.1M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | 1491, New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus - Charles C. Mann 2006.mobi | 2.1M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Ringmakers of Saturn - Norman R. Bergrun - Scotland 1986.pdf | 2.2M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | # Microsoft Encarta Pocket Dictionary 12,063 pages.lit | 2.4M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Red Terror, In Russia - Sergey Petrovich Melgounov 1975.pdf | 2.5M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Gods of Eden - William Bramley 1993.pdf | 2.6M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | #3 - Origins of the Suavastika & Swastika, Symbolism - Joseph Gill 2011.docx.docx | 3.2M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | Creature From Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin 1994.mobi | 3.2M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Irish Origins of Civilization - Michael Tsarion - Daniel Lazar.pdf | 3.3M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations - U S Army Feb 2010.pdf | 3.6M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Trance Formation Of America - Cathy O'Brien & Mark Philips.pdf | 3.9M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Dope, Inc - Britain's Opium War Against the USA - 1978.pdf | 4.0M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | #2 - Origins of the Caduceus, Symbolism - Joseph Gill 2011.docx | 4.3M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Fruit from a Poisonous Tree; Government Secrets - Melvin Stamper 2008.pdf | 4.4M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Free Energy - Water Driven Car (This Guy Was Killed by the Pentagon).wmv | 4.5M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Tragedy And Hope - Carroll Quigley 1966.pdf | 5.4M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries - Jonathan Eisen 1998.pdf | 5.7M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Creature From Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin 1994.pdf | 6.3M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | The Killing of Uncle Sam - Rodney Howard-Browne 2018.epub | 6.5M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Serpent in the Sky - The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt - John Anthony West 1993.pdf | 6.9M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America - Richard J. Dewhurst 2014.epub | 7.8M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | No Place to Hide; Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald 2014.epub | 7.8M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock 1995.pdf | 8.0M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | OPERATION VAMPIRE KILLER 2000 - A U.S. POLICE ACTION.doc | 9.1M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | # - What are e-texts (electronic texts) & how does it help me - Joseph Gill.docx | 9.3M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Blue Planet Project - Jefferson Souza.pdf | 9.4M |
![[EXE]](/icons/comp.blue.png) | 911 Bush Diary of Events - Micheal Stinson.exe | 9.4M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | #1 - Origins of Christianity and Others Religions, Symbolism - Joseph Gill 2013.docx | 10M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The European Union Collective; Enemy of It's Member States; To Complete Lenin's World Revolution - Christopher Story.pdf | 10M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Admiral Byrds Secret Journey, the Hollow Earth - Tim R. Swartz 2007.pdf | 10M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Moon-o-theism Religion of a War and Moon God Prophet,(Islam), Vol 1-2 - Yoel Natan 2006.pdf | 11M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The River; A Journey Back to the Source of HIV and AIDS - Edward Hooper 2000.pdf | 11M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Run Your Car On Water - William S. Power 2008.pdf | 11M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | An Underground Education, Supplement to Everything You Thought You Knew - Richard Zacks 1999.pdf | 12M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Hollow Earth - Standish, David 2006.pdf | 12M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Disclosure Military and Government - Steven M. Greer 2001.pdf | 12M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital - David Ovason 2010.pdf | 13M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Last Words Spoken by Steve Jobs Before He Died - Inspirational.mp4 | 14M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Practicing The Power Of Now - Eckhart Tolle 2001.pdf | 14M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Kybalion - Three Initiates (P. F. Case, W. A. Atkinson, Michael Whitty) 1908 A.O.pdf | 15M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | FM 3-19.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations - U S Army Aug. 2001.pdf | 17M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | The Emperor Wears No Clothes - Jack Herer on CD 1999.doc | 17M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Chemtrail Pilots SPRAYING BLOOD Cause Face to Face Near Mid-Air Collisions !!!.mp4 | 17M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | The Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations - Fagan, Myron 1967.mp3 | 18M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | GeoEngineering... More Destructive Than Ever - Jeff Rense 08-01-16 hr2 Hour 2 - Dane Wigington.mp3 | 19M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | Pyramid Roundtable - Christopher Dunn - Robert Schoch Jan 10 2007.mp3 | 20M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Penetration, The Question of Extraterrestrial - Ingo Swann 1998.pdf | 23M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | # Oxford English Dictionary, Full Edition, 58,225 pages 2002.lit | 25M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Global warming Is a Blatant Lie _ this Short video proves it - May 3 2016 .mp4 | 25M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Desiccated HUMAN BLOOD in Chemtrails (what they are spraying on us).mp4 | 27M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014.mp4 | 29M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Last Skeptic of Science - Ralph Rene 1998.pdf | 30M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | The Lie We Live - Spencer Cathcart 2015.mp4 | 35M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | The Disclosure Project Briefing Document - Steven M. Greer 2001.pdf | 38M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | A People's History of American Empire - Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki 2008.pdf | 41M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | 1 - Six US Presidents Warn A Shadow Government Is Running The UNITED STATES.mp4 | 44M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Abe Lincoln; TRUTH; What They WON'T Teach in School (on Slavery)- June 2015.mp4 | 49M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Hidden No Longer; Genocide in Canada, Past and Present – Kevin D. Annett 2010.pdf | 51M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | Dark Mission,The Secret History of NASA - Richard Clark Hoagland & Mike Bara 2007.pdf | 56M |
![[PDF]](/icons/pdf.png) | American Holocaust The Conquest of the New World - David E. Stannard 1992.pdf | 60M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Nobel Laureate Smashes the Global Warming Hoax - Ivan Giaever July 12 2015.mp4 | 76M |
![[SND]](/icons/sound2.gif) | Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray.mp3 | 85M |
![[ ]](/icons/unknown.gif) | 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read - Jesse Ventura 2011.epub | 93M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | How the Global Warming Scare Began - John March 12 2014.mp4 | 104M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Why Government needs us and we do not need them - GOOD.mp4 | 107M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | The War on Reality; How globalists occupy your mind EXCELLENT - NaturalNews.com 2016.mp4 | 110M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Galen Winsor The Nuclear Scare Scam - Winsor, Galen 1926-2008.mp4 | 151M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Global Warming Is A blatant LIE - Don Easterbrook Jan 22 2017.mp4 | 218M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | NWO; Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy - Leonard Ulrich lulrich@mts.net 2011.mp4 | 379M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | How the Secret Government Works - Dr. Steven Greer Nov. 21, 2015.mp4 | 535M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Externalizing The Hierarchy; Masonry, Theosophy & Astral Theology - BrendanHunt.com 2008.mp4 | 559M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Unacknowledged-Disclosure-The-Directors-Cut-YouTube.mp4 | 598M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Nuclear Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist!.mp4 | 640M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Secrets in Plain Sight, The NWO, Art and Symbols Rrvieled, Parts 1-23 - EXCELLENT - Scott Onstott.mp4 | 673M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Tesla; The Master of Lighting 2000.avi | 689M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick Full Overview - Feb 2017.mp4 | 716M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | What On Earth Happened - 8 Hours - Ewaranon June 25 2021.mp4 | 743M |
![[VID]](/icons/movie.gif) | Above Majestic - David Wilcock & Corey Goode 2018.mkv | 860M |
![[DOC]](/icons/quill.png) | # - The Untold Side Of The Story ( THE ESSENTIAL CONSPIRACY LIBRARY).rar | 59G |